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About JoseAlmeida

  • Birthday 11/08/1998

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  1. 4AM thoughts: How does one learn german?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Riviute


      Shotty = Besserwisser means smart arse ;)

    3. Nikita-San


      Also ich denke es ist so ziemlich das Schlimmste was du dir antun kannst. Besonders die Umgangssprache die sich vollkommen von der theoretischen Sprache unterscheidet und dann noch das Schrecklichste was du dir vorstellen kannst: die Zeichensetzung:O

    4. kggx


      Kommasetzung nach Gefühl, Luftdruck und Sternenlage^^

  2. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone!

  3. Come to our discord, dallarian can answer that https://discord.gg/AN3eN
  4. Today will start in 15 minutes. 3 rounds or more if all games are fast. tomorrow should be the same i think
  5. @Dallarian Ok, I will make a few decks then. I know only 1 deck is needed but I will have some backup ones anyways
  6. @Dallarian How are we supposed to contact you to know when to play? I think you should make a skype group or something
  7. I have no idea how HS tournaments work ._. so anything is good I guess, its just for fun anyways. Do i need to pick a number? anyways my gamertag I think is JusTT#21636
  8. I play a lot Age of Empires 3 with my friends and I like it a lot
  9. I will honestly just play anything because I dont really know what is good or what is bad on the meta these days... Just tell me the rules there will be when everything is decided and I will make a new deck
  10. I can stream my match and upload it if you want as well, i have everything set up
  11. I would play . Even though im pretty bad at the game, with a horrible deck, i would love to participate.
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