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Status Replies posted by Ladadoos

  1. That feeling when you almost break your leg skiing

    5 km/h quicker and it would've broke. 

    Happy fish! 

  2. Nooooo im not a beta tester anymore...... :kappa:

    1. Ladadoos


      Just make sure you don't print the communication between client and server on the screen :kappa: 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

  3. Yo peoples, i will have to come less often around, see you occasionnaly !

  4. 69 reputation...

    I think this is some kind of hint for us to meet today. :kappa: 

    1. Ladadoos


      And you definitely get that privacy by posting this on a forum online for everyone to read, yep :kappa: 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  5. I like the pieces of weed hanging out from the skylords logo you have submitted.

    420 blaze it :kappaross:

  6. you should keep updating the dev.bfreborn page


  7. Aren't you glad to meet me? I think you should, I would be glad to meet me.

  8. 6/10, would not put santa hat on floaty ship again


    1. Ladadoos


      Do I want to join ? Do I ? Do I really ?! :kaboom:

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  9. Hello everyone, just a little status update here. I am moving this Friday and the place that I am moving to will not have WiFi for at least 2-3 months and my phone has limited mobile data, and I won't be able to use it all on the forum, so you guys + girls are going to have to with out me for a few months, I hope you can survive them months, but yeah, I hope to be back as soon as possible and I wish everyone a Merry Christmas, even if you don't celebrate it, and a happy new year. 

    So the Staff Team, keep doing what you are doing, and everyone try and stay cool and positive, and enjoy the forge if you get added to the closed beta somehow or if the open beta is out ( Don't know about that ) enjoy the open beta. Also happy birthday to anyone who's birthday is coming up.

    So yeah... Good bye... well I will still be here until Friday, but yeah have some Watermelons and Love. :watermelon::watermelon::watermelon: <3<3<3

    1. Ladadoos


      How will we survive without our daily dose of watermelon for 2-3 months :o ? Best of luck moving and merry christmas and happy new year for you too 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  10. >Kiwi says people keep posting nonsense on her profile


  11. My friend knows when to tell you about the game coming out?
  12. My friend knows when to tell you about the game coming out?
    1. Ladadoos


      No, I don't.. It can take 1 year, 1 month, I don't know :S 

      I am not a staff member, so even if there was and it wasn't said publicly, i wouldn't know.

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  13. My friend knows when to tell you about the game coming out?
  14. Yaaaaaas, I'm "climbing the rep ladder" thanks to my BFT showcase! ez :troll:

    1. Ladadoos


      and what seemed like a warning from Link to not do it again :kappaross: 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  15. Yaaaaaas, I'm "climbing the rep ladder" thanks to my BFT showcase! ez :troll:

    1. Ladadoos


      Last time you pulled this off you got 10 negative reputation :kappa: 

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

  16. @Lukaznid To the Lucky Birthday boy who wins his beta access and gets into the forge just in time for this special day of celebrations, you have one more thing to celebrate! Happy Birthday! <3 

    1. Ladadoos


      Just to not have 100 million status posts about the same thing, I'll hijack yours. Hope you don't mind it Ultrakool :ph34r:

      Happy birthday @Lukaznid, you really did enter the forge just in time :P

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  17. Welcome to the forge Testers. The moment you've been waiting for is here. Your promos will come shortly, I haven't forgotten :P 

  18. So.. I was just wondering if you boys and girls would like me and @MrXLink to start streaming again..

    1. Ladadoos


      @KnutM No use in plugging your mouse in and turning your screen on if you don't turn your computer on :rogan:

    2. (See 18 other replies to this status update)

  19. So I was digging through some BattleForge ingame options and found THIS

    Anyone ever saw it?

    1. Ladadoos


      Yeah, I read their guides a bit when I was working with the map editor for the trailer, not too bad :P 

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  20. So I was digging through some BattleForge ingame options and found THIS

    Anyone ever saw it?

    1. Ladadoos


      Yes, I did. There are some other pdf files about map editing and scripting :P

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  21. i like your streams much, do as much as u can :) thx dude

  22. To all the contest winners:

    1v1 me bro :kappa: 

    And congratulations again <3 

  23. @Ultrakool Happy Birthday man!

    1. Ladadoos


      We are just thinking of the community, not spamming status updates :kappa: 

    2. (See 10 other replies to this status update)

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