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2 - Login Error code


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Common error code on login

Name: login code

Severity: 2(?)

Location: login screen

Reproducibility: On login, 4/10

Description: After initially creating a character and disconnecting immediately in forge, most login attempts afterwards resulted in this error.

Additional info: Before anyone asks, No my username and password fields are not empty

Update: Error is less frequent, and the ratio is lower after having a large sample size.



Edited by fiki574
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Normally I got the typical disconnected from server message but suddenly there was a new report that appeared after the success message when logging in:



When I scoll down it just says "stack traceback:" at the bottom.

It only happend once so far but it looks odd so I wonder if someone else got this error, too.

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NAME: Error dialog on login
LOCATION: Login Screen after Success
DESCRIPTION: Randomly happens on successful logins. Restart required after closing the dialog. "Success!" stays after closing the dialog and the Login button is clickable but does nothing.
SCREENSHOT: Image attached to the post


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3 hours ago, Ladadoos said:

@BeastSquirtle With logged in do you mean logged in or after you started to launch the game ?

After I logged in the game, this window always appeared. Sometimes I can't do anything, sometimes I can only watch my cards. And I had opened my 2 boosters luckily. 

Edited by BeastSquirtle
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1 hour ago, BeastSquirtle said:

After I logged in the game, this window always appeared. Sometimes I can't do anything, sometimes I can only watch my cards. And I had opened my 2 boosters luckily. 

Once it happens again, cold you send me your log.txt via Discord (Ladadoos) found in Your Documents>Battleforge>Diag ? Thanks :P Because the error is mentioning about not being able to write to that .txt file (log file).

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The bug happens where you try to log in. I tried about 100 times and i couldnt reproduce this bug.

So,This happened when i crashed after ending the game and i was trying to log back in. I just restarted the launcher and i got this screen. I thought this could help you as i think its from data or something.
I got the `client lost the connection` message because i took too long in the menu,so it has nothing to do with that

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