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Beta Tester
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Status Replies posted by Shotty

  1. Happy birthday Shotty! :ladadoos: (It's not a cake but it will do :kappa:, unless your prefer :watermelon:)

  2. Oh hello there onii-chan


    1. Shotty


      Welp, there I go logging into the forum to see if anything major happend recently, and I get to see this.
      This is why I love you <3

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  3. If we belive in the infinite paralel worlds theory, there'd be a world in which Battleforge was never shutdown and it'd be the greatest E-sport ever and we all would have all the time in the world to appreciate the game.
    However, that world isn't ours, differnt things happend in ours leading to to the death of this game, leading to the crew of Skylords Reborn to reviving it.
    What am I aiming for by writing this?
    I really don't know.
    But hey, whenever I think about this project, I'm just glad to know it exists and that it has a really nice community behind it aswell.
    *sigh* If only real life wouldn't occupy me as much as it does recently~

    1. Shotty


      There theoreticly are many worlds like that one, and many of them have Mauler as the best card O.o

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  4. 4AM thoughts: How does one learn german?

    1. Shotty


      Hot to learn german? You don't. ;D

      Also @sylvix95*Kartoffel ;P

    2. (See 5 other replies to this status update)

  5. Happy birthday, thank you for your work :) 

    1. Shotty


      ^Give this man a medal for staying up to say Happy Birthday to a dev.
      Happy birthday btw.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Man I just tried to clean my keyboard for the first time in my lifetime. Could never have imagined how much dust/hair there's under those keys.

    1. Shotty


      That sounds disgusting O.o
      Good thing I just replaced my Keyboard~

    2. (See 6 other replies to this status update)

  7. Roses are red,

    Violets are blue,


    I'm active again,

    F**king finally Jesus Christ where have I been?!

    1. Shotty


      Fiki is back, now all we need is Lord and this ship is gonna be picking up some serious pace!

      Not saying that it hasn't taken up some serious pace already!

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  8. YOU FOOL!

    1th of April is often filled with jokes, today more likely to be called "pranks" - to justify doing stupid sh*t. 

    Almost every year of my existence, I pulled something stupid off, like hiding important papers or ordering chinese food instead of a birthday cake (don't do the same stupid things).

    However, I would want to hear your best pranks/jokes you came up with, or someone pulled on you.

    Feel free to share details for a good laugh, and enjoy the rest of this day :) 

    1. Shotty


      Sorry, just had to link this when you start with those words.

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  9. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare is free on Steam for 24hours http://store.steampowered.com/news/28406

    1. Shotty


      Well, while I haven't tried this game yet, I certainly think that this post is amazing <3

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  10. Today I feel like doing a status update. How's everyone doing?





    Shameful marketing below


    Facebook page for a school project! Gib lajks plz :)

    1. Shotty


      This is basicly a status update, asking for a status report from other ppl.

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  11. My brother, instead of watching other actually good anime, is rewatching One Piece for the fourth time.

    Steins;Gate, Erased, Death Note, way lot more down the list.

    And everytime I try to reason with him he responds: "You can shut up and leave".

    1. Shotty


      @BionicReaper leave your brother be and let him watch what he wants to watch?

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  12. My brother, instead of watching other actually good anime, is rewatching One Piece for the fourth time.

    Steins;Gate, Erased, Death Note, way lot more down the list.

    And everytime I try to reason with him he responds: "You can shut up and leave".

    1. Shotty


      @BionicReaper he's your brother. Often brothers won't give a damn what their brothers recommend.

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  13. My brother, instead of watching other actually good anime, is rewatching One Piece for the fourth time.

    Steins;Gate, Erased, Death Note, way lot more down the list.

    And everytime I try to reason with him he responds: "You can shut up and leave".

    1. Shotty


      @rittindentod  I played the game before the anime, and honestly, like a year ago I was really into ygo, not because the game was great, but to watch newcomers play and laugh at the hilarity of them screwing the rules. Also, if we talk about screwing the rules here, iirc the MC of the anime with the pendulums created the pendulums out of thin air and won because he was the only one able to use the mechanic for quite a while.

      @BionicReaper  I watched Code Geas like 5-6 times atleast, and I still have not taken the time to watch Steins gate. Your brother might just continously rewatch one piece to remind himself of the time he watched it for the first time, or because it's exactly the kind of show he's looking for at this very moment. So instead of bugging him with your opinion, let him watch what he wants to watch at the given moment. Giving an anime fan input as to what he should watch, when he's already watching stuff that he really enjoys is the worst thing you can do. 

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  14. Please roast my friend haha :)



    1. Shotty


      tfw out of all the "kind words" he receieved, the best ones ain't evne on reddit, bust instead are found here posted by anonyme~

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  15. Just finished the varnishing, have to wait until its dry and then complete my work. So today or tomorrow i'm gonna reveal it.

    I'm giving you some words as hints so you maybe can find out what its gonna be ;)

    First word: Rage

  16. Just finished the varnishing, have to wait until its dry and then complete my work. So today or tomorrow i'm gonna reveal it.

    I'm giving you some words as hints so you maybe can find out what its gonna be ;)

    First word: Rage

    1. Shotty


      I'm gonna go ahaead and guess it's Brannoc related.

    2. (See 11 other replies to this status update)

  17. For anyone who doesnt remember its ARURF running from the 24-27th Febr. AKA this weekend, I play on EUW and would love to have fun with some BF peeps (real friends have stuff to do) :P

    1. Shotty


      I'd recommend you ask on the discord for stuff like this, I see a couple of ppl there who I never see on the forum who seem to like League.

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  18. @Kiwi I think I found your two most favourite (sadly now deleted) items in path of exile history.


    1. Shotty


      @Kiwi   Well, those items were glitch items, the glitches happend because the devs two differnt databases running (like intended) but one of em was from a prior version.

      The second shield is known as "Kiwihalt" in the community. There are some rare items that still exist because the devs didn't actually do a reroll, but delete the items manually. One of the items left is a 181% Multistrike support gem. Which, ofc is broken.

    2. (See 2 other replies to this status update)

  19. its-your-birthday-in8r0u.jpg

    Looks like it's your birthday, so happy birthday to the one and only :wrathgazer:!

    1. Shotty


      Happy Birthday Mr.Wrathgazer! You might not look as dapper as your Twin Eddio, but that doesn't mean that we don't love ya! <3

    2. (See 9 other replies to this status update)

  20. Well, seems I'll be joining the forge soon (TM) :kappa:

    Looking forward to testing with everyone, espacilly the people from chat who I've been talking to for almost a year now <3

    This actually makes me consider downloading Discord, which I've refused to do in the past.

    This describes accurately how I felt after seeing I've won:



    1. Shotty



       shoutout for you as you increased my rep to 100 just now ;D

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  21. Well, seems I'll be joining the forge soon (TM) :kappa:

    Looking forward to testing with everyone, espacilly the people from chat who I've been talking to for almost a year now <3

    This actually makes me consider downloading Discord, which I've refused to do in the past.

    This describes accurately how I felt after seeing I've won:



  22. 10 000 members!!!! <3 

    :hypetrain: never stops!!

    Thank you all for being a part of this amazing community, it's a pleasure being here with you  <3  :bf: 

    1. Shotty


      Well, we all knew you'd make this status  :P

    2. (See 8 other replies to this status update)

  23. *Sits in silence waiting for someone to notice* -.-

    1. Shotty


      So you didn't feel important when I decided to make that post? t.t

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

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