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Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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Posts posted by Chimaka( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  1. 46 minutes ago, ImaginaryNumb3r said:

    I agree. But to be fair Battleforge already makes heavy re-use of recycling and making texts and textures (and even special effects) is not such a big deal when you got the models and animations already ingame. Special effects too are usually just textures with some kind of GPU transformation going on that can be done entirely in code (not a big deal once you know what you are doing and have a creative spark). But besides that there are still many neutral card monsters that could be turned into a playable card (just think of all the Twilight creatures. Heck, all Twilight creatures are just texture jobs anyway).

    Either way, I'm more in favour of re-balancing the existing cards before adding more content. Personally, I'd love to see more unique T4 faction creatures that rewards a "pure" playstyle, but overall I think rebalancing many of the useless cards yields more merit.

    Yeah i know all that. Used a bit of blender and such-like programs to make new models + texturing + FXes, long ago. Also modded HoMM5 to some extent too. Just didn't dive deep into that part. Thought it was unnecessary. But ye, we already have access to existing units, and only need to balance them out and make playable.

    About rebalancing. Same here. I actually lean towards rebalancing existing stuff, before adding more and making an even worse mess. I tried to rework/buff twilight's transformation with The Aquanix, but then we stopped, because all the data is left on his PC, to which he doesn't have access (just not there)...sooo... yeah. Those are the least parts to do. There are actually other useless dirt cards that require closer look.

  2. 1 hour ago, John said:

    How does this look? I think it looks fine for the S units. I noticed that the health bar of the buildings are quite small, so maybe they should be made bigger :thinking:image.png.1a7c8203dac8518c57ceee2ac9d78764.png

    Whoa. Impresive.

    The one of XLs' looks better to me, don't know what others would say. But what are the numbers? Seems their bar is devided by 1000Hp with 250Hp in each, right? And if it is below 1000, then it is devided by 100Hp each. Interesting, but single standard should be enough. The least Hp of a squad is 260 (U0 Manawing), so 250 Bar is enough, but maybe devide it by 50 smaller ones if total is below or equal 750HP? I mean, look at the Northguards, there are... counts ... 7 wholes and a small part, which is 720HP = 100*7+100*0,2 , but counting them is painful, because they ruffle in the eyes.

    All in all it needs a bit of gameplay feedback to see would people like it one or the other way. Maybe even add an option to customise it (the numbers per bar and per unit value), because i think people will fit it to their needs perfectly. I remember doing that via console back in Dota 2, but whatever.

  3. Priorities: From top to bottom*
    >Reach Server stability upto 99,999% (no random crashes here and there)
    >Gameplay stability and confortability, which includes: economics (gold rewards, quest rewards and quest themselves, achievements), game content (cards you get, boosters), possibly some UI improvements, etc in those regards
    >New game content. Includes: New cards, New maps/scenarios, Card rebalance, Gameplay mechanic improvements (if possible, but hardly imaginable), etc.

    It's a distant future content, sadly. Can't be helped. Let alone we'd need someone to make those new "cards". They (cards) consist of: texts, cards, animations, models, textures, special effects, mechanics. We are lucky if game uses some sort of 'part-compiler' or 'constructor'. Like some spare parts of a car. You can add and take away some of them, change exterior, interior, inner mechanical parts like engine, gearbox, levers, electronics, etc etc. IF it worked like that, then we'd be blessed. Otherwise... welp~...

    *some intersections are possible, but not with last part.

  4. Let's see a current situation.
    >Most Gold rewarding are cPvE maps on expert difficulty +- some rng of the upgrade drops. Most of them are better for gold mining. There is a table somewhere on forum with 'gold per hour' numbers. All of them are realistic with a proper deck and execution. For example, Soultree Expert can be done within 10-15 minutes, gives about ~2k+ per game, up to 7k if you are extra lucky.
    The table topic under the spoiler



    >rPvE can be considered as starter gold mining spot. You need relatively cheap deck (even starter cards are enough to deal with it) and a decent team. That's all you need to beat rpve lvl9, unless you encounter lost souls, which is a pain in the ass no matter what. Gives ~4200 per game and can be done within 12-18 minutes (if it is not lost souls or twilight, and you have decent decks).

    >PvP unranked gives 0 gold. Abysmal and pointless time waste, unless your purpose was to test a deck or smth else in those regards.

    >PvP ranked gives 250-1000 depending on length of the game and 'Winner' state (Y or N, if you won, then evidently you get a bit more). I consider low ranks and not higher ones, because there on high ranks matches are played a bit differently, due to skills being matched. Let's look at real situation of regular player. Queue times and skill mismatch are took into account. Here is the thing(s):
    .A) you lose, hence you likely won't never get that Winner bonus gold coeff. Ok, maybe you once match someone of your real skill level and it will be a game, and you might win a game or two;
    .B) you play around 10-15 minutes, more common to play shorter then 10 minutes and less often exceed 15 minutes line (about 60% to 40%, but this proportion leans towards 15+ minutes in skill-matched games, which are - again - not our part of the topic);
    .C) besides 10-15 minutes of actual gaming, you also spend lots of time while queued for about 5-10 and sometimes even more. + if you exceed a certain time limit, then you are matched outside of you league and get rekt => see .A).
     In total you earn garbage 1-2k of gold per hour of continuous loss (about 3-5 games). Maybe exceed 2,5k if you get lucky. This is less than an rPvEeven lvl9 can be done within 20 minutes+5 for waiting in a random lobby.

    >Criticise - suggest:

    A) PvP should be able to compete with rPvE at least to some extent. Let's count under the spoiler, so it won't be all around the place, but i will write total numbers outside of it.


    So, we try to compete PvP with rPvE lvl 9.

    Given data: 
    4_players_rPvE_lvl_9 [4-rPvE-9] {
    Gold per match [GPM] = 4200;
    Time per match [TPM] = 12-22 minutes;
    Queue time [TQ] = 1-5 minutes;}

    Approximations and assumptions:
    1) Consider 'time's within only those brakets, everything outside of it will be considered as outstanding;
    2) For PvP, assuming that player base is more populated due to it being more interested and active;
       a) Therefore from p.2), approximated WinRatio of a given abstract player is ~50% (which, ofc, can be ~80%+ or ~20%-), because with more active player base there will be more of same skilled players.
       b) Queue time is same as of rPvE, again, due to p.2)
    3) Average Time per match will probably lean towards 15 minutes, with 13-17 minutes time brakets. Also we assume that it is the most common and usual in terms of probability.

    TPMavg = [TPMmin+TPMmax]/n = [12+22]/2 = 17 minutes - Average Time per match for 4-rPvE-9;
    TQavg = [TQmin+TQmax]/n = [1+5]/2 = 3 minutes - Average Queue Time for 4-rPvE-9 (same for PvP - look p.2,b));
    {GPHmax = Hour/[TPMmin+TQmin] = 60/[12+1] = ~4,62 => 4 - Max Games per hour, 5th game goes outside of the 1 hour braket (62 minutes, if time starts when game begins and not from queue), just take it into consideration;
    GPHavg = Hour/[TPMavg+TQavg] = 60/[17+3] = 3 - Average Games per hour;
    GPHmin = Hour/[TPMmax+TQmax] = 60/[22+5] = ~2,22 => 2 - Min Games per hour, 3rd game ends at 74 minutes;}
    {GoldPHmax = GPHmax x GPM = 4 x 4200 = 16800 - Max Gold per hour for 4-rPvE-9;
    GoldPHavg = GPHavg x GPM = 3 x 4200 = 12600 - Average Gold per hour for 4-rPvE-9;
    GoldPHmin = GPHmin x GPM = 2 x 4200 = 8400 - Min Gold per hour for 4-rPvE-9;}

    So our GoldPH brakets are [8400;16800]. That means PvP ranked should give, if not greater, then at least same ammount.

    To do so we need to count how much one game should give - GPM for PvP, and let's put it for losing side, hence making 'winner' reward more essential on paper.

    GPM = GoldPHmin/GPHmin = GoldPHavg/GPHavg = GoldPHmax/GPHmax = GoldPHavg/{Hour/[TPMavg+TQavg]} = 12600/{60/[15+3]} = 4200 - average Gold per match
    Basically same with rPvE, with a bit of long term differences.

    To make PvP competable with rPvE it has to give 4200 average gold per match for a losing side, but while rPvE has it as a constant ammount, PvP's can differ according to length of the match, plus 'winner' bonus. This also makes PvP highly rewarding, if you win a lot and consistently. Then you probably will reach the 17k+ per hour, depending on how high the bonus is.

    Include more PvP quests + related achievements in the near future, and it looks quite fair. Remember that economy will be slowed down by about 233%, i didn't take this into consideration.

    The real problem i see is that PvP was thought of as a lategame content back in EA. Obviously due to marketing reasons, it was made to be expensive, hence making clearly more powerful cards rare and ultra-rare. Remind a Firedancer and Fire Stalker and say which one is obviously better on total, and not in a specific situation. There are plenty of examples. That's the reason why PvP deck is more expensive then regular PvE (expect speedrunning ones and pure decks, they were always a hecking expensive).

    P.S. Many words, so that i could have slipped a mistake somewhere.

  5. 8 hours ago, stelaru said:



    is there a Folder with record of matches pve/pvp?


    And can i disalbe Pinging(Sound)?


    Yes there is: it follows this path "C:\Users\<Username>\Documents\BattleForge\replays" only depending on how's your main OS disk is named, where all the documents lay at. There might be no replay folder, if you haven't record any replays, but there still have to be at least latest played map.

    And what do you mean by "Pinging(Sound)"? The ping when someone marks something on a map? Well, i don't realy think it is possible then.

  6. 10 hours ago, Kubik said:

    wait "new scenarios" definitively yes, this is really easy someone here not us create it, we just verify it do not have any obvious exploits and put it on the map.
    Ok it will be bit harder than that, but not much. :) and there are people on this forum that working on new maps.

    "new scenarios" by that i meant new Campaign scenarios. [read carefully] An official continuation of the story with scenarios/maps, those will appear on Worldmap - i hardly believe there will be, otherwise it is a just an official fanfiction, although i am NOT against it. Not just new maps. Map with a bit of a scenario is not difficult to make, i've been using map editors excessively throughout my gaming experience, so i know what i am talking about. I was talking about real new campaign scenarios about continuation of the story and lore itself. And to start with, i quoted and made an assumption, because qoute Untouch: "campaign stuff" can mean literally anything regarding Campaign, not other side maps.

    And Note: Again, i am not against introduction of new maps and scenarios of different people here, and i do NOT belittle their efforts anyhow. I just state, that this is rather not an official map, if it is not included to worldmap as an official new scenario and line/arc, moreover as a new page/chapter/tome in the Lore Book.

    Is it elaborated enough to clear all things out?

  7. New Cards > maybe in distant future. So there is a chance, but remember it's not just some .xml and card GUI that you see in the game.
    Campaign stuff > if this means "new scenarios", then probably not; if this means "reward and upgrade rebalances" possible, but not necessary will be done.
     About EA's shut down: in short - non profitable to keep the project. Why it was like that - their own fault, i assume. After all it was a P2W design, no wonder why it didn't make it in the end. Quick reminder - Artifact - a P2W. BF lived longer, because they choose to add F2P design, and that game the game a flow of fresh players. IMO.

  8. I remember on old BF forums people were discussing such new factions as Fire-Frost (Steampunk, Storm, Steam, etc.). I recall someone had already done same topic here on this forum, long before. However fascinating creation and development of new splash faction might be, we'd rather balance out existing ones first. Although i'm looking forward onto it. Let's rant :D

    PvP part:



    Speaking of mechanics: spell spam means you would usually end up with very few units to have spare power in your pool to spend reactively. That means units should be somewhat worth spawning. That being said, it's a usual problem of <Quality over Quantity>. To clear out what i am thinking of and talking about: let's say you are playing in PvP and have 120 power in total at the moment, both of you and your opponent have no ground presense nearby except one t1 unit, both have t2. Your possible actions are
    a) spawn one or two Storm units, with about 20-60 power left with. Here is your problem - because you have only 1-2 of them, you cannot have decent counter vs everything, unlike your enemy who has an access to counter card (you have S/M and spawn M/M or M/L, he has M/M and spawns another M/M or L/M[L/L])
    b) you also can spawn more units of just Frost and Fire, and be good with just that. That depends on how good/bad new cards are [Twilight reminder].
    So basically with such mechanic/feature this faction basically resembles the idea of Harvester - spawn once, and keep it alive as long as possible through spells only. Although Harvester is a powerful beat-stick, those are less powerful, hence you are left with a cosplay of harvester gameplay, because they depend on spells a lot more and without them they seem even weaker than regular Frost/Fire cards, or at least depend on them more, than just regular cards. Although Frost already has a synergy with buildings (Lyrish Knight, Ice Guardian, Home Soil, White Rangers, Icefang Raptor), but all of these are weak without a building around them, but unlike Spellstorm mechanic, they gain a permanent benefit from a building around them and not a temporary, which makes them stronger than Spellstorm cards, which gain temporary benefits from spells (10s only, and even it was 20s, still it is temporary only). This is a power drainer feature, which is a bad compared to others.

    If something, i'm talking about PvP rn. Moreover new mechanic and just new cards should also consider old cards, which means some might become broken(op), such as Eye of the storm, that heckin' refreshes all cooldowns and also they cost less. Let's see: Disenchant (80) + Eye of the Storm (50) + another instant Disenchant (68[80]) = 198[210 required]; Coldsnap (75) + Eye of the Storm (50) + another instant Coldsnap (64[75]) somewhere else, or if you missed into Netherwarp = 189[200 required]. Ravage (50) + Eye of the Storm (50) + Ravage (43[50]) = 143[150 required]. Does anyone ever spend so much power in just few seconds to cast spells? Does anyone even have so much power in the first place to be spent? Maybe, but usually there is just about 50-120 depending on deck's faction and situation. It is usually better to have more units on battlefield, than somewhat questionable unused power for spells.


    That was PvP, now PvE:


    It all depend on what kind of cards there will be, but if we look at the new mechanic only, then:

    Shrine is Broken OP. Btw the Phrase is - immediately reusable (Look up Eruption).

    Let's see comboes: Use that Shrine of the broken(storm)
    then someone uses Aura of Corruption, and there:
    -> your teammate(s) casts Enlightenment, spawns something within Breeding Grounds, then casts it again, and again spawns something...-> GG.
    -> Cluster Explosion+Cluster Explosion+Cluster Expl...so on - Fallout
    -> Mind Control+Mind Control+Mind Con....
    -> Regrowth+Regrowth+Regr.... - Heal'em all
    -> Lost Evocation+Lost Evocation+....
    -> Root/Paralyze/Oink/Freeze'em all
    -> Ice Tornadose/Infernoes/Soulshatters/Backlashes/Maelstorms/Thunderstorms/VOIDSTORMS!

    see? It's broken. And i didn't even mention Eye of the Storm and Spell Tempest...

    Overall units are not that valuable, because they kinda require an upkeep in power to perform greately. Usually you'll use Home Soils and Coldsnaps, and might be Ravages as a heal. That's if you use a regular all around deck. If you would use a specific deck for a given scenario or rPvE (they have a special build), then it all depended on how broken/useful the card is.
    For example: Favorable Breeze - which unit really needs it? Take a note - a single one... I can't find any real situation. Maybe there might be a situation or too. So, it's a PvP card.
    Storm Raptor - miserable compared to Icefang Raptor, although it is swift, but in PvE you are not that dependent on fast units, but it is a good feature anyway.
    Storm Walker - stats are worse than of Sunderer U3, considering it's a Melee unit. In total is alike Lyrish Knight with a building and a Home Soil, also costs around the same (Lyrish+Ice Barrier+Home Soil). The difference is, Storm Walker has everything already, so why would you need a Lyrish Knight in that deck? Hence it foreshadows another card(card combo), which is not ok. It rather should give something new, or cover holes of the deck. If it was L/L, then it would have been interesting, because there is actually no L/L unit in such a deck. But then it is insufficient and foreshadowed with other faction's L units - Vileblood, Lost Reaver, Deep One, Spikeroot (but it has a bit different idea). So, Storm Walker be better have a bit more HP, at least 1100, because then you would still use some spells, like Ravage+Eye of the Storm+Ice Barrier+Home Soil(154 in total).
    Spell Tempest - welp, it looks good in rPvE for sure, besides it is actually OP in team, absolutely useless in solo. By the description it prolongates duration, which means duration of the spell, not the debuffs that are applied. Hence you are left with: Unity, Home Soil, Ward of North, Retreating Circle, Glyph of Frost, Scorched Earth, Mines, WinterTide, Ice Age, Architect's call, Global Warming. That's about it, because everything else is has instantaneous or such alike effect. For dmg every DPS is ok.



    did you think people do not know how to use "find image (google)" ? \:D You can keep 5 BFP to yourself, not really in need, neither i would find a use for them.



  9. NAME: "Errorcode -1" when trying to login
    LOCATION: Login screen
    DESCRIPTION: Error appears, if you happen to enter your password or login wrongly (typo or just improper, whatever). So: steps to reproduce it are
    >Enter wrong password/e-mail
    >get the "...wait 10 seconds..." message
    >wait and enter proper password/e-mail
    >Forever "Logging in", then the Error appears with following "Disconnected" window.
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Enter your password on the first try, either restart your client, if you happen to enter wrong one.




    Sauron likes this
  10. And some people managed to get all the promos in a first week, besides absolutely legally.
    How did you gather your cards? Boosters only? If yes, then it explains why it took so much time.
    I got many essential cards from boosters, but none of them were pure cards. Neither of them are hyper expensive, except one or two of them. The most expensive card for me was Wheel of Gifts. And despite not selling anything i got from boosters, and rather only accumulate different cards by buying them, i still have decent decks and moreover great bfp estate in cards only. So, if i decided to create a pure deck of 120 lvl (fully upgraded, fully charged), i would be able to get to at least lvl 80-100 depending on deck build at the very least. Note: i was not playing a lot. I have done <50 quests according to the achievement. And most of the time i was either buying cards through AH, or trade (which is usually cheaper).

  11. NAME: Game restricts taking a free starting position in a lobby, if it was taken by someone before.
    LOCATION: Lobby
    REPRODUCIBILITY: Always (quick hands)
    >be in the group with host,
    >lobby is created by the host, 
    >any single slot is taken by two people at a time,
    *wild west cowboy duel music on the background plays*
    >now one takes a slot, and second does not, obviously,
    >second tries to take a free slot, but get an instant "Unknown Error!" sys msge
    >cannot take any slots anymore, untill lobby is recreated, or player is reinvited (leaves group then gets back)
    ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Possible to recreate if someone jumps from between slots, and you, so happens, click on a free slot, but it was actually a player (KONO PLAYE~RU DA! (yes a meme)).
    SCREENSHOTS/VIDEOS: "please, standby"





  12. A new sketch art. Hooray! After nearly a year. This topic was already forever dead, but whatever. Just saying, because it doesn't matter.

    Though i doubt someone will notice, but being noticed is not the sole point. I'm only sharing something, that people might find themselves applicable and enjoyable :D
    Note: it was a 600 DPI scan (7020x5100p *PC MasterRace noises*), i also enhanced it and cleared the 'dirt', aka 'pencil stains on paper'. There is still a lot is left to work on, tbh, but i am lazy and can not find myself painting it into colour. Just as any other sketch.


  13. Thinking of bugged seeds, from my experience only "Cliff/Height bordered" seeds (the one on a screenshot is kind of recessed into the ground) can have this outside-of-border bug. Mainly you can encounter such seed in the solo rPvE or duo rPvE(i think it is possible), because 4plr rPvE is actually a big map, and i had not seen at least one having that bug when i played (maybe i was not lucky enough). Also 4plr rPvE can have an "Oceanic border" (camps are placed on a islands with pathes between them, everything else is a water, and there is always some sort of free space filled with water between map border and the land). One more thing: there is a higher chance to encounter the bugged seed on higher difficulties for solo and duo rPvEs, because they have same map size (512x512 afair). Thus being denser leads to higher chances of reaching the map border. This shortens the range of searching pretty much. There are also other people with greater experience in rPvE, so i think they can share it too.


     For example this one is solo rPvE diff 10 with "Oceanic border". As you can see on minimap, my camera is already scratching map border, though the land could possibly go beyound it.413156541_mapbordercloseup.thumb.jpg.89730497af8bb694beb69bfdb81adaaa.jpg

    But this is how it looks in the map editor. There is a thin red line (close to the middle of the screen, it is visible on water) that indicates the 'end' of the map.


    But it actually not one single border. There are two of them: "visible area" border - red and "playable area" border - blue (i moved the side to make it visible). Numbers indicate how far the side of a border from the edge of map itself (and it is pretty far as you can see it on the first screenshot [though you actually wouldn't be able to see it with normal camera]). In reality the numbers are the actual coordinates, and 512x512 map has ~716m length/width (so 134,40 and 582,40 are just coordinates; rather than 0 and ~716 they are moved in to the map). Thus making map smaller.


    Measured the distance (with this tool "D" in the red square). This is how long/wide the playable area actually is. Doing a simple math 582,4-134,4=448m (i measured it with a small error), this is an actual length. So, if so happens the unit/building spawns or just moves through the border it is gone from your sights and is untouchable, because it is outside of the playable area (unless splash damage or aoe is able to hit it, which i doubt).


    And here is an example of the real possibility to go beyound the area border. I painted left one with a bit wider red line; the right one is painted with cyan line (to contrast the background), it also shows the restricted area, where units can't walk or fly above. Although only small sized units could possibly squize through the border. And as you can see, this map is a "Cliff bordered" one. Btw, it is a solo rPvE diff 8 map (or maybe 9, i don't remember).



  14. :ohno: This looks painful... But i've seen people modding sega games (played it). I have no idea how hard it is, or what kind of megamind you have to be, just to find out how "alter" it and then actually do so... >_> 

  15. @Asgard57
    >First things first: use english as rules state
    >Second: be more constructive, because what i see is a simply shout-out.
    >Don't bother devs with such a hustle
    >Last, but not least: it is hard to understand what is writen even in russian. Scary to think about what will be if you'd use english. After all, if you claim that they had a replay, than there is a Stierlitz in your team, who gave out the replay. did you think about that? How else do you think they had the replay? Magic? I'm not sure why you(and your team?) are so salty about it, but i think this is not a competition between players (world records), but rather to see how fast map can be done.


    сложно понять, что ты там по-русски пишешь, боюсь предположить, что будет на английском. Да и вообще, раз рейплей у них ваш был, значит у вас в команде Штирлиц есть, который отдал этот реплей. Не подумал об этом? Как по твоему они могли получить реплей иначе? Магия? Я не совсем понимаю твоего(вашего?) горения по этому поводу, но я думаю, что это не для соперничества между игроками (сами рекорды), а скорее чтобы узнать насколько быстро можно пройти карту.

     Answer me in english and only, so everyone can understand, otherwise i won't answer, just like anyone else (constructively).

    LEBOVIN and Pritstift like this
  16. NAME: Game crashes upon finish message
    LOCATION: Match
    DESCRIPTION: As soon as you manage to win the match (tested only on rPvE) and "Victory" message appears, game may crash straight to desktop without losing a connection to server or anything else (freezing and then disconnecting -> forced log-out; error message; etc.).
    > Never happened upon "Lose" message, at least yet.
    > Seems to happen only in rPvE. According to what other people say, there is another case like a 'freezing midgame', but i think this is a bit different, because it does freeze and then disconnects you. This particular bug freezes the game - yes, but instead force-closes the app, aka crash straight to desktop.
    _launcher.log, if so happens, ends with last following line "[22:35:50] Game: Packet forwarded to the server(time in [brakets] might be different). 
    > Small note, windows will create a crashdata.mdmp file in the game documents directory.



  17. @remark84
    OK, wait, so there is... an another account? Because according to what you have writen, i consider you have another one. Quote


    This account is for a normal game,...

    and what did you mean by this?


    The first bad experience I took into account.

    If this is true, i am certain that followed actions were legal means aka BAN. Look up the top of page, there is a Yellow line with following rule writen inside -> "BEWARE: Multiaccounting May Cause Permabans!". This line can also appear in loading screen after you login. I even translated it by myself into Russian.
    IF it was your only account AND never ever had different one, then there might be another case and my assumption about multiaccounting is wrong. Hence i leave it to higher instances.

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