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Official PvE Contest #7: Harvest season - Until 02.12.2022


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Hello Skylords, Skyladies and other Skybeings.

Welcome to the seventh official PvE event!
It has been a while since the last official event, especially a multiplayer event, but we still hope you will have a lot of fun with this event!

logo_for_events (1).png

Quick overview:


What kind of event will it be?

PvE - Advanced - Bad Harvest with a point system

For this challenge, we want to see you succeed in playing the map Bad Harvest, while accomplishing several goals of varying difficulty.
The more objectives your team accomplishes, the
more points you get, which will lead to greater rewards!
Additionally, the teams with the
highest number of points will receive some extra rewards.
But there is more! Similar to the beloved Crappy Community Contests, there will
be something the entire community will work towards. Once the combined points of all submitted runs surpasses a certain threshold, the prizes for everyone will be increased.

So gather a team, polish your strategy and go for the Highscore!

How can I participate?

Everyone with an ingame account can participate in the event - there is no need to sign up separately.
You just have to send in your best replay, including the
player names, the time of the replay and what objectives you accomplished. [Note: Your entry has to be a victory]
For example:
Low points:        A, C, D; Total:     700
Mid points:         K, L, P; Total:   1500
High points:              all; Total:   3800
Penalty points:          W; Total: -1000
Total points:                                5000

You can send in your replays until the

Please note:

  • You are allowed to compete with multiple teams, but only your highest score will determine the rewards you win, meaning you can only get rewards for one submission.
  • You are allowed to compete with a team of less than 4 people, or even alone.

You can find your replays here: Documents=>Battleforge=>replays

What are the objectives?

This event will have a point system: points will be rewarded by completing the following objectives. The goal is to get as many points as possible!
You don't have to complete them all, but of course you should aim for as many points as you can in a single run.
It is important, however, that your
final score from objectives is greater than zero. Runs with a negative score do not qualify.

Low points:

A: Sharing is caring: 200p
Have at least two different players build the orbs and power wells next to the gold wagon. (One orb and 4 wells per player)

B: Preparing the Turkey: 200p (+100p if the unit used is a Beast-unit)
Fly 3 laps around the small peninsula below the first guild cannon using any flying unit. (See FAQ for a screenshot)

C: Saving the harvest: 200p
Don't let the gold chest next to the gold wagon get destroyed.

D: Saving the tractor: 300p
Don't let the gold wagon take any damage.

E: Fire Mastery: 300p
Have at least one player in your team play a pure fire deck.

F: Shadow Mastery: 300p
Have at least one player in your team play a pure shadow deck.

G: Frost Mastery: 300p
Have at least one player in your team play a pure frost deck.

H: Nature Mastery: 300p
Have at least one player in your team play a pure nature deck.

I: Make love, not war: 400p
Take out all the guild cannons on the map.

Maximum low points:    2600

Medium points:

J: Saving the farmers: 400p

Don't let any of the human defenders in-between the walls around the gold wagon die.

K: No grain left behind: 400p
Completely destroy all enemy walls.

L: Only pick the ripe ones: 400p
Do not kill any Bandit Master Healers.

M: Beware of the Tractor: 400p
Run over at least 5 squads of small units with a Thunder Wagon with activated RAMPAGE ability.

N: Getting the harvest home safely: 600p
Do not lose any of the prebuilt Defense Towers in the starting camp.

O: Don't step onto the fields: 700p
Have no player cross the wall in front of the top right Stonekin camp.
(See FAQ for a screenshot)

P: Beyond the trodden path: 700p
Have no player cross the line above the camp with the second Stonekin lord.
(See FAQ for a screenshot)

Maximum medium points:    3600

High points:

Q: Beware of ergot!: 800p
As a team, do not own more than 5 orbs and 15 power wells in the starting camp at the same time.

R: The real deal:  1000p
Play the map on Expert difficulty instead of advanced.

S: Keeping the barn open: 1000p
Do not build any walls.

T: Hurry, before the rain comes: 1000p
Destroy 12 bandit tents within 30 seconds.

Maximum high points:    3800

Maximum Total points:    10000

Penalty points:

U: Caring too much: -1000p
Have a player control three or more different monuments in the starting base at the same time.

V: That's not a ... tractor!:  -1000p
Play out Amii Monument.

W: Wait! This isn't the Harvest Festival!: -1000p
Play out Church of Negation.

X: Halloween is already over: -1000p
Play out Necrofury
or Mutating Frenzy.

Y: Rounding up the crops: -1000p
Play out two or more overlapping instances of Aura of Corruption at the same time.

Z: Your time has not yet come: -1000p
Play out Santa Claus.

Total penalty points:    -6000

* Check the FAQ for clarifications.

Since those are a lot of objectives, we prepared a spreadsheet, which you can use to keep track of the objectives you want to complete and which player should complete them. You can find this spreadsheet here. Since this is a public spreadsheet, we recommend creating your own copy of it to not interfere with others.

Time Score:

There will also be points awarded for time. The faster you finish the map, the more points you will get with a maximum of 1500p.
There are no preset time windows that determine your time score, instead your time is compared to all entries.
This means that
every second counts when it comes to your time score!
However, you can not lose any points by having a slow time. So it is up to you to decide whether you want to go for as many objectives as possible or if you want to leave some out in the hope of getting a better time.
You do not have to calculate the time score yourself, we will calculate the time score for every entry.
For a detailed explanation on how the time score is calculated, see the FAQ below.



In order to reduce confusion about the objectives, we have precompiled a list of questions you might have and answered them beforehand.
If you have any questions about one of the objectives, please check this FAQ first.
If your question is not yet answered in the FAQ, feel free to ask in this thread. That way it can be clarified and added to the FAQ.

Questions about specific objectives:


Preparing the Turkey:
This is a screenshot of the penninsula in questionimage.png

Fire/Shadow/Frost/Nature mastery:
You are allowed to play neutral cards.
You are not allowed to enlighten a non-nature, except neutrals, unit when going for Nature mastery.

Don't step onto the fields:
"Crossing the wall" includes: Walking across where the wall is/was, flying over it, getting knocked over it, using Nether Warp to get over it, using a transportation ability, such as the ones of Phase Tower, Scythe Fiends, Lost Warlord or Witchclaws to get over it, using any form of mind control on a unit of the opposite side of the wall or spawning a unit on the opposite side of the wall while using ground presence granted by an entity on your side, abusing any glitches or unintended behavior in unit collisions. Other ways to cross the wall, which are not listed here, but violate the spirit of this goal, are not allowed either.
You are allowed to get around the wall by using other parts of the map.
This is a screenshot of the wall in question:


Beyond the trodden path:
"Crossing the line" includes: Walking across the line, flying over it, getting knocked over it, using Nether Warp to get over it, using a transportation ability, such as the ones of Phase Tower, Scythe Fiends, Lost Warlord or Witchclaws to get over it, using any form of mind control on a unit of the opposite side of the line or spawning a unit on the opposite side of the line while using ground presence granted by an entity on your side.
You are allowed to get around the line by using other parts of the map. Other ways to cross the line, which are not listed here, but violate the spirit of this goal, are not allowed either.
This is a screenshot of the line in question (The line cannot be seen ingame, I drew it in there manually):


Calculation of the time score:


The mean time and standard deviation of all entries is calculated.
 Every entry, that is more than 1.385 times the standard deviation slower than the mean, will not score any points for time (On a perfect Gaußian distribution this would be the lowest ~5%).*
 For the other entries a quadratic scale is applied, such that the fastest time gets 1500 points and a time, that would have barely made it into the rating, would get 0 points.
 To be precise, the time points are calculated using the formula:
 where s is 1.385 times the standard deviation, t_m is the mean time and t_0 is the fastest time.
 The resulting time score is rounded down to the closest whole number.


Sounds fun! What's the prize pool?

In contrast to past events, this event is less about how you fared in comparison to everyone else and more about how many points you collected overall. Thus, your reward will be directly based on your final score, including your time score. Note, that all rewards listed here are per player.

1000-2499 points: 100 BFP
2500-3749 points: 1 Mini Booster
3750-4999 points: 1 Mini Booster + 100 BFP
5000-5999 points: 1 General Booster
6000-6999 points: 2 General Boosters
7000-7999 points: 3 General Boosters
8000-8999 points: 5 General Boosters
9000-9999 points: 8 General Boosters
      10000+ points: 8 Boosters of your choice + 1 BFP per point beyond 10000

Additionally, the team with the highest total score will be rewarded a promo Harvester (1 per Player).
Furthermore, if the combined score (without time score) of all participating teams surpasses
75.000 points, all prizes will be increased by 50%!

How will the winners be presented?

This is yet to be determined. We will keep you updated about this.


Future events

If you are interested in helping with these kinds of events for the community, or want to host one yourself, don't be afraid and simply reach out!
Send me a
PM on the forum, or direct message via Discord (Metagross31#1103).
We are happy to assist you with upcoming events and with sponsoring your prize pool!

We hope you have a lot of fun with this event, and we are looking forward to seeing all your replays!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask.

Best regards,
Skylords Reborn Team


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  • Metagross31 changed the title to Official PvE Contest #7: Harvest season - Until 02.12.2022
3 minutes ago, Volin said:

From the ruleset I would say: Playing a Viridya is fine, Enlightenment Viriydia is not 😄

Yeah, but you see... it doesnt make much sence. 😄

I'll wait for @Metagross31 for a definitiv answer. ^^

(proofreader didn't do their job right :C)

Edited by Mynoduesp
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@Volin Clarification from @Metagross31

Just a quick clarification, because there have been misunderstandings:

If you want to complete objective T in the current event, you have to clear 12 tents within 30 seconds of killing the first one. I. e. a maximum of 30 seconds may pass from the first camp being destroyed to the last one being destroyed for the objective to count.

source: https://discord.com/channels/173414671678832640/839900345638453338/1044735183603122256

Metagross31, Ultralord and Volin like this
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8 hours ago, Mynoduesp said:

Any updates? Will it be part of or after the anniversary stream?

Can't wait 😬

Short answer: I don't know yet.
Long answer: I have been quite busy with IRL stuff recently, so I still need to analyze all the replays. Since I still have some more IRL stuff coming up, I might not be ready in time for the anniversary stream.

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