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Skylords Reborn - All you need to know!


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17 minutes ago, Leaz said:

Servers are full of people that instead of playin keep bunching into the marketplace playin the broker role... That makes me nervous...

 do you wanna say something i am not that rich i just have 4 budged decks and 2k bfp


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3 hours ago, Amergo said:

Well the servers not to full bro ^^ but tbh yeah its pretty hard today something musst be wrong with this notification its pretty bad for me cause i loose money on this cause i can´t bid on my auctions  but we need to calm and trust the devs to fix it


you need to stop taking it so seriously... 'ugh i lose money since i cant bid in auction, im an auctioneer, ugh i wouldve made tons of bfp if it stopped freezing/disconnecting', i don't mean to disrespect but your attitude sounds a bit cocky even though u probably dont mean to sound like it, also u know that the progress will be reset so doesnt matter what u do now.

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2 minutes ago, Nemesís said:

you need to stop taking it so seriously... 'ugh i lose money since i cant bid in auction, im an auctioneer, ugh i wouldve made tons of bfp if it stopped freezing/disconnecting', i don't mean to disrespect but your attitude sounds a bit cocky even though u probably dont mean to sound like it, also u know that the progress will be reset so doesnt matter what u do now.

i just talk from my perspective :D don´t need to be mad about it you should be happy that guys like me run the marketplace otherwhie most cards still would be 1k +  in the first three days me and 5 others i know put most commons for 10 bfp etc in and sell and jugger for 200 -300 bfp only that the market can balance :D ofc i talk much about bit and auctions cause i do this most time that new players can buy things like jugger too when they do their dailys and get crap in packs :D


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having a weird issue every time I launch the updater the updater pops up for barely a second and auto-closes itself I've already checked my firewall and no problems there. Launched fine until I got an error message on an attempt at login to the game

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21 minutes ago, GaryAbusey said:

I read the discord post and ive been wondering how you actually update your client? Like does it update automatically after closing it or am i suppose to actually do something else?

The SkylordsRebornUpdate.exe is doing it's work when neccessary.
You don't need to download and replace any files manually.


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This is amazing. I can't express how happy i am to play this game. Even tough it i have to wait more than i can actually play and even if it freezes after couple of games. It is still much better than not playing at all. 

Great work!! Keep it up!! 

Minor suggestion that you probably have recieved from others allready:

Is it possible to add some sort of queue to login screen. It is best life improvement since dawn of mmo games and this game needs it too. As some other user on this forum have said: "This server stress test also stress tests its players." 

It is all good since i am frost player, so i am "chill" about this stresfull environment. 

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OK this is actually outrageous. Do a restart of the server. People got in first AND NEVER LOG OUT. THEY DONT PLAY, JUST SIT IN GAME. Restart the server so ACTUAL PEOPLE WHO WANT TO PLAY RIGHT NOW WILL HAVE a freaking CHANCE to log in. Is this hard to do????

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