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Season 1 PVE League - Join us anytime for some fun challenges

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Hello Skyladies and Skylords,

PVE League is starting soon.




Starts Thursday 15th and ends on Thursday 24th November (10 weeks in total)


What if I start when the season has already started?

Please feel free to join us at any time during the season, you will still be eligible for end of season, achievement and bonus challenge prizes. Late participants will not be able to make up for missed challenges and won't be able to use the 7 day late submission rule.


What is it?

Compete against other players of similar abilities and ranks in a series of challenges consisting of campaign, community and rPVE maps. All info about the challenges and rules can be found on our website HERE


Who can participate?

We have 3 league divisions, to determine which one suits you best each division is summarized here:

Rookie League - Restricted to newer players with PVE ranks 10 or below 

Pro League - Open to everyone PVE rank 11 or above, challenges will be at an expert level. It is suited for people who like completing difficult challenges without the pressure of racing against a clock

Masters League - Open to all however we highly recommend a minimum PVE rank of 13 because it requires speed and an in-depth knowledge of cards & maps. Masters league challenges are designed to be difficult; our objectives are designed to block most traditional speed running strategies so players will be required to think outside the circle.

League admins reserve the right to reallocate you to a different division if we feel your capabilities and skills does not fit the division you registered for.


What are the prizes?

There is a Swamp Drake, Fallen Skyelf, Lyrish Knight and Rogan Kayle promo up for grabs for division winners in addition to lots of other prizes. Please refer to the prizes section in the info tab on the website HERE


How do I register?

Please use the sign-up link on our website HERE


Can I participate if I don't have Discord?

You can participate even if you don't have a Discord account, you can find all the info & challenges on our website. All replay submissions are also done via the website, so you won't miss out. There is a comments section underneath the challenges, so if you have any questions please feel free to post them there. 


Join our PVE League Discord Server

Join us for all the fun and frivolity whilst getting to know other participants in your division.  https://discord.gg/kQfnfGheNZ



If you have any questions about PVE League, please don't hesitate to contact myself Little_Ducky (DaDuck#5103), Dyr (Dyr#6502) or Nukie (nukie#9354). We look forward to meeting you all for Season 1 of League.


Edited by Little_Ducky
Metanolo, WindHunter, Lans and 9 others like this
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  • Little_Ducky changed the title to Season 1 PVE League starts 15th September

hi Vysnia, the PVE League is actually a community event therefore it is not on the official skylords website. We have opted for a website-based approach for the league to centralize processes and enable people who aren't on Discord or check forums regularly to participate. 

Edited by Little_Ducky
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Thanks to everyone who have already registered and expressed your interest in participating in Season 1, the number of registrants so far have surpassed our expectations. Please note we will be closing registrations on Wed 14th September at 23:59CEST.

Edited by Little_Ducky
Ultralord and Kapo like this
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  • Little_Ducky changed the title to Season 1 PVE League starts 15th September - registrations have closed

hi everyone, after careful consideration the team and I have decided to open up registrations to anyone who wishes to join PVE League, joining late reduces your likelihood of winning an end of season prize but there are achievement rewards and bonus rewards with each challenge. The registration link can be found on the home page of the website. We look forward to meeting more people.

Edited by Little_Ducky
Metagross31 and Hrdina_Imperia like this
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  • Little_Ducky changed the title to Season 1 PVE League - Join us anytime for some fun challenges
  • nukie unpinned and unfeatured this topic

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