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  1. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Bini Inibitor in Community Update - May 2023   
    People saying Wheel of Gifts sucks.... Even the AI uses them now! Where is your god now?
  2. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community Update - May 2023   
    We tried something new this month with the interview, let me know if you like to see more of this in the future! 
  3. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Dhrkaas in "All-time" Fastest Speedrun Rankings (September 2022-present)   
    New 2p the Dwarven Riddle 
  4. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Kapo in New Achievement and Official Easter Event 2023   
    I agree 100%. But what I liked most is that the canyon was used in such a cool way to expand the map.
  5. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Cocofang in M units scaled to L and XL   
    XL units are very popular as they represent the peak of the power fantasy in Skylords. Seeing how the game is set up from the ground up to reuse assets I have been wondering how M units would fare if they were repurposed as XL units. There are many surprisingly good models! Especially with some great texture work there could be all sorts of new XL units. So I went through all M units and scaled them up to see how they hold up.
    This is just a little personal project I did out of curiosity and I figured I might as well share. Enjoy the show and maybe some people get inspired to come up with fun concepts for these entities if they were actual L or XL units for specific factions and with different textures.
    Amazon, Amii Phantom, Gladiatrix, Stormsinger, Nightguard
    Overall decent models and variations. Could serve as ranged XL units, skewering things with spears the size of tree trunks. And would allow the exploration of the existence of giantess warriors. Or half giants in L format.
    Big Gun-Types
    Bandit Sniper, Nox Trooper, Firesworn
    Rough to say the least. They start looking janky in L format already. Low poly count and odd proportions make these a hard sell as XL or even L units. They also highlight a problem with animations when scaling up. The giant-model of Dreadnought or the Warlord-type XL units sell the weight of their weapons and armor very well when walking. These guys swing their weapons around like they weight very little, so they aren't spectacular in that department either.
    Bandit Sorceress, Firedancer, Frost Sorceress, Lost Dancer, Dryad, Winter Witch, Moon, Viridya
    Another tough sell. Especially the dancers and dryads have problems when scaled up. If you look closely at them in-game you can see that the fluid motion of their hands is actually them wobbling their fingers up and down as if they were made of rubber. These sort of visual tricks work when they are small but fall apart when scaled up and it just looks weird. They don't have a lot going on either, the models are relatively plain.
    Bandit Stalker, Icefang Raptor, Firestalker, Razorshard, Swiftclaw, Scavenger
    Now here is something! How about giant war dinosaurs? Swiftclaw is pretty ugly but the other guys have lots of details to work with on their models and could look even better with a detailed texture.
    Crystal Fiend, Magma Spore, Mana Wing, Energy Parasite, Deathglider
    Of the bunch I think Energy Parasite actually has the most promise. Very unique and detailed model that could serve as the template for lots of things when re-textured.
    Scythe Fiends, Witchclaws, Twilight Crawlers, Drones, Burrower, Nightcrawler, Shadow Insect
    My favorite models. They look and move amazing when scaled up! Pretty much all of them are prime stuff to serve as crazy new XL and L units. Especially Witchclaws look rad. Re-textures could open up even more possibilities.
    Eliminator, Enforcer, Slaver, Executor, Knight of Chaos, Lightblade, Mauler, Twilight Brute, Mountain Rowdy, Shaman, Warlock
    A big but very weak group. Most ogres are just blobs. But Lightblade looks slick, like a living tank. And even Mauler isn't half bad. Textures would definitely have to carry here but there is some potential at least.
    Earthkeeper, Ice Guardian, Lost Wanderer, Wrecker, Giant Slayer, Rogan Kayle
    These start falling apart in L size. Put something like the Earthkeeper next to Avatar of Frost and it's just unconscionable.
    Dreadcharger, Lyrish Knight, Nomad, Silverwind Lancers, Bandit Lancer
    On top of pretty low-poly models and plain riders, this is another category that has issues with communicating the weight of that scale. And they would imply the existence of giant horses.
    Frost Mage, Grove Spirit, Shadow Mage, Twilight Hag
    Pretty fun, I think. Although a bit fragile looking so definitely nothing you'd see on the frontline. The models are kind of plain but compensate with the fluid and mesmerizing animations.
    Cultist Master, Lost Priest, Timeless One, Timeshifter Spirit
    Those are so cool. Enough details to do some great magic with textures and just a very interesting design to look at in general. Also three very distinct looking models.
    Which ones do you think could work well?
    For which faction?
    What abilities and playstyle could they have?
    And how could their theme change entirely with clever texture work?
    I think there is a lot of potential here, many of these could become some amazing additions to the L and XL roster, leading to even more variety.
  6. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Emmaerzeh in Map editor tutorials   
    Welcome back Omelie.
    Great to see Map making legends returnig.
    How about an update for Twistwd legends? ^^
    The mapmaking improved drasticly since back in the days. We can f.e. now look up all Ids needed. I invite you to join the map making discord.
    Kind regards
  7. Loriens liked a post in a topic by DieToPlay in Pure Nature 2.0 - Main Thread   
    Asking and listening are two different words. You can open any amount of threads and pretend to care about community feedback and in the end proceed to your plan all along.
  8. Loriens liked a post in a topic by BoxIngJester in Ladies & Gentlemen, FarRock Here   
    Hello brother - BoxIngJester (in-game name) here (you for sure dont remember me) - im still watchin your videos after so many years , goin to sleep with your replays - i swear for sure im your biggest fan out there , literally im hyped out as fuck hearing youll come back !!!!! as only PvP player - there are no better news than this one - we will wait for you sir - i even thought sir Eirias , who is keeping your legacy up to date that actually is you , but i was wrong ofc hahah - that post made my night ! Tho MaranV was the dude who brought me into pvp basics back in the day , sadly he is not around anymore , tho i have his original deck built up , keeping his legacy alive ! :D 
  9. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Metagross31 in Ladies & Gentlemen, FarRock Here   
    OMG! He is alive!
    Did you check out the 2 year anniversary video yet? It recaps the time since release very well 🙂
  10. Loriens liked a post in a topic by FarRockBF in Ladies & Gentlemen, FarRock Here   
    Hi old friends!
    I run a tech startup now and I was telling my team how EA allowed you guys to work on this codebase and how you actually pulled it off. They were blown away. We're impressed!
    Sadly, I don't have a minute to work on this game but I'm VERY tempted to come back and start playing every now and again.
    As I was looking through this site I noticed WindHunter & Wolven my old buddies from WAAAAY back on here. And RadicalX is still here? Very cool!
    Trivia! Do you know the xNTx from my username can from Wolven? Tell them bud! My original account was just FarRock. He convinced me to join his PVE clan.
    Anyhow, life updates:
    Four kids, bought a house Run a career coaching business Have a YouTube channel for career coaching Wrote a book for entry level professionals in finance Run a tech startup. We're going live in a month and then will be raising for our first public round, so that's super exciting!  
    How have you all been? Excited to catch up! Any other old buddies of mine here? MaranV still around?
    EDIT: Just checked out that video I posted 4 years ago. Wow so many of you really wanted me to come back. Makes me nostalgic. I'm gonna download!

    Love y'all,
  11. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    - fixed some issues with the boosters, maps and related cards features
    - removed "None" map from maps page, since it is not relevant for upgrade checking, which the maps page is intended for
    - added "Forum Link" as a filter option of the community decks to only show decks which have more info on the deck itself through the creator providing a link to the related forum post
    - added outliers option to the Short Term Buyouts chart to show ouliers (troll prices), as they are now hidden by default to not cause cause the graphs to be unusable when outliers are present (cut off values ate static for now and were chosen manually so some cards may still experience outliers, or prices that could be considered regular are cut off, like with Raven Archwalker)
    - improved caching, so most data/images should now load a lot faster
  12. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Kayrie in CCC #10 - Ashbone Pyro vs. Magma Hurler - UNTIL 12.03.2023   
    Exuse me, but Hurler is waaaay better with his "what did you saiiiiiii" expression
  13. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Kapo in BFP #1 - Bounty for Pro's - Bad Harvest Solo - CLAIMED by Hirooo   
    The thing is that its really punishing to feel so close to making it, and then it falls apart in the last moment
  14. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Felbie lay in Community Update - March 2023   
    Why don,t we try deep coil to red form as wormling (?) :3
  15. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Advanced Filtering - collection sorting with search bar commands   
    What is Advanced Filtering?
    Your card collection has clickable filters like rarity, orb colour, and more. But there is also an extremely powerful search bar that accepts special commands to filter your cards. Below you will find a list of all those commands with some explanations. (Please note, due to the necessary formatting, this article will look weird on mobile devices.)

    Basic Filters
    Command Example promo: + 1 or 0                                                        `promo:1` (Instead of 1/0 you can also use: true/false, yes/no) flying: + 1 or 0    ranged: + 1 or 0   melee: + 1 or 0       name= + exact card name   e.g.: `name=Mo` (exact match) name: + part of card name  e.g.: `name:enli` name? + approximate card name   e.g.: `name?abonimation` class name= e.g.: `class name=Soldier` (exact match)   class name: e.g.: `class name:Archer` class name? e.g.: `class name?Dominatrix` ability=  e.g.: `ability=swift` ability:   ability?       class: + ID (or SR assigned name)                              e.g.: `class:female` rarity: or rarity= + rarity name  e.g.: `rarity:rare` affinity: or affinity= + affinity name   e.g.: `affinity:shadow` edition: or edition= + edition name (or ID)   e.g.: `edition:twilight` colors() e.g.: `colors(nature, !fire, !shadow)` to see only nature, and Stonekin   `colors(fire, !other)` to show only fire cards colors=() exact match, e.g. `colors=(fire, nature)` to see only Twilight size: + type e.g.: `size:XL` counter: + type e.g.: `counter:XL` Affinity names: `shadow`, `nature`, `frost`, `fire`, and `-` or `none` for cards without affinity
    Edition names: `3` =`twilight`, `4` = `renegade`, `5` = `lostsouls`, `6` = `amii`, `7` = `rebirth`
    Color names: `fire`, `frost`, `shadow`, `nature`, `neutral`, `other`
    Size and Counter types: `S`, `M`, `L`, `XL`, `special` (special is used for buildings or magic)

    Number Range Filters
    power + number range                                       e.g.: `power>300` damage + number range  e.g.: `damage>500` health + number range  e.g.: `health>500` upgrade + number range e.g.: `upgrade<3` to show cards that are missing an upgrade charges + number range  e.g.: `charges<3` to show cards that are missing a charge copies + number range  e.g.: `copies>4`  to show what to reforge ID + number range (mostly for internal/development use and for the search in market feature)
    Combining Filters

    Logical OR matches at least one of the filters. If one is matching and the other is not, it will return a result.
    Logical AND has to match both filters. Only if both conditions apply will it return a result.
    Logical NOT inverts the result. Beware that not all filters can be inverted, that's why it may be advisable to use !(filter).
    Wrapping the filter with `( )` does not change it in any way, but allows easier organization.
    Error Tolerance

    ? Name
    ?<number> Name
    The question mark will help you to search a text with error tolerance. If you know the card name, but you are not sure about spelling, you may use this. You can also use ?<number> to specify the error tolerance you want, e.g. 'name?5' for up to five typos in the name. If you do not specify the tolerance level, level 3 will be used.

    “?Light blade” will find “Lightblade” even though the search input had a space in it – “?1Light blade” would also work (because it only contains just one typo).
    Custom Filters
    You can create any custom filter you want, `Documents\BattleForge\custom_filter_extensions.json` contains some examples.
    In-game you can use `*name*` (where `name` is the name of the custom filter), e.g.: *shiny* 
    Note: Numbers [0-9] are not allowed for naming custom filters.
    Market Place Filtering
    Advanced Filters also work on the marketplace – for example, if you want to see all cards that you do not own yet, you can use 'copies<1' to find out:

    Filter Examples
    class:Dragon                          Finding dragons for the Draconic Desolation achievement
    class:Female                           What works with Girl Power?
    charges=3 & copies>1          Something you might want to sell on the market
    charges=3 & copies>4          Something you might want to Reforge
    charges<3 & copies>1          All cards not fully charged, but you have additional copy, so you might want to apply it
    rarity>2                                To see only rare and ultra-rare cards

    Suggest your best filters in the comments, so we may add them to the examples!

    Keyword List – Languages and Synonyms

    Final Notes
    There is an always up-to-date version of this information in your Skylords Reborn\docs folder.
    Additionally, for more information about why this system was created, and how it works, feel free to read HERE.

    A special thanks goes out to @Kubik, who made this awesome feature possible and keeps on developing more features for it.
  16. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Treim in Remove the BG10 achievement please   
    That is true, would especially open up deck versatility for t2-t4 though.  If we just talk about diversity in t1, I still think the biggest problem is that 3 factions can get somewhat reliably in situations that are completely unplayable and fire also has a really hard time (at least in random matches). A secondary effect my proposed change on the game could have though, is that non fire starts are still slower than fire and with increased occurence of these in single matches a slight increase in game time might become necassary to further enable the viability of these changes anyway, especially if the assumption is that at least some more varitey in t2-t4 strategies is valued.
    For Motm's I agree. I just think (and as you mentioned already) if those are basically unplayable in random play you have a problem entirely. I guess the question is what you want to balance 10's around - random play or motm play. Personally I think random play is the way to go. If even the best teams have insane fail rates, you either have a massive player skill issue (wouldn't assume that) or a balancing issue imo.
    Also just removing Vigils, only really trivialize things for mostly fire t1. Especially Shadow and Frost and to a lesser extent nature will still have a really hard time if it's just twilight brains + 3 Treefiends/Mana beasts + Lost Dancers + Shields. It is just going from blatantly unplayable to extremely difficult. Obviously teamplay is still advised in those situations as well, it's just not strictly mandatory.
    I think the key questions in terms of balance philosophy to be answered are:
    Balance around motm's or random play.
    Is a broadening of viable strategies for Motm 10 wanted, if yes in which stage of a match (t1, t2-3, post t4) and by how much (also for each individual stage).
    --> TL;DR increasing t1 viability by removing vigils and further incentivizing deck viability by minor time limit changes is probably the most efficient way forward for random play imo. If only argued from a t1 perspective I'd probably still say that Vigils are the single biggest hindrance.
    If you prioritize Motm you probably can do nothing for t1 realistically besides rebalancing t1 of nature, frost, shadow (would also solve the t1 issue in random play). Overall deck variability would still increase by increasing the time limit.
    Increased timer or higher starting energy basically is the same change, though starting energy only really makes sense up to a certain point
    Always glad to derail a thread
    Also that's all I have to say on this, so I'll just go back into my retirement home. See ya in another year or until I randomly stumble upon the forums again and see an interesting thread
  17. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Loriens in Rewards for PvE Leaderboards   
    Good point. I proposed in Discord mini booster for every next map.
    Small, but makes different feelings.
  18. Loriens liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Why does Juice Tank suck...   
    Solution: Lower RPVE starting well capacity 😛 
    Make that Juice Tank viable !!!!! ❤️
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