@Archeon Great to hear that you want to give it a shot!
Let me start by saying: Path of Exile is extremely new-player unfriendly. Please don't be scared off by this. I'll give you some advice:
- Go trough the options and enable everything you might find usefull (hp bars, minimap etc.)
- Download a loot filter. It will help you A LOT with learning what item is more worth than the others, or which can be used for something.
Pre-made loot filter that a lot of people use is Neversink Lootfilter: https://github.com/NeverSinkDev/NeverSink-Filter/releases
All you need to do is download it, copy the "REGULAR" filter into the directory of your game and selecting the filter in the options of Path of Exile. (there is a README file aswell that explains it)
For ingame advice: Go for A LOT of life nodes in the skilltree. If you don't go for life, your character won't go far.
As in loot: Pick up yellow (rare) items, identify them using Wisdom scrolls, and use them if they are better than your current gear, or sell them. Most of the time, the other loot isnt worth it. (aside from currency items (alteration, chromatic, augment, fusing etc).
As gear, Try and get health and resistance first. After that usefull damage stats.
Do know, if you don't follow a guide (which is fine!), your character won't be perfect and maby be unable to reach end-game (cause of health or other points wrongly used in the skilltree). There is nothing wrong with it! You will only learn from it.
If you have any more questions just ask! I't's probably pretty quiet right now since the league is almost over and people just wait for the next league (as am I).
Let me know your Ingame name (character or account) and I will add you to the guild! Hope to see you soon