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  1. NAME: Symbol "%" missed in card "Juice Tank" in Russian DESCRIPTION: Symbol "%" missed in card "Juice Tank" in Russian
  2. NAME: Translation problems with "Ravenheart" and "Ensnaring Roots" in Russian. DESCRIPTION: Card "Ravenheart" has several problems in Russian. (While I was making this post I also noticed problem with card "Ensnaring Roots" and I have described it below). The first is property of card the "Reassemble the Ravens". The "Reassemble the Ravens" translated as "Summon Raven's Ships" ("Призвать Вороновы корабли") and because of this, it takes up two lines in the description instead of one, and thus the following "Slow" property blocks the numerical value of the "Ravenheart" attack in Russian. I would suggest changing the name like "Призвать Воронов" ("Summon the Ravens"). Also I would suggest changing the description to "Используйте, чтобы призвать 2 корабля Воронов. Одновременно могут существовать не более 3 кораблей. Можно повторно использовать каждые 90 сек." The second is property of card the "Fleet Support". The "Slow" property is incorrectly used in the description of the "Fleet Support" property in Russian. The rules for using parts of speech in Russian require the use of the word "Slow" in the form of a noun, and not an adjective in this description. Therefore, it is better to rephrase the description of the "Fleet Support" property to avoid changing the name of the "Slow"property. I would suggest changing the description to "Вороново Сердце будет терять свойство Медленный, пока находится в радиусе 25 м. от корабля Воронов." The last is minor change of description others properties of "Ravenheart" to make it more readable in Russian. New description of characteristic "Broadside": "Каждые 2 сек. 6 малых пушек с борта корабля независимо друг от друга открывают огонь. Каждый выстрел наносит 90 ед. урона врагам в радиусе 8 м., но не более 120 ед. урона суммарно." New description of characteristic "Harpoon": "Активируйте, чтобы запустить мощный гарпун Воронова сердца во враждебного юнита, нанося 1750 ед. урона всем врагам в радиусе 15 м. вокруг цели. Кроме того, гарпун снабжен тяжёлыми сетями, которые свяжут всех поврежденных юнитов. Опутанные сетями юниты обездвиживаются, но могут использовать дальнобойные атаки и особые умения. Эффект длится 15 сек. По окончании действия эффекта цели на некоторое время получают иммунитет к Обездвиживанию. Можно повторно использовать каждые 60 сек." "Harpoon" desctiption let us know that the unit will receive immunity against Root but russian version says "Пригвождению" (I guess it's something like "to be nailed" in english). I decided to check other card to check how translated property "rooted" in other cards like "Ensnaring Roots" and I saw another translation bug. "Ensnaring Roots" gives us "immune against root", but in russian this card "gives" us "immune against paralyze". I would suggest to describe "root" in russian as "Обездвиживание" ("Immobilization"), that means unit can't move, but he can attack and etc. New description of "Ensnaring Roots": "Приковывает к земле врагов в радиусе 15 м. на 15 сек. Скованные создания теряют возможность передвигаться, но могут проводить атаки с расстояния и применять умению. Действует только на наземные цели. По окончании действия эффекта у цели на некоторое время появится иммунитет к Обездвиживанию. Повторное применение карты возможно через 20 сек."
  3. NAME: Missing description "Kobold Inc." in Russian DESCRIPTION: "Kobold Inc." (blue affinity) has no description like purple affinity one in Russian (look at screen)
  4. NAME: Wrong description of achievement "The tools of Ultimate Destruction" in russian DESCRIPTION: The description of achievement "The tools of Ultimate Destruction" in russian requires to build "Алтарь Хаоса" instead of "Святыня Хаоса" (card "Altar of Chaos"). In my opinion "Алтарь Хаоса" more suitable than "Святыня Хаоса" because "Алтарь" means a structure for performing ritual sacrifices while "Святыня" means a "Shrine" or other religious place of worship but I guess change the description of achievement is more easier than change name the card.
  5. NAME: Russian translate bug of "Matter Mastery" and "Mind Control" DESCRIPTION: "Matter Mastery" and "Mind Control" has the same names in russian "Контроль разума" and that means in russian "Mind Control" and no more. I guess "Matter Mastery" should be as "Овладение материей" because in russian "Овладение материей" means "Perfect mastery of matter" (as skill) and "Capture some matter" (like capture the building) at the same time.
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