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So you think you know your cards...


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After a short discussion on our discord, I decided to make this quiz. 

You need to name all the Twilight edition (first edition) cards that were in the original game. 

The time limit is 20 min. 

Feel free to share your results!


Majora, Kapo, Volin and 4 others like this
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Thanks for making this quiz, i really enjoy these kinds of things, have done a similar quiz just now naming all 898 pokemon in 1h. 

However i wont be as good here, cause i always play on german and dont know the english names as well. 

Cool idea with that quiz!

Edit: Just tried and got 74% with 148/201. Sometimes it was tought to figure where you need a "Spacebar" and where not. Also its fun afterwards when you realize just how simple some of those were you missed, like in my case forgot ice barrier and resource booster.

Edited by Riviute
Metagross31 and Dutchy like this
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Geez... Everyone so far does so well. I think I got less than 50 cards correct on my first attempt and part of the problem is I can't spell a lot of them properly otherwise I guess I might be able to reach the 100 cards mark.


Thanks! Is still fun! 🙂

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