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Beta Tester
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Status Replies posted by shadowxxs77

  1. So for April Fools I considered posting a link to this video: 

    Through a shrinked google link and claiming to be open beta, but I didnt in the end since I thought people would be more offended than happy. Do you think I should have done it?

    1. shadowxxs77


      Yeah you should've done it, whats april fools without some salt :rolleyes:

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  2. Left the discord for good. Fuck this shit. 

    1. shadowxxs77


      Wait what happened? Not really an active discord member :/

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  3. 2 more months, keep the hype going :hypetrain:

    1. shadowxxs77


      Oktober 2017 -> December 2017 -> Januari 2018

         1                          2                       Release date

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  4. One of the few game series that never left my mind is Age of ___. Whether it's Empires, Mythology, or whatever else, it has always had great emotional value, as Age of Empires I was probably the first game I ever really engaged in and that may have gotten me into gaming more deeply than any other game. Why? I dunno, I just loved it and it has always been there. The announcement I found today morning was really exciting, I immediately signed up for the Beta and I will be glad if perhaps some of you join me, if you are interested. See ya there ;):hype: 


    tl;dr - Age of Empires I is coming in a brand new version (expanded gameplay, 4K graphics, good stuff, Wololoo included), Beta signup is in the link above <3 

    1. shadowxxs77


      It isn't on steam, but on widow store IIRC, might have changed by now since they got a lot of dissapointed people :P
      I don't know if I will get it myself though being a huge fan of the franchise myself

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. Gratz to all stream winners :D

  6. Hey skylords, is there maybe someone who knows how to photoshop and could do me a little favor?

    Please cut out the lizard with the axe standing on the rock and delete the rest of the picture? So just the lizard+axe+rock on a white background or smthg. Would be cool :D


  7. Hey skylords, is there maybe someone who knows how to photoshop and could do me a little favor?

    Please cut out the lizard with the axe standing on the rock and delete the rest of the picture? So just the lizard+axe+rock on a white background or smthg. Would be cool :D


  8. Man would like to use:


    as profile Picture

    1. shadowxxs77


      You can get is as picture rather than a Gif

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  9. I remember people being anoyed by me for using " ´ " instead of " ' "  because it was more comfortable for me,but now that I've changed to using " ' " for over a wekk no one noticed. It's the small things in life that often get missed~ :kappa:

  10. *Sits in silence waiting for someone to notice* -.-

  11. School is boring.
    Guild Wars 2 is my current addiction.
    And I'm still here on the forum despite playing that game pretty much all the time when at home. Either I'm addicated to the Forum aswell, or there is smthg wrong with me :kappa:
    Oh yeah, I forgot, I´m watching Anime aswell. How do I manage to still have a social life?

    1. shadowxxs77


      Always wanted to get a Mesmer level 80, never got past 30 tho, so I just went with Ranger, game kinda falls off after level 80 IMO, still by far best MMORPG of the few that I played.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. School is boring.
    Guild Wars 2 is my current addiction.
    And I'm still here on the forum despite playing that game pretty much all the time when at home. Either I'm addicated to the Forum aswell, or there is smthg wrong with me :kappa:
    Oh yeah, I forgot, I´m watching Anime aswell. How do I manage to still have a social life?

    1. shadowxxs77


      What class you playing? Also you reached end game yet? Btw if I were you just give up on social life who needs it anyway :kappa::'(

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. Take one anime and replace one word with potato:

    Attack on Potato

  14. Random question for everyone! For now before our favourite game battleforge is back, which game is your favourite game? Or favourite genre? MOBA MMORPG RTS?

    1. shadowxxs77


      Not really a specific genre, RTS or Moba if I had to pick one.
      Favorite game would have to be either League of Legends or Overwatch tho

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  15. Donald Trump won the elections. I am sure you all know, but what do you think about that? 

    1. shadowxxs77


      Just like 90% of people have already said its RIP either way, apart from that I think everyone is overreacting waaay to much, you won't probably even notice any diffrences tbh

    2. (See 24 other replies to this status update)



    The Walking Dead Season 7!

    :hype: :hype: :hype: 

  17. "Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

  18. Yes! My first step to be cool like :kiwi: !


    1. shadowxxs77


      @Ladadoos I actually did, didnt know the name but I had the song already stuck in my head since yesterday :P

    2. (See 12 other replies to this status update)

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