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Edit by DragonOfime: This thread is for reference purposes, so people know which general issues the staff are aware of. It is NOT for posting your own issues. Please follow the proper procedure if you have a problem to report.

Edit by Ultrakool: Thread outdated as of 1.1.19


As you might have noticed we are having some issues with the servers since the start of the open stress test. Here are the most common known issues that the Devs are working on. There is no need to report these issues if you encounter them and it is pointless to ask what you can do about it or when it will be solved. The Devs are already working on it as fast as they can. So please be patient.

Disconnect upon entering the forge
This means you timed out when trying to connect. This happens when there are too many login attempts at the same time, so please wait and try again later. The Devs are already working on a solution.

Account not activated
Your account is activated if you can login to this forum. No email is sent, so you can ignore this message and just retry to login.


Freeze/disconnect ingame or at loading screen
Freezes and disconnects while creating a lobby, loading a game, being in the AH, in the forge, ingame, clicking on a map on the worldmap etc. are normal atm due to the servers being unstable. The Devs are working on it to fix this. No need to report this unless it happens after specific actions that you can reproduce each time.

No progression or gold/XP rewards after match
When you finish a PvE match, you wont receive any gold or XP and the next map or difficulty is not unlocked.

Discord announcement from Fiki (2018-09-18)
Let's clear some stuff up:
- We're aware of all possible crashes, disconnects and freezes, you don't need to ping us or notify every now and then
- The crashes, disconnects and freezes are random and not player or server specific, works for some, doesnt for rest
- Do not trigger multiple actions (like switching from auction house to world map) fast one after another, give it 10-15 seconds
- Just because you can't log in or you get disconnected, doesn't mean the servers are offline, they're just "refusing" your connection
- Lobby or loading screen freezes are not map or player specific as well, they're also random
- Inability to buy card upgrades is still being looked into
- Mails, trades and decks should be less problematic, but still could have occasional problem or crash
- Losing your BFP is unfortunately permanent at this stage, however we're looking at causes of them (you can't get your BFP back though)
- Losing your cards in failed mailings or trades is permanent at this stage, however we're also looking into this (you can't get your items back)
- If you notice that you've lost BFP or anything else, immediately relog, it could be returned upon next entering
- Logging out and logging back in usually solves most of the problems (as well as launcher restarting)
- When you encounter a bug, make sure you can reproduce it at least 3 out of 5 times before reporting it
- This is also known, stop posting pictures of this error everywhere! https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/467012106533863439/491523028027703308/unknown.png


For other issues, please check out: https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/4207-need-help-check-this-thread-first-clientupdater-troubleshooting/

We thank you for your support and patience.




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  • MephistoRoss pinned, featured and unfeatured this topic

First of all, thank you @MephistoRoss for finnaly posting this one, it is getting annoying to see even for me how many people just simply refuse to read the other posts... Maybe an even better way would be if you could place the link to this post on the main page, that way hopefully less people will complain.


2 hours ago, MephistoRoss said:

The Devs are already working on it as fast as they can, some even ditched their real life work for it.

This is not how you solve the problem. Anyone who did it, shame on you, your real life is much more important than a stupid game! And yes, i say this even though i was addicted to this game, and i can hardly wait for it to be ready, BUT there should be a line what you shouldn't cross. I know it is your passion, and you would like the game to finally be ready without any bugs, but don't give up your real life.

Don't forget: You are the most important thing in your life. There is only 1 of You, while there are millions of others!

Edited by tbpeti
LordofDread, Fuzzls, Dynar and 2 others like this
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Can we know whats the estimated overload by numbers? Like there is 1.5x times more player willing to connect than places on the server? It would help a lot, because after 30 login attempts i feel like IM playing Silkroad over again. Without PACC. I just want to know if its worth time to try to connect or should i wait for more stable/more servers online.

BrokenGlory likes this
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Hi guys. I wanted to add some known issues that i came across and or other ppl:
-Unit movement is buggy
-chests are hard to open (when all opening requirements are met)
-some map terrain might be clipping (in fog)
-random in game freeze that cant be lifted (back to the login screen with you)
-random short freeze that solves it self after few seconds
-freeze when trying to lock a deck
-freeze when trying to save a deck
-freeze when spamming orb button when you do not have enough manna
-after  cut scene plays game might be lagging a lot
-login, disconnect (most common bug known to devs)
-password error (error null value after logging in)
-freeze when creating a game

Some stuff that bothered me and should not make it to the final game:
-Rare cards are too common (IMO it is too easy to get rare cards i do not remember it being so easy)
-We need more servers / server cap is to low atm (what i saw is max 4x22 people very odd for a stress test)
-Queue is needed if no multiple servers are added


Edited by EXAEX
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Nice, we came that far. I could play one mission (it was amazing after that long time) and after that only dc´s, but that's what a stress test is for.

It´s going forward and I am hyped. Calm down and just wait for devs update, they are working very hard for us.

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3 hours ago, FilmsAngel said:

how you are doing with the sever issuses? if you need any money there is a place to donate or something?

i really want the game to start working 

Devs are making improvements each day, although some bugs are really hard to find the cause of, so this will take time.

Money is not a problem right now, but if you want to donate you can do so through our patreon: https://www.patreon.com/skylordsreborn 

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