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Jolares liked a post in a topic by BoltyGER in Skylords Reborn Classic
I play since Stress Test and in my eyes i don't know why it is such a problem having bug fixes, balance changes and else, the game has reformed pretty good, new content is what thrived me to have more fun with this game, since if you completed everything theres not much to do then farming gold and bfp. New content with the recent card changes and the new cards itself bring in more farming and more enjoyment to work and test out new deck combinations and as we know the game is actually being worked on, instead of keeping it on one spot all the time. It may be extensions but its still a so called DLC content which gets added to the game. Custom Events or Season Events also give it a nice touch which i really liked already just like as the Special Halloween Event which was very fun to play! It was something new and challenging and i hope you guys never stop,
Additionally i would like to know what kind of playerbase is leaving and not liking the changes are people from PVE so mad or PVP people? Since i know theres always this huge problem of nerfing/buffing cards since affects PVP and PVE matches.
Jolares liked a post in a topic by Kubik in Skylords Reborn Classic
We do not have source code for the game, for the current version, or any previous one.
All changes we did are kind of extensions to the latest version of the game, and we can relatively easily remove all these extensions, but for that server would need to be written again (or we could use our old version of the server with all the bugs that was there).
We could also try to selectively remove "extensions" we did to keep the server as same as possible to the current version, which would only shift the work elsewhere.
We also can relatively easily remove all balancing changes, and use current server, with disabled anti-cheat (instead of spending time on implementing anti-cheat for that specific version).
But to go to any older version of the game we would need to redo everything we did to make this version work, it would take less than 7 years to do similar thing for the second time, but still too much time to be spend on something only few people (if any at all) would actually use. So no getting a CD would not be enough to get an older version to work.
Jolares liked a post in a topic by Volin in Skylords Reborn Classic
For me playing for nostalgica and enjoying new balance/cards not exclude each other
Jolares liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Skylords Reborn Classic
Of course, there can be different opinions on what direction the game should take, and what effect it will have.
But this point I'd like to refute: When more than 2000 people are filling out the yearly survey, and we get participation of 300+ on an event, "making 1000 players happy" is a low-estimate - on planet Earth.
Jolares liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Skylords Reborn Classic
The question is: Do you want this game to succeed or not? The old EA-version was utterly broken, and yes, a few people are having fun with it in this state for nostalgic reasons. If you think the SR team can just flick on a switch and there is a second, old version of the game available, you are mistaken. You need to pour resources into such an undertaking – manpower better spent on making the current (objectively better!) version even more awesome.
It's a fool's quest to make the same 20-30 people happy, and not develop the potential for this game to make 1000 happy – or much, much more. Yes, maybe those "would have played it for many more years", but the game will never have any appeal to new players.
Jolares liked a post in a topic by Metagross31 in Mail archive
I often have a problem that some people might know.
I have a few mails in my mailbox, which I do not want to delete, but keep them, either because they have some important information or just for memories sake.
However, when I sell lots of cards on the auction house, my mailbox gets flooded with mail from the AH.
Now I am in the situation, where I either have to delete all mail manually or click "collect all", which would also delete the mail I want to keep.
Thus, I want to make the following suggestion:
Implement an option to archive mail, which then gets moved to a different tab in the mailbox.
Here is a quick UI mockup I did in gimp:
The idea is, that I can select a mail and click "Move to archive" to have the mail no longer appear in the "Incoming" tab, but instead in the "Archive" tab.
When I then click "Collect All", it will delete and collect all mail in "Incoming", but not in "Archive". When I switch tabs to "Archive", I would be able to see all archived mails, where I still have the option to read, delete or move them back to "Incoming".
Jolares liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Collection information
Exclude promos from these statistics (adjust name to reflect that):
> Common/ Uncommon/ Rare/ Ultra rare unique cards
Add addtional statistics for promo cards:
> Unique promo cards
Maybe there are more ideas to expand these empty pages from more community members...?
Jolares liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in NPC Stonekin Grinder: Bugged Damage Distribution
NAME: Stonekin Grinder's Damage Distribution remains active for former allies after his ownership changed.
DESCRIPTION: When a Stonekin Grinder [ID: (2000)515] is next to an ally he transfers part of the incoming damage to himself. After being mindcontrolled into a new team, the passive damage distribution still takes damage into account that is inflicted onto his former allies.
REPRODUCIBILITY: Always. Have a mind controlled Stonekin Grinder stand next to a hostile unit, that is being damaged.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: This is a bug report to archive an issue reported by Xanax encountered with Primeval Watcher and Stonekin Grinder (515) in Bad Harvest. His replay is attached.
Replay by Xanax Minute 17 onwards.pmv
Jolares liked a post in a topic by Majora in Patch Date Announcement
• Patch date: 14-01-2023
Greetings Skylords,
We have a patch date!
Our upcoming patch will be releasing next Saturday, January 14th! This patch will release the new cards Sanctuary and Raven Archwalker, as well as our first promo building: Worldbreaker Gun. There will also be new achievements to complete, the introduction of player cosmetics, and a ton of balance changes.
You can find the patch notes here.
Alongside the patch, we will also release a special recap video of everything that was added to Skylords Reborn since the release, voiced by Dreamlord. Catching up on Skylords Reborn should be easier than ever, and we hope we can count on you to spread the word about this great game.
We hope you are looking forward to it!
Jolares liked a post in a topic by Venomlord in NPC Vileblood death effect
After his death the NPC Vileblood version does deal damage and makes an visual pulsation effect. What i noticed is that he deals longer damage than suggested by the optical effect.
Bini Inibitor noted aswell, that the visual effect is fine but the damage is desynced. It seems to be that the effect starts either too early or the damage starts too late.
My suggestion would be to adjust the damage with the visual effect, so they have the same lengh and start at the same time, for an better estimation.
Jolares liked a post in a topic by Ultralord in Crappy Card Drawing Collection
Since some of the discord user asked me directly if I can share my … “unique card drawings”,
I though why not make a post in the forum where people can fine all at one place.
Also, the newer ones have a speed drawing video on Youtube.
(If you want an image of the unit without the card around and in a better resolution, just PM me)
Promo Juggernaut
Promo Harvester
Promo Razorleaf
Speed Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rm-gbnl7d2Y
Promo Lyrish Knight
Speed Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-7ePLaWtQiM
Promo Swamp Drake
Speed Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YIqbTFv0yxA
Promo Rogan Kayle
Speed Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n1pSzZryvxg
Promo Firedancer
Speed Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XLCA-knvuT0
Promo Grinder
Speed Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeVJRF6eDP0
Promo Worldbreaker Gun
Speed Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rcDg5c8y7h8
Promo Viridya
First of April Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kIP6QhVM9g
The gif version can be found: here
Promo Fallen Skyelf
Speed Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4oZKyvGrR-Q
Promo Ravenheart
Speed Drawing: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GJaxHDE2MrI
(Promo) Moon
The gif version can be found: here
(Promo) Frost Mage
The gif version can be found: here
Jolares liked a post in a topic by Behemothx in Moloch needs buff
I have played this game Battle forge from 2011 or 2012.
I find that Moloch is too outdated to use at the moment though it is pure fire unit with 350 high cost.
I suppose Dev. team should buff moloch
Jolares liked a post in a topic by Armatistis in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Name: Pyramid of Creation
Tier & Orbs: T4, Nature x 3, Neutral x 1
Type: Building
Power: 320
Hit points and Size: 2000
Attack value and Type: None. Support building
Passive Abilities: Slowed Construction
Active Abilities: Breathe Life: Select a unit in a 25m radius. The structure then weaves a new life form identical to the target selected. Has a cooldown, activated after the ritual finishes. The procedure takes more time according to the cost of the unit selected.
Use Amii Monument model as a base.
Explanation of idea behind the card:
Think of it as a reverse Church of Negation. It can essentially clone a unit after some time. Presents a choice to hold back a strong unit to make another one after some time. Target unit may be paralyzed for the duration so that the player doesn't just spawn a unit, clicks on it to clone and immediately sends the unit away while the clone spawns, requiring some downtime in order to reward the player with a second creature. Card upgrades may improve cloning time or let the player clone units with greater costs.
Jolares liked a post in a topic by UltDragon in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Name: Twilight Infestation
Tier & Orbs: T3 Fire Nature Fire/Nature
Type: Spell
Power: 100
Spell Effect: Mass Shapeshifting
Infects up to 10 friendly and hostile units within a 25m radius with the Twilight Curse and immediately turns them into Twilight Pests.
While the spell lasts, they will no longer grant ground presence to play out cards or claim structures near to it.
After the spells wear off, they will be retransformed into their actual forms.
Lasts for 15 seconds. Reusable every 30 seconds.
Explanation of idea behind the card:
Twilight needs a CC card, and this fits the transformation theme, expanding on Twilight Curse, mixing with Fleshbender.
Twilight Pests should be the same as Fleshbender, where bugs have similar power and hitpoints to the original unit.
The downside of this spell is that it also affects friendly units, so not exactly the same as Oink.
Jolares liked a post in a topic by UltDragon in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
Name: Lost Obelisk
Tier & Orbs: T4, 2 Shadow and 2 Frost
Type: Building
Power: 150
Hit points and Size: 4000
Attack value and Type: None
Active Abilities:
* Soul Extraction: [Power: 0] Activate to extract revenants from own lost souls units in a chosen area of 25m radius within a 200m range. Affected units that have Revenant's Doom activated will have their revenant forms forcefully spawned, but then Revenant's Doom will be removed from the unit, won't trigger anymore when the unit dies and cannot be reactivated while the unit is alive. Reusable every 20 seconds.
Passive Abilities:
* Ethereal Anchor: The life time of every friendly Lost Revenant's in the current game will run out 25% slower.
Explanation of idea behind the card:
Lost Souls needs a T4 building, this would enable strong end-game and fits the revenant theme.
On T4, your squad rarely dies, if it happens, the support spells aren't being played accordingly, as Lost Souls need them, because of units with low utility abilities, aside from Lost Dragon, but it has low attack power, you need to spawn multiple in rPvE to be effective.
If you are going pure Lost Souls you would generally play Lost Evocation (Frost affinity) for survivability, or splash some frost spells like Ward of the North or Maelstrom Storm.
Then Revenant's Doom its almost a waste to use on T4, so by adding this building, would drastically increase the burst potential, with a high-risk, high-reward situation. If you choose to use the ability, you need to micromanage the revenants life time to reach the next camp and also keep they alive.
The passive buff would stack multiplicatively with other Lost Obelisk, so the building cost is chosen thinking on that.
Kapo liked a post in a topic by Jolares in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
add a fast build skill to the card.
"will be constructed 0/ 15/ 30/ 50% faster"
Jolares liked a post in a topic by Hrdina_Imperia in Official Card Design Contest - CLOSED - Winners Reveal inside
I guess we should send our card ideas via DMs, but hell, people are sharing their ideas and I wanna do that too 😄
Name: Cursed Tree
Tier & Orbs: T2, Fire and Nature
Type: Unit
Power: 110
Hit points and Size: 1000 & L
Attack value and Type: 1300 & ranged (L counter)
Passive Abilities: Miasma Balls - Every 3 seconds, unit hurls a ball of infected miasma, dealing 195 damage to enemies in a 8m radius around its target, up to 330 in total. Enemies hit by the miasma are cursed: for the next 5 seconds, they will take extra 30% damage from entities infected by the Twilight curse.
Active Abilities: Transformation (standard)
Used Magma Hurler model as a base. The rocky parts are twilight greenish, the central 'fire' has the twilight yellow.
Explanation of idea behind the card:
Since the EA times, I always hated playing the Twilight. The faction seemed so good looking, so 'cool' if you will, but playing it was always a misery for me. The recent changes made by SR made it great again (pun not intended) and well, since now I play it plenty, I feel there is something missing for the early game of Twilight. Twilight faction lacks ranged options on second Era, only such unit currently being Deathglider (flier, papermush HP), if we don't count 'pure' cards. Cursed Tree is wannabe solution to that problem. It also serves as a 'middle point' power wise between the lower units and Vileblood.
It offers good damage and potent support/buff effect for other Twilight cards, alongside the upside of being a ranged attacker. Downside and a means to balance it are no knockback and high power cost.
Its effect means that the card is still greatly useful even into later stages of the game, and once it loses its usefulness, Cursed Tree can be Transformed into a higher tier unit. The Miasma Balls effect only working for other Twilight units/buildings should also make the card not too strong in PVP, but since I am completely oblivious to this part of the game and its metas, I cannot be 100% sure.
And, then there is the biggest upside of it all - another card using the ALMIGHTY MAGMA HURLER MODEL!
Jolares liked a post in a topic by Volin in Community Update #30 - December 2022
Sanctuary will deactivate Willzappers if you manage to get into range
Jolares liked a post in a topic by Zyna in Skylords Reborn - Download
In order to play Skylords Reborn, you will need to create a forum account here.
This is the same account you will use to login to the game.
You will also need to download 2 parts:
1. The client.
This is the game itself, you will need it for the installation process.
You can download the client using the button below.
Alternative link: Mega.nz
Last updated: Patch #400047 - 29 June 2024
2. The installer.
This application installs Skylords Reborn on your computer. For the installation process you will also need the client from step 1.
You can download the installer using the button below.
Alternative link: Mega.nz
Installing the game
After downloading both files, start the installation process by running the installer from step 2 and follow the steps shown. Once you have installed the game you can start it by either running the "Skylords Reborn" shortcut from your Desktop, or the "SkylordsRebornUpdater.exe" from the folder where you installed BattleForge.
You can also follow the steps from this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdgsregbNhA
For general project questions please head over here.
• I have issues with installing/starting the game.
You are running into issues when installing or starting the game? We compiled a list of common technical issues people might face here. If none of that works, create a Technical Support Topic here (or find the solution in someone else's topic!). In your topic, please say what exactly doesn't work, and what you have tried so far. Please refrain from contacting staff members directly for your issues, and wait for a response to your support topic.
• Is this game also supported on Linux and MacOS?
We do not officially support both Linux and macOS yet. We will also not be able to add support for macOS in the future, as Apple has ended support for 32-bit applications (like BattleForge) since macOS Catalina. For Linux, we do plan to add better support in the future. Despite the lack of official support, some fans were already able to get the game running with Linux. You can find some tutorials from people who were able to get it running on our forums .
Please note that the installer will not function, and you will have to manually extract the client and the updater files to the same directory. If you want to give it a shot, please download the client above, and also download the updater by using the button below.
The updater can be used to install the game manually, if the installer above does not work. This is usually required, if you want to play the game on Linux or MacOS. Please note that you still need to download the game client.
Alternative link: Mega.nz
Alternative Updater Script
For our Linux users who wish to install and update the game manually, we're grateful to one of our community members, @mx2, who has kindly provided an alternative updater in the form of a bash script. To launch the game, you will need to add the "-online" argument, for example "wine Battleforge.exe -online".
• Recommended System Requirements
• CPU: Core i3 7400T / Ryzen 3 1200 (X86 compatible)
• RAM: at least 6GB
• OS: Windows 10 or higher.
• Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 / ATI Radeon HD 7770 (Direct X 11 compatible)
• Disk Space: At least 14GB of free space.
• Checksum-Information
1. Client
2. Installer
3. Updater (Linux only)
Jolares liked a post in a topic by Majora in Skylords Reborn - All you need to know!
I'm not a moderator, but I asked around, and apparently you are currently not banned at all, just put in the wrong password 7 times in a row. Please contact our mod team on discord to solve this situation.
As for your wife, im sorry she has negative feelings towards the game/project. Please note you played before the game even fully released (which was december 2020) so a lot of things have changed since then, both ingame and on our team. You are both welcome to try the game again.
Please note however; ALL accounts were resetted when we released in 2020, as was communicated would happen. If you played before 2020, you wont have your old collection.
Jolares liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in War Eagle X Skyfire Drake displayed damage
@UltDragon Can you verify if this was fixed in Patch #400031?
Jolares liked a post in a topic by RuneSeeker in Bandit Lancer - Tainted Branding bug
NAME: The purple Bandit Lancer's ability does not give 15% damage amplification.
DESCRIPTION: The ability is supposed to give 15% damage amplification. Instead, it only gives a flat 15 damage bonus to any attack or ability, not a percentage.
REPRODUCIBILITY: It is always reproducible, for auto attacks or unit abilities. For example, a Nox Trooper will do 50 damage to a Mutating Frenzy, but with branding it will do 65 damage. A Magma Spore's ability will do 1080 damage against an Emberstrike, but with branding it will do 1095 damage.
This also means for archers, each shot does 15 more damage. Darkelf Assassins will do 72 damage per volley to an Emberstrike (12 dmg per archer), or 162 damage per volley with branding (27 damage per archer).
SCREENSHOT/VIDEO: None - easily reproducible in the Forge.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Additionally, Bandit Lancer's ability also does not seem to work in giving a lot of ranged units the extra range, but that seems to depend on the projectile of the ranged unit (ex. Twilight Hag works and gets more range, but Ashbone Pyro does not). Not sure if that is something that can be fixed, unlike the damage amplify bug which seems like a value input mistake.
Xamos liked a post in a topic by Jolares in Bloodhorn(p) upgrade2(II) Stampede damage vs buildings too high when buffed with Tainted Enrage
Kubik and me worked out a solution that was also applied with
The damage value now applies correctly and the overflow no longer gets multiplied by Tainted Enrage or Unholy Hero or the likes.
Damage was off only if overflow happened to buildings. Damage to Units done remains the same pre and post changes. That should only affect Units with the Stampede ability. like Mo, Bloodhorn, Juggernaut.
Jolares liked a post in a topic by wibryz in AOE damage overflow bugfix (high impact)
There is a longstanding bug in the calculation of AOE (area of effect) damage, affecting spells, unit abilities and unit attacks which have a max damage per target and max overall damage. Examples of affected spells are Eruption or Fire Sphere, abilities like Rifle Cultists' Dark Grenade or AOE attacks of units like Construct, Frost Mage or Deepcoil Worm.
TL;DR at the bottom!
How the bug works:
If an AOE damage effect kills a unit, only 50% of the overkill damage is transferred back to the pool of available damage which is to be distributed to other targets.
Let's take Fire Sphere (u3) as an example. The spell has a maximum single target damage of 6000 and a maximum total damage of 8000. As it stands, the spell will only ever do its full damage if its primary target (closest to the area of effect center) has at least 6000, and its second target has at least 2000 health.
If you use Fire Sphere on a group of weaker enemies, it's effectiveness will vastly diminish. Let's take for example a group of 8 Sunderers (u3), which have exactly 1000 HP each, for a total of 8000 HP. Fire Sphere will kill 3 of them, and damage a fourth Sunderer for 375 damage, leaving him with 625 HP. Total damage dealt: 3375. It would get even worse for lower health targets.
Why does it happen? Because of faulty calculation in the damage formula, which returns only 50% of overkill damage to the pool of remaining damage.
So what's the maths behind it?
Before: max single target damage = 6000, damage in pool = 8000
Target 1: health = 1000, damage dealt = 6000, overkill damage = 5000, damage returned to pool = 2500, remaining damage in pool = 4500
Target 2: health = 1000, damage dealt = 4500, overkill damage = 3500, damage returned to pool = 1750, remaining damage in pool = 1750
Target 3: health = 1000, damage dealt = 1750, overkill damage = 750, damage returned to pool = 375, remaining damage in pool = 375
Target 4: health = 1000, damage dealt = 375, health remaining = 625
Is it a bug, or is it a feature?
That's a non-trivial question. But so far, there is every indication that this is in fact a bug.
1. There is no indication whatsoever in the spell descriptions, especially the big AOE spells like Fire Sphere, that they massively lose effectiveness against groups of enemies, or that they deal only half damage to further targets.
2. Against a heterogenous group of enemies, the total damage dealt varies greatly, depending on which target was closest to the spell center, thus in which orders the targets are affected.
3. Logic dictates, that there is no reason for an explosion to lose effectiveness (as in: deal less overall damage) the more viable targets are affected.
4. Increasing "maximum single target damage" reduces the overall damage dealt by the spells, if they are used against groups of enemies, to a point where Lava Field sometimes deals more overall damage than Fire Sphere. How does that make sense?
What's the proposed bugfix/change?
To enable full overkill damage overflow. As in, if the single target damage is 6000, and the target has only 1000 health, let 5000 damage return to the remaining damage pool.
Using the example above again, that's 8 dead Sunderers for a total of 8000 damage and a happy, fulfilled Fire Sphere.
Can it be implemented easily?
We've been hard at work and testing with Kubik (who's effort and insight are massively appreciated!), and the relevant code already exists, ready to be implemented. It also is easily adjustable, should it turn out that another value, like a 75%, or 80% damage carryover on overkillis the sweet spot.
What will change if the bugfix is implemented?
Every AOE spell, ability and attack, which has a listed damage per target and maximum damage will be affected by this change. However, the degree to which it will have an impact, varies greatly from one case to another. For most cards, especially with low damage numbers, the increase will be negligible (not JUST because these are low numbers, but primarily because those spells/attacks have a low chance to kill a target with any given shot).
Generally, the bugfix is a direct buff to many cards and abilities. However, damage is only actually increased if 1. at least one of the targets is killed, 2. there are more viable targets in range than (total_damage / max_singletarget_damage) rounded up. Also, to be clear, damage is NEVER going to be increased for the primary target
Spells which are affected the most, are spells which have high enough numbers, that they are expected to reliably kill some, or most of their targets. The greater the single target maximum damage of the AOE damage source, and the greater single target maximum damage in relation to total maximum damage, the more any given spell/attack/ability is affected. Also, spells/attacks/abilities which have a larger AOE and the above characteristics, tend to be affected more (because more targets fit into the AOE).
My predictions concerning the impact on specific cards:
High impact: Fire Sphere, Rifle Cultists* (ability: Dark Grenade), Boom Brothers* (ability: Boom), Necro Fury* (ability: Bone Shards), Altar of Chaos (against really large groups), Worldbreaker Gun (attack and ability: Heavy Snowball, though the latter only against really large groups), Shatter Ice, Comet Catcher (against really large groups).
* - Unholy Hero increases the impact
Moderate impact: Construct (attack), Giant Wyrm (attack), Ironclad (attack), Wasteland Terror (attack), Abomination (ability: Blessed/Tainted Fury), Skycatcher (attack), Gemeye (attack), Volcano (attack), Artillery (attack), Hatecaster (attack), Deepgorge (attack), Thornbark (rooted attack), Treefiend (rooted attack), Lost Horror (attack), Soulshatter (>3 targets), Backlash (depending on void power, may be low impact), Corpse Explosion (>3 targets), Morklay Trap, Shadow Phoenix (>4 targets), Lost dancer (ability: Necro explosion, only with lots of targets in range), Nasty Surprise (>3 targets), Necroblaster (attack, and shadow affinity ability: Tainted Voodoo).
Low impact: Magma Hurler (attack), Sun Reaver (ability: Metal Spikes), Deepcoil Worm (attack), Twilight Bombard (attack), Lost Disruptor (attack, moderate impact against grouped very low health fliers), Shadow Mage, Eruption (>3 targets).
My predictions concerning the impact on PVP balance:
(I am not an active PVP player currently. I did play a decent amount in times of Battleforge, but I am in no way up to date, so take these predictions with a grain of salt).
Shadow will slightly gain in power, as the explosions have actually high enough damage numbers to reliably kill at least some of their targets, but except for Shadow Mage, it only ever becomes relevant when there are >3 targets in range of the spell/ability. The slight buff to Eruption shouldn't have an impact. Otherwise I expect nothing much to change. The vast majority of significantly affected cards are T4.
My predictions concerning the impact on PVE:
Enemies: Long range AOE attackers, like Bandit walkers and high tier defensive towers (e.g. artillery) will be more proficient at murdering grouped units.
Players: Stronger tools of destruction at player disposal. It should only really affect T4, and shadow at lower tiers (Shadow Phoenix in particular should be noticeably more effective against large groups, Necroblaster will get stronger, Corpse explosion and Soulshatter will also be noticeably more effective).
Final thoughts:
I was for a long time under the impression, that large AOE damage sources are somehow underperforming, without really understanding why. Fire Sphere! Enormous explosion! Which... kills 3-4 units out of a cluster of 15 units. Now that I found out why those spells underperform, I've taken the effort to try and fix it. That's the result. I consider it a bugfix, even though it is also a moderately impactful balance change. That's how Skylords Reborn, and earlier Battleforge, handled AOE damage. A bug that had largely become a feature. I propose we change it in a logical way. Maximum 8000 damage in the area? If the targets in range have as much overall health, the damage will be dealt in full.
Special thanks:
Kubik, for his unending patience and making the unreadable mess of code actually parsable for the human mind.
High tier AOE spells and abilities promise big numbers. Against lots of small targets, numbers are much smaller, because overkill damage is halved (multiple times). The proposed change fixes stuff, so that big spells deal the promised damage. Fire Sphere -> big boom -> big damage -> lots of dead bandits. Vote big damage. Vote dead bandits!