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About Fushur

  • Birthday 12/22/1993

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    Fushur #5050

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Watcher (1/34)



  1. Hi, First of all thanks for reading this suggestion. Even if it doesn't pass because it's not received well or even worse cause of technical issues, i want to raise an issue I experienced back in the Days in the old Battle Forge and i think at least some Players will experience sooner or later in Skylords Reborn. Disclaimer: The Viewpoint here is my Personal one which is mainly that of a PvE Player. If you Focus more on PvP feel free to add your thoughts about that Part which is not Represented that much in this Post as a Reply. Problem / Issue: The Problem I see in this game ist the Number of Maps available to Play. 26 Maps is nice, but it's also not so much ecspecialy if you want to play with friends or interact with other Players because then you can substract the 9 Single Player Missions leaving you with 15, and worse if you are actually a Group of at least 3 you will also have to substract the 7 duo Maps Leaving you with only 8 Playable Maps. While those Maps are quite Fun, they are bound to get repetitive sooner or later. So after a while Players will complete their Decks and will have played the Maps over and over they are bound to get bored. (Of course not all Players but a Part of them) Solution / Proposal: In my eyes the Solution for this kind of Problem was given by EA back in the Days, with the feature to allow Players to create their own Maps. This allows for a basicly Infinite Variation of Maps to Play and things to do. After I finished Among the Old Gods the Custom Maps were the next thing i had my Eyes on and i think they have a lot of Potential. But while you get BFP in Custom Maps you can't earn Gold, basicly Meaning you still have to Grind either Speed Runs, Random PvE or PtD. It also makes it harder to find Players who want to Spend their time in this Maps for Random Groups This Problem will probably disappear over Time with People just upgrading all their cards in all their decks to +3 making Gold basicly worthless as a Ressource. Still it would be nice to be able to get some Rewards for clearing Custom Maps. So my Proposals are the following: 1.) Set a sensible Gold amount for the completion of Custom Maps (on case to case Basis) 2.) Regulary hold Community Map Contests, were the Top Contestants are made Public, implemented in the Game and have a Gold Reward for clearance set 3.) Slightly off topic: Since part of the Custom Maps do not differ in difficulty no matter what is chosen, approximate the difficulty for those and put it in Bracket behind the Maps. (Thanks to LEBOVIN for pointing out that some maps actually differ) I hope that this Steps which basicly mean choosing Custom Maps created by Players and treat them like normal Maps as well as creating an incentive for Players to create New Maps will help in giving more and more content to the Community to enjoy and keeping the Game alive long Term. At long last i wanna thank you for reading through all of this and for struggling to understand my subpar English ^^ I would be Grateful if anybody would Reply with their thoughts and ideas. Greetings Fushur
  2. I'm also a German Player (think it's even stated in my Profile) and i agree with what most other players from Germany said before: I use English for more or less everything, but anwser Questions in German if they are asked in German. From what i read up to here it seems, that changing the ingame chat window is either something that will not come soon or otherwise never, since its a lot of work and not a priority right now (sadly an issue for a lot of things but dev's Doing their best and i'm just super grateful for that). So i propose thinking about starting with an easier achieveable solution like a German Discrod channel in which beginner Questions and Discussions can be hold in German. Optimaly there would be some experienced German player regulary checking there to awnser Questions. With this you can request those Players to direct their Questions into the German beginner Discord channel if they want to ask in German, but use English in the ingame chats until a better solution is found. Of course it now depends on the goodwill of the players to actually comply with that request, but here you can just hope for the best like always. At least you have somewhere to direct those Players.
  3. Thanks man, hope there will be a lot of replays sooner or later
  4. Hey, found this post by searching for Replays, since i wanted to study some matches, and just wanted to ask if the project still exists or if it died over the last 2 years?
  5. NAME: Close Button after Game closes the Game SEVERITY: 2 LOCATION: Map ingame at the end of match REPRODUCIBILITY: Didn't find a way to reproduce the bug seems kind of Random DESCRIPTION: At the end of a Match, when the Victory Screen pops up and i click on Continue/Close to continue into the Forge the Game completely shuts down instead. So far it only happened after Victory so i'm not sure if the bug also exists after a lost game. SCREENSHOT/VIDEO: Sorry don't have a necessary Video programm ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Sry also no
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