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  1. i am also looking forward to the pvp-bots. 😃 great news and ideas for skylords reborn. i only don´t know if its a good idea with a second server and splitting the small community in diffrent worlds. isn´t it possible to do the legacy-server like a game-modus bound back to the original Gameaccounts? sadly my english is so bad, that i can´t understand the community updates often to 100% a german translation would be that great. 😞 also i would love it to give points for the achievments and show all the points in the profile. like the symbols for pvp and pve. i think people would work much harder then to get achievments.
  2. hä? no, i played as always the first campagne game on advanced like 100 times...
  3. hmm, i played a game this minutes that didnt count for minutes i played, even not for quests with chests, games... not even for one daily quest. 😞 hmmm
  4. when you play some expert-maps alone... sometimes it is great to have 2 strong cards for better cooldowns and the often you can use them.
  5. Raxaaa

    pvp balancing

    like in the title said, in my feeling pvp is much worse balanced than in earlier times. but anyways... i hope that in some years the changing of all cards will end. perhaps in that years i will try to learn the new game. 😞
  6. much too many changes, like always. :S i am sad
  7. yipppieh it works. 🙂 i can play the map. its so much fun... thx for the event
  8. no, sry... it gets worse and worse. i think i will miss the event. 😞 but i am not angry. i am not good in things with the computer. and english in school is so many years ago. 😞 still happy that i am allowed to be part of the community in this great, forgotten game. 🙂
  9. i can´t klick on continue. when i press back then, everything freezes and i must restart the computer. yes it is only with this map. and there stands... du bist nicht berechtigt die karte hochzuladen weil ein anderer spieler die karte bereits hochgeladen hat.
  10. i am sad because i was not able to play the map all the time. alwas the game freezes me when i tried to start the map. 😞
  11. of course this would great, but still i think they wanna send us to april 😛 edit: i am not a permanent hater... my english is bad. i write in forum or chat only when i wished me other things. and i often wish me other things. but i never thought that my wishes are the best for the game an the hole community. also i love many things, as every new content since the project take control over the game. all in all i am so happy to get this game back in this great form. 🙂
  12. joke for the 1st, of april? who has a game boy still? i thought you aren´t allowed to make money with the game. where are the casettes for the game boy to get from?
  13. hello 🙂 i have the message that i use the wrong client version... but i updated the newest version yet. is it a known problem? but by the way... your new content upgrade is hammer! 🙂 but let me in again 🙂 hmmm, i am back in game. sry, i think i was not patiened enough... 😞
  14. the new cards are great, but changing the old is also the reason why i lost fun playing the game.
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