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  1. Maze liked a post in a topic by CrispyChicken in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    no cards/table shown in view "cards -> display as table"
  2. Maze liked a post in a topic by Ca7 in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    It would be also nice to know the average booster value sans the promos.
  3. Maze liked a post in a topic by Majora in Community update #1 - April 23th 2021   
    Greetings Skylords!
    We are happy to bring you the first official community update, a biweekly update to give you an overview of whats happening (and going to happen) in Skylords Reborn. We have heard your desire for communication loud and clear, and as your fresh Community Manager, I will do my best to deliver. 
    The goal of these updates is to give you an idea of the things going on behind the scenes and cool stuff that you might have missed. Not every update will have the same content, but we hope to provide you with some cool details and insights. 
    Without further ado, lets get to it!
    Balance Patch #2
    What better way to start than with a new patch announcement! Balance Patch #2 is hitting the live servers soon, bringing with it a lot of PvP balance changes and map updates. We have decided to wait with the release until Toggy's PvE contest is finished to not cause issues for the contenders. You can expect the patch to go live at the beginning of May. The patch notes will be posted soon. 
    In-game Tournament tab
    Once logged in, you will now be greeted with a tab showing upcoming tournaments and events in Skylords Reborn. Full event details will still be posted on the forums, but we hope this will help tournament organisers with spotlighting their events. 

    We would like to take this moment to point out we are still looking for an Event Manager. If you are up for the task, please apply! Check our Open Staff Positions for more information.
    Upcoming Community Tournaments
    There is a 1v1 tournament hosted by Toggy this saturday. Because we had to delay the patch, it will be played on the test-server.  

    Toggy is also giving PvE players a challenge with his speedrunning contest of the map Ocean. 

    Both tournaments will reward booster prices. 
    Don't worry PvE players, you are not forgotten. We are not ready to bring you a PvE patch just yet, but rest assured that a lot of work is put into improving the PvE experience. 
    There have been a lot of heated arguments in the forum and the discord about what the ideal PvE scene should look like. We will release a philosophy document in the near future explaining our stance on certain topics and what you can expect from the balance team going forward. We cant share any details yet, but WindHunter will soon be in touch with you with more information. 
    Balance Discord
    Most of you might be aware, but alongside the regular discord we have a discord specifically focused on balancing PvE and PvP. You are encouraged to discuss potential changes and ideas with us here. 
    Card Description Project
    You might have noticed that cards in Battleforge aren't always very consistent or clear. A group of volunteers has started the huge undertaking to fix this. Not only are they clearing up sentences and details for every single card, they are also adding relevant hidden information like gender (girl-power anyone?), abilities, movement speed, a better reflection of a cards true damage output and much much more. Here is an example:

      *please note this is a mockup and not final yet
    With hundreds of cards this might take a while before you see this in game, but I wanted to mention it already. I'm truly baffled by all the hours people put into this project behind the scene. If you want to help out with this project, they are currently in need of a French translator. If you know anyone, please reach out to them via the Description Changes Discord.
    Map Testers
    Some new map testers are helping us out with the project as well. They have already been a great help and we are grateful for their time. Thank you cswordmaster, LEBOVIM, LegitNacho, Liorans, Mister_Mv, Perthos and Wanky [CH][Ger]. 
    New Team Members
    To those who missed the announcements, we added two new members to the team in the past weeks. 
    Going forward I will be your community manager and will be in charge of keeping the community updated on the latest information, while also making sure suggestions and concerns from the community reach the developers.
    Tweeto has also joined the team as a 2D artist. He has already created two beautiful artworks for Amii Phantom and a possible new Amii card. We will have a staff meeting soon to get him underway to create even more awesome artwork. If you are interested in seeing how his artwork comes to live, we can also share that kind of information in the future. 
    We still have some open positions on our team to help with the project. We are looking for map artists, designers, discord moderators and more. Please have a look at the Open Staff Positions for more open positions and information on how to apply!
    Twitter and Facebook 
    Are you following us on Twitter and Facebook already? They have been inactive for a while, but I have heard from a very reliable source that going over there might be.. rewarding for you. Expect us to use those channels to keep you updated from now on as well. 
    In conclusion
    And that's it for your very first Community Update! Just to set expectations: we definitely wont be releasing a new patch with every update and some weeks will have more news than others. 
    In future updates, we would also like to take a moment to give some information on what we can and can't do in the game, and what a realistic flow of content will be. As you might have noticed, we have added quite a few members to the team lately and in the past week I have been absolutely blown away by all the work that is being done behind the scenes. I look forward to sharing more with you in the future.  
    What do you guys think of this first biweekly status update? Is there something you would want to see covered more? We are open to feedback so please let us know. 
  4. Maze liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in Introducing... Tweeto, our new 2D artist!   
    Greetings Skylords, Skyladies and Skyfolk!

    Today we are happy to welcome @Tweeto to the team as a 2D artist. He has shown interest, commitment and skill through numerous art pieces he has worked on in our official Discord server. Two of those pieces are attached to this announcement: one is a rework of the Amii Phantom card artwork and another one is artwork for a possible new Amii card. The end result looks very promising and we are thrilled to have him on the team, as having new artwork for cards makes it that much more exciting to add new cards. Although card artwork is a prominent task moving forward, he has shown to also have skills in other areas such as UI. This means that besides card artwork, he could also help with creating new UI elements to be used in the in-game UI. All around a very solid addition to the team! 

    Do not forget that we are still looking for new members! You can read all about it in our open staff positions thread:
  5. Maze liked a post in a topic by Majora in Introducing... Majora, new Community Manager   
    Hello everyone,
    I am excited to announce that I will join the Skylords Reborn team as Community Manager!
    As Community Manager I will be responsible for the communications between the Skylords Reborn team and the community. This will allow the team to focus more on their own positions, bringing you content and balancing patches faster, where I will be keeping you up to date about everything Skylords Reborn. This also includes on our social media channels, such as Twitter and Facebook.
    One of the ways you can expect this to work is with biweekly status updates, highlighting things you might have missed and giving you sneak previews on what is being worked on.
    I will also be making notes on frequently asked questions and the hot topics that are being discussed in the forums, discord or in-game. If you have any questions or ideas, feel free to post them in the forum or discord page, just as you are doing now. I will make sure to forward your ideas and questions to the team.
    I'm happy and honored to join the team, being a Battleforge fan from the very first hour and I look forward in helping the project. If you also want to help, please take a look at the open staff positions here.
    For now, please give me a bit of time to get up to date with the things happening behind the scenes. After that you can expect the very first biweekly status update, which I hope will result in a positive tradition.
    I hope you are as excited as I am about the future of Skylords Reborn, and I look forward to working (and playing!) alongside all of you!
  6. Ultralord liked a post in a topic by Maze in SMJ-Bot (Price Notification Discord Bot)   
    Hey everyone,
    I have something new that I want to share with you.
    In the last two days I tried something new and built a simple Discord Bot that allows you to set notifications for card prices.
    Please note that to use the automated notifications you will have to subscribe to the bot, meaning that you need to confirm that your publicly visible Discord ID and all your personal notification settings for this bot are stored in one of my databases. You can unsubscribe at any time, which deletes all your user data including all notification settings for this bot from the database, never to be recovered.
    Here are some things it can do right now:
    Set multiple notifications for different cards with criteria for when there are buyout prices below (for buying) or only buyout prices above (for selling) a set price available Unset all notifications for a specific card, so you can set new ones, if your criteria change Unset a specific notification Show all your current notification settings Show all current buyout prices for the cards you have set notifications for Show all current buyout prices for a specific card, or cards that include a specific set of characters (no subscription needed) I set the Bot up so that it checks for new data frequently and sends notifications each time a previously set criteria is met, which should be not later than 1.5 minutes after new data is available from the API.
    If you are okay with subscribing, just want to use it for displaying the buyout prices of a card or simply want to stay updated on changes to my website or bot, join my myDiscord Server and start interacting with the bot in your DMs. If you joined the server, when the bot was not online, simply DM the bot with !help once it is online again. You can join it here:
    Also, since I haven't spent a lot of time with programming this little bot (or Discord Bots in general) yet, there might still be some issues and other stuff, like a not so understandable command documentation or the nonexistent description on my Discord server.

    Nonetheless, I hope you still like it and find this simple bot useful.
  7. Headbanger liked a post in a topic by Maze in SMJ-Bot (Price Notification Discord Bot)   
    Hey everyone,
    I have something new that I want to share with you.
    In the last two days I tried something new and built a simple Discord Bot that allows you to set notifications for card prices.
    Please note that to use the automated notifications you will have to subscribe to the bot, meaning that you need to confirm that your publicly visible Discord ID and all your personal notification settings for this bot are stored in one of my databases. You can unsubscribe at any time, which deletes all your user data including all notification settings for this bot from the database, never to be recovered.
    Here are some things it can do right now:
    Set multiple notifications for different cards with criteria for when there are buyout prices below (for buying) or only buyout prices above (for selling) a set price available Unset all notifications for a specific card, so you can set new ones, if your criteria change Unset a specific notification Show all your current notification settings Show all current buyout prices for the cards you have set notifications for Show all current buyout prices for a specific card, or cards that include a specific set of characters (no subscription needed) I set the Bot up so that it checks for new data frequently and sends notifications each time a previously set criteria is met, which should be not later than 1.5 minutes after new data is available from the API.
    If you are okay with subscribing, just want to use it for displaying the buyout prices of a card or simply want to stay updated on changes to my website or bot, join my myDiscord Server and start interacting with the bot in your DMs. If you joined the server, when the bot was not online, simply DM the bot with !help once it is online again. You can join it here:
    Also, since I haven't spent a lot of time with programming this little bot (or Discord Bots in general) yet, there might still be some issues and other stuff, like a not so understandable command documentation or the nonexistent description on my Discord server.

    Nonetheless, I hope you still like it and find this simple bot useful.
  8. Alishmass liked a post in a topic by Maze in SMJ-Bot (Price Notification Discord Bot)   
    Hey everyone,
    I have something new that I want to share with you.
    In the last two days I tried something new and built a simple Discord Bot that allows you to set notifications for card prices.
    Please note that to use the automated notifications you will have to subscribe to the bot, meaning that you need to confirm that your publicly visible Discord ID and all your personal notification settings for this bot are stored in one of my databases. You can unsubscribe at any time, which deletes all your user data including all notification settings for this bot from the database, never to be recovered.
    Here are some things it can do right now:
    Set multiple notifications for different cards with criteria for when there are buyout prices below (for buying) or only buyout prices above (for selling) a set price available Unset all notifications for a specific card, so you can set new ones, if your criteria change Unset a specific notification Show all your current notification settings Show all current buyout prices for the cards you have set notifications for Show all current buyout prices for a specific card, or cards that include a specific set of characters (no subscription needed) I set the Bot up so that it checks for new data frequently and sends notifications each time a previously set criteria is met, which should be not later than 1.5 minutes after new data is available from the API.
    If you are okay with subscribing, just want to use it for displaying the buyout prices of a card or simply want to stay updated on changes to my website or bot, join my myDiscord Server and start interacting with the bot in your DMs. If you joined the server, when the bot was not online, simply DM the bot with !help once it is online again. You can join it here:
    Also, since I haven't spent a lot of time with programming this little bot (or Discord Bots in general) yet, there might still be some issues and other stuff, like a not so understandable command documentation or the nonexistent description on my Discord server.

    Nonetheless, I hope you still like it and find this simple bot useful.
  9. WindHunter liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    Exciting news, I bought a domain and verified my account for the current hoster. This means that you don't need to switch between links anymore.

    Here is the link to the site: http://www.smj.cards/

    Please note, that I haven't bought a SSL Certificate yet, so https://www.smj.cards/ won't work, and the site is marked as not secure, but since it's just a reference to the hosting link, there shouldn't be an issue. If you would rather use a "secure" link, you are still able to use https://smj.herokuapp.com/ which my domain points at.
  10. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    Exciting news, I bought a domain and verified my account for the current hoster. This means that you don't need to switch between links anymore.

    Here is the link to the site: http://www.smj.cards/

    Please note, that I haven't bought a SSL Certificate yet, so https://www.smj.cards/ won't work, and the site is marked as not secure, but since it's just a reference to the hosting link, there shouldn't be an issue. If you would rather use a "secure" link, you are still able to use https://smj.herokuapp.com/ which my domain points at.
  11. Volin liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    Exciting news, I bought a domain and verified my account for the current hoster. This means that you don't need to switch between links anymore.

    Here is the link to the site: http://www.smj.cards/

    Please note, that I haven't bought a SSL Certificate yet, so https://www.smj.cards/ won't work, and the site is marked as not secure, but since it's just a reference to the hosting link, there shouldn't be an issue. If you would rather use a "secure" link, you are still able to use https://smj.herokuapp.com/ which my domain points at.
  12. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    Exciting news, I bought a domain and verified my account for the current hoster. This means that you don't need to switch between links anymore.

    Here is the link to the site: http://www.smj.cards/

    Please note, that I haven't bought a SSL Certificate yet, so https://www.smj.cards/ won't work, and the site is marked as not secure, but since it's just a reference to the hosting link, there shouldn't be an issue. If you would rather use a "secure" link, you are still able to use https://smj.herokuapp.com/ which my domain points at.
  13. Maze liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    Hey Maze,
    Here goes my suggestion for SMJ and the Bot - something very useful IMO. Many people are not-so interested in the details of trade or a long time chart, but I see many, many people using SMJ to check if a card is being manipulated right now. So my suggestion is that the site could give manipulation warnings when a card goes 200% (or 300%?) of "mean value of min.". The page could use some simple warning symbols like a traffic light, yellow if a card goes 150% and red if it goes 200%.

    The bot might even put automatic warnings as a message for those who are interested. Well thats my 2 cents, no idea how hard it would be to implement, but I would find it very useful and hopefully others too.
  14. Maze liked a post in a topic by KserSke in Having trouble with expert PvE runs?   
    Hi guys! Kserske here, and I've been playing battleforge for a long time.
    So the context is I've been seeing a lot of new players around asking to help with expert maps. What i also realise is that from what I've seen in the recent release of the game, there are many new players who have not played battleforge before. (Not from EA days or the first phases during Skylords reborn test phase) I understand too that many video guides online are outdated due to the nerfing of some cards/units.
    As such, I have decided to create my personal Battleforge PvE tutorial on my channel AND I will mainly be soloing the expert maps, showing you the tricks in making your run easier.
    Why Solo? You might ask. -> Sometimes players can be pretty disruptive to your gameplay, ranging from them not cooperating and failing to complete their objectives which results in losing your game. Or it could be a simple reason of not able to find anyone to play with you if you're living at an inactive timezone (Like me)
    If you need help regarding certain maps that I have not yet uploaded, do leave a comment here or in my video. Any suggestions for improving the content of my video will help too! Thank you (:
    All my videos will be in English.
    The link below is for my channel:
    Please support and subscribe if it helped you with clearing your map and obtaining your 8 booster packs (Expert Achievement). Subscribing helps to motivate me to continue making these videos because I know that people like it and would want you guys to benefit from it (:
    Although these videos are without commentary, I try to input text on the important points to look out for when you play the map. I've tested trying to do a commentary but the sound quality was terrible. Will figure out a solution for this. (Videos are now with commentary)**
    Do let me know too if you would like a different deck or playing style for a particular map. (I will make a video if there is a demand for it)
    P.S. I'm not sure if i should post this in Media or the PvE section but as of now, all my videos in my channel are Battleforge PvE related so imma post here (Until i decide to branch out to other games!)
  15. Volin liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    There was quite the simple solution to this and I managed to decrease the load time of the site by around 15 sec to about 3 sec. It was only a minor adjustment needed, so I should have done that sooner...
  16. Maze liked a post in a topic by Dallarian in Expert Campaign - Missions Briefing - Among the Old Gods achievement   
    Fellow Skylords and Cute Beings,
    As second person to ever complete “Among the Old Gods” achievement in Battleforge, I started using title “The Old God of Battleships”. As we learn from King of the World himself, best way of starting a cult is being friendly and helpful. Therefore I wish you will enjoy this read, aimed at providing you with both comprehensive and powerful knowledge.


    The thread is aimed at players who struggle with Among the Old Gods. In order to complete the achievement, you have to win all campaign missions on expert difficulty. You will be rewarded generously in 8 General Boosters. Many maps have different exploits and tricks that may make the map trivial – however, as they feel unfair, require particular cards and may be removed by developers, they are not covered here.
    Deck choice usually is irrelevant when it comes to expert difficulty. The important aspect is to specialise your deck for each map, and prepare it for particular threats you may encounter. On my first playthrough I have completed the campaign with  Pure Frost deck, as it is my favourite faction. It was before first balance patch, so back then all factions were weaker and had lower amount of viable cards. Pure Fire still may struggle with the achievement, nonetheless, overall you should be able to finish the campaign with your favourite PvE faction. There is no need to sacrifice fun for playing meta, as there is no “the only correct way” – the only limits are in your head.
    Approach is important
    Expert is not meant to be easy.
    Try, lose, improve.
    This is how humans become better – by making mistakes and learning from them. Thanks to the guide, you can learn on my mistakes and significantly decrease amount of necessary tries to complete the achievement. Pay attention to which enemies you will face, what is their position, weak points and how to exploit the situation. Check map topography to quickly reach Power Wells and intercept enemy attacks. Learn attack timings and understand triggers. [1] Be prepared and do not leave anything to a chance. You will come across problems – enemy attack too strong to deal with, restricted access to cards or monuments, mechanics that doesn’t work like you expected.
    [1]. Trigger is a condition that starts a particular event. For example in Behind Enemy Lines if you destroy any of spawners that are nearby your Tier 2 locations, enemy waves will become significantly stronger and use specialised units. Keeping spawners alive allows you to explore the map and prepare defence in a more relieved way.
    Explore. Adapt. Overcome.
    There are many cards in Battleforge that are neglected and overlooked, as they are not as flexible as the most popular choices. If someone told me I would be using Icefang Raptor to complete Ocean, or pre-rework Sunken Temple to win Soultree with Pure Nature, I would laugh, as those cards seemed worthless to me. I was wrong, niche cards are awesome in niche situations. When you will start looking for solutions, you will notice those little gems in your collection.
    If you are looking for something cheap and solid, you may want to check @Weak1ings ‘s deck, as he was the first person to complete Among the Old Gods, he used an affordable flexible meta deck.
    Weak1ings' deck:
    Make sure to use what you already have to forge your path to victory, possibly in an unique way. Amii Monument may make many missions easier – however, it is easy to get lazy because of it, and majority of maps are difficult due to situations that happen before you reach Tier 3.  
    Progress Track

    Accessing Replays
    Maps are in separate posts
    1 player maps are in this post. 2 player maps are in post 2 posts below. 4 player maps are in post 6 posts below. 12 player maps are in post 8 posts below.  
    One Player Maps 9/9
    Encounters with Twilight

    Siege of Hope

    Defending Hope

    The Soultree

    The Treasure Fleet


    Behind Enemy Lines
    I will try to improve style and review errors at some point, and also introduce more maps.
    List of many guides across the forum by @Eirias.
    Larger base of Youtube videos by @MephistoRoss.
    Here only replays for 1 player maps are available. Check other posts to find 2, 4 and 12 player maps.
    Siege of Hope Expert.pmv Behind Enemy Lines Expert.pmv Defending Hope Expert.pmv Ocean Expert.pmv Oracle Expert.pmvThe Treasure Fleet Expert.pmv Soultree Speedrun.pmv Mo Expert.pmv Behind Enemy Lines Expert Shadow.pmv Defending Hope Expert Shadow.pmv The Treasure Fleet Expert Metagross.pmv

  17. Mynoduesp liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    I updated the site a little bit and you are now able to see the current lowest buyout price for any card on the cards page (mean/min/max are still missing).
    I noticed a lot more QoL annoyances, like:
    the table resetting the price sorting when page/cards per page changes needing to go back a lot of pages when the max display value is adjusted extremely long loading time of the general cards information to be able to filter and sort the cards, even on the card specific page, which doesn't really need the whole data. I know the cause of all of these, but the time investment to fix these things isn't worth it, as I am rebuilding the site from scratch, as I mentioned before. I hope you can live with all the issues that the site currently has until the new site is finished.
  18. Volin liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    I updated the site a little bit and you are now able to see the current lowest buyout price for any card on the cards page (mean/min/max are still missing).
    I noticed a lot more QoL annoyances, like:
    the table resetting the price sorting when page/cards per page changes needing to go back a lot of pages when the max display value is adjusted extremely long loading time of the general cards information to be able to filter and sort the cards, even on the card specific page, which doesn't really need the whole data. I know the cause of all of these, but the time investment to fix these things isn't worth it, as I am rebuilding the site from scratch, as I mentioned before. I hope you can live with all the issues that the site currently has until the new site is finished.
  19. Maze liked a post in a topic by Xeon in Long-term stats and leaderboards   
    I created a project to track long-term data of stats and leaderboards. I already posted this project in Skylords Reborn API topic, but I think it's worth creating a new topic.


    What's included?
    - Long-term tracking of available stats which are fetched every hour
    - PVP 1v1 Leaderboards (fetched every 6 hours)
    - PVP 1v1 Player Details for long-term progress

    To do:
    - Add other leaderboards like 2v2
    - Optimize mobile view

    Looking for:
    - Contributors
    - Feedback

    Thx ?

  20. Maze liked a post in a topic by DraginMaster in Auction House Archives   
    Introducing the Auction House Archives! The goal of this site is to track each card's journey through the in-game auction house and beyond. Since it tracks each individual auction, it can deduce when a card has sold in the auction house and for how much. With this information it can display the min, average, and max prices a card has sold for along with potential deals that are in the in-game auction house. I've also built out an API you can use in your own projects to receive information from the archive. To learn more about how the archive works, or how to use its API, visit the about page (https://auction-house-archives.fly.dev/about).
    You can access the main page of the archive at this link: https://auction-house-archives.fly.dev/
    If you find any bugs or have any suggestions, feel free to let me know and I will do my best to keep the site up to date.
    Home page:

    Card Page:

    2/20/2021 Updated the API call for "/cards/status" to allow filtering according to auction start time Improve card image load times General Style updates Update table on card page to be sortable Update about page with details about new changes Add demand indicator (number of cards sold divided by number of cards) on card page 11/21/2022 Migrate from Heroku to new hosting platform and update links/images
  21. Cocofang liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    Greetings fellow Skyfolk,
    after reaching a point where it just wouldn't make sense to continue working on the now outdated version of the SMJ-Website, I decided to completely rebuild the website with different tools and development strategies.
    The redesigned site is now at a stage of development where I think it is viable enough to replace the old version, which broke with the anniversary patch of 2021 anyway.
    The new version can be found here:     https://smj.cards/
    The old version is no longer available due to changes made by the hoster heroku that would require paying to host it, but it didn't receive any more updates anyway.
    The old version was available here:     https://smj.herokuapp.com/
    The new site provides a lot of the features the old one did and more.
    There are a few exceptions though, which I haven't implemented yet due to time issues, as I wanted give you access to the new site since the old one doesn't work anymore, but I will reimplement them in a later version:
    Deals page Filtering/Sorting the cards by powercost, damage, lifepoints, abilities Using URL parameters to set filters/sorters Aside from these, the new site has other things going for it, which are best experienced by playing around with the site, but just a few that may be of interest to you:
    Bigger variety of filters (excluding the ones mentioned above) like:   Playable with certain orb setup   max charges, squad size, starter card, gender, etc.  More price details for each card:   1W/2W/3W/4W Median/Mean/Min/Max   7 Days Daily Meadian micro-chart in the main table view   Differences of current price to 1W median / yestedays daily median to the daily median of one week ago   Short Term chart that updates every 10 minutes but only shows 4 weeks worth of data (limited because of data size reasons)   Long Term OHLC-charts that update every day and give a better sense of price development over a longer period of time compared to a regular single point chart   Card Auction details of what auctions currently exist for each card, when the auctions were approximately started, when they will switch and when they will end (still a small bug in the calculation sometimes, but I will fix that independently of the site)   Average value of the reforged card, when destroying 4 of the same card  General card info:   Maps to get the upgrades from for each card   List of cards that share 5/4/3/2 similarities with the selected card for easier reforging decisions   Button to the wiki page for the card   Button to copy the shorthand card url for sharing  Some other info:    The main search field has a "fuzzy" functionality, try searching "LSS" and you will see what it means 😉    I created my own card IDs to not be as vulnerable to changes to official card IDs (Plague), Promo status (Lord Cyrian), affinity (Sandstorm R -> B), as well as potential name changes    In some cases SMJ IDs as well as official card IDs can be used for some things: The following links will all redirect to https://smj.cards/card/grinder-promo-p: https://smj.cards/7z https://smj.cards/[1607]    All card images are automatically generated from their static data through an api that you are able to use as well, but I will explain how to use it at a later date  
    The site is still in development and some things might still be subject to change in the future, but I didn't want to make you wait any longer, seeing as the old site doesn't work anymore.
    Also, just as an info, the features that the site currently provides represent about 50% of the features that I plan to add in the future. 😉
    Just like the previous site, the new one will also only provide information about the prices, the cards were put in the marketplace for and not actual sell prices!
    If you find anything that is not working properly or is irritating, please let me know and I will look into it. Also, if you have any specific feature ideas that you think would be useful, don't hesitate in telling me about them and I'll see what I can do. Design/Layout suggestions are also appreciated, as I'm not a designer and just did what came to mind, especially the boosters and card details tables with their cells that display the prieces, which I am not entirely happy with yet.
    I hope this little project of mine will be somewhat helpful to you all, as that was my foremost goal from the beginning. 🙂
    Thanks and I hope to see you all in the Forge. 😉
    I would also like to mention that I have a discord server dedicated to the whole SMJ project, where I post about the project more regularly than on the forum and where it's easier to get in touch with me regarding everything related to the SMJ.
    You can join the discord server here:     https://discord.gg/m5Dm5fweSV
    Over there you are are also able to interact with a discord bot that allows you to set price notifications for cards that you want to buy/sell and a few other usefull features.
    Most of the features the bot provides are only listed by the bot itself, but you can read up a little bit of info about it in this forum thread: https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/7300-smj-bot
  22. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    That is correct. I split the promos into their own rarity group, as they sort of have their own rarity when you get them from boosters, an it kind of fits better for the auction website.
    But you can just filter for Promos and count the rarity symbols in the corner of the card.
    Also, Promo Snapjaws are not yet available on my site, but I will add them at a later date.
  23. Volin liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    As Mynoduesp mentioned, I mirrored the website, as the free active hours of the hoster on the first site ran out earlier today. I will update the main post later today to clearify some things. For now please use: https://smj2.herokuapp.com/
  24. Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Maze in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    You mean like this? I was planning on implementing lines for the median and mean values of the cards, once I've completed the overhaul.
    But your idea is also not bad, but quite useless when displaying it for cards with a value of 3 BFP. So, how do you want it to work? Like the max diplay value, so you can set it yourself?

  25. Maze liked a post in a topic by Metagross31 in Skylords Marketplace Journal (SMJ)   
    Hey Maze,
    I have a feature recommendation for the display page of individual cards. It would be nice to have the option to display a straight horizontal line in the previous prices graph at a variable height.
    Why that? Because that way you can more easily compare the value of the card to the value of a booster. This can be used to check, whether your most recent booster payed off with the cards you got in it.
    Example: I pull a Deepcoil Worm from a booster (because green Worm is best Worm) and want to know, if its value is above or below the price of a booster of a certain type. Then I can go to https://smj.herokuapp.com/cards/deepcoil-worm and display a horizontal line at the price I bought the booster from (e.g. 350 for a normal booster without discount). This will make it easier to see, whether the card is above, below or oszillating around that line.
    This is only a small quality of live feature, but probably also not too much effort. Instead of having a variable height of the line, you could also just add a checkbox, which toggles a line at a fixed value (e.g. 350 and after booster price went up 450) on or off.
    Thanks for reading and for providing such an awesome tool!
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