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Posts posted by LEBOVIN

  1. Quote

    edit: If you also want to translate the deck names, let me know.

    @CobaIt Sure why not. Edit: Must be 16 characters max. so I dont think this is possible

    Alright, I make a start, just copy it and continue filling it out.

    For RU @Loriens I know affinities are ur thing 😉 

    EN | DE | FR | RU

    Tainted Darkness | Unreine Sch. |  | 

    Gifted Darkness | Begabte Sch. |  | 

    Blessed Darkness | Gesegnete Sch.  |  | 

    Infused Darkness | Eingeflößter Sch. |  | 

    Tainted Flora | Unreine Nat. |  | 

    Gifted Flora | Begabte Nat. |  | 

    Blessed Flora | Gesegnete Nat. |  | 

    Infused Flora | Eingeflößte Nat. |  | 

    Tainted Ice | Unreines Eis |  | 

    Gifted Ice | Begabtes Eis |  | 

    Blessed Ice | Gesegnetes Eis |  | 

    Infused Ice | Eingeflößtes Eis  |  | 

    Tainted Flame | Unreine Fla. |  | 

    Gifted Flame | Begabte Fla. |  | 

    Blessed Flame | Gesegnete Fla. |  | 

    Infused Flame | Eingeflößte Fla. |  | 

  2. On 9/18/2021 at 6:58 PM, JarodDempsey said:

    If clearing the camps above the wagon is made more important/required, can a path to the boss be added? Even if not required i think such a path should be made. It's just very cumbersome to have to move units all the way around the map if you clear the top right but also want to help at the boss. Especially considering this is the main multiplayer map for new players, they arent going to know/think to use tunnels or portal nexus much less be able to afford netherwarp.

    I think this is a cool idea. I can already picture how it would look like. 🙂 

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