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Card Implementer
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Everything posted by LEBOVIN

  1. Is there some kind of error message displayed?
  2. Usually they just unsynch and onwards from the point when a card that was changed is played out, the player's units stand there doing nothing for the rest of the replay.
  3. @MephistoRoss One is wrong here, if it is ingame pls update it there accordingly:
  4. If the flat dmg is converted to an actual percentage buff the short double appearance should at least be fixed too, as then only the highest percentage counts
  5. better add to the menu a complete invisibility function (like there is in discord) that will simply display u as offline and thus u cannot get messaged etc
  6. Thats why I write these down ^^ Release Patch #400020 -Reduced all booster prices by 100BFP. The price reduction will be active until the 18th January.
  7. This has worked in the past, evidence is on YouTube @Ladadoos It should show:

    Battleforge ost

    https://skylords-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Soundtrack The page is now restructured with a tab for each faction and also contains the remaining music tracks that are not faction related further below. If the wiki player (little play button in front of the name) is not working on your device click the link in the column "Download Link". This will open the native audio player of your browser and there the file can be downloaded aswell. Enjoy the awesome music
  9. probably it is their attack range ^^ thats missig on the other hand for many other units (and dragons) too

    Battleforge ost

    Added the remaining faction sounds, the wiki contains now all 32 faction themed streams. + for each one a more agressive version with more drums (played if in combat).
  11. Yes. but u need to know the exact internal outcry name/id ? Write: AudioVoicePlay {Voice = "", Volume = default}, in combination with: MissionOutcry {Player = "ALL", Tag = "default", TextTag = "", Text = "", DurationSeconds = default, PortraitFileName = "default"},

    Battleforge ost

    I will try to see if that music can be made available in the Wiki. Edit: https://skylords-reborn.fandom.com/wiki/Soundtrack#Audio_Streams you can find something there now If this is what u had in mind I ll add the other factions tomorrow.
  13. Spoile:r It is a typo that will be fixed with the next patch
  14. the pure frost requirements have been lifted weeks ago... We refer to tentative test server iterations, wait until the final patch notes are released in the Next few days
  15. There have been no balance changes on the live servers yet. The game currently is balancing wise still as EA left it. First balancing changes will come to the live servers with the beginning of the new year. The wiki balancing page only shows the iterations that were tested on the live server, nothing there is guranteed to ship to the live servers, but the list does contain all things that could ship to live.
  16. Likely spawns are scripted as semi-random. As u might have noticed this applies to the Crystal order aswell.
  17. As with the last speedrun contest I archived the winners on YouTube! Rank 3 Rank 2 Rank 1 Merry Christmas everyone!
  18. already fixed on test server
  19. If you use the ability he gets a bit more shiney^^
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