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The PvP League - Phase I


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Hello Skyladies and Skylords,

As hinted before and announced recently on stream, we will have a PvP league starting within the next two months. But all in order:



A league like a football league will start for every PvP-player who is interested. You will have one opponent per week (rules not yet completely finished). The exact model will be presented soon, but imagine it like this: A league system consisting of different divisions (1-4) each consisting of groups of about ~8 players. The top players will be in division 1a, the new players in 4a-z. After every season (~8 weeks) you can rise in league if you are in a topspot or drop down if you are in a bottom spot.

All this wll be organised via a few excel sheets since a webpage is out of my skillset atm. But stay tuned for a final draft of the rules and system!


When does it start? Where can I sign up?

No fixed date is set yet, signup will start in Phase II.
Edit: Phase II is now live. Sign-ups are open. 



Phase I : Official announcement of the league, recruiting admins (~1week)

 Phase II(we are here): (click here) Open the signup and showcase the rules and format (~4-6 weeks)

• Phase III: Hosting a tournament to determine the participants in the top division and start of the league (1 weekend)


So right now...I need YOU!

To host this league, Hiko and I need people to help us out, especially for managing the different league groups (divisions) and to help me manage a Discord. So the open positions atm look like this:

League Admin

Discord Admin

And whatever roles we might need. If you want to help us do this reach out to me via Discord ( Toggy#8400 ). And yes, you can be an Admin and still participate in the league, it is not a problem.


Thats it pretty much for Phase I, if you have any question respond in this channel or hit me up on stream ( where I will be tlaking about the league) and Discord.

See you in the Forge,


Edited by Toggy
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1 hour ago, ThomasMann said:

Now is my chance to be bottom of the League 

Just a clarification for all new players: The league is also for you, there is a special division just for silver and new players (like the old rookie tournaments) where you can enjoy PvP and learn together without getting stomped by veterans. More details will be shared in Phase II.




Metagross31, Hirooo, Dutchy and 4 others like this
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The Rookie tournaments showed there are quite a few players who are interested in PvP, I highly encourage (and hope) they will sign up and have some fun. The benefit of a league system is that you meet many different opponents, so there will always be some great matches and chances to improve. 

Ultralord, Dutchy and Metagross31 like this
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Nice! Awesome initiative. 
This is a great way to counter the dreaded "all the PvP players are veterans" effect in RTS games when the playerbase is low, and get new PvP players to enjoy some competitive play 🙂 

Can virtual decks gather dust? I need some spring cleaning to do... 

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