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  1. Ragenarok liked a post in a topic by Little_Ducky in CCC #4 - Mo Card Count - UNTIL 11. MAY 2022   
    The point = the card in your deck slot so you can use the card as many times as you like.
  2. Ragenarok liked a post in a topic by Kapo in CCC #4 - Mo Card Count - UNTIL 11. MAY 2022   
    Duckys Answer is correct - if I would want to count uses, the rules would have stated "Charges".  But that would be overly complicated and not really fun to count uses of a card.
    Just take your deck and count the cards you took to the map, including rarities of course.
  3. Ragenarok liked a post in a topic by Cocofang in Community Update #21 - April 2nd 2022   
    @JarodDempsey There is text under the picture.
    @Ragenarok Nothing is being taken away from Forest Elder G. The Breeding Grounds aura is a new, additional passive that both affinities get. The old damage amp aura stays for G. It's even getting buffed to have a bigger area.
  4. Lans liked a post in a topic by Ragenarok in CCC #2 - The Besieged Forge - UNTIL 05.02.2022   
    Congrats everyone
    Tries not to cry
    *sad skylord noises*
  5. Ragenarok liked a post in a topic by Kapo in CCC #2 - The Besieged Forge - UNTIL 05.02.2022   
    Hello again Skylords, Skyladies and other Skybeings; The contest is over, and it's time to announce the winners!

    But first, I’d like to thank everyone for making the Crappy Community Contest #2 happen – no matter in what way: participation, sponsoring prizes, spreading the word or helping me to organize it. Of course, the extra-special-thanks goes to Mynoduesp, who did a fantastic job on the map.
    In total, we reached a total number of 92 participants – thanks to the Skylords Team for sponsoring the code CCC2_SAVE-THEF-ORGE
    Here are the fastest Skylords of CCC #2:
    1st place          00:54.4       RadicalX
    2nd place         01:00.7       Treim
    3rd place          01:00.7       Donaar
    4th place          01:04.3       Dolewan
    5th place          01:05.2       Juntti
    6th place          01:05.5       Hiko
    7th place          01:05.5       Wanky
    8th place          01:06.7       Dutchy
    9th place          01:08.2       Arabika
    10th place        01:08.2       Pritstift
    Short reminder: Three times two entries have been exact the same, and as written down in the rules have been decided on who submitted the entry earlier. If your Sherlock Holmes-mind kicks in that this is highly unlikely to be a coincidence, I agree. I will investigate and post something about that in the next days, either with answers how this happens or with more questions.
    As an additional information for those who are interested, RadicalX went through the Bandit camp and killed the Stonekin Warlord (details about that see below), the fastest submission that took the other route (Stonekin camp / Twins boss) was Juntti’s 5th place, so both sides had the potential for a top time in the ranks.

    Winners of the Random Draws:

    Draw 1      Killbuster        Infect
    Draw 2      Lans               Church of Negation
    Draw 3      Donaar           Overlord
    Draw 4      Nmy               Brannoc
    Draw 5      Tinuvien         Juggernaut
    Draw 6      Dolewan         Worldbreaker Gun
    Draw 7      McRibwich     Grinder R
    Draw 8      Damo             Shrine of War

    Draws for 9-13 for 1 General Booster each: itap, Jaroddampsey, houkai, Nyakyua, Hrdina_Imperia
    I will send you the prizes as soon as possible through ingame mail. 

    Replays and Strategy Spoiler:
    These are the replays of the Top-3 entries – copy them into your Replay folder to watch them:

    For those who just want to quickly know how the top time was achieved without watching, here is a short description: 
    Complete list of times:
    If you didn't make it into the top ranks, here is the complete list of entries, so you may compare how you stacked up:
    In conclusion
    Thanks again to all who helped to make this happen. CCC #3 has already been discussed with the Event Managers, and will be something completely different, far far away from the realm of 'fastest time wins' – but before that we will see some other events.
    If you have a crappy idea for future CCC's you may share and discuss that with me, maybe you can host your own Crappy Contest! Feel free to contact me anytime. If you want to discuss or host a non-crappy contest, contact our Event Managers Hiko and/or Metagross. They are super supportive and will help you to organize your event!

    Hope you enjoyed the contest, I see you in the Forge!
  6. Kapo liked a post in a topic by Ragenarok in CCC #2 - The Besieged Forge - UNTIL 05.02.2022   
    Congrats everyone
    Tries not to cry
    *sad skylord noises*
  7. Ragenarok liked a post in a topic by Dutchy in CCC #2 - The Besieged Forge - UNTIL 05.02.2022   
    You can put Moon in the opposite corner and she will take no damage ^^
    If you struggle with submitting a replay, you can click on @Kapo profile and click on "message" next to his name. 
    You can find your replay here: 
    Documents => Battleforge => replays (your last game will always be saved as autosave.pmv).
  8. Ragenarok liked a post in a topic by Hrdina_Imperia in Nature/Shadow combination seems to fit Twilight more   
    This is just a minor pet-peeve of mine, but I have long felt that the Twilight faction should've been the combination of Nature and Shadow factions, not Nature and Fire. Obviously, I am not talking about the general in-game balance, neither lore standpoints. This stems from purely the visual feeling of the Twilight.
    I mean, they are literally called after the cycle of day, where the amount of light lessens (and shadow/darkness takes over). Their color pallete and designs fit my idea of shadow taking over nature much better, rather than the notion of combining Nature with Fire. That would logically (though that's not as important, this is a fantasy game) produce some kind of Ash faction, akin to Stonekin. 
    On this front, Amii Phantom kinda gives me the fire/nature vibe much better, mainly from her ability Amii Ashfighter. What creates ash? Well, fire burning nature, for example.  
    It just irks me in the back of my head, I am not advocating for changing anything. 
  9. Ragenarok liked a post in a topic by Kapo in Nature/Shadow combination seems to fit Twilight more   
    I always felt that Twilight is Nature gone wrong, infused with the aggression of Fire. Guess my impression stems in large parts from how Rogan introduces them:

    "When we returned to the surface, we found everything has changed! Become… twisted! They attacked us, like vile beasts!"

  10. Ragenarok liked a post in a topic by Treim in Official 2p rPvE Contest#2 The Bandit alliance - Difficulty 9 - Event Finished!   
    you can view them ingame --> be in the Forge  --> Book icon on the top -->Profile --> Replay icon on the right side --> names will be as they are named in the replay folder but you can see the finish times of the replay selected, so as long as you know what your replay time is you should be fine. The replays are ordered based on recency, so if you know a date you can skip quite a few as well.
    Also you can change the names of replays outside the game by changing the name in the following folder:  C:\User\Battleforge\replays
  11. Ragenarok liked a post in a topic by Majora in Official 2p rPvE Contest#2 The Bandit alliance - Difficulty 9 - Event Finished!   
    The crawlers from infect dont grand ground presence 🙂 so to my understanding: no
    @Minashigo Hiko?
  12. Ragenarok liked a post in a topic by Kapo in New year resolution 2022   
    Finish the rest of the maps with Tutorial Deck
  13. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Ragenarok in (New Card Suggestions) Frost/Fire don't go well together? I say nay!   
    I want to start by saying:  I'm more of a campaign and RPVE enthusiast than PVP. In fact, I detest PVP in most games, more often opting for co-op / horde / survival modes where offered.
    Furthermore. Frost isn't even my preffered colour at T1. I like them more than Shadow and fire, Even though I try to like all colours equally, but I do, 70 % of the time start on Nature.

    So as someone who cares little about the game mode where swift has the biggest impact and as someone who isn't 110% enthusiastic about blue to man the ramparts and defend their honour with my life.
    But I can, from a point of logic see and understand that  swift makes frost 100$ unviable for pvp, where maps are needlessly large and covering a large distance more rapidly can in some cases determine the outcome of the game. Maybe they don't need 4. But they something. Just to put them on the map.

    One other possible fix it to give every unit in the game swift after it is not in combat for 5 seconds.

    Here are some facts:
    Frost has zero swift units at T1.
    Fire has 4 swift units at T1 (yes, I am counting both affinities of Nomad, they are different cards)
    Nature has has 4 swift units at T1. (Again, two affinties of amazon count, they both have swift.
    Shadow has 4 swift units at T1
    Frost has 8 units at T1
    Fire has 10 units at T1
    Nature has 12 units at T1
    Shadow has 12 units at T1

    Maybe, JUST MAYBE, Frost would have gotten some love with the Amii expansion if EA didn't pull the plug. With the exception of one colour, each of them seemed to have had to have "wait their turn".

    Back to facts:
    Shadow only received additional  T1 cards in Renegade (the first and biggest expansion) and Amii (where it was literally just a release of the teaser cards, because the development was halted)
    Fire received  additional T1 cards in Lost souls and renegade (But not Amii)
    Nature is the above mentioned exception and has received additional units at T1 in every expansion.
    Frost saw the same amount of love as fire did when renegade launched, but has seen no additional units since. Not even in amii.

    Frost is not only the only unit to have not have swift at T1, they're the only colour to have "Slow" as a passive keyword on their units. At T1, right  the way through to T4.
    And to add injury to the insult, as the embodiment and incarnation of frost, they have literally nothing to make enemy units move as slow as they do. Like fire's Scavenger, which has crippling bit

    This makes construct and battleship useless after the battle you drop them in to is over.

  14. Ragenarok liked a post in a topic by Ladadoos in help me with school plz   
    It's 7, because if we look at the equation upside down (which is how you look at equations), you will see 01 + 6, which is equal to 1 + 6, and that is 7.
  15. Ragenarok liked a post in a topic by InsaneHawk in beta access denied !!!   
    You've been banned for Multiaccounting.

    Here's the extract from our rules (https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/460-global-forum-rules/)
  16. Ragenarok liked a post in a topic by Scourge in beta access denied !!!   
    Moved to Resolved. 
  17. Secvndvs liked a post in a topic by Ragenarok in Open Beta *Memes* Collection !   
    Yeah, I've lost dozens of hours of sleep staying up to participate in closed beta contests
    As stated through the whole thread, these memes don't come from a place of animosity. Please take this with a grain of salt

  18. Secvndvs liked a post in a topic by Ragenarok in Open Beta *Memes* Collection !   
    As stated through the whole thread, these memes don't come from a place of animosity. Please take this with a grain of salt

  19. Secvndvs liked a post in a topic by Ragenarok in Open Beta *Memes* Collection !   
    As stated through the whole thread, these memes don't come from a place of animosity. Please take this with a grain of salt

  20. Secvndvs liked a post in a topic by Ragenarok in Open Beta *Memes* Collection !   
    As stated through the whole thread, these memes don't come from a place of animosity. Please take this with a grain of salt
  21. Mirosius liked a post in a topic by Ragenarok in Open Beta *Memes* Collection !   
    As stated through the whole thread, these memes don't come from a place of animosity. Please take this with a grain of salt

    As stated through the whole thread, these memes don't come from a place of animosity. Please take this with a grain of salt

    As stated through the whole thread, these memes don't come from a place of animosity. Please take this with a grain of salt

  22. Mirosius liked a post in a topic by Ragenarok in Open Beta *Memes* Collection !   
    As stated through the whole thread, these memes don't come from a place of animosity. Please take this with a grain of salt
  23. Loriens liked a post in a topic by Ragenarok in Open Beta *Memes* Collection !   
    Yeah, I've lost dozens of hours of sleep staying up to participate in closed beta contests
    As stated through the whole thread, these memes don't come from a place of animosity. Please take this with a grain of salt

  24. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by Ragenarok in Open Beta *Memes* Collection !   
    As stated through the whole thread, these memes don't come from a place of animosity. Please take this with a grain of salt

  25. Bkingn liked a post in a topic by Ragenarok in Open Beta *Memes* Collection !   
    As stated through the whole thread, these memes don't come from a place of animosity. Please take this with a grain of salt
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