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About KnutM

  • Birthday 08/08/1979

Contact Methods

  • Steam

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Germany / Coburg
  • Interests
    Gaming, GAMING........ I SAID GAMING !!!

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Fighter (2/34)



  1. German: Hi Softy, in dem momentanan Zustand des Servers ist es leider völlig normal, was du hier beschreibst, diese Phase ist eigentlich nur dafür da um Fehler in der Server Software zu finden. Wir müssen uns alle gedulden und warten bis Patch für Patch die Fehler behoben werden. English: Hi Softy, at this moment its a normal condition of this server, what you are describing, this actual phase is only for testing purposes and find any bugs. We all have to be patient and have to wait until patch by patch fixing this bugs.
  2. So am i right, that nobody can open the BFRupdater atm ?
  3. That would be nice. But 200 Slots with stable connection would be a good start. Then it should be expanded.
  4. Maybe i shouldn't have start a 2 Player BG map ? This is my fault i guess. Now my favourite server is down.
  5. Just read the "Recommend" (marked with orage color) post on top of this site, and all shloud be clear.
  6. Sry Bionic, I've tried to use Shaddow colous in font's, but it isn't easily visible like nature or fire colours are, when the image has a smaller size. So pls forgive me pleease
  7. Ok, here we go. Logo and Button for something in Forum maybe. Don't judge to hard.
  8. When you climb on a tree with your friend, and don't know how to get down. 10 seconds later the branch you are sitting on, crashes down and voila you are back on beloved mother earth with a broken arm.
  9. Happy Birthday Shotty :)

    1. Shotty


      The first Forum member that didn´t congratulate me on skype! ;D
      Thank you <3

    2. Eternal


      Second !


      Happy day of birth champion !

  10. I just wanna say "Thank You" to all Mod's & Dev's & all Beta testers. Without you, all of us can't watch streams (which making me happy to see progress in developing) or even hope that someday we can play BF alias BFReborn again. Keep up the great work, and don't let pull you down by some weird guys who can't wait any longer.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. KnutM


      U never know :D

    3. BionicReaper
    4. KnutM


      BTW, i know that most of you guys are joking about greetings and mentions. I'm just happy that BF is back again, at least almost. (not kidding) I thought BF has died forever. SO :hypetrain:  chu chuuuuu


  11. My Screen tastes so ugly..... Everytime when streaming is Live i have lick my screen to come closer to the game, but it tastes so uuugh. But what i should say, what i'm seeing is like heaven.


    1. Show previous comments  16 more
    2. anonyme0273


      I see my name there... a dozen times :kappa: 

    3. Wolfsreiter


      Just wanted To make you feel special

    4. anonyme0273
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