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  1. Damo liked a post in a topic by Gam3over in All-time fastest speedrun rankings (October 2013-September 2022)   
    new all-time 😜

    (For players who have no sense of humour, please ignore this post)
  2. Damo liked a post in a topic by Vysnia in The legendary forum game "count"   
    In 3025 BattleForge Reborn is still alive.
    What update are you planning for then? 😁
  3. Damo liked a post in a topic by Volin in Battle of Tactics #1: Your actions count - Until 14.08.2022   
    Great idea, though a bit sad that time gives this a second component which makes this, even more then other contests, a shoot in the dark.
    But don't get me wrong, the concept remains wonderfull!
    One question, playing a unit/building is an action too, or are spells the only card that count for that?
    EDIT: What is btw. about raising wells?
  4. Damo liked a post in a topic by Volin in Coming back and need help with deckbuilding Shadow/Nature (mainly for rPVE)   
    + Kill Speed is more important then movement speed imo
  5. Hirooo liked a post in a topic by Damo in Patch #400034 - 16 July 2022   
    Fire Altar Hype

  6. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Damo in Patch #400034 - 16 July 2022   
    Fire Altar Hype

  7. Damo liked a post in a topic by Majora in Patch #400034 - 16 July 2022   
    Patch #400034
    This patch contains some Quality of Life changes, alongside updates to our free PvP decks. 

    General Changes
    Added a new map script function SetUiVisibility. You can use it to hide the UI by typing SetUiVisibility { InterfaceState = false } and unhide it using SetUiVisibility { InterfaceState = true }. It works analogously to the CTRL + U hotkey. Newly recorded replays will now display a "Desync" warning, if the gameplay differs from what occurred in the actual match. Added a cooldown icon indicator for the wall gate toggle ability. Updated the free PvP decks to match the new meta. An overview of these changes can be found on the Wiki.    General Fixes
    Disabled all UI effects while the forge is paused. This caused bugged out visual effects before. Fixed a game crash when trying to log in with the wrong password or email. UTF-8 compatible Russian community map names are no longer automatically displayed with a an error message in the downloadable community map section. To achieve compatible map names and descriptions in Russian, please edit the description.xml file directly. Added trailing period for generic cooldown error message. Removed trailing period for toggle gate ability. Non-Player Card Entity Changes
      Bandit Master Healer (Introduction) (Card Id: 235)
     Aligned displayed name in non-English descriptions to match the English one.

      NEW: Fire Altar (Collision enabled) (Card/Building Id: 3721)
    Added a new version for the "Fire Altar" quest building for use with the map-editor. This version has collision enabled, meaning it will be able to be attacked by melee units.
  8. Damo liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community Update #25 - July 2022   
    Greetings Skylords!
    This community update is a bit different to what you are used to. We would like to take a bit of time to communicate to you all, the player base, about the state of the project, and give you the opportunity to communicate to us as well. 

    • Share your feedback, get two boosters!

    Last month, we released our latest patch: "Force of Nature". We hope you are all enjoying it, and are curious to hear how you feel about Skylords Reborn in general.  
    It has already been a year since our feedback survey, so it is time for some reflection and feedback. What do you like about Skylords Reborn? What could be better? We want to keep improving the game and growing our player base, and your feedback is crucial for us. 
    As a thank you, there will be two boosters for everyone who fills in the survey. Your feedback will be anonymous.

    • State of the Project

    We are very proud of everything we have accomplished with Skylords Reborn so far. Not only are fans able to play BattleForge again, but over the last two years we have added many new features and content. However, a lot of effort is required behind the scenes to create these new features.
    Skylords Reborn has a very loyal and consistent player base, but has been struggling to find new players. This also results in less potential contributors, resulting in a few individuals doing a ton of work. There is only so much we can do as volunteers, and at the current rate it is becoming unsustainable to keep the same feature output rate.
    Without additional contributors, Skylords Reborn will only get card and balance updates moving forward.
    This means new cards and adjustments on existing cards, but not features like Reforging, improvements to the UI, Happy Hours, etc. While we are currently working on a couple of new and existing cards, to improve the game, we would really like to add new features as well. 
    To give you an idea of what we are currently missing out on, below are some features highlighted that we feel would really improve Skylords Reborn. This is a game with so much potential, and we would love to bring it to you! 
    • What could be: potential features for Skylords Reborn

    Before we dive into them, please note:
    - The following features are currently not in development, due to a lack of game client developers, game server developers, and fullstack developers.
    - You can directly help create this features by applying for a staff role.
    - You can indirectly help by spreading the word.
    - Images shown are very early mock-ups.
    PvE Map Modifiers
    Map modifiers are global effects that can be applied to matches. These can be chosen before the start of a match, and different modifiers can be combined for limitless replayability. Examples of modifiers are: all enemy units regenerate 3% of their health every second, all enemy units move 25% faster, all enemy units spawn a hostile Nether Crawler on death, or cards return less power to the void pool. The more modifiers are active, the higher the reward from the match. The following is a mockup of a UI to choose the modifiers before lobby creation.

    New Reward Distribution System
    Do you dislike receiving achievement and quest rewards through the in-game mail? What about your auctions? Isn't it also a bit boring to see your scratch code rewards in a small static window? This feature is a new way to make it more exciting to open rewards. Imagine the following mockup with nice animations and sound effects, showing you what you received and actions to take with the items. The idea would be to move away from the lackluster interface and user experience of the in-game mail.

    Currently, the player can only express themselves through their character avatar. This feature would add numerous cosmetics like character borders, character banners (textured and colored), player titles and more avatars in general. The following image shows a Christmas themed border, and a green character banner. Instead of `Master of the Forge`, the player can also own and change their title and other cosmetics in a cosmetic management screen. We already started on this with the Cosmetics window currently found in-game, although it is currently limited to avatars. The idea is to add more tabs to the right of the Cosmetics page for the different cosmetics. Achievements, events and even leaderboard positions can also reward special cosmetics.

    Compare Profiles
    Amassing many cards, becoming the richest player, completing all the achievements and collecting all the different cosmetics is rewarding, but showcasing and comparing your accomplishments with others is also part of the fun. With the compare profiles feature, players would be able to manage what they share publicly, and easily compare their profiles with those of other players, either globally or specifically with one player. The following image is a very early concept of a screen to compare achievements with a specific player.

    Map Progression Indicators
    Map progression indicators is a feature for the world map that indicates, through the usage of stars above each campaign map, what difficulties you have completed for each map. This allows you to quickly have a glance of what you have already completed, and what you have not.

    New Campaign Maps
    While rPvE is arguably the most played game mode, we know players would really like to continue the story and/or experience new campaign maps. While we already have some of the resources to make this happen, we are lacking in the map department to make the push to get this done in a way that fits the quality you can expect from an official campaign map. Please consider applying as Map Artist, Map Designer or Map Developer. 

    New Community Map Experience
    The experience of creating, sharing, finding and managing community maps has always been very cumbersome. Currently, it is a unmanageable list that leaves much to be desired. This feature would completely overhaul how the community maps screen looks like, for both PvP and PvE. More filters, more sorting, public upvoting and private downvoting, highlighting of frequently played maps, deleting maps you have uploaded, viewing when a map was last edited and viewing the minimap of community maps without having to download them are a few features that could be included.
    Another option to improve the accessibility of Community Maps would be adding a second world map, where the best community maps would be found, similar to the campaign maps. 

    rPvE Deck Builder Mode
    Quite popular in other card games is a mode where you face challenges while your starting deck is slowly expanding by picking a card from a random selection. We think this could be a great new way to play Skylords Reborn, with every run being unique and allowing you to experiment with different cards and combinations. This would require quite a bit of UI work though, which is why this mode has not been developed yet. 

    Seasons are a broad topic that could include many features that reset or adjust based on the start of a new season. Some examples are Seasonal Leaderboards that reset at the end of each season and automatic events that occur throughout the season. But also seasonal objectives and/or objective trees to complete, similar to a battle pass in other games, are topics that have been discussed in the team quite often. We feel seasons would help make the game feel more fresh, and reward players for playing through each season, giving older players a reason to return. 
    Seasons are a broad feature that would probably require other features mentioned above to be included first, like the improved reward system, modifiers on maps to create new challenges, and additional cosmetics to be rewarded.  
    As you can see, there is still a lot of potential for Skylords Reborn, and we would love to add them to the game. 
    As mentioned before, these features are currently not in development due to a lack of people to work on them.
    • Help us make these features happen
    So get your friends to join, or have them return to check out the new content and achievements, give us suggestions (through the survey) on how to improve the player base, or apply for a staff position yourself. We really can't do this without you! 

    • Team Changes

    Due to personal reasons, Friendly Firefly sadly had to resign from the team. We are grateful for his help with Burning Spears and wish him all the best!
    While not technically a team change, we would also like to take a moment to thank Kapo for his contributions to Skylords Reborn. You might know him from hosting the CCC events, but Kapo has been doing a ton of work for the team behind the scenes as well. From helping out with the recent Force of Nature trailer, to proofreading and providing feedback, we can always count on him. Due to his contributions to Skylords Reborn, we have awarded him with the rare Skylord of Honor title. 
    • In Conclusion

    Thank you for reading this Community Update. We hope you will consider helping us out. 
    As is tradition, this community update comes with a scratch code. 
    The code will reward you with a general booster: NEWL-EGEN-DARY-WHEN
    And remember: By doing our survey, you can grab an additional two boosters! 
    The code is valid until August 1st, when we will bring you our next Community Update. 
    As always, we are open to feedback, so please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions or comments! 

    • Skylords Reborn Documents (Deep Dives, Behind the Scenes, PvP Guide)  
    • Overview Community Updates
    • Community Update #24
  9. Damo liked a post in a topic by Metagross31 in Official PvE Contest #6: The Soultree Faction Battle - Until 19.06.2022   
    Hello Skylords, Skyladies and other Skybeings.
    Welcome to the sixth official cPvE event!
    We hope you will have a lot of fun with this event!

    Everything you need to know:
    Event               - cPvE 1player, Faction Battle Map                 - The Soultree Difficulty         - Advanced Date                - 06.06.2022 - 19.06.2022 Restrictions   - Only mixed faction units and buildings! (Bandits, Twilight, Lost Souls, Stonekin, Amii) (for details, see below) Goals              - All Lyrish Defenders must survive, collect all gold chests, win the map. Prizes             - Boosters, cards, and some gold Stream           - Friday, 24.06.2022, 6PM CEST via twitch Replays          - Through DM to me on Discord (Metagross31#1103) or through PM on the forum (@Metagross31).
    Send in your fastest replay, including the player name, your time and the faction you played
    For example: "Metagross31_Time_00h20m30s_Bandits.pmv"

    You can send in your replays until the 19th of June 2022.
    You can find your replays here: Documents=>Battleforge=>replays

    Please note: 
    You are allowed to send in different replays for the different factions, but you can only win prizes for fastest times in one of them.
    Prize pool
    The following prize pool will be adjusted according to the amount of participants.
    The prices are per person and per faction. If you compete with multiple factions, only your highest place will be rewarded:

    1st place                        8 faction Booster packs
    2nd place                       6 faction Booster packs
    3rd place                        5 faction Booster packs
    4th-8th place                 3 faction Booster packs
    9th-50% place               1 faction Booster pack

    The fastest time across all factions will also be rewarded with a Promo Viridya!
    Additionally, there will be a random draw of 10x Viridya, which will be given out to random participants of all factions, as well as 3x Amii Monument, which will be given out to random participants of the Amii faction.
    Special Reward
    If you send in a valid replay you can guess, what faction the highest amount of players participated in.
    Between all the correct guesses, there will be a random draw of two times 50k Gold!

    You may only pick one faction per replay. In T1, you can use units and buildings of a pure colour. From T2 onward, you can only play units and buildings of the faction you picked (Bandits, Twilight, Lost Souls, Stonekin, Amii). You are allowed to use all spells. All Lyrish Defenders have to survive. You have to open all gold chests with a T4 XL unit (if you are playing Amii faction, any T2 unit is fine). The entry has to be a victory. Have fun! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


    We are looking forward to seeing all your replays!
    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
    Big thanks to @itap, who came up with the idea of this faction battle! 🙂

    Best regards,
    Skylords Reborn Team
  10. Damo liked a post in a topic by RadicalX in All-time fastest speedrun rankings (October 2013-September 2022)   
    Just wanted to mention single player rPvE 10 is not up to date. Mocaak did beat the record in January 2022 (11:04.0). Replay was also posted on my youtube channel if you look to confirm this (as 1p rPvE ladder isn't fixed yet).
  11. Damo liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Change "The Boot" to a crown with a different color   
    I know this is an issue of no real importance, but it bothered me right from the start, and it keeps hurting my eyes. In my opinion, there are several reasons to change "The Boot":
    * The winged boot (πτηνοπέδῑλος) are the symbol of Hermes, the Greek Messenger God; and the appropriate use is to signify speed. Accumulating that much XP is a feat of tenacity, not of speed.
    * This symbol is squished into a way too small space, and not good-looking in that spot anyway.
    * There is a clear continuity in the PvE Ranks using crowns in ascending order, represented by colors.
    * The worst of all, "The Boot" switches BACK to gold (rare) color. So, even if you guys decide for legacy reasons to keep the boot, it's still a sin to keep it golden.
    My suggestion would be to just add a new Crown Color, maybe a royal red or an epic purple kind. If you want to make the last rank super-duper special with a different symbol, it would be still advisable to get rid of "The Boot" and replace it with something symboling tenacity or experience in general.
    To see with your own eyes that "The Boot" makes no sense at all, a screenshot from the Wiki:

  12. Damo liked a post in a topic by Fat4life in Export 3D Model / 3D Model Format   
    Here's a test print of the Ice barrier 3d model, with another model for reference (thank you  @Kiliangg )
    Im gonna try and paint one of them to the best of my abilities, see how that goes.

    I can see it now, a Battleforge miniature game... a man can dream 

  13. Damo liked a post in a topic by Metagross31 in Skylords Ultimate Battle Simulator (SUBS)   
    Here you go:
  14. Damo liked a post in a topic by dreaddy in PHP ReplayParserLibrary   
    just finished my PHP Replay Parser.
    Should be easy to include in own projects.
    It contains almost anything that can be read out of the replays and some calculated Values (decks, apm, winner, teams, monuments used, cards used, every action done by the players etc. ).

    Might be useful for an own replay archive, automatic reports for tourneys or just to spy out what deck the rpve Player used that was 10x faster than you ).

    A quick demo script also with all values extracted:

    Source on Github:

    The Usage is quite simple. Just call $replaydataobject = new SkylordsReplayParser("pathandnameofmyreplay.map")->loadData();
    The example is in index.php.

  15. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Damo in rPvE Deck Tierlists   
    For Volin's stream sake:
    S+ Batariel, who would've expected that. There are pretty much two valid reasons to play this deck. 1. motm competition, 2. a daily timer of 35/45mins.
    S-tier contains the top deck options to play when you either want to go fast but not 2fast or you're playing motms and don't have the power for a batarie ldeck because you had to place the shrines (cries in void power).  
    Brannoc mainly reaches the A-tier for being the single best option for several t3 speedrun scenarios. All other decks - besides  and  - reach this tier only due to their splashability with  spells (driveby superiority).
    Decks below that tier do not really require much of an explanation.

  16. Damo liked a post in a topic by Doomsword87 in Community Update #19 - February 19th 2022   
    those are good questions, the new nature RPVE seems like an exciting way to earn prestige and honor
  17. Damo liked a post in a topic by Aviat0r in Community Update #19 - February 19th 2022   
    Will there be Wheel of Gifts on the enemy's side? 🤔 😂
  18. Damo liked a post in a topic by Volin in Community Update #19 - February 19th 2022   
    Thanks for pointing out at my stream I feel very honoured!

    Just to mention, I just got a big donation of 380 cards from @THE_BIG_WET to share with newer players (we said we give them out up to Gold 1Star ranks in the first step, preferably to silver and bronze ranks)
    New players, make sure to hit the next stream on Thursday. Probably I will even make some extra streams to share this stuff with you. We got great uncommons, rares and even some ultra rares to share with you!
  19. Damo liked a post in a topic by Dutchy in Community Update #19 - February 19th 2022   
    Great read once again 
  20. Damo liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community Update #19 - February 19th 2022   
    Greetings Skylords!
    Every three weeks, we give an update on the things going on behind the scenes of Skylords Reborn. Welcome to another Community Update!

    • Teaser rPvE Nature

    As decided (quite overwhelmingly) by vote, Nature will follow up Fire and be the next faction to become available as a new rPvE enemy.
    We are still in the early stages of both design and balance, so it will still take quite a while before you can fight your way through a new challenge, but we wanted to give you a little teaser of what to expect. 

    • Expectation management

    For these community updates, we always carefully decide what to share with the public already. We aim to strike the right balance between giving an insight into what we are working on while not giving false expectations about their expected release. When deciding on what to share, our rule of thumb is that it should be something that is definitely happening, even if it might still take quite a while.
    For example, Wasteland Terror and PvP Happy Hours are still happening, although in hindsight we probably revealed them too soon. Another example would be the Tower Deepdive from the last community update. This has lead to multiple questions expecting these changes to hit the server soon, even though we are still in early iterations. In this case, the reason we shared the Deepdive already was to let the community join into the discussion and provide feedback about our intended changes.
    In other cases, we are sometimes just excited about what we are working on and want to share them with you already! We hope you are patient while we work on our next patch, even if it will probably not include Nature rPvE already. Rest assured that we are hard at work on other exciting things though! 
    • New artwork reveal

    On the day of our previous community update, SpiritAlpha has joined the team as a 2D artist. Since then, he has been hard at work and we can already show you two pieces of his artwork. The first is our new art for the Banzai Birds, spawned from our new card Banzai Lord. Since the card is quite popular, we felt the birds deserved a proper artwork, instead of a recolor of the old artwork. 
    The second artwork is an icon for Stronghold's new ability "Bombardment", as mentioned in our Tower Deepdive. Bombardment will become an active ability with a power cost and a long cooldown. It deals area of effect damage with knockback and has a long range to enable Stronghold to counter siege units on its own.
    Icons will be quite small in the game, but we still like the details that went into this one. We plan to add more icons to other missing abilities, like Thug's and Lost Shade's Unity buff, so look forward to those!
    • New tools for new players

    Skylords Reborn is an awesome game, but it can be quite hard to get the grasp of it when you are starting out. Various community members have been trying to help newer players get started or improve, including a recently started tutoring program.
    • NEW - Volin's Random Rushhour
    Every Thursday, Volin hosts a new stream series focused on helping players improve in rPvE. Every week covers different topics, and of course players are encouraged to ask questions and interact. Follow Volin on Twitch, or keep an eye on the stream-channel on our Discord to be notified when the stream starts. 

    • NEW - Workshops
    The recently started community project REBORN hosts special workshops for new players looking for guidance. In these workshops, you get supported by a mentor guiding you through various topics like deck building, spawn mechanics, power management and of course gameplay. You will get helpful feedback from participants and mentors and get advice on your deck and applying the knowledge on the battleground with one of the mentors. The workshops are not a lecture and one-sided, you are highly encouraged to openly engage in discussions with the mentors. The workshops take place every Sunday, if you are interested, be sure to sign-up. 

    • PvP - Toggy's Fightclub
    Every Wednesday, Toggy hosts a PvP Fightclub, where players can train and get commentary on their matches. Whether you are a veteran PvP player wanting to put on a show or a new player in need of some helpful feedback, Fightclub is where you want to be. Starting around 18:30 CET every Wednesday, you can watch the Fightclub live on Twitch, while joining the games in the sparring lobby. You are encouraged to spectate and join the fun! Follow Toggy on Twitch, or keep an eye on the stream-channel on our Discord to be notified when Fightclub starts. 

    Need more help on PvP? Be sure to check out the Tutor and Apprentice Discord, and the PvP guide written by two of the best PvP players; RadicalX and Hirooo. 

    • Patreon update

    Skylords Reborn is being worked on by a team of volunteers. The game is free to play, and we do not make any profit of it. We have been able to pay for our server through the donation of generous Patrons, and our current savings are high enough to support server upkeep costs for years to come. Since we are currently not allowed to spend money on other areas (like marketing), we decided to put the Patreon donations on pause. Should this situation change, we will open it up again.
    Thank you so much for supporting Skylords Reborn over the years!
    • Skylords Reborn Wallpapers

    Now that the Patreon is not available anymore, we have decided to release our previously Patreon exclusive wallpapers to the public. Our former artist ArtRhino has created 38 great wallpapers with a new take on various units, spells, buildings and area's in the game. You might have seen some of them already during our stream or as banners for the Community Update. Now you can look at them in all of their glory and tell that coworker glancing at your screen about our great game! 
    You can find all the wallpapers here.

    • Tournaments / Events

    • NEW - Community Map Challenge #4: “Lyr’s Distress Call” - UNTIL 21st February 2022
    Dallarian has hosted another winter themed event! The event will be run on a brand new one-player community map, “Aeglos Fortress”. Complete the map with a few restrictions and win some prizes! Be sure to check it out, since there are also prizes for the less experienced players. 

    • FINISHED - Official 2p rPvE Contest#2: The Bandit Alliance
    We were looking for the fastest time with only one rule: each player could only spawn one single unit with ground presence through the whole run!
    You can rewatch the stream and find out the winners on our official twitch channel. 
    • SOON™ - PvP League
    Some exciting news for our PvP players. Toggy is hard at work on creating a PvP league, where players can compete against opponents from the same skill level over the duration of multiple weeks. More info in the coming weeks! 

    • Host your own event / tournament
    Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizers Hiko and/or Metagross to have your event prizes sponsored by us. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you. 
    • Team changes

    Our team has seen quite a few changes in the past weeks. 
    Pascal has left the team as our Lead Moderator. Dutchy will take over his role and is our new Lead Moderator. 
    Our Global Moderators DragonOfTime and Lontzek have also left the moderation team. To fill in these spots, Dallarian and Naturee are our new Global Moderators. 
    We would like to thank each of them for their contributions. Moderation has always been a very important part of the Skylords Reborn project, and we wouldn't have the community we have now without their help! 
    As mentioned above, SpiritAlpha has joined the team as 2D-artist, working alongside Tweeto to add new artwork into the game. 
    Lastly, Killbuster has joined the PvP taskforce. He helped us greatly with the testing process while providing very constructive feedback and suggestions.

    • We need your help

    Unfortunately, we currently do not have enough volunteers to continue implementing any further voice lines and sound effects into the game.
    Now that we are able to implement voice lines and audio into the game (thanks to some great voice actors helping us out!), we are looking for someone to help us with audio post-production and quality control.
    • Open Position: Audio Editor
    We would love to continue adding voice lines for more cards and narration for new maps. As an Audio Editor, you will be responsible for selecting and extracting the best takes, doing post-production and making sure the overall quality is high enough to be implemented into the game. If you have more skills, you will also be able to design new sounds for the game as Audio Producer. Click here to read more and apply.
    We are also still looking for a new Community Manager, who can help us with these Community Updates. If you are interested or have any questions, please reach out to us. 
    • Open Position - Community Manager
    As a community manager, you are responsible with aiding the communication to and from the community. You will work closely with the Project Coordinator (previously Community Manager) to communicate staff and project decisions to the community through, for example, The Community Updates and self-written announcements. Furthermore, you will act as a contact person for the community to share project feedback and suggestions and are expected to keep the staff informed and be up-to-date with the state of the community. Click here to read more and apply.

    • In Conclusion

    And that's it for this Community Update, thanks for reading! 
    As is tradition, this community update comes with a scratch code. 
    The code will reward you with a mini-booster: COMM-UNIT-YNEW-S19B
    The code is valid till March 12th, when we will bring you another Community Update. 
    As always, we are open to feedback, so please let us know if you have any questions, suggestions or comments! 

    • Skylords Reborn Documents (Deepdives, Behind the Scenes, PvP Guide)  
    • Overview Community Updates
    • Community Update #18
  21. Damo liked a post in a topic by Kybaka in RPVE level 10 - Increase Time   
    I occasionally play lvl 10 with players who have no experience at this level.
    I notice that most of the cases where we lose the game, it's not a question of difficulty but rather of time.
    21 min.. That doesn't leave us a lot of time. I wonder if we could increase the time allotted by 2-3 minutes.
  22. Damo liked a post in a topic by RadicalX in All-time fastest speedrun rankings (October 2013-September 2022)   
    Single player 9 all time

    Two player 9 all time

  23. Damo liked a post in a topic by Dallarian in Community Update #18 - January 29th 2022   
    "Adorable Battleships need to eat a lot of snowflakes to survive and feed it's little babies, so they can grow up to become majestic whales.
    And here we can see a school of Battleships in their natural habitat, imitating the shape of a much bigger ship to intimidate potential predators.

    Inciddentally, they also do this to reduce the air drag factor. Tired Battleships will fall back from the front to the rear of the formation, allowing fully rested Battles to take the lead and provide the drag reduction.
    If we look closely, we can see a few families of Icefang Raptors hiding underaneath the Battleships. Raptors and Battleships have a mutualistic relationship. The Battleships protect the Raptors, and in exchange the Raptors secure Monuments that contain Frost Orbs needed to grow snowflakes clouds and feed Battleship population. [1]" - read by Krystyna Czubówna

    Nature is so beautiful.
    And I absolutely love the new Forge. Below zero job!

    [1]. Source:
  24. Volin liked a post in a topic by Damo in Spell Grinder deck   
    That's not the worst idea I've heard today...or read in this thread.
  25. Damo liked a post in a topic by SunWu in Spell Grinder deck   
    You could also enlighten one or two shrines of war, even resource boosters maybe
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