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Everything posted by Eirias

  1. haha Is Home Alone the first thing you think of when you think of Kevin?
  2. It's mostly just for fun "Smart" and "other ethnicity" would work for your example, although I'm really asking about the stereotype, not an individual case. Somehow I doubt that if I tell you I want you to meet my friend Kevin, you'll automatically assume he's a genius adopted african-american .
  3. Sort of for fun, sparked by a conversation I had with YaBro0. What kind of person do you think of, when you think of a Kevin? Feel free to post any thoughts below I'm also writing a story about a generic Kevin, so curious how that would be received in other countries.
  4. Thanks for this Reminded me of my other topic, which I totally forgot about
  5. Shhhh.... I quite like Swamp Drake, but it's slow. In t3, things usually move really fast unless you've got the map on lockdown. That's my only complaint. In my fire-nature deck, I always took giant slayer, and then I rotated the other two slots out a bunch. Magma spore, virtuoso, magma hurler, and swamp drake all had their time to shine. Two shots from the magma spore would kill most L units, and I think it took 3 to drop a well cluster? Like, basically the whole thing. I ended up switching away from magma spores because the micro was too tiresome, but I honestly think it's one of the stonger cards in t3, if used correctly. I really want to see someone play magma spore + motivate in a bandits deck Regarding fallen skyelf...I've seen people use it against me, but I can't say how effective it is (granted, I also carry anti-air, because I dislike being cheesed). Without anti-air, maybe it's good? Lost vigil was mostly the card I worried about. That thing is really strong, but again, I think most decks can just be fast enough to overwhelm that type of offense. But if someone's playing some kind of lame tower defense with lost souls like you mentioned earlier.... And Deathgliders are just plain OP (for those of you confused:
  6. @tbpeti I feel like snapjaws are not super useful until higher tiers. They're basically just used for the effect. Probably they're best paired with ensnaring roots or other cc, and like you were saying--if you don't have room for embalmer's shrine, do you really have room for snapsjaws?
  7. Eirias

    NEW 1on1 PVP MAP!

    Well, my point about this is that it's a huge gamble to go for the top base. If someone is bad at t1 and goes for that well, it's an insta-lose. Regarding the cliffing, iirc, the mortar could touch just the tip of the cliff. It couldn't hit the well itself, but it could still offer could ground control while archers are protected. But let's test this
  8. Eirias

    NEW 1on1 PVP MAP!

    I played with him on that map, and the distance is aaaalmost too far for a mortar. It would be relatively safe for me to build a bunch though, and they would still be effective. Fire dancers should't really be an issue, but war eagles might... @Saim25 Not trying to take over you map or anything, but I've been thinking about how to make it more competitive since we played. Here's my imagining of how I think the might would be best (actually, it might be my favorite for tournament play if it looked like this). Free free to take or leave anything, but I'll just give my reasons for the modifications I made, and maybe you can get something useful out of it. To start, I added divots in those cliffs. This doesn't help cliffers get closer to the opposite base, but if someone builds a mortar in the center, now the enemy archers can get close enough to shoot it. Similarly, flying units can no longer cliff without being gravity surged (or maybe they can with really good micro if they sit on those protrusions, but at least then can only get one well at a time, and not the orb, as opposed to the other way where fliers have their choice of targets). I also added a path along the top, with 2 wells and a monument. This would add a lot of complexity, strategically. If someone headed for that, he'd take a unit out of commission for a long time, giving his opponent power to attack his main base. (Now that I think about it, maybe it should be along the bottom. Or at least, it should be opposite the double power wells along the sides, to prevent cliffing). I also want to add a single power well in the very center. This of course would be super dangerous, because everyone can cliff that spot but the center can't cliff back, but it's there in case someone wanted ground presence or an extra well. It'd be like the center in lajesh.
  9. Basically, we just discuss opinons . Either present your own and make a case, or discuss someone else's. Why do you think Core Dredge is worth using? In this thread, no such thing @ImperatorSK I totally agree with you on embalmers (if it's as strong as you say). I'm going to have to try that out Personally, I always hated cannon tower (esp with my normal fire nature deck). Why would shadow frost take cannon tower over the lost launcher thing though?
  10. Inspired by @RadicalX, here's thread to put your controversial PvP opinions, and we can rant and go off-topic as much as possible. Example subjects might include things like "why deathglider is the most underestimated unit in the game," "why Pure Fire doesn't lose the Pure Frost matchup," "why fire stalker needs a nerf," etc. This is supposed to be serious though, so make sure to justify your statements. @RadicalX Let's give you some room to explain some statements you've made elsewhere: 1. Why are thugs unnecessary in a fire t1? 2. Why are defenders underrated? 3. Why does stonekin need to take aggressors? And everyone else: these are some example topics of controversial opinions. They may not even have to be super controversial--just something that the majority of players have a different opinion of than you (even if all the top players think the same thing, it's still "controversial" if 60% of the rest of the rest of the PvP playerbase doesn't agree/never thought about it). This is a place to learn! I'll start with an opinion of my own: Mauler MAY be a better use of a deckslot than firesworn, in a fire-nature deck (esp in 2v2, depending on your partner). I'm not necessarily saying that statement is true, but at least it's more correct than a lot of people would think. There's only one L unit in t1, and you have lots of ways to kill it without using firesworn. Shadow does it all the time, and in the worst-case scenario, you can counter one sundy with another, but also, no one ever uses a sunderer against fire unless someone messed up, because everyone is afraid of the firesworn. So unless your opponent knows you don't have firesworn, you probably don't actually need him. In t2, you have access to mauler. If you're staying t1 vs t2, this is the biggest problem with not having firesworn, but I've usually been fine. Body blocking, scavie bites, and mortars are usually plenty. In t2, mauler is useful because it helps against some bad matchups (aka stonekin). Stonekin and Pure frost have a lot of ranged units, and sometmes they might get a squad of defenders to sit and pick away at your well. 1 for 1, mauler beats defenders. Mauler also helps in t3, because it really shuts down ashbone pyros (esp with root). In 2v2, you and your partner usually have enough dps to be able to handle a sundy, especially if you're careful (or have a lightblade). In 2v2s, spamming ashbone pyros everywhere is a pretty common tactic, and being able to counterspam maulers wins a lot of games underneath ultra-high ELO, because most players can't micro 5 spots at once. They sit out 5 ashbones and expect one will work, but if you set out 5 maulers, the other opponent usually won't even know how hard he was shut down before it's too late. Most importantly, mauler beats mountaineer, which IMO is the hardest card for fire-nature to deal with. And I'm not necessarily saying that I believe mauler is better than firesworn, I'm just saying it's not as obvious that firesworn is better as most people believe.
  11. Oh, is that a different bug? My bad, that's what I had.
  12. I had this problem even when the speedrun checkbox was not checked (2/2 times)....also I didn't get any upgrade card rewards, although I'm not sure if that has been implemented yet.
  13. Well...start tokens might work...but new players might "waste" them . . .
  14. The Beta Testers have spoken. They want you to help me commentate the craziest game we've ever played.

    @Geradon @RadicalX @John No spoilers :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Geradon
    3. Tam Hawkins

      Tam Hawkins

      Tell us when it is up^^


    4. Eirias


      For those of you wondering, the recording is done :)

      I'll post a link here when I've finished editing.

  15. I finally finished that animation I've been spending so much time on! Take a look at it here: 


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Ultrakool


      What's the background story on this?

    3. Tam Hawkins

      Tam Hawkins

      Really enjoyable, thanks for that^^

    4. Eirias


      @Tam Hawkins Thanks!

      @Ultrakool I was in Japan, internet was slow so I couldn't play BattleForge, and I had lots of free time because no homework :)

  16. @Lukaznid You have any time to photoshop some more?
  17. Added this to my guide navigation thread! Great job, as always @RadicalX
  18. BUT I do think there should be some kind of soft cap. Like the 1st win of the day is worth 10 bfp, and the 2nd is 7, then 5, etc. until it gets to 1. (Just throwing out numbers). Otherwise the strong players will play a TON in the beginning, get really rich, and then dominate the game (and new players will have a hard time entering PvP, because veterans will be both skilled and have good cards).
  19. I can tentatively volunteer to stream. By the way, Bo3 mean you play 3 games, first to 2 wins, and Bo5 means you play 5 games, first to 3 wins. Bo2 means nothing.
  20. @PooRJoghurT's monument logo is amazing. I wish the text was a bit easier to read, but that seems like an easy fix. Clear winner in my mind, although @Lukaznid and @CyRiX both have great entries.
  21. When you go into a public restroom and realize there is no toilet paper.
  22. Just uploaded a different kind of video!

    Let me know if you guys are interested in stuff like this, or if you'd rather I stick to the normal stuff.



    1. sylvix95


      This is an answer.

    2. Eddio


      Well the normal stuff is better but I guess this is also funny once in a while.  :P 

    3. Akaranda


      As someone who watches all the vids on the channel, more PvE please! :)

  23. Eirias


    Alright then: totaling the people who have given rep and posted, there are 10 of you! I already know what the first puzzle will be, but give me a few days to move and then I'll formally lay out the problem!
  24. Eirias


    Was not my intention, but I'll take it. (Was planning on the actual puzzles to do that for me ) Speaking of repfarm though, has anyone noticed rep "inflating"? I remember when 3 or 4 rep would put you at the top of the week's leaderboard, and now we sometimes have multiple people in the 20s.
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