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About Metagross31

  • Birthday August 28

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    Music, Chess, Go, Pai-Sho, Capoeira, Physics, Computers, Battleforge!

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  1. That's a good point. In the case of the painter, the legal copyright belongs to the same person that made the paintings, while for large digital projects, the copyright belongs to an abstract legal person, which is not a single human being but some corporation or organization, so in that case the will of the creators and the copyright holders are not necessarily the same.
  2. I am also a huge fan of the community maps. We even reworked the UI of the community maps section a while ago to make them more accessible (the old UI was terrible) and added gold rewards and some achievemnts (Before then, you would only get playtime BfP rewards, but not even gold). We also host events on community maps every now and then. We also have a speedrun ranking for some of the community maps in the forums (here). If you have any specific ideas on how to motivate players further to play them, I would love to hear them, as this is one of the favourtie parts of my game.
  3. I think a better analogy would be to take paintings, which a painter threw in the trash and hang them up as art in your house, eventhough the artist clearly wanted them to be gone. In this case it is actually illegal to take them from their trash (at least in Germany) and it is morally questionable. But in the case of this game, it was less of an act of actively trying to destroy the game and more of a "it doesn't make enough money, I don't care", so more like paintings being shelved in the back of the painters attic. The statements given by EA, which essentailly state "you can run the game, but don't make money from it" also seem to fit in that direction, i.e. the artist just not caring about their paintings and being fine with people hanging them in their living room as long as they don't sell them under their own name. In general, I would say it is fine to resurrect games, if they were just abandonned, but if the developers actively want to get rid of it, its a different question. But that could also cause the Streisand effect to happen.
  4. Hey everyone, thank you again for participating and being here in general. I have sent out the rewards to all the winners. If you did not receive your reward or received the wrong reward, please let me know as soon as possible, so we can figure things out. Additionally, I would ask you to fill out a short feedback survey about this tournament. Please, also fill it out even if you did not submit a bot for the final showdown, because we want to learn what we could have improved! You can find the survey under the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdMiguYEckGb00W2DEEvwbfkjsB_cH4BMMORaxnP098kpN6yQ/viewform?usp=dialog Kind Regards, Metagross31
  5. The tournament is over and we have a winner! Congratulations to If you missed the stream, you can rewatch it here: (Stream starts at 49:10) I will send out the rewards for the participants on Monday. Thank you all for participating and congratulations to all the winners!
  6. Hey all, the event stream will start very soon! Due to some issues with logging in to twitch, the stream will instead be held on YouTube: You can find the tournament bracket here: https://challonge.com/tmilj3ic
  7. Yo, that crust looks awesome!
  8. Maybe burning spears in XL mode? Would make sense, since pure fire has no T2 archers.
  9. Regarding the first question: You would be left with 90%*170=153 void power and 0 power in the power pool. Regarding the second, Rainbow Deck referrs to a deck where you play with one orb of each colour, i.e. .
  10. The Skylords Reborn PvP AI Programming Contest - Final Showdown Hello fellow Skyladies, Skylords, and other Sky-beings! The time has finally come - Phase 2 of The Skylords Reborn PvP AI Programming Contest is ending and the final tournament is just around the corner. For almost an entire year, dedicated Skylords have put in hours of work to create their own bots capable of playing in the PvP game mode. Now is the moment when they will face off against each other in a tournament to find the best of the bots! For more info on what this event is all about, check out the posts for Phase 1 and Phase 2. How can I compete? If you have written a PvP bot during Phase 2 and you want to sign up for the tournament, send me your implementation. You will have until Sunday, the 5th of January 2025, 23:59 CET, to submit your work. Following that date and for a period of about 3 weeks, I will work to get the bots running. During this time, I will stay in contact with all those who have submitted until any issues are resolved. If you do not have a working PvP bot yet, check out the post for phase 2 of the event, although the deadline is very close by now! When and where? The tournament will be held on Saturday, the 25th of January 2025, 14:00 CET. The event will be streamed on the official Skylords Reborn twitch channel. The stream will start 30 minutes in advance. Format The tournament will be held in a round-based, Swiss-system format. Every bot will play against each other twice and will alternate starting positions. If the number of participating bots is much bigger than expected, the number of rounds might be reduced. Rules Each match will be played on the map Elyon (Spectator). Each match consists of two games, where each bot plays once in the northern and once in the southern starting position. The card pool is limited to all cards that appear in the free PvP decks, and they have to be on Upgrade 3. Exploiting any bugs, glitches or other programming oversights may lead to a disqualification. You have to hand in the source code of your bot in order to participate. We will not distribute the source code without your explicit permission. The preferred way of submission is via gitlab/github, but other forms of submission are fine as well. Prize Pool 1st place 1 Promo of your choice + 3 General Boosters 2nd place 1 Ultra Rare card of your choice + 3 General Boosters 3rd place 2 Faction Boosters of your choice + 3 General Boosters 4th-5th place 3 General Boosters 6th-last place 1 General Booster What's next? What's next? What's N-X-E-T? The API to program a bot will of course exist past this event, as will the event's Discord server. You can still use the Discord to stay in contact with others, organize games, and keep working on your bots. While many of you have asked for your bots to be officially added to the game as opponents to play against, we cannot make any promises in that regard yet. Special Thanks Big thanks to @Kubik for providing the technical stuff necessary to make this happen! Another big thank you to everyone, who joined the Discord server and provided constructive feedback to make the API better. And finally, a big thank you to everyone who have participated in the event. Questions? Reply in this thread if you have questions. We will answer them as soon as possible. Best regards, The Skylords Reborn Team
  11. Hey everyone, I hope you enjoyed your holidays. We are nearing the end of the year and thus also the end of the official part of the event. You still have until Sunday, 5 January 2025 at 23:59 to work on your bots. By then, please send the version of your bot, which you want to participate with, to me, either via DM in the forums or via Discord. I will then do a short test game with all submissions to make sure they run smoothly on my PC and, if needed, contact you to resolve potential issues. I am also happy to already announce a date for the final showdown: Saturday, 25 January 2025 at 14:00 CET. More info about the format of the tournament will follow shortly in a post for phase 3. Until then, happy coding and good luck in the tournament!
  12. That's a good point. However, it is basically impossible to know, what the ratio of gold <-> BFP would be if such a system was introduced. Additionally, there are already people with millions of gold on their account, which they could immediately bring into the economy, while beginners, who struggle with both BFP and gold could have a hard time getting either. I'm not saying that it can't work out, but since the system has been as it is for over four years now, it is nearly impossible to test what the implications would be, since the limited amount of testers the team has can't simulate a large scale economy. The current economy works quite well for how small the player base is imo and it would be a very, very risky move to implement a possibly very drastic change into the system.
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