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Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Dolewan in "All-time" Fastest Speedrun Rankings (September 2022-present)
King of the Giants 4p
LEBOVIN liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in "All-time" Fastest Speedrun Rankings (September 2022-present)
Nightmare Shard: Anske + Blashyrkh
arabikaa liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in "All-time" Fastest Speedrun Rankings (September 2022-present)
Nightmare Shard: Anske + Blashyrkh
Dolewan liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in "All-time" Fastest Speedrun Rankings (September 2022-present)
Nightmare Shard: Anske + Blashyrkh
wanky liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in "All-time" Fastest Speedrun Rankings (September 2022-present)
Nightmare Shard: Anske + Blashyrkh
LEBOVIN liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in "All-time" Fastest Speedrun Rankings (September 2022-present)
Slave Master Solo
arabikaa liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in "All-time" Fastest Speedrun Rankings (September 2022-present)
Slave Master Solo
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by DefAnske in "All-time" Fastest Speedrun Rankings (September 2022-present)
Bad Harvest: arabika + Blashyrkh + KampfkeksBOSS + Anske 04:03.1
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by WindHunter in Forest Elder - Upcoming Changes
In response to both community feedback and from testing without our PvE Taskforce, we have amended the upcoming changes to Forest Elder as follows:
New Iteration 2
1. Pest Plants (add to both affinities):
A. Poison damage: 30 dmg per second --> 50 damage per second
2. Forest Charm Rework:
A. No longer applies a healing buff to up to 10 units over a 30 second period.
B. NEW - "Every 2 seconds, friendly units restore up to 300 life points, up to 3000 in total. Also affects the caster. Lasts for 30 seconds. Reusable every 60 seconds."
3. Class: Beast Dominator --> Beast Commander
4. Flower Power:
A. Nature affinity, Gifted Flower Power: no changes
B. Shadow affinity --> Frost Affinity (Blessed Flower Power)
- Allied units in range are not slowed by unit collision
We have decided to add Pest Plants to both affinities after tests showed that melee-unit army compositions (Forest Elder + Colossus) struggled to be successful without heavy reliance on Thunderstorm. This should also help early T4 clears which often rely on a single Forest Elder. The Forest Charm rework is as previously mentioned and has shown itself to be much stronger than the original ability. As such, we have changed its cooldown back to 60 seconds. Given that Pest Plants is now a standard ability for Forest Elder, we decided to start from scratch and develop a new affinity effect. The goal here is to enable melee heavy Nature armies, but testing showed these were often substantially hampered by the slows generated via collision with enemy units. By removing this collision effect, Forest Elder(b) will enable melee units to charge towards priority targets unimpeded. The end result is that Pure Nature players should have two standard army compositions, one with Forest Elder(g) & Primeval Watcher and one with Forest Elder(b) & Colossus.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Volin in Skylords Reborn Classic
For me playing for nostalgica and enjoying new balance/cards not exclude each other
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Skylords Reborn Classic
Of course, there can be different opinions on what direction the game should take, and what effect it will have.
But this point I'd like to refute: When more than 2000 people are filling out the yearly survey, and we get participation of 300+ on an event, "making 1000 players happy" is a low-estimate - on planet Earth.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Skylords Reborn Classic
The question is: Do you want this game to succeed or not? The old EA-version was utterly broken, and yes, a few people are having fun with it in this state for nostalgic reasons. If you think the SR team can just flick on a switch and there is a second, old version of the game available, you are mistaken. You need to pour resources into such an undertaking – manpower better spent on making the current (objectively better!) version even more awesome.
It's a fool's quest to make the same 20-30 people happy, and not develop the potential for this game to make 1000 happy – or much, much more. Yes, maybe those "would have played it for many more years", but the game will never have any appeal to new players.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Official Halloween Event: Spooky Encounters - UNTIL 2nd of November
Time is up! We will verify the entries today and hopefully send out the prizes right after that.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Draconnor in Forest Elder - Upcoming Changes
Noooo.... i loved shadow affinity Elder for that aura 😞 It was great as "first/only t4 unit" on smaller or faster maps.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Dutchy in Official Halloween Event: Spooky Encounters - UNTIL 2nd of November
After completing the achievement to beat all the campaign maps on expert, you get warped into a different dimention (new achievement) where everything has been taken over by Lost Souls. This gives you the ability to reply every map with different look and enemies, very similair to the spooky encounters map.
Why make new maps if we can reuse existing maps 😛
Lans liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Official Halloween Event: Spooky Encounters - UNTIL 2nd of November
I had a lot of fun playing this map. It feels so different to play because of the new look and other opponents.
I don't know the exact amount of work behind it (I'm sure it was a lot), but I'd be happy to get more in this direction. It doesn't have to be completely new maps.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Metagross31 in Official Halloween Event: Spooky Encounters - UNTIL 2nd of November
Neon Genesis campaign PvE project? 🤔
Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Official Halloween Event: Spooky Encounters - UNTIL 2nd of November
I had a lot of fun playing this map. It feels so different to play because of the new look and other opponents.
I don't know the exact amount of work behind it (I'm sure it was a lot), but I'd be happy to get more in this direction. It doesn't have to be completely new maps.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Official Halloween Event: Spooky Encounters - UNTIL 2nd of November
Welcome to the Official Halloween Event!
The Lost Souls have altered the timeline again - instead of encountering Twilight, Rogan Kayle finds himself facing very different horrors. Enjoy a spooky experience, celebrate Halloween and the release of the new card “Evil Eye” with us!
Everything you need to know:
Map - Spooky Encounters (Community Map) Difficulty - Expert Date - 28.10.2022 - 02.11.2022 Restrictions - None Goals - Win the map on Expert difficulty Prizes - Either 1 Evil Eye (upcoming new card) or 1 Twilight Booster Replays - Send through DM on Discord (Kapo#0116) or PM on the forum (@Kapo).
Send in your replay, renamed to Halloween and your ingame name – for example: “Halloween_MyName.pmv” until the 2nd of November 2022, 23:59 CET.
At the end of the event, we may make a compilation of interesting and/or funny replays/screenshots – by participating, you automatically agree to be included in that.
How To Play
Go to the Community Map section and select the Event map named Spooky Encounters / Gruselige Begegnungen / Rencontre avec les Perdus / Жуткие Стычки. Complete the map on expert and send me your replay.
How to access the map:
How to get your replay:
Prize pool
For this event, everybody will get a prize – you have a 50:50 chance to either get your hands on the upcoming new card Twilight Evil Eye or a Twilight Booster. There is no restriction on how many prizes we dish out, half of the players will get an Evil Eye, the others will receive the Booster, determined by a roll of the die. Please note that you can only enter once with one winning replay. Prizes will be sent out manually after the event ends.
We are looking forward to your replays! If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.
Last but not least, a big shoutout to those who helped with this Event: @LEBOVIN, @Dallarian, @Majora, @R4bitF00t, @Metagross31, @CrazyCockerell, @SpiritAlpha and our map testers!
Best regards,
Skylords Reborn Team
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Volin in September Patch Feedback Thread
I want to bring this to topic.
Since the deck just plays terribly tough, I had admittedly put it off a bit. The current 10-player Twilight (2player) seemed very suitable for a showcase, because I could easily build up in peace and due to the lack of spawners of the T4 row afterwards enjoy a nice crisp post-T4 largely undisturbed.
The replay starts at 9min, because I chatted in between.
Already the first camp is just a pain, how slow can such a mini camp die, for which one has made such an effort. With any normal deck and this energy pool would melt the camp better.
Then in the first camp the first wipe, this is simply badly played and completely independent of the nerf. But it shows wonderfully how vulnerable this deck has always been to the slightest misclick. I played the Disenchat a few seconds too early, because I wanted to make sure Gates of Hell (GoH in the further) would hit properly, buffed it and was about 5-10 energy short for GoH - it didn't go through. Since I had to play the CC I stand without energy and kills there -> painful death.
This is also totally on my head, but shows wonderfully why this deck was not unbalanced before in my humble opinion.
Orb switch, Bata, Orb switch (shows again why this deck was not out of balance) aaand again, as I could Earthshake the Zapper and the spawner in the last second of my first Bata this is an easy camp now, or?
12:15min - the Frenetic nerf (like it) hits, I have bad luck and don't get the left Eye, second Frenetic seems to miss too, need to Oink on top. GoH hits, finally some burning Bata and at 12:50min finally some sweet gameplay where my def-buffed Bata almost two-hits himself, quick heal and first camp done. Imagine a Zapper and spawner have still been up.
Urzach comes with the next camp, very nice if you have 2 Frenetic and both still on cooldown, quick Oink to buy some time. First Frenetic hits, Bata burns, but sadly the spawner dies so slowly from the burn that I need to Earthshake it when the first respawns occur. At 13:45min I have a shit ton of luck that I need no cc for the Eye because dmg is lacking. How many Regrowths until now? Lost track of the count.
Watch how the buildings at ~ 14 min die. Yeah, not at all from the burn, Bata needs to smash one by one. Was almost about to quit here so much fun is this.
15min, Bata runs fully buffed into a Negator while tons of enemy CC don't want to see me fighting. Bata life, but shows how things are if you are not totaly on point. Wait didn't I just killed the left spawner (intentionally because of the Eye there and the Frenetic nerf), why does my Bata doesn't burn? I see nothing I did wrong here. I was buffed, Infect was ready and a Burning Bata would have given me crawlers and should have burned the second spawner. Again I see things you have always seen, why I said: It was never totally out of balance. And hell now I'm in deep troubles here, tho I played this quite decent here I'd say.
Frenetic on the right side hits, but buys me not enough time for another good move and a lot of area is blocked by the dragon, desperate dmg spell does not help. All 3 CC are on perma cooldown and you see wonderful how hard the Frenetic nerf alone impacts this deck in certain tougher situations.
15:30, still the same camp, new infect (old did almost(?) trigger nothing), new dmg spells and new CC once they are of cooldown. You can see I was not on Q-Attack-and-watch-how-bad-he-is, I fighted like a lion!
Camp finally down at 16:16 min, and see how many spells this took me and how painfully slow things died.
Btw we are getting close to first charge issues here. I'm now 3 camps deep into the map.
17:05min again wating for my CCs to cool down, again the Frenetic nerf hits this deck. Btw I'm not hitting the Negator at 17:20 min accidently, I know if I don't kill this I'm in deep trouble again. Frenetic hits all Eyes this time and the tough situation is cleared, imagine it failed again. Thunderstorm and Bata's autohits do WAY MORE dmg on this last wave as the burning, sad world.
18:40 min. Now comes the Infester camp and I'm already out of Live Weaving Charges and at almost no heals. Even with full arsenal I've seen soo many Bata dying to this guy.
Wanted to warp earlier but did not find a spot, then had to panic heal cause I was out of def-buffs. The burning Bata takes only 1/3 of the Willzapper and as I have to manually kill the spawner I focus this in the hope of some burning caused Infect crawlers to spawn behind me to block of the boss a bit, I really get 3 procs of Infect before it runs out... but not enough to solve this situation, this is where I decide to rage quit, this is too painfull and is really no joy.
Of course you could have even played better a few situations, but I fighted like a lion and most parts where not even close to bad gameplay. But even if a few of our top player may be able to come out a little better, is this what you wanted to achieve? You can see in every camp that the burn does so little dmg that it would almost be no difference if you cut it at all.
The more and more people I speak with the clearer it gets: Almost every decent player sais "It is sooo painful to play I cut it at all". Seen a few Batas in random matches the last weeks, mostly they where depended on the player walking with them as we have seen in Cocos replays.
I don't even say that it is the worlds ending that this deck is of the list, but I have to stand up against: "It is more enjoyable as prepatch" Literally nobody shares that feeling and I hear and see a lot support for my point of view.
Haven't played much random 10s in the last months, how's the win-rate there evolving? (excluding motms) I mean it was always a mode where the best teams could loose a match, what is fine. But as the early in some 10s always took a lot of time (thats why it is fun) I wonder how things are going there? I seen many games that were won in the last 1-2mins because of people rushing the post-T4 in only a few mins with Batas. But as there are Banzais, Bloodhorn and other spell decks this may be a minor problem. Just asking questions
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by erkserkserks in Bad Harvest Position 3 Practice Map
Bad Harvest Position 3 Practice Map
Are you tired of losing on Bad Harvest? Do you want to learn how to defend the Gold Wagon on expert difficulty? Want to experiment with new strategies? Now is your chance!
Why this map exists
Bad Harvest position 3 on expert difficulty is feared by many players because defending the gold wagon is difficult. Position 3 is critical. If position 3 fails, this often results in a loss for the whole team. It's hard for players to learn position 3 because failure means potentially disappointing three other players. The goal of this map is to encourage newer players to learn position 3, and for veteran players to develop new and creative strategies.
Map Layout
This map is Bad Harvest, but modified such that the player doesn't have to worry about defending the main base. This is a single-player map. Enemy units are killed near the four main base entrances (the red areas shown below).
Map Mechanics
All of the original mechanics should be intact, and the spawn waves should be identical to the original Bad Harvest map. You can still win the map by killing the Stonekin Lords and Rogue Giant. However, you can also win by surviving 25 minutes. Once 25 minutes have elapsed, a switch in the main base can be activated to obtain victory.
How to Play
Like all community made maps, this map can be found by clicking the blue "User Generated Map" icon on the world map screen. The map name is "Bad Harvest Pos3 Practice"
You can also download the map here.
Thanks to Kapo for inspiring this map idea by hosting CCC #7.
Special thanks for Dallarian for making the first version of this map and introducing me to map-making.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Dutchy in Community Update #29 - November
Awesome "new" map
Awesome new card preview
And awesome to have a new Global Moderator!
Xamos liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Community Update #29 - November
Awesome! One of the best community updates so far.
Volin liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Community Update #29 - November
Awesome! One of the best community updates so far.