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Everything posted by SunWu

  1. You obviously didn't notice they reworked a lot of the maps so that frost now has much better chances of gaining mapcontrol / defending swift rushes.
  2. SunWu

    Shrine of War

    Yeah, global stuff in solo is never as strong as in 2 or 4pl. Makes sense.
  3. SunWu


    Possible paradox: 2-3 min BH runs make some new people grind more than less. New players see/hear how easy it is to get gold and a shiny rank with these runs and stop caring about the rest of the game and don't check out other maps and modes. I don't think that's a good introduction to this game. Yeah, old players dont want to grind, but we're still on the same page when we say we want to get and keep new players, right?
  4. SunWu


    I don't think rewards based on objectives are unintuitive. Taking bad harvest as an example, Moon even tells you to do these things, so i think for beginners i would rather be unintuitive to ignore these objecives. I agree with you, though, rewards based on who takes how many orbs are indeed strange.
  5. SunWu


    Fully understand that Gold/XP distribution is the problem of this tread and not decomposer, still i think you made some flawed arguments. Nobody said that the problem is playing the game as it's not intended (complaints about amii monument go more in that direction). The problems stated were more about the consequences of totally unbalanced XP/gold rewards for 2-3 min BH runs wich a lot of new players do now since they heard of it. And a card being a certain rank in most played cards doesn't make it problematic or unproblematic. I'm sure amii monument isn't in the Top 50 and a lot of people have complained about it. I'm even more sure decomposer wasnt intended to be what you say. Doesn't it even say ,,own units'' on the card lol? I think the real problem and some possibly good solutions have been pointed out, but i still wanted to give my 5 cents cause you're all jumping on him and some arguments here i found to be rather weak.
  6. Already saw a lot more battleships and winter witches in rPVE wich is nice.
  7. It's a feature. The lost dancers take any buffs off of units they hit. Now the good thing is: they can't hit air units. So at least those will profit from the wheel's buffs throughout the whole game.
  8. Isn't pvp far too complex for a bot? A simple decision like a) retreating or b) stay attacking depends on so many factors like: whats the HP of the attacking unit, whats the HP of surrounding enemy units, whats their damage? What CCs or dmg spells do i carry, wich does the oponent carry? you have decisions like this literally every second - is it even possible to make a bot wich isn't just a slightly better PVE AI?
  9. If you go without ground unit, revenge is really nice. Besides motivate and shadow buffs it is the only way to deal extra damage if i dont forget anything else.
  10. The answer varies depending on things like: - wich spells does the bloodhorn player carry? Here he plays nature wich gives you thunderstorm, but with one more fire orb he could have gone for cluster explosion wich deals way more and faster damage. - what's the oponent? Lost Souls maps are nice for Spirit Ship spam, a twilight map makes ground presence much more valuable. - Are there bosses? LSS spam has problems with twilight infestor, you can kill him but it takes forever. Other bosses also take a lot of time cause LSS's single target dmg is really low while buffed bloodhorns kill every boss pretty quickly. - Is he only allowed to play 2 bloodhorns? With the power for 12 LSSs you could play like 7 bloodhorns and still spam spells thx to shrine of war. Generally i'd say bloodhorns beat ship spam almost all the time cause and spells deal so much damage in a short amount of time its insane with shrine of war. You can also let infect nightcrawlers finish off stuff while bloodhorns are on their way to the next base.
  11. Were talking about pvp - it's not gonna be a flood, it might trickle a little (almost nobody plays pvp)
  12. SunWu


    This thread was about something else. Not about how much skill speedrunning needs, not about new categories. It's about an increasing mass of players who engage in the most braindead + overefficient goldfarm ever known to casual players. Some people find this problematic.
  13. SunWu


    Well if that's the case something like Lebovin's gold reduction concept might indeed be a better solution.
  14. SunWu


    I wonder - is there really any card/tactic that enables 3/4 players to do ,,nothing'' and still win expert like decomposer? I'm asking cause none comes to my mind, though some of you make it sound like there are similar things. Gold farming is one thing, spamming one unit next to a decomposer to win expert in a few minutes is another.
  15. SunWu


    Previously i was undecided on this topic, but these days lots of ,,feeders searching for runner'' messages make me think a change might do more good than bad. arguments against a change: - Obviously decomposer plays a big part in speedrunning on a lot of multiplayer maps, changing it would mean one of the most significant shifts in this category ever. No speedrunner myself but it seems like most of them seem to oppose this change. arguments for a change: - Card description indicates that the current decomposing of allied units is just an oversight and not a wanted feature. - BH decomposer speedruns have somehow gained lots of poplarity. It lets new players solve an expert map without having the necessary skill or knowledge. Eventhough this doesn't have an immediate negative effect on other players i can't imagine that this is healthy for the playerbase in the long term. - Speedrunners will have to develope new - probably more interesting - tactics. Formerly highly optimized speedruns will enter a new post-decomposer era. Edit: less griefing also, but thats rare anyway in my experience
  16. Maybe useful against firesworn spam then, but scavengers probably still destroy them. Against nature (root) and shadow (dreadchargers) steadfest wouldn't play role.
  17. SunWu

    Frost Sorceress

    Frost T1 mirrors aren't at all single unit matchups. Once the wellpositions get close, ice guardians come into play: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OLv1KjWDtB0 If you want more micro in your frost T1s maybe take a close well like in the vid. At low or mid powerlevel frost mages dont kill ice guardians...you can also micro them away until they are able to reshield.
  18. Lost dragon is underrated, completly disabling annoying stuff like windhunter, bandit walker, lost dragons, artillery etc is really great support. Purple affinity is also useful cause the debuff also applies to bosses, basically a big, winged snapjaw. Not overpowered, but strong units. Lost warlord though, he's really just an average T4 XL wich sees no play cause of the orb restrictions. But if units like lost warlord get a buff maybe decks like become more interesting.
  19. I totally agree with you there. I have always wondered why some really strong cards have less restrictions than weaker cards that play the same role; overlord vs lost warlord, frenetic assault vs amok etc... reason is probably that the priority was having a nice theme going, therefor not so many splashable twilight, stonekin and lost cards (still doesn't explain spirit ship being splashable though) Where i don't agree is making more PVE cards splashable, i already don't like how some decks dominate battlegrounds. Now make batariel and we have 40 batariels running around in every lvl 9 bg. I'd rather like to see some underplayed pure/theme PVE decks buffed carefully.
  20. I don't like the idea of every deck being nature + X. You can totally play lost souls with bloodhealing. Yes, regrowth and equilibrium are easier to play and stronger but heals aren't a necessity, they are a convenience.
  21. Keep calm, there are a lot of players that loves the free decks like they are, of course they dont come here to complain. Just look at the rankings and count the players with PVErank 0. You know 10 people complaining on the forum aren't the majority? I personally don't know what the majority thinks but i hate your way of making aggressive assumptions and accusations.
  22. We should spar together, i play shadow and do really bad against nature. One thing i can tell you is that if youre not planing on going intsant T2 or rushing an instant T2, never use swiftlclaw against shadow. Roots + windweavers is what i always lose against, rarely against someone who starts swiftclaw.
  23. yes, ,,some classes'' - he named them already, nature and frost...its the whole story this thread is about! Neutral scorched earth could be just another tool for shadow to use your swift advantage, get instant T2 and then deny the frost/nature players T2.
  24. I wouldn't want card changes just cause of little inconveniences, this happens like 1 in 100 games. With the bigger radius, wouldn't it be possible to take all 4 wells and boost them with only one booster? (mate could then take the next base/ 4 wells and do the same)
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