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  1. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    major update, version 0.2.4:
    - updated cards data with correct upgrade maps for new cards
    - updated personal pages titles
    - added Booster Simulator page, Personal Booster History page and made Personal Collection page available
    - added api image endpoint option for simple card images with only artwork, border and name, it's available at "/api/images/fullCard/[smj or official card ID]?simple"
    Boosters Page: (https://smj.cards/boosters)
    - removed Booster Simulator from page and separated it into it's own page
    - reworked boosters table values to provide better information of what return values to expect:
    removed recent column due to becoming obsolete with new calculation method median average (correct rarity distribution with the median card value for each rarity based on the 2 weeks median price for the possible cards) mean average (correct rarity distribution with the mean card value for each rarity based on the 2 weeks median price for the possible cards) [practically the same as the previous median column] min average (correct rarity distribution with the min card value for each rarity based on the 2 weeks median price for the possible cards) max average (correct rarity distribution with the max card value for each rarity based on the 2 weeks median price for the possible cards) lowest possible (worst possible value from booster) highest possible (best possible value from booster) - added tooltips to give a bit of information of how the values were generated
    Booster Simulator Page: (https://smj.cards/simulator)
    - added separate Booster Simulator page
    - added values of what the cards from the booster may be worth
    - option to enable the storage of simulated boosters in your browser for deeper analysis on the personal boosters page

    Parsonal Boosters History Page: (https://smj.cards/personal/boosters)
    - added new page to analyse your booster history in a more detailed fashion (simulated boosters only for now):
    see actual 2 weeks median total value of the obtained cards, total sum of mean and median value of the opened boosters see rarity, color and edition distributions for the diferent boosters with color and edition also being reliant of the rarity distribution distributions represent: "actually obtainedtotal (expected total) difference percentage of actual compared to expected" - booster history table similar to the in-game version but with price info of the contained cards

    Personal Collection Page: (https://smj.cards/personal/collection)
    - view your card collection and set collection condition and goal and show rarity distribution and worth of fitting/missing cards and upgrades
    - table to see what cards make sense to sell depending on your set condition and which to buy depending on your goal
    - table of maps to play to obtain the most relevant updrades or most average gold (might need a rework based on the updrades rework in-game)
    - show completed/not completed cards based on your set condition/goal.

    The Personal Collection page was already showcased in the Masters of the Forge stream in early December:
    Enjoy. 🙂
  2. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community Update - October 2023   
    Greetings Skylords!
    A new month; a new Community Update! It's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!

    • General Update

    It's been a while since our last content patch, and we'd like to provide a brief update on the project. Skylords Reborn relies entirely on the free time of our dedicated volunteers. While we strive to address sudden spikes in inactivity as effectively as possible, there are occasions when unexpected delays are inevitable. Our aim is to strike a balance between revealing upcoming new content and features and getting them into your hands. Currently, this balance is a bit off, resulting in the announcement of some upcoming features a while ago, while they have not yet been implemented. We hope for your understanding in these matters and that you still appreciate us showing what we are working on.
    We'd also like to inform you that progress on our upcoming campaign maps is proceeding smoothly. Although we haven't disclosed specific details yet, this decision was made deliberately. The process of map creation can be complex, and even in the late stages of development, maps can undergo significant changes. We want to ensure that our new maps earn their place alongside the existing campaign, so we've invested substantial time in establishing the foundational elements to build upon. Our dedicated testers are currently working to ensure these maps provide an enjoyable playing experience, and we're confident that the end result will be something you'll greatly appreciate. Please stay tuned for more updates!
    • New Card Reveal - Bedrock

    In June, we unveiled the artwork for our highly anticipated tier 4 Stonekin turtle. Since then, people have been curious about the card and its associated effects. Today we are excited to show you the design for the upcoming Stonekin unit: Bedrock.
    Please note: We are still testing the card. While we are generally happy with it, numbers, effects, and its rarity might still change before release. 

    Delving further into the building-focused Stonekin archetype, Bedrock offers Stonekin players an exciting and versatile tool for the endgame. If you want to learn more about this archetype, please check out the Stonekin Deep Dive!
    Bedrock stands as a formidable elemental destroyer, capable of both laying siege to enemy buildings and constructing new ones. Additionally, it possesses the ability to fortify friendly structures with an Ice Shield. This card has a ranged auto-attack, siege, two active abilities, and, naturally, the Stonekin passive ability.
    Bedrock will be available in two different affinities, each influencing its unique Sculptor ability. Once released, the card will drop from boosters and can be reforgable. 
    Bedrock will be the first Ultra Rare card from the Rebirth Edition. To make sure enough players will be able to enjoy the card, we are considering hosting an event around the release where you can earn the card. Stay tuned for more information.  
    Let's break down the card: 
     Rock Throw (auto attack)
    Range: 30m
    Every 3 seconds, unit fires a molten stone dealing 633 damage, up to 950 in total. Knocks back small and medium units.

    Blessed/Tainted Sculptor
    Range: 30m
    Place a Stone Launcher with an affinity towards Frost/Shadow that deconstructs after 30 seconds at a target location within a 30m radius. Only one tower may be placed at a time. Can be placed nearby enemy units and structures. Reusable every 30 seconds.
    Living Rampart
    Cost: 50p - Range: 30m
    All friendly buildings in a 30m radius will be fortified, gaining an Ice Shield that absorbs 1800 damage for 15 seconds. The Ice Shield renews itself once after 15 seconds to absorb an additional 1800 damage. Reusable every 30 seconds.
    Deals 100% more damage against structures.
     Adamant Skin (Stonekin faction passive ability)
    The unit takes 15% less damage
    Bedrock has been in the making for quite some time now, and we still need a little more time to work on some technical implications. Alongside the new Tectonic Shift card and some upcoming balance changes, we hope to improve and explore the playstyles of the Stonekin faction. We are currently not able to communicate a release date yet.
    • Look reveal - Bedrock

    And finally, here's a sneak peek at how Bedrock will appear in the game!  We hope you are looking forward to our new favourite stone turtle!
       • Community Spotlight - Masters of the Forge

    Skylord of Honour and CCC-host Kapo started a new project this month: Masters of the Forge.
    In this podcast-like series, Kapo interviews various staff members to discuss the project and personal stories about their interaction with BattleForge and Skylords Reborn. In his own words:
    Masters of the Forge will shine a light on all those people working so tirelessly on Skylords Reborn - for the average Skylord, [Game Masters] are elite, mythical creatures too many know nothing about, and we will hopefully change that. So, in this dev-talk-like podcast series we will meet several Masters of the Forge in person, and hopefully I will be able to ask them questions that are interesting to you. And, you will also get the chance to ask them some questions! The series will be streamed on Twitch and afterwards uploaded on YouTube.
    Please note that while the content created is supported by the SR Team and will be all about Skylords Reborn, this is no official event or dev-talk. The focus will be around the guest, what their duties are, how they feel about the game and its development - we will not elaborate future changes in depth or announce anything fancy. But hopefully we will know more about the guest and how It's like to be part of the SR Team.

    There are currently 3 episodes to watch:
    • Episode 1: Dutchy, Lead Moderator
    In this episode, Kapo and Dutchy discuss various moderator-related topics. Find out about how our moderators keep Skylords Reborn a fair community. Watch now.

    • Episode 2: Majora, Project Coordinator
    In this episode, Kapo and yours truly talk about the Community Updates and Project Coordination. We also go over what goes into creating a new card for Skylords Reborn, and which departments are needed to make it happen. Watch now.

    • Episode 3: Volin, Testing Coordinator
    In this episode, Kapo and Volin dive into the topic of testing, a crucial part of the game. As a special treat, Volin showcases the new rPvE difficulty 9.5, as previously announced in our community update. Watch now.
    Episode 4 will be hosted live on the 7th of October and feature RadicalX, Game Designer and PvP expert. Tune in live on Twitch, or watch back on YouTube the day after.  
    • Events

    In between our monthly Community Updates, we host various events and tournaments, so be sure to keep a close eye on the in-game event tab and the forum calendar to stay informed and not miss out on any exciting events!
     • NEW - PvP AI programming contest
    We are gathering players for a new type of event. Get ready for an AI Programming Tournament, where the submitted programs will face off in an epic showdown to find the ultimate AI strategist! More information.
    • Host your own tournament / event
    Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our other Event Organizers, @Metagross31or @Minashigo Hiko. We can help you out with various topics and are glad to discuss potential ideas. We can also sponsor the prize pool for your event. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you.
    • Contribute - Spotlight

    If you are interested in helping out with our upcoming new campaign maps, Map Tester might be of interest to you!
    • Open Position - Map Tester
    As a map tester, you get early access to new maps and game modes and are responsible to playtest them and provide feedback to the other map developers about possible issues or improvements. This includes checking how balanced the map is, how fun it is to play, if there are any exploits, if areas on the map need to be prettified etc. Map developers/designers/artists should be able to rely on you to make sure maps that are released or changed are done so properly.
    More information.
    But there are more roles available. Below, you can take a look at all our open positions. 
    Skylords Reborn is a community-driven project fuelled by the passion and dedication of over 45 volunteers. We are always on the lookout for like-minded individuals. If you have a passion for gaming, programming, design, or marketing, we invite you to take a look at our open positions!

    • In Conclusion

    That's all for this Community Update! We appreciate you taking the time to read through it.
    As is tradition, we're including a scratch code as a small token of our appreciation for your support.
    The code will reward you with a Stonekin booster: DOYO-ULIK-ETUR-TLES
    The code is valid until November 1st, when we will bring you another Community Update. 
    We're always looking for ways to improve and value your feedback. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to share them with us. We'll be back next month with more updates on our ongoing projects and upcoming features. You can also sign up to our e-mail newsletter here. 

    • Skylords Reborn Documents (Deep Dives, Behind the Scenes, PvP Guide)  
    • Overview Community Updates
    • Community Update September 2023
  3. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Ultralord in Skylords Reborn TV Table   
    Great Greetings People of the Sky 🙂
    i need to fix my TV Table and decided, when i spend time to paint it -> then make something cool.
    And so here it is the SLR TV Table:

    You can fine the making of it on my YT Chanel under this link:
    Or find the making as a slide show here:
    Maybe some of you got inspired and make something too 🙂
    See you in the forge, fellow Skylords
  4. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Master of the Forge #10 - [GM] Emmaerzeh and [GM] Hodron - 28.12.2023 19:30 CET   
    Skylords and Skyladies;
    Masters of the Forge will shine a light on all those people working so tirelessly on Skylords Reborn - for the average Skylord, [Game Masters] are elite, mythical creatures too many know nothing about, and we will hopefully change that. So, in this dev-talk-like podcast series we will meet several Masters of the Forge in person, and hopefully I will be able to ask them questions that are interesting to you. And, you will also get the chance to ask them some questions! The series will be streamed on Twitch and afterwards uploaded on YouTube.
    Please note that while the content created is supported by the SR Team and will be all about Skylords Reborn, this is no official dev-talk. The focus will be around the guest, what their duties are, how they feel about the game and its development - we will not elaborate future changes in depth or announce anything fancy. But hopefully we will know more about the guest and how It's like to be part of the SR Team.
    In the ninth episode, I will interview [GM] @Emmaerzeh and [GM] @Hodron; both from the map department, to explore the territory of map-making in regard to (official) campaign maps, community maps and specialities like the Battle Arena.
    Quick Overview:
    Guests                        [GM] Emmaerzeh & [GM] Hodron Date                           28. 12. 2023 Time                          19:30 CET Link                            www.twitch.tv/kapostream
    If you got any questions you would want to see asked, you are very welcome to drop me a DM here on the forums (@Kapo) or on Discord (#kapojones).
    Previous Episodes:
    #1 [GM] Dutchy, Lead Moderator
    #2 [GM] Majora, Project Coordinator
    #3 [GM] Volin, Testing Coordinator
    #4 [GM] RadicalX, Faction Designer
    #5 [GM] Ult, Server Developer
    #6 [GM] Ultralord, Video Editor
    #7 [GM] Ladadoos & [GM] Zyna, Project Lead
    #8 [GM] Maze, Web Developer
    #9 [GM] Windhunter, Lead Designer
  5. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Master of the Forge #8 - [GM] Maze, Web Developer - 02.12.2023 19:30 CET   
    Skylords and Skyladies;
    Masters of the Forge will shine a light on all those people working so tirelessly on Skylords Reborn - for the average Skylord, [Game Masters] are elite, mythical creatures too many know nothing about, and we will hopefully change that. So, in this dev-talk-like podcast series we will meet several Masters of the Forge in person, and hopefully I will be able to ask them questions that are interesting to you. And, you will also get the chance to ask them some questions! The series will be streamed on Twitch and afterwards uploaded on YouTube.
    Please note that while the content created is supported by the SR Team and will be all about Skylords Reborn, this is no official dev-talk. The focus will be around the guest, what their duties are, how they feel about the game and its development - we will not elaborate future changes in depth or announce anything fancy. But hopefully we will know more about the guest and how It's like to be part of the SR Team.
    In the eight episode, I will interview [GM] @Maze, Web Developer; who besides is working on this website is most famous for his awesome and gorgeous Website SMJ.
    Quick Overview:
    Guest                         [GM] Maze Date                           02. 12. 2023 Time                          19:30 CET Link                            www.twitch.tv/kapostream
    If you got any questions you would want to see asked, you are very welcome to drop me a DM here on the forums (@Kapo) or on Discord (#kapojones).
    Previous Episodes:
    #1 [GM] Dutchy, Lead Moderator
    #2 [GM] Majora, Project Coordinator
    #3 [GM] Volin, Testing Coordinator
    #4 [GM] RadicalX, Faction Designer
    #5 [GM] Ult, Server Developer
    #6 [GM] Ultralord, Video Editor
    #7 [GM] Ladadoos & [GM] Zyna, Project Lead
  6. dslay3r liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Advanced Filtering - collection sorting with search bar commands   
    MYNODUESPs Custom Filter Extension
    NOTE: This is my personally used custom filter extension as an example of what one could do with custom filters.
    If you end up liking it, feel free to use it and make your personal adjustments and additions to unlock their full potential!
    If there are any specific questions about custom filters and custom filter extension, you can ask on the forum (in this thread) or on Discord. We'll try to improve user friendliness according to the feedback we get.

    Filter Collection Exposition
    DISCLAMER: You should really use a custom filter extension instead of copy-pasting these filter strings. 🙂
    Unowened Cards (can only be used in the Marketplace) - *unowned*
    Chargeable Cards - *charge*
    Collection Completion (should be used in the Marketplace) - *collection*
    Trade / Duplicates - *trade*
    Reforge (4x duplicates) - *reforge4*
    Reforge (3x common + 1x uncommon) - *reforge3c*
    Reforge (3x uncommon + 1x rare) - *reforge3uc*
    (((charges=0&copies>6)|(charges=1&copies>5)|(charges=2&copies>4)|(charges=3&copies>3))&rarity=uc)|(((charges=0&copies>4)|(charges=1&copies>3)|(charges=2&copies> 2)|(charges=3&&copies>1))&rarity=r)
    Reforge (3x rare + 1x ultra rare) - *reforge3r*
    Bandit Faction - *bandit*
    Stonekin Faction - *stonekin*
    Amii Faction - *amii*
    Lost Souls Faction - *lost souls*
    Post Change Log
    2023/01/18 - updated/clean-up custom_filter_extensions.json
    2023/02/03 - updated/fixed custom_filter_extensions.json
    2024/07/17 - added filternames & faction filters
  7. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Master of the Forge #5 - [GM] Ult, Server Developer - 21.10.2023 19:30 CEST   
    Skylords and Skyladies;
    Masters of the Forge will shine a light on all those people working so tirelessly on Skylords Reborn - for the average Skylord, [Game Masters] are elite, mythical creatures too many know nothing about, and we will hopefully change that. So, in this dev-talk-like podcast series we will meet several Masters of the Forge in person, and hopefully I will be able to ask them questions that are interesting to you. And, you will also get the chance to ask them some questions! The series will be streamed on Twitch and afterwards uploaded on YouTube.
    Please note that while the content created is supported by the SR Team and will be all about Skylords Reborn, this is no official event or dev-talk. The focus will be around the guest, what their duties are, how they feel about the game and its development - we will not elaborate future changes in depth or announce anything fancy. But hopefully we will know more about the guest and how It's like to be part of the SR Team.
    As my fifth guest, I invited [GM] @UltDragon, Server Developer; who is (together with the other developers) tasked to implement cool features like the cosmetics, comparing profiles, and many more stuff we will talk about. 
    Quick Overview:
    Guest                         [GM] Ult, Server Developer Date                           21. 10. 2023 Time                          19:30 CEST Link                            www.twitch.tv/kapostream
    If you got any questions you would want to see asked, you are very welcome to drop me a DM here on the forums (@Kapo) or on Discord (#kapojones).
    Previous Episodes:
    #1 [GM] Dutchy, Lead Moderator
    #2 [GM] Majora, Project Coordinator
    #3 [GM] Volin, Testing Coordinator
    #4 [GM] RadicalX, Faction Designer
  8. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Master of the Forge #4 - [GM] RadicalX, Faction Designer - 07.10.2023 19:30 CEST   
    Skylords and Skyladies;
    Masters of the Forge will shine a light on all those people working so tirelessly on Skylords Reborn - for the average Skylord, [Game Masters] are elite, mythical creatures too many know nothing about, and we will hopefully change that. So, in this dev-talk-like podcast series we will meet several Masters of the Forge in person, and hopefully I will be able to ask them questions that are interesting to you. And, you will also get the chance to ask them some questions! The series will be streamed on Twitch and afterwards uploaded on YouTube.
    Please note that while the content created is supported by the SR Team and will be all about Skylords Reborn, this is no official event or dev-talk. The focus will be around the guest, what their duties are, how they feel about the game and its development - we will not elaborate future changes in depth or announce anything fancy. But hopefully we will know more about the guest and how It's like to be part of the SR Team.
    As my fourth guest, I invited [GM] @RadicalX, Game Designer; who is (together with the other designers) responsible for the development of cards and balance, and of course also well known as the Chuck Norris of PvP and crushing records in the speedrunning rankings. 
    Quick Overview:
    Guest                         [GM] RadicalX, Game Designer Date                           07. 10. 2023 Time                          19:30 CEST Link                            www.twitch.tv/kapostream
    If you got any questions you would want to see asked, you are very welcome to drop me a DM here on the forums (@Kapo) or on Discord (#kapojones).
    Previous Episodes:
    #1 [GM] Dutchy, Lead Moderator
    #2 [GM] Majora, Project Coordinator
    #3 [GM] Volin, Testing Coordinator
  9. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Master of the Forge #3 - [GM] Volin, Testing Coordinator - 23.09.2023 19:30 CEST   
    The episode is now also on YouTube:
    Thanks again @Volin for joining the stream, I hope some people enjoyed the footage of the upcoming rPvE 9.5. 
    My next guest will be Faction Designer @RadicalX, who will join me on the 7th of October.

    And, as Volin highlighted in the end of the stream: Testing can become a bottleneck, so feel free to apply as a Tester:
  10. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by superkamimarvin in Satanael (purple affinity)   
    the purple affinity 0upgrade states it summons snapjaws and as long as they stay near it they deal 120% more dmg and take 30% less 
    this should be 70% as the 2upgrade gives it +50% to 120% and the unit actually shows this as well it also claims to summon 2 at upgrade 0 while it only gets this at upgrade 1

    i tried to include images taken from my phone but they were 8mb large 
  11. LEBOVIN liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Advanced Filtering - collection sorting with search bar commands   
    MYNODUESPs Custom Filter Extension
    NOTE: This is my personally used custom filter extension as an example of what one could do with custom filters.
    If you end up liking it, feel free to use it and make your personal adjustments and additions to unlock their full potential!
    If there are any specific questions about custom filters and custom filter extension, you can ask on the forum (in this thread) or on Discord. We'll try to improve user friendliness according to the feedback we get.

    Filter Collection Exposition
    DISCLAMER: You should really use a custom filter extension instead of copy-pasting these filter strings. 🙂
    Unowened Cards (can only be used in the Marketplace) - *unowned*
    Chargeable Cards - *charge*
    Collection Completion (should be used in the Marketplace) - *collection*
    Trade / Duplicates - *trade*
    Reforge (4x duplicates) - *reforge4*
    Reforge (3x common + 1x uncommon) - *reforge3c*
    Reforge (3x uncommon + 1x rare) - *reforge3uc*
    (((charges=0&copies>6)|(charges=1&copies>5)|(charges=2&copies>4)|(charges=3&copies>3))&rarity=uc)|(((charges=0&copies>4)|(charges=1&copies>3)|(charges=2&copies> 2)|(charges=3&&copies>1))&rarity=r)
    Reforge (3x rare + 1x ultra rare) - *reforge3r*
    Bandit Faction - *bandit*
    Stonekin Faction - *stonekin*
    Amii Faction - *amii*
    Lost Souls Faction - *lost souls*
    Post Change Log
    2023/01/18 - updated/clean-up custom_filter_extensions.json
    2023/02/03 - updated/fixed custom_filter_extensions.json
    2024/07/17 - added filternames & faction filters
  12. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Ultralord in SLR - Replay Checker Website   
    Hello there, People of the Sky,
    Since the first Battle of Tactics I provide a website, on which you could check your replay if it is valid for the event. But why stop there!
    So let me share with you the: Skylords Rebore Replay Checker:
    --> https://www.t1421.de <--

    On this page you can upload a replay and all information which can be read out of the file will be shown on the page.
    At the moment I tested a lot with PvE replays, but PvP should work as well.
    There are tree tabs:
    1. Head:
    Here you can find the main information about the game
    Map name, time, game version, etc.
    2. Deck:
    Here you can see the cards from the decks.
    The replay files only contain the full deck of the player who saved the file
    For that player, cards which has not been played will be shown in gray.
    For the other players only played cards a visible.
    3. Acti: (Actions)
    Here you can see all actions of all players.
    In short, an action is every time you click. Like play a card, switch the gate, move a unit,…
    You can filter by player and action type.
    Please keep in mind, this is not an official website and I’m not part of the SLR-Team.
    Some of the date could be wrong because in never encounter that specific scenario.
    I will continue working on the website at some point, but I’d like to share this first version with you, since some gave me feedback, that this early version is already very useful.
    I what to give a BIG THANK YOU to @Maze
    I´m using his API from the SMJ-Website for Card information’s, as well as for the card images.
    If you encounter a bug, feel free to contact me.
    You also can request features, but implementations may take a long time.
    (keep in mind I can only read date from the replay file, so stuff like “How many units died?” is not possible, because it’s calculated while you are watching the replay on your PC)
    See you in the Forge 😊
  13. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Deadman in Ladies & Gentlemen, FarRock Here   
    low activity cause the chatbox was taken away, never forget forum chatbox, gone but not forgotten 
  14. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Kapo in BFP #1 - Bounty for Pro's - Bad Harvest Solo - CLAIMED by Hirooo   
    The bounty has been completed, stay tuned for upcoming additional infos (deck and replay).

  15. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by PcDocOne in fleshbender descrition - german translation   
    Name: fleshbender german translation
    Description: The english name of the card Fleshbender purple in brackets is wrong "(Twilight Creeper)" and should be "Fleshbender"
    Screenshot: attached
    logs: not needed, i think

  16. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Kapo in BFP #1 - Bounty for Pro's - Bad Harvest Solo - CLAIMED by Hirooo   
    I really dislike the current Bad Harvest Solo method - giving up your base is not worthy of a real Skylord. And while I came close to a new strategy, yet I am unable to get it really to work. I wasted way too much time on this, but I think it is possible for sure, so I'm setting up a bounty for someone who is able to send me a replay that meets the following criteria:
    * Full solo, no other player joining for orbs/wells
    * Expert difficulty
    * Defend the starting base - do not lose an orb or well
    * Must be repeatable - e.g. do not profit from a rare occurrence, like getting the units stuck on the wall way longer than usual
    * Of course: win the map 😉
    Disclaimer: I reserve the right to refuse an entry if anything goes against the spirit of the challenge - like, if I forgot to add a rule or condition. It's win the map + keep the base in any way you like, but I will not allow for any rule-lawyering. Also, if some heavy bug-use or exploit is involved, I may refuse the entry - I want to see a gameplay solution similar to the Codebreaker Achievement, not a shady trick 😃
    Also, by entering the Bounty, you accept that your entry (replay) will be made public.
    REWARD: 15.000 BFP + Promo Rogan Kayle The bounty has been completed by @Hirooo.
    If I get inpatient, I may add more BFP to the bounty, but I think for someone who is an excellent player, it's worth investing an hour or two to see if they can do it. Also, if you invest some SERIOUS time, please send the replay anyway to me, I may reward you with some BFP and make it public, so others can develop from that point on further.
    Good luck to all the Bounty Hunters!
  17. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by nukie in Official PvE Contest #8: Insane God until 26.02.2023   
    Hello Skyladies and Skylords,
    Welcome to the eighth official PvE event!

    Quick Overview:
    Map                          - Insane God Difficulty                   - Advanced Date                          - 10:30 CET 17.02.2023 until 23:59 CET 26.02.2023 Prizes                        - Boosters Winner reveal           - Via the forum  
    Rules and Goals:
    Transform an Urzach's Seeker into an Urzach's Guardian atleast 2 times Defend the Living Towers (4) and Temples (2), dont let any get destroyed Destroy all the Twilight Infestations (11) and Twilight Manifestations (6) Between both players you can use a maximum of 20 deck slots, if player 1 uses 12 deck slots then player 2 can only use 8 deck slots (if solo you are restricted to 10 deck slots) Win the scenario as fast as possible How can I participate?

    Everyone with an ingame account can participate in the event, there is no need to sign up separately.
    You just have to send in your best replay, including the player names and the time, to nukie on discord (nukie#9354) or the forum (@nukie).
    Replay name format - "nukie_Metagross_Time_00h20m30s_.pmv"

    You can send in your replays until 23:59 CET 26.02.2023.
    You can find your replays here: Documents=>Battleforge=>replays

    What's the Prize Pool?
    The prizes are per person, only your highest place will be rewarded:
    1st Place: 8 Twilight Boosters
    2nd Place: 6 Twilight Boosters
    3rd Place: 5 Twilight Boosters
    4th-5th Place: 3 Twilight Boosters
    6th-10th Place: 2 Twilight Boosters
    All players in place 11th or below will be entered into a random draw, there will be 10x Twilight Boosters up for grabs!
    When will the winners be announced?

    The winners will be announced via a Twitch stream co hosted by Ultralord and Volin! The stream will include the fastest 3 runs, quiz questions (with prizes!) and some interesting data from the event.
    Location: https://www.twitch.tv/ultralord_t1421
    Date: 03.03.2023 19:00 cet
    Future events
    If you are interested in helping with these kinds of events for the community, or want to host one yourself, don't be afraid and simply reach out!
    Send @nukie, @Metagross31, or @Minashigo Hiko a PM on the forum, or direct message via Discord (nukie#9354, Metagross31#1103, Minashigo Hiko#1126).
    We are happy to assist you with upcoming events and with sponsoring towards your prize pool!
    We hope you have a lot of fun with this event and are looking forward to seeing all your replays!
    If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
  18. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Quest & Achievement Suggestions - Megathread   
    A Mediocre Challenge
    Win 20 campaign scenarios on advanced difficulty or higher without playing any units except for units of size M.
     Titel "Perfect Mediocracy"
    Portrait "Mauler (promo)"
  19. Volin liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Quest & Achievement Suggestions - Megathread   
    A Mediocre Challenge
    Win 20 campaign scenarios on advanced difficulty or higher without playing any units except for units of size M.
     Titel "Perfect Mediocracy"
    Portrait "Mauler (promo)"
  20. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Quest & Achievement Suggestions - Megathread   
    A Mediocre Challenge
    Win 20 campaign scenarios on advanced difficulty or higher without playing any units except for units of size M.
     Titel "Perfect Mediocracy"
    Portrait "Mauler (promo)"
  21. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    - added related cards, card description and card abilities to the general info tab on the card pages
    - updated card tooltip to now also show card abilities with an option to compare differences between affinities, when pressing "Ctrl" (there might still be some bugs)
  22. Maze liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Patch #400039 - 14 January 2023   
    @Maze I added the issue to the card issue trello, thanks 🙂
  23. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Maze in Patch #400039 - 14 January 2023   
    I found a potential error:
    Recharge rate seems to have only been changed for the nature affinity, as the frost affinity still says 15 per second in the in game ability tooltip.
  24. Fundus liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Remove the BG10 achievement please   
    I'll be frank, maybe you guys need to select your team members properly instead of complaining to lose with strangers in the hardest content the game has to offer.
    Random rPvE 10 is the highest difficulty content. Preparations have to be done, be it on a personal level or a party leader level. The same applies for expert maps like Ascension or Titans. As a party leader, you can lay out the goals of the attempt. If you cannot afford to lose, make sure your team is up for the task.
    Yes the gap between 9 and 10 is big, SR tries to close this gap, but the players also have to act according to the content.
    Edit: I'm just saying, if you trust random, expect random results.
    As a party leader you have always the option to kick players you don't trust. And if you're the one joining a random group, you have to account for you having other expections than the rest . 
  25. Akilyon liked a post in a topic by Mynoduesp in Remove the BG10 achievement please   
    I'll be frank, maybe you guys need to select your team members properly instead of complaining to lose with strangers in the hardest content the game has to offer.
    Random rPvE 10 is the highest difficulty content. Preparations have to be done, be it on a personal level or a party leader level. The same applies for expert maps like Ascension or Titans. As a party leader, you can lay out the goals of the attempt. If you cannot afford to lose, make sure your team is up for the task.
    Yes the gap between 9 and 10 is big, SR tries to close this gap, but the players also have to act according to the content.
    Edit: I'm just saying, if you trust random, expect random results.
    As a party leader you have always the option to kick players you don't trust. And if you're the one joining a random group, you have to account for you having other expections than the rest . 
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