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Card Implementer
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Everything posted by LEBOVIN

  1. Change the 4 bytes in the replay after "PMV" to the game version u want. Currently we are on 255 (FF). You can perform this step with a hex editor or the BF_antipatch.exe . This will make the replay watchable again. Unfortunately, as the replay literally replays the game for you, any major changes that happened to cards played in the replay will lead to desynchs.
  2. Unfortunately some descriptive updates for cards did not come through this patch and will be send live next time. If you notice any other inconsistencies between wiki and ingame always let me know.
  3. Back then I made Kiwi install this link to the balancing discord.
  4. Oh well Bad Harvest has many different speedrun strategies, and if u apply the same pure restrictions I dont see why it would be less interesting, dont u agree?
  5. I mean given that the last PvE Challenge had 4 entirely different replays on Rank 1-4, I dont see the the single ez win strat abused by every good PvE player point there either. It is surely a map less people are familiar with, but it has been released over 2 years ago..
  6. Which bugs are you talking about? Have you reported them (unless they are already reported) ?
  7. I think it could be considered a tool and gaining an advantage: --> But I am curious for official judgement !
  8. Well it is kinda obvious that a solution that shall reward based on ingame time, would need a gold/min equation Getting everyone happy with that is a different thing^^ I would suggest something like the current rpve 9 avergame time and its gold reward.
  9. There are many campaign maps where u complete all objectives even in speedrun because they are all mandatory. The most simple solution is to just handle gold gain as it is done with bfp right now. The longer u play, the more gold u get, directly tied to ingame time. Then regardless of with or without decomposer as long as you play it fast and efficient ur gold gain is screwed. Edit: All factions have a tool (most of them t1) to influence power flow and depending on the language u chose, some of these examples also have the mismatch between tooltip and functionality regarding the "own units" thats often cited for decomposer: - Banner of Glory: Interaction to manipulate void return - Decomposer: Interaction to manipulate actual power pool - Construction Hut: Interaction to manipulate building expenditures - Breeding Grounds: Interaction to manipulate unit expenditures
  10. Well I am afraid, right now u either have to clear the mentioned relevant parts of the starting island before the end sequences with queekqueek are triggered or do keep the island as is but then DONT clear the relevant parts while the end sequence is running.
  11. Thanks, but the QueekQueek error is not on your side, but within the map script itself. Everybody can encounter it
  12. Pretty confident this can be fixed soon, but will have to wait until the end of challenge as the changed map would break all replays otherwise.
  13. Make sure the starting island is cleared (units+towers around your t2 orb) before having the end countdown started. Please let me know if this fixed the issue for you and the game does no longer crash, so we can deploy a solution soon.
  14. I reworked the page to be easier to understand, use this link now instead: https://skylords-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Balancing#Current_Iteration
  15. He sources the information and images from the cardbase, hence I said the card base needs to be kept updated, then he hasn’t to do anything either
  16. If you look closer on some cards, the displayed info is no longer correct as the cards have been changed with the first balancing patch .... but to fix that the card base needs new images I suppose.
  17. Were there perhaps low hp allies nearby ?! If yes then the shaman was occupied attempting to go to heal them
  18. Well the issue that PvE rank does not reflect actual game knowledge is partly a thing because you associate certain skill with a certain old rank. But as the Xp requierements have been massively reduced for the highest rank (~90%) same should hold true for your expectation. Also deck level has never been a reasonable indicator for game knowledge. Secondly a big portion of players are veterans that do not want to play every map on the lowest difficulty once, before finally unlocking expert (saves a lot of time for the achievement for instance if u complete all 3 difficulties at once). Thirdly I can recommend you not to blame single cards but take action yourself: a) utilize decomposer: If all your teammates are supposedly just mindless feeders, simply ask them to do what they do best and decompose their stuff to get t4 urself and clear with ease b) Instead of assuming their skill based on vague indicators like rank or deck level, ask them in chat before the game if they know what they have to do and if they done it before c) Ask in global chat for experienced players and their help d) or spend 5 minutes to search online for videos/guides on crusade and u get plenty of info afterwhich u can do the map alone in the given time Lastly, why do you need a checkbox to run w/o Amii Momument, simply remove it from your deck. Crusade can be done in all-time-record speed without amii monument anyway.
  19. add it to meme thread
  20. All your descriptive issues (and hundreds more) have already been noted down, solutions have been jointly developed and summarised and now await implementation.
  21. request deck of players before the game, if u dont like it kick them from the group
  22. No thats the worst timing, because then there is almost no remaining capacity left that would take 40 / 45 / 50 / 55% longer to deplete...
  23. The card functionality has not been changed. As the building has been build very often by players without achieving a benefit (especially in RPVE), the tooltip has been updated to make it clearer that the potential gains of this building only kick in after the power well would normally have been depleted. Old text: Own power wells in a 20m radius consume 40% / 45% / 50% / 55% less power, thus producing more. New text: Within a 20m radius the remaining capacity of own power wells takes 40 / 45 / 50 / 55% longer to deplete. Production per time increment remains the same.
  24. Hm perhaps in the process of doing the changes for the first balancing change, an accidential other change happened and a card did in fact change, but then I guess u have to make a custom map and spawn units with these ids one by another, this should make it possible to identify the rogue id.
  25. afaik only the id of fire sphere was changed (in fact duplicated so the old and the new one continue to work)
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