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Posts posted by Archeon
Yep, the point is that these are achievements, not straight up free boosters. You only need to get below those thresholds once, and then never again. Maybe you've not managed it in the past couple of weeks, I know I haven't, but that doesn't make it a bad system. I'm sure at some point in the next few months/years we'll be able to dedicate the time to do this.
Saying "it's to long" is like saying you should only need to play one match with the various deck types to get the mini booster that comes with the top tier of those achievements, and just devalues it. As a casual player myself, I think the team have done an amazing job reworking the system - for playing 45 mins a day you likely get 50%+ of the rewards of someone who plays every single hour of the day.
Volin, Ladadoos and Metagross31 like this -
@Kaliber84 I was actually thinking about the post I made here a few days after making it, realising I didn't actually add anything constructive so had intended to do that, sorry! The reasons I say the Twilight one doesn't feel right in the line-up with your others to me is that the colours of the others match the orb colours where this one is coloured to match the units, and it also feels more 'chunky' - the others feel a lot more line based where I think all of the nobbly bits on the twilight one break that feel for it.
I'm terrible with image creation though so can't offer much more than that I'm afraid!
Interestingly, I didn't crash during character creation, but have also has my avatar changed. I chose the Ashbone Pyro one and now have a very cool looking skeleton with massive shoulderpads instead.
Description for my occurrence: Logged in for the first time, set up a profile, then character name and avatar, did not tick the tutorial box and continued happily on into the Forge. Bought a few booster packs and then went afk and closed my laptop. Came back to find the game frozen (as expected when leaving online games running and closing a laptop) so closed the window to exit the game. Logged back in to find a new avatar on my profile.
Could the avatar change be related to not correctly logging out the first time you play?
Edit - also notice my rank has changed to Prime, is that just a beta feature or is it related?
BurningWorld and Jothah like this -
On 5/5/2018 at 2:53 AM, Necrospaz said:
Gonna be honest, the 4 basic elements.. Yes
Lost souls and Stonekin... Yes
The twilight one... I'm just not feeling it.
Let me elaborate and turn it into constructive criticism. I'm not a hater but I believe you would wan honest criticism.
For me it doesn't identify with any factor that the twilight faction represents.
I don't feel it relates to twilight. It just doesn't click for me like the other symbols do. The link just isn't there
Just my opinion.
That's strange, the Twilight one looks very ...Twilighty to me. What it doesn't quite do is have the same aesthetic as the other symbols, which I think would make it feel a bit out of place in the line-up.
Wish granted, now they will only ask "when is open beta?" or "can I have a closed beta key?" or "why doesn't the the download work?" instead.
I wish my baby would wake me up less than three times a night.
I wish @Ragenarok had remembered to make a wish
On 4/28/2018 at 7:36 AM, Strype said:
In the meantime I had a little idea to amplify the scope of this game ... see with Steam.
A lot of people are using Steam and Steam in ways to show that Battleforge is coming back under a different name, a lot of people will be informed, and the game will be even more successful, and on the Steam platform, this game will be more easily accessed for everyone, so to think about this subject there.
This has been suggested many times before but is not possible. Steam will only accept games from the owners of that game, any the Skylords team have no claims on BattleForge, only the 'permission' from EA to continue their reboot. 'Permission' being that EA have said that they won't take any action to stop the project and will allow the continued development.
Indeed, I actually overlooked the part that I personally find most aggravating about that post because it could be a translation issue or it could just be styles of speech. I really, really hate it when people use terms like "pal", "buddy" or "mate" in posts that have a generally aggressive tone, it makes it sound far worse and gives particular connotations of the person doing it. So on the off-chance that you did think it was improving the tone of your post, I'm fairly sure there are a good number of people like me out there for whom it has the opposite effect.
I paid for that! Admittedly I got it on the Steam winter sale for about £4 but I still paid for that! :sadface:
28 minutes ago, SunWu II. said:
You can disagree without getting vulgar and disrespectful. He called devs statements ,,bullshit excuses'' and tells them what to do. How is that not inflammatory? If somebody gets a red rep from me it's not because of him disagreeing with me or somebody else, it's because he lacks manners or respect.
Ok, I admit to only having ready about 2/3 of the post because walloftext
That said, I'd still call it more of an impassioned speech than pure insult slinging.
@Cocofang Thank you for bringing a topic worth discussing to this place!
There will always be some polarity within a community, and friction between avid fans and nay-sayers but it's true that this doesn't usually extend to include dev teams. I understand that it is frustrating to be doubted and that it can be difficult to rise above that, but it really is what must be done when you are leading a community. The role as devs/mods/any other position of power is to ensure the success of the game, which is best done by creating a good atmosphere and welcoming everyone into the fold. Ok, not everyone, there are people who take things too far and whom the majority of the community would not want to see 'welcomed' but these are exceptional cases, not simply people who question things. Trolls and others who are here to destroy the experience can (should be?) excluded, but others should be brought on board and the best way to do that is to keep heads down, carry on with the job and prove your work to them.
At the end of the day, tensions are high on all sides right now: devs are tired of being questioned, a lot of the community are sick of hearing "open beta when?", and the people desperate for open beta are exhausted from the cycles of hype and disappointment. We all need to get along here and it is everybody's job to try to make that happen. Fortunately, I do think that @Cocofang is wrong on one count, I don't believe that there is an "us vs them" culture here, or indeed close by. It is, however, something we need to be aware of because at times like this it's a slippery slope into it.
As for the second point, that is a much more real issue (or as real an issue as the colour of a dot below your forum avatar can be - #1stworldproblems) as demonstrated nicely by the posts of @LeSighduck and @Cocofang above. Both perfectly well made posts expressing valid opinions in a non-inflammatory way, but both downvoted because they aren't positive. To me a discussion forum should be for exactly that, discussion. And discussions are really, really dull when everybody agrees with one another.
Sheepmonster likes this -
3 hours ago, Eviatar10 said:
Now I would like to ask you a question friend ,
this Method of you guys , is that look normal to you pal ?
Have you ever seen a game , promised to release a month after a month and constently and repeatedly fails its fans down?Are you serious? I mean, I would've laughed at this statement 10 years ago, but now? Really? The age of "early access" aka we promise we'll finish the game you paid us for someday, honest. Hell yes this happens all the time to far more professional studios.
3 hours ago, Eviatar10 said:the part i judge you guys about is the dates , as i sayd ive never seen anything like this , this is just a torture for some people , delaying again and again and again each time posting another heartbreaking post about the problems of the servers and how much you guys want to make this succeed , i think the people know you want to make it succeed , so do they .
Please , stop making false dates , i think it pisses so many people off (me included) , its really not providing anything.Now, this part I don't disagree with you on, but apparently nor do the devs, hence them stating after the last delay that they will not give estimated release dates any more. I'm sure it upsets them at least as much as it does us for them to feel like they are telling thousands of people "we let you down". The dates are obviously never intended to be "false", bad things happen unexpectedly. I should've gotten to work at 8:30am this morning but somebody crashed their car so I didn't.
3 hours ago, Eviatar10 said:In my opinion a true date , even a one people may not like , would be batter , even if you talled me now : "something exploded in the game , alot of unexpected problems , the game will release in 3 years" ,
Well, the game will be out in 3 years for sure, 3 months probably - take a breath, come back later, or enjoy just being part of the community in the run up.
3 hours ago, Eviatar10 said:this is a latter i wrote to MrXLink , he read it and did not responded.
Nor would I, would you? What does one respond to that? They've already taken on board your suggestion, surely that's better than a response?
Muninn, Gahen, rittindentod and 1 other like this -
Nice one @Ultrakool - well deserved congratulations, you've always been a friendly and helpful member of the community, good to see you have more power to keep it that way!
There was, as MrXLink mentioned, it was/is called the sparring grounds. Play there until you feel good enough to play ranked with the new deck, and if you never feel good enough then I guess you choose between having fun and playing the extra decks or grinding your rank with a single deck.
1 minute ago, darklionking said:
Because you want to have the best possible deck in PVP.
It's like building a machine - if you want to know if it works well there is no point in watching how it works at half speed.
Means against low/midclass opponents there are tons of cards which would somehow work (for example nomads), but only games against good opponents will show if the build was good.While strictly true, it's also not entirely true. There are decks that work better against low/mid tier players than the 'best' decks, much like in any game. The 'best' decks are the best because they assume you are playing against other people with these decks and who will use the 'best' strategies. You can have decks that crush low/mid tier players more easily than you would by using a top tier deck purely because you're aiming to take advantage of mistakes in play or deck-building. Stuff like Cliffdancing for example, not going to work so well at top tier but man will it stomp people who don't know what to do against it.
3 minutes ago, Rondine said:
Second: Why would you Need more accounts? You have deckslots as far as i remember... so you can have X different decks for PVP
People did it in the original game so that they didn't ruin their ranking when they tried out a different deck. For instance, you could be an amazing Fire/Nature player and be in the top 5, and then also want to play Shadow but not be as good with it so only be rank 80 or something with it. People don't like spoiling their rank, so they feel like they're stuck playing only one deck, then they get bored and quit.
Personally, I don't care, I think if you want to play multiple decks then your rank should be based on how good you are with all of them. If I play Frost and suck, but enjoy it, well then I guess that means I sit at a lower rank than I would if I only played Fire and was awesome with it.
Darklorden likes this -
At the moment I'm playing Battlezone, the re-release of a 20 year old game I loved, and Battleworlds Kronos, which reminds me a lot of a series of games called Battle Isle from more like 25 years ago. Oh, and Satellite Reign, which is a bit like the Syndicate games which are about as old. Nostalgia rules the day for me right now!
I'm also always in the middle of a selection from about 10 others like Baldurs Gate, NWN, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Bioshock, Pillars of Eternity.
Also, I play EVE. I don't care about your opinion, it's an awesome game and anyone doesn't think so clearly never jumped in a PvP frigate looking for a fight. Burn Jita was crazy fun. Join EVE today (http://secure.eveonline.com/signup/?invc=4f9d4055-d935-4c53-a774-5747fffb32d0&action=buddy), the only good mining is salt mining from pubbie tears!
From the latest dev blog, the open beta date should be officially announced next week which suggests that mid March is likely, buuut until there is an official announcement about it I'd always assume it's possible to change. Nevertheless, the
gathers speed.
Lotte2525 likes this -
On 2/17/2018 at 8:11 PM, Hans275 said:
first of all i want to thank you and the other guys for bringing battleforge back to life.
This ratio sounds nice in the first moment you read it, but it creates deeper and deeper conserns as longer i start thinking about this.
You might repreat a mistake that killed battleforge in the first place.If you play PvP you accept to lose by lower skill rather than loosing by a not upgraded deck.
My point is it might take ages to get a full upgraded pvp deck.Each pure deck needs a couple rar and ultra rar cards...
If it takes for e.g. 6 month of farming PVE to get a playable pvp deck you lose a lot of players.
Try to lower the entry for pvp interested player.
There shouldn't be any reason for this to be the case, for two reasons. Firstly, PvE isn't how you earn cards - daily quests and playtime are, which can both be achieved through PvP just as well as through PvE if the quests are implemented well. Secondly, PvP players will be looking for specific cards so won't spend all their BFP on boosters but will turn to the auction house to buy those cards and skip the randomness.
Also, the increased odds of getting higher rarity cards will help on both counts here, decreasing the number of boosters that need to be opened to get those rare cards and also meaning that more rare cards are on the AH and so stabilising/reducing their price. SR seems like a big step up for PvP decks to me, given these changes.
2 hours ago, xxraidxx said:
Honestly, any sane person should think like him. To give this person access to beta would be a good idea.
Not sure if sarcasm, troll, or duplicate account...
No, I can't be bothered to create the Fry image macro to go with this.
Ironshaduw likes this -
17 hours ago, Fotti said:
I actually don't believe that those devs are able to pull this stuff. So young and lacking experience... They are giving us false hopes. I predict that nothing will be playable, except the forge in the next 2 years. I know how those things work and this is just a masquerade. I am grateful for the effort put into it, but I just believe that we'll get what is promised in the days to come.
Well that's a dumb thing to say, given that they managed to make the game perfectly playable months ago on the old C# server. Yes, they've had to somewhat restart by changing the code, but it's also a big improvement in the process, and the progress recently has been faster than I've seen it in the 18 months or so that I've watched this place.
Sick of the devs being given this kind of pessimism from people who aren't living the task they're trying to achieve for free, because they care. Go check out Twitch, proof is there that it will work. In the meantime, devs, the rest of us salute you and want you to take all the time you need to make the game properly and have successful personal lives at the same time.
So 0.5% is 1 in every 200 boosters. Whether that's the right rate depends how rare promos are meant to be, how quickly we should be able to get boosters, and to some extent how many players there are. Obviously increasing player numbers increases both the number of promos that will appear and the demand for those promos so has a lesser effect, in which case we're looking at how long it should take to earn a booster and how many boosters it should take to build a solid deck.
If I need to open 50 boosters to get a good deck, chances of getting a promo in there are about 22%. If need 100 boosters, the chance goes up to just under 40% and if I need 150 then there's a 53% chance of getting a promo in them.
I guess at that point it comes down to how many boosters it is reasonable for people to open. If I'm opening 150 boosters per week then yeah it's probably too high. If it's 1 booster a day then that means about an 84% chance I get a promo within a year.
On 1/4/2018 at 12:43 AM, anonyme0273 said:
And the right one even... and Warframe... and Minecraft
... but LoL... and EVE. Mixed reviews
Oh anonyme, I always thought higher of you, but looking down on EVE? Shame.
Aside from clearly falling for the NMS hype, some good choices on there, extra points for Supreme Commander 2.
First off, to anyone against the soft cap, remember that in the original there was a hard cap, which would get you just under 3 boosters per year if you logged in every single day. Then you had to spend money which, incidentally, was something of the balancing factor between persons A and B above; B bought more BFP with the money they probably had from working more and playing less.
Seems like a soft cap is the best way to go about it as things stand, most games have something similar to help keep players roughly level, whether it's rested XP bonus or first win of the day bonus or diminishing returns over time. Glad there is some consideration to those of us who would like to get involved in PvP without knowing we're miles behind the curve after a few days!
Also remember that upgrades (gold) will still be totally grinadble, so if that's balanced well then you can get ahead there just the same as you could in the original.
Booster Prices going up soon?
in General Talk
Not missing anything, booster prices will go from 350/375/400 (with one per day at 250/275/300) up to 450/475/500 (with one per day at 350/375/400). On a daily basis, without anything from the reserve, you would get 150BFP for completing 2 quests, and another 250BFP from 45 mins playtime, and earn the discount. That is precisely enough to buy a mono-colour deck so yes, you'd need to complete the quests for that, or to either have some leftover BFP from previous days, or to dip into your reserve by 25 to 75 if you choose not to complete one of the quests.
That said, saying "I only play shadow and nature so the other two colors I cannot finish" is a self-imposed restriction. The only quests I remember relating to a colour are to play x number of cards of that colour right? Well we all got given starting decks that cover any colour, and since you don't even need to win to complete those quests, you're simply choosing not to do so. Nothing wrong with that, but it is entirely your choice.