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Moderator (Retired)
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Everything posted by Ultrakool

  1. Absolutely stunning, great work
  2. This has been suggested before I think, we came to the conclusion that 1) This will discourage trading in BattleForge and 2) All commons and uncommon can have a huge price gap and this system will make a huge mess out the economy The difference between Hearthstone and BattleForge is that a market and trade exists in BattleForge whereas in Hearthstone inventory is a 1 Player game. Implementing such a system will be insanely difficult to balance and also hurt the community as a whole.
  3. it doesnt seem like it at this point in time.
  4. Here you go: https://discord.gg/YRGumNe
  5. Green Cap is back?

    1. GroenKapje


      yeah still waiting for gameĀ :D

  6. My takeaway message from this: Golden cards in BattleForge confirmed On a more serious note, the ratios do seem to better fit the objective of the game, however, in the old BattleForge there were many promos that were not so called regular promos, that existed since the beginning but rather promos that have been added through certain events or expansions. Some of these promos are rather bleak and have been added for no other reason than promoting another game ( Lord Cyrian) comes to mind, therefore have not been very well designed or/and do not really serve a purpose in the game. Balance wise in the case of Lord Cyrian it is a very expensive cost per its stat and does not really fulfil any particular role both in PVE and PVP. Therefore, it could be argued that such a card would cause some players so feel that they did not really get a promo due to its very limited usage and useability. It would be great to clarify whether the team might consider such special cases of promos not being very worth to open and possibly these promos would be reserved to be distributed another way.
  7. You should apply for a developer position! They are still hiring!
  8. Nope in fact as per the latest update post on the dev platform delay of one of two weeks are possible but wonā€™t be announced until very close to 30 Jan
  9. What do these two pictures have in common
  10. You can't really say x per x because it depends on a lot of things network infrastructure and optimization. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the last time I asked about servers(Looong ago) it was around ā‚¬20 per month. Servers still gotta be tested though, the most online was around 20-25 and it worked fine so far but they are gonna need more people online at the same time if they wanna break the server( it didn't overload so far)
  11. Ultrakool


    Is it me or do you only speak to my left ear when I'm wearing headphones?
  12. The ingame music is already awesome, why do you need extra soundtracks?
  13. I didnt get added either and i think lada secretly broke up with me
  14. Positive reinforcement perhaps? I am sure there are tons of intelligent kevins
  15. @Johnpretty sure your point 1 is invalid as treim crashed encounters before I did. Unless there was a server restart between then and now then it would be valid as i got upgrades and no crash after he crashed with no upgrades
  16. Doesnt seem a pattern exists. My personal experience is that i soloed crusade twice and crashed both times, then i did 1p maps encounters and siege with no problems first try.
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