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Battle of Tactics #6: Rainbow Road - Until: 03.03.2024


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Great greetings, people of the Sky,

in the sixth round of BOT its all about switching your orb colours -> but don´t worry's, you don't have to do that by hand.
Have fun on the colour changing Rainbow Road!!!



Final Ranking and Stream recording:


The challenge:

You will play on a Community map version of the Dwarven Riddle called "Battle of Tactics 6"
On this one-player map, you don't have to build orbs. The Rainbow crystal will grant them to you.
But it´s a Rainbow Crystal - that means your orbs will switch constantly the colours.

That switch order is:
     Fire -> Nature -> Frost -> Shadow -> Fire -> ...

The switch will be after:
     Tier 1 = 30 sec
     Tier 2 = 45 sec
     Tier 3 = 60 sec
     Tier 4 = 20 sec

And access to the higher:
     Tier 2 = 5 min
     Tier 3 = 10 min
     Tier 4 = 15 min

Do not lose the crystal, or else you will lose the game.




1. You are not allowed to play colourless cards. (like Rogan, or Moon)




Main Ranking:
     Finish the map as fast as you can

     On the map are 8 Crystals. Each destruction of them has its own ranking
     (If you want to see the exact time of your Crystal destruction, you can upload your Reply on my website: www.t1421.de 
      There will be no ranking, it´s only to help players to optimise their runs)

     Most Crystals destroyed in the T1 Time frame
     Most Crystals destroyed in the T2 Time frame
     Most Crystals destroyed in the T3 Time frame
     Most Crystals destroyed in the T4 Time frame

     Deck with the most number of orb restrictions
     (Deck dose not mean you have to play the card)


Orb restrictions means the number of coloured orbs you need to play the card.
For example: Construct and Sunstriders will have a 1 Orb restriction. 

Shadow Worm and Westland terror have a 4 Orb restriction.

Hybrit orbs count as 0.5. So Deep fang and Twilight Hag will have 2.5.



In conclusion:

Map:                      Community map: "Battle of Tactics 6" (copy of Dwarven Riddle)
Difficulty:               Standard
Goal:                      Finish the map as fast as possible
Until when:            03.03.2024 23:59 CET
Winner Stream:      08.03.2024 19:00 CET via my Twitch (https://www.twitch.tv/ultralord_t1421)
Replay:                   PM in the Forum: @Ultralord or DM via Discord: Ultralord / t1421
Replay name          BOT6_[Your Username].pmv

You can send in multiple replays, the last one which I receive will be used for the event.
Replays can be found in your Documents folder (C:\Users\xxx\Documents\BattleForge\replays\)

How to play the map:


To access the map for the contest (or any community map), select the blue icon in the far lower right corner:

Search for "Battle of Tactics #6"

If you have problems downloading/starting the map, you can try to clean up your map folder and try again:
Close BattleForge, delete all files in C:\Users\xxx\Documents\BattleForge\map\, and try again.



Main Ranking:
1st Place 5 General Boosters                       + Rogan Kayle (Promo)
_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png    Rogan Kayle.png

2st Place 4 General Boosters                        + Fallen Skyelf (Promo)
_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png                 elf.png

3st Place 3 General Boosters                        + Lyrish Knight (Promo)
_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png                               Lyrish Knight.png

4st Place 2 General Boosters                        + Mountaineer
_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png                                            Mountaineer_FullCard.webp

5st Place 1 General Boosters                       + Raven Archwalker
_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png                                                         Raven_Archwalker_FullCard.webp 

6st - 10st Place 1 General Boosters              + One of: Lost Warlord(R), Rageflame (R), Skycatcher (B), Bandit Minefield, Mana Wing,
                                                                                       Promise of Life (G), Core Dredge (B), 3x Wrathgazer
_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png                                                         Lost_Warlord_FullCard.webpRageflame_FullCard.webpSkycatcher_FullCard.webpBandit_Minefield_FullCard.webpMana_Wing_FullCard.webpPromise_of_Life_FullCard.webpCore_Dredge_FullCard.webpWrathgazer_FullCard.webpWrathgazer_FullCard.webpWrathgazer_FullCard.webp

The player who destroyed A crystal the fastest will get (so a total of 8):
1 General Boosters                                       + 4 Crystals + Moon
_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png                                                        Dark_Crystal_FullCard.webpEarth_Crystal_FullCard.webpFlame_Crystal_FullCard.webpIce_Crystal_FullCard.webpMoon.png

(tie beaker is finishing time)
The player with the most crystals destroyed in the T1,T2,T3,T4 Timeframe will get:
2 General Boosters                                       + One of: Mark of the Keeper, Nether Warp(B), Juggernaut, Battleship
_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png                                           Mark_of_the_Keeper_FullCard.webpNether_Warp_FullCard.webpJuggernaut_FullCard.webpBattleship_FullCard.webp

(tie beaker is finishing time)
The player with the most restricted Deck gets:
4 General Boosters                                     + Forest Elder (B), Dreadnought, Shadow Worm, Moloch
_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png                Forest_Elder_FullCard.webpDreadnought_FullCard.webpShadow_Worm_FullCard.webpMoloch_FullCard.webp

A new Star is rising:
The fastest player with a PvE Rank below or equal Level 10 misc_m_postgame_playerrank_pve10.png will receive a Promo Construct.

Random Draw:
For every 10 Players in the event, there will be 5 General Boosters in the random draw.
So 10 Player = 5 Boosters, 20 Players =10 Boosters, etc.
_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png_General_Booster_Pack_HD.png.abba871e0b8d6d0c1e575cffd0ebbddf.png.192ba11278e9a2f902ad2a88bf849c95.png --> And more?


And there are also cards in the random draw for all players.
(Players below or equal Level 10 misc_m_postgame_playerrank_pve10.png will have priority)
    Gladiatrix (G), Scythe Fiends, Shrine of War, Magma Fiend, Nightguard (P), Shrine of Greed. Satanael (R), Death Ray
    Ice Guardian, War Eagle, Shrine of Martyrs, Ice Tornado, Dryad (G), Parasite, Shrine of Memory, Sanctuary(B),
    Corsair (G), Sandstorm (B), Nightshade Plant (G), Abomination (P), Lost Grigori (P), Lost Evocation (R), Crystal Fiend (B),Matter Mastery (P)




Big thank-you to:

SLR-Team                                    For 40 Booster for Main-Ranking and the Boosters in the random draw
@Metagross31                        For the support in planning this event and giving feedback
@Kapo & @Little_Ducky     For map testing and giving feedback
Anonymous                                For Construct (Promo),
                                                   Mountaineer, Raven Archwalker, Shadow Worm, Moloch 
@Kapo                                    For proofreading and the Fallen Skyelf (Promo)
@Maze                                   For the SMJ-API for my website and the images in this post
@ElementG                             For 3x Wrathgazer
@hauclir                                 For Lyrish Knight (Promo), Skycatcher, Rageflame


I hope you will have fun with this event 🙂 
Since this is not an official event, I´m very crateful for every supporter ❤️ 
If you want to support this or an upcoming BOT, feel free to contact me.
And if you want to host your own event, contact the Event Organizers @Metagross31 and @Minashigo Hiko

See you in the forge fellow Skylords 




Some information about the map:


The first 4 Crystals which you destroy will grant you 50 energy.
(which 4 of the 8 you destroy doesn't matter)

In your base is a "teleporter" which can disable the Orb-Switching-Countdown. 
So if you don't care or if the sound is getting on your nerves, you can use it. But you can´t turn it back on again.

I added some new, anti-flying units barriers. So do not wonder why your flyers may do strange path finding. For example here:

The map is designed to get harder the further north you go. So you may change your usual Dwarven Riddle strategy. 



Will I receive a card with a custom Artwork like in the post?
No. You will get a "normal" Moon, Promo Lyrish Knight, etc.

For the Orb restriction - do i have to play the card or just have a high restriction card in the deck?
You just have to have the card in your deck. 


Hirooo, Kamelot, Majora and 2 others like this
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  • Ultralord changed the title to Battle of Tactics #6: Rainbow Road - Until: 03.03.2024
  • Metagross31 pinned this topic
45 minutes ago, Redmark said:

Oh no, I played the map in expert only to realize that it was supposed to be standard



xD i haven't tested it on expert - how was your experience? Did you make it?
I try with my BOTs to create challenges that are manageable for all skill levels and without the need special cards. Thats why we play on Std. :-)

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It was difficult to start pushing with T1 and T2, I could only stay at base and protect, and only at T3 could I build towers strong enough to fully protect the base, and even that became harder once Bandit Walkers start spawning. The waves spawn so fast, once you've cleared one wave, you only have 30-60 seconds until the next one. I had to wait until T4 to get flying units to clear all the crystals. Power gain also felt like an issue, but it wasn't impossibly difficult, my deck had no restrictions, so I almost always had something useful to spawn with each color.

I can see someone really good at the game somehow rush the crystals stealthily while also defending the base, because the map ends immediately once all crystals are destroyed. Took me 25 minutes, I could see someone do it in around 10 minutes on expert, if not faster.

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Fun map, fun event!

I dont realy get the style-ranking, can you see the deck somehow in the replay or how do you know how restricted the deck was when we dont actually have to play the cards?

And why punnish players for playing the game and increasing their rank? You made the most valuable card in this event not achiveable for most of us. Thats a little bit of a downer.

But besides that great job!

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40 minutes ago, QuietschEnte said:

Fun map, fun event!

I dont realy get the style-ranking, can you see the deck somehow in the replay or how do you know how restricted the deck was when we dont actually have to play the cards?

And why punnish players for playing the game and increasing their rank? You made the most valuable card in this event not achiveable for most of us. Thats a little bit of a downer.

But besides that great job!

A replay file saves the whole deck, wether cards are played, or not.

So yes, he is able to see the played deck with a few klicks only

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3 hours ago, QuietschEnte said:

Fun map, fun event!

I dont realy get the style-ranking, can you see the deck somehow in the replay or how do you know how restricted the deck was when we dont actually have to play the cards?

And why punnish players for playing the game and increasing their rank? You made the most valuable card in this event not achiveable for most of us. Thats a little bit of a downer.

But besides that great job!

Thx for your feed back. For the Deck question -> Its like Volin said, you can also use the webpage and see your deck there https://t1421.de/

I dont see the Construct as a punishment for players, I and the Anonym Sponsor of this card wanted to reward and inspire new player to play the event.
The Construct might be ~9k BFP, but there is a lot for of prizes in booster and in cards for the other players. Top 10 + Bonus Rank + Random Draw.

So dont be frustrated or sad that you may miss this Promo in this event. 🤝

Metagross31 likes this
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On 2/26/2024 at 10:39 AM, Ultralord said:

xD i haven't tested it on expert - how was your experience? Did you make it?
I try with my BOTs to create challenges that are manageable for all skill levels and without the need special cards. Thats why we play on Std. :-)

I tested your map on expert, didn't realize it was only meant to be played on standard, I suffered for nothing 🤣. One of my favorite BOTs so far.

Edited by Little_Ducky
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2 hours ago, Tyrama said:

This seemed really fun but I sadly didn't see it in time and don't have the time to do it today...

Best of luck to everyone!

That sad, but the map is still available, so if you are seeking for something new in the future - you can give it a try 🙂

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