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  1. Hope you don't mind me reviving this thread. Didn't want to make a new one, and I had a lot to write so I didn't post it on discord since it'll just get lost. The problems: I think the reason why "Revenant's Doom" (the resurrection ability) feels so bad to use is because the units themselves aren't worth the cost of temporarily bringing back. The original devs clearly wanted to give the players the ability to use LS units. But there's an issue with that since the PVE enemy LS units were too powerful, so they compromised by giving us nerfed versions of them and slapping on "Revenant's doom". The lost soul spells are also quite underwhelming because they promote amassing lost souls units / revenants which typically get overshadowed by frost or shadow options (e.g. using shadow phoenixes, nightcrawlers, darkelf assassins, mountaineer, ashbone pyros, overlord). No one really cares about Revenant's Doom on T4 since you have so much power and ppl just spam LSS. Although the T3 LS units have their unique niches which CAN make them worth reviving in certain situations (lost vigil having incredible range and defensive abilities, lost horror being unmatched in fighting squads, and lost grigori being very versatile), T2 LS feels very bad to play outside of lost shade spam and is very power inefficient at low power (you don't much power to work with at lower tiers), hence no one really wanting to revive these units / play around "Revenants Blessing" (spell to create a zone where revenant death timer is frozen). T2 LS: (I'm going to neglect examining stat power ratio since I'm not experienced enough to analyse that) Lost Dancer: I don't know where EA was going with this. I understand that the pve enemy version of this is too powerful to give to players, but this is just a mess. As a ranged archer, having an ability to cast a corpse explosion centered on top of you just makes no sense. You would either need to run your archer up to the enemy and hope it doesn't die before you can cast it, or you have the lost dancer be your last unit and hope your enemy surrounds you, but at that point you would've traded your army for the chance to kill theirs. Lost Wanderer: Again, the pve version of this is very powerful as it can grant aoe shields to its allies, so I understand why they limit it to a single unit at a time. My problem with this unit is that A) it's melee, and B) it can't cast the shield on itself. I will admit that I do not play PVP so I do not know if it's a viable unit / core to any niche strategies like lost wanderer + defenders (I would assume people just ran ice sorceress). But from a PVE perspective, it just feels bad to play since you would need to have 2 lost wanderers out to shield each other, have the lost wanderer stand back and only shield at a distance, or have the lost wanderer shield a fellow melee unit and flip a coin to see whether it the enemy targets the lost wanderer or the shielded unit. Lost Reaver: A powerful S counter that might see use in some decks or possibly pvp against some matchups (I still think people would rather use frost mage, darkelf assassins, or shadow phoenix). Personally, I think that the ability doesn't really fit it and that the devs just slapped it on because the pve enemy version had it. You shouldn't cast it in close range because it locks you in animation and makes you take unnecessary damage. Lost Priest: Feels like they just wanted to add it because they had an enemy version of it. At first glance, it looks like it was designed to be a strong "cheap" support for dealing with multiple enemies, but when you look at it further you realise it's just not worth it. Here's an example why: Let's say you have a... nox trooper left over from t1? It states that it does 50 damage every 2 seconds. You pay 60 power to summon a lost priest. Then another 50 power to debuff up to 5 enemies for 20 seconds. If you use a red affinity red priest to debuff 5 enemies to take 35% more damage, that's 67.5 damage every 2 seconds. A bandit shaman in forge has 550 hp, so that will take 9 shots to kill. If you take in M damage bonus typing, that's 101.25 damage every 2 seconds ((50x1.5) x 1.35) so 6 shots. During that 20 second debuff duration, it will take 12 seconds to kill 1 out of 5 targets. ??? Now I understand that was a strange example fight and that the point is to use it in larger engagements, but why not just have a snapjaw for a one-time 75 power cost and have a stronger effect when focus firing? Shadow and frost do not have multishot until T3, so the only reason you would EVER use the lost priest ability would be if you just got lazy and never focus fired, or admittedly if your units were being knocked back and you had to stand ground-or if you REALLY wanted to nitpick, if you wanted to use aoe abilities like a shadow phoenix dive, aura of corruption, lost dancer necro explosion (lol), or frost mage cone. If you wish to commit to playing around "Revenant's Doom", you have to first summon the units, then pay the ability cost, let your unit die, and then optionally cast "Revenant's Blessing" to support a LS unit that typically can't function on its own. That's too much power and commitment at lower orb tiers. Looking at the list of problems above, it just makes more sense to stick to shadow or frost units at T2, or just summon more T1 units and brute force with motivate / home soil. If you want to make "Revenant's Doom" more appealing without completely reworking the entire faction's gimmick, you would need to first make the units more impactful, and also make the ability more accessible to use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- My suggestion: (these suggestions are under the assumption that switching abilities with other cards is possible) Make the ability free or cheaper but with more limitations to not make it overwhelming in pvp. No one wants to pay that much for a temporary revive. Sure, a free / cheaper temp revive has been suggested before, but there's a reason why I'm suggesting it again and it's because of one thing: Souls. Being a frost multicolor faction means that LS units have high HP pools, which means more souls. I understand that this could be incredibly broken in pvp since that's incredible stat cost efficiency, even if it is temporary. Which is why I suggest implementing some counterplay around this, such as applying a vulnerablity debuff like how buildings under construction / recently teleported phase towers take increased damage, and reducing the temporary revive duration but increasing "Revenant Blessing" charges to compensate. It wouldn't matter whether the revenants die too quickly, because their main purpose is to generate souls for the Lost Souls faction to manipulate. Reworking the current T2 LS units to revolve around manipulating souls. Soul gathering is a very underutilised ability, it would be nice to have a faction dedicated to it. Lost Reaver: Replace Lost Reaver ability with Lost Dancer necro explosion: As a L unit, Lost Reavers have a high HP pool, making them very powerful targets for necro explosion. Being in the frontline also means they are in the thick of combat and in the vicinity of any souls from fallen enemies. Having a free / cheap revive means that a Lost Reaver can use the souls from its own death to fuel the ability. Although this may seem powerful in pvp, you could make necro explosion cost a considerable amount of power to force the player to commit, and make it its own counter by making revenants take more damage and be the primary target of the necro explosion, hence absorbing the brunt of the damage with its large health pool. Lost Wanderer: Make Lost Wanderer a cheap frontline tank unit and make its ability like lost converter so that it absorbs souls to cast a weak area ice shield. Alternatively if thats not possible you could try dumping Lost Priest debuff ability (with a soul cost / cheap power cost) on it to make it a strong disposable support. Lost Priest: Replace Lost Priest ability with Lost Reaver ability to use souls to summon Lost Crawlers, essentially becoming a conditional T2 cultist master. I don't know how viable Lost Priest is as a ranged unit, but being able to contribute damage and summon its own meatshields sounds appealing. Lost Dancer: ...honestly I got nothing. Stat tweak? giving it multishot instead of super long range? I don't use it so I don't know how viable it is. If the card text is right, the siege affinity could keep up with other options like burrower. I reckon someone could come up with better suggestions for this card than me. Maybe give it the ability to directly cast Befallen's Curse for a power cost at target location within range? Enemy lost dancers have the ability to disenchant. Seems fitting. Revenant Blessing: Revenant Blessing is in a weird place. It's kinda useless at T2 since no one uses LS units outside lost shade, and units tend to die before the duration runs out. The green affinity healing is also miniscule at T3 and T4, making its only use to extend revenant duration. If you implement the above change and make revenants free and shorter duration, you'd probably need to increase the number of charges. Lost Vigil: Could do something similar to lost spirit ship where it can destroy an own building and use the life points to spawn an ethereal structure to buff itself. Might be too strong though. Lost Horror: Keeping with the previous soul ideas, it would be neat to make it a portable soul splicer without buffs / healing. It could farm souls with its multishot, collect the souls, then share it with other units. Could be implemented to support future LS units that could be added (like Lost Souls shadow insect / Lost Souls Necrofury) ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TLDR: No one gives a damn about temp revive on t3 and t4 since you have access to powerful units and spells, you'd just summon more units. current T2 LS options kinda suck because EA wanted to give us LS units but pve enemy LS units are too op, so they gave us nerfed ones and slapped a temp revive mechanic on it. LS spells are only worth using if you use LS units / revenants, but there's little reason to use them over mono cards like overlord, shadow phoenix, mass t1 units > LS t2 except for lost shade LS T2 sucks so no one wants to temp revive them. Make them usable and people might actually want to temp revive them. Make temp revive free but lower duration (reduced revenant duration doesn't affect T3 or T4 since those units are quite strong and typically only used in pve and no one really gives a damn about temp revive then when you can just summon more units) and make them take increased damage to make it balanced for pvp. Free revive = more souls. More souls = more souls shenanigans. Make LS T2 work around souls Lost Dancer is bad because its a ranged unit with a corpse explosion, which means that it has to be the last unit alive before you cast it. Put it on Lost Reaver. L unit with high hp pool that can corpse explosion the things it kills, revive, then corpse explosion using its own souls? I see this as an absolute win. Make necro explosion cost a lot of power, and revenants take bonus damage to make it balanced (so it tanks most of its own corpse explosion in pvp). Lost Wanderer is bad because it's a "support" unit that wants to melee but can't shield itself, which means that it shares aggro with the thing its shielding. Repurpose the lost converter code so that it can use souls to autocast a weak area ice shield, or let it cast lost priest aoe debuff via souls to make it a disposable support. Lost Priest debuff to take more damage is only useful if you're too lazy to focus fire. Give Lost Priest the Lost Reaver's ability to summon Lost crawlers. T2 cultist master with souls LETS GOOOO. No idea for Lost Dancer... Multishot? Stat tweak + let it cast Befallens Curse? I'm sure someone can think of something better. Shorter revenant duration + increased damage taken = suffering. Increase Revenant Blessing charges and find another way to make it more appealing to add to the deck. Give Lost Vigil the ability to recycle buildings and use the life points to spawn an ethereal building like LSS. Lost Horror + soul splicer corpse gathering / sharing. Planning for future LS soul shenanigans.
  2. Wasn't sure if I should post a new thread or not so I decided to post it here: NAME: Additional trade bug, missing card after trying to trade a card in deck. SEVERITY: 3 LOCATION: Trade system REPRODUCIBILITY: 3/3 DESCRIPTION: If you attempt to trade a card in one of your decks, you will receive a prompt asking for confirmation. If you confirm it, then the card is no longer visible in your collection and cannot be added to any of your decks. If you cancel the trade then this condition persists. SCREENSHOT/VIDEO: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Me and my friend were trying to trade cards; we cancelled the trade upon realising there was a visual bug, but weren't able to use our cards afterwards despite it still being present in our collection. I attempted to trade a tremor, and he tried to trade his corsair and a waystation(? Note: he forgot the second card). Edit: I am unable to summon any cards from the slot where I tried to trade a card from. I.e. I tried to trade my tremor, but it bugged out, I replaced it with silverwind lancers, but In-game I am unable to summon any of them but it still consumes power and card charges. 2nd Edit: Upon restarting client the card returns. I am updating the severity to 3. 3rd Edit: I assume the issue I had where I wasn't able to summon any of them but the card charge was still consumed, was due to the current ongoing issue with editing decks.
  3. Do you remember if it ever displayed your avatar properly? Weirdly enough, yesterday I was able to play a mission for a short time and I could've sworn I remembered my avatar was properly displayed (Ice guardian), but when I logged in today shortly it had reverted to war eagle. Didn't want to mention it because I thought it might've just been me misremembering it since it was fairly late.
  4. Possibly, I didn't ask the other players if that was the case. It's not an important bug and I don't really mind it, just thought I'd bring it up since it I didn't see anyone else mention it. Would like to see if anyone else came across it too.
  5. NAME: Incorrect avatar displayed after character creation SEVERITY: 3 LOCATION: character screen, forge, probably during missions too. REPRODUCIBILITY: Unsure, seems to be common since a large majority of players (roughly 8/10's) that were active at the time I was logged in were also using a default avatar (I have not confirmed if they had chosen it themselves or not). I assume this is caused by creating a character whilst the servers were unstable and players were constantly dc'ed during / after creation. DESCRIPTION: The avatar I chose during character creation is not the one being displayed; the default war eagles avatar is being displayed instead. SCREENSHOT/VIDEO: Unavailable currently until I manage to log back in. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: [Any other notes go here, such as possible fixing suggestions, ideas, etc.] Edit by Ladadoos: It seems that somewhere during the (first) login process avatars are being set to the war eagle. While watching the contacts list, I saw someone join for the first time with the character they chose, but once they entered the forge the avatar had reverted back to war eagle.
  6. Can confirm that it's only a visual bug. That message appears when creating a character but it had no impact on my account and I properly received the starter decks. Remember you CAN'T actually make multiple characters on a single account (like in the original game).
  7. Yeah it was very frequent within the first few hours of the stress test servers going live, haven't been able to reproduce it for a while now.
  8. Common error code on login Name: login code Severity: 2(?) Location: login screen Reproducibility: On login, 4/10 Description: After initially creating a character and disconnecting immediately in forge, most login attempts afterwards resulted in this error. Additional info: Before anyone asks, No my username and password fields are not empty Update: Error is less frequent, and the ratio is lower after having a large sample size.
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