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Community Update - June 2024


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Greetings Skylords!

A new month; a new Community Update! It's time to bring you up to speed with everything going on in Skylords Reborn!


 Statement about antivirus programs flagging Skylords Reborn as unsafe

Lately we have been seeing an alarming rate of issues regarding the launcher of Skylords Reborn. We'd like to take some time to explain the situation, what you can do yourself, and how we are working to resolve these issues.

Since our last patch, several antivirus programs have been flagging certain Skylords Reborn files, with pcre3.dll often being identified as the culprit, though we have also seen mentions of proxy-internal.dll, proxy-legacy.dll and proxy-test.dll. 

Unfortunately, reversing some of the changes in the patch did not resolve this issue. We are now considering alternatives, such as purchasing certificates to mark these files as safe. However, as a volunteer project, we need time to explore these options, ensure they will solve the problem, and make sure that server upkeep costs are not significantly impacted.

In the meantime, players can make an exception for the Skylords Reborn folder in their antivirus programs. We understand players might be hesitant to do so, and while we do not know for certain what exactly makes antivirus programs consider these files unsafe (as their explanations are usually very vague) we’ll give an example why they might. The Skylords launcher functions in a way that triggers some antivirus programs, yet this functionality is necessary for the game to work and is harmless for the user.

By default, the game is designed to send your login credentials to the EA server, just like every other always-online game communicates with its official server. However, EA shut down the official server, leaving nothing to communicate with. Without the EA server, the game cannot function. To make Skylords Reborn work, it uses a technique that "reroutes" the login credentials you enter to the Skylords Reborn server instead of the non-existent EA server.

Because login credentials are being sent to a different server, it makes sense for antivirus programs to be alarmed. However, to be clear, what is being redirected is only the credentials you enter on the login screen. These are your Skylords Reborn account credentials, which the project already has from your registration. They are then sent to the Skylords Reborn server instead of the dead EA server. Otherwise, the game would fail to connect and not work.

To allow the launcher to function correctly, you need to make an exception for the folder so the antivirus program leaves it alone. Otherwise, the launcher might get stuck trying to find a file that was quarantined by the antivirus program. Please note that this issue might resurface with future patches. How to make an exception varies for each antivirus program. If you need assistance, please head over to technical support, and we’ll try to help you.

We understand these issues are causing frustration among our players, and we are working hard to find a solution that prevents users from having to take actions they might not feel comfortable with. We appreciate your understanding and patience as we search for solutions.


 Feedback Survey - Community Updates

Last month we put out a survey to gather feedback on our Community Updates. A big thank you to everyone who participated and shared their thoughts and kind words. Whether you have been with us since the beginning, or have recently started following us, we appreciate you taking the time to check in. 

The survey gave us some valuable insights, and we are happy to confirm many of you read the Community Updates even when you are not actively playing the game. The main goal of these updates has always been to ensure you know we are constantly working behind the scenes of Skylords Reborn to prepare new content for you, even if you can't play it immediately. We know many of you are excited about new campaign maps, and we can't wait for you to experience them. Because we expect many inactive players to return once we release them, we are dedicating significant time to testing and balancing them to ensure they are ready for release.

Finding the right balance between making exciting announcements and delivering them within a reasonable timeframe has always been challenging. Due to the volunteer nature of the project, it remains difficult to estimate how long it will take to complete a task. One month, we may make great progress on a specific feature or card, only to have a critical team member needed for its implementation suddenly need to focus on their job or studies the next month, causing progress to halt. We are glad to see that you understand these challenges, but we will strive to manage expectations better regarding communicated release dates.

Fortunately, our card reveal for this month is a card that has already been implemented on the internal test server, so we can guarantee its future release. But before we get to that reveal, let's talk about patches. 


 Upcoming Patches



There are currently four new campaign maps in development; three 2-player maps, and one 1-player map. The first two maps you can expect will be Unexpected Visitors and Into the Jungle, which are part of the Key of Ashia story campaign, filling in some of the questions the original campaign failed to answer. In Unexpected Visitors, you will defend the last Amii tribe from the Lost Souls, while Into the Jungle tasks you with finding a new safe haven for them.

We are currently in the final stages of testing and tweaking these two maps, which will be released together in the upcoming "Echoes of the Amii" patch in 2024. We aim to release the other two maps shortly after in a follow-up patch, depending on the progress made.

Although we are not ready to announce a specific release month for the campaign maps, we are pleased to share that a new content and balance patch will release in June!

This balance patch will include long-awaited changes, such as the rework of Colossus, along with two new cards: Icespike and Swarm. Stay tuned for the patch notes for more information.




 New Card Reveal - Swarm

Today's card reveal takes us back to April 2022. In our Nature Deep Dive, we introduced the concept of a tier 3 spell card called Green Tide, designed to help the faction counter enemy crowd control defenses like Willzappers. We also discussed planned changes to Grove Spirit and the addition of a new tier 4 Nature spell, which ultimately became Sanctuary. While technical limitations unfortunately prevented us from implementing the changes to Grove Spirit, we are excited to announce the release of the tier 3 spell we previously mentioned. Introducing the renamed Green Tide: Swarm!

Please note: We are still working on the card. While we are generally happy with it, numbers and effects might still change before release. 

Swarm (1).png

Swarm will be a new tier 3 Nature card, and will be an uncommon. Swarm will release in our next content patch in June. Let's break down the card.

image.pngBeetle Infestation
Summons a swarm of four Burrowers at the target location which die after 20 seconds. The Burrowers can be controlled by the player, but they do not provide ground presence. They will have the same upgrade level as the spell itself. Reusable every 25 seconds.


Design notes: While Nature decks have a lot of flexibility, one of Nature's persistent weaknesses is buildings. None of Nature's damage spells affect buildings and the faction lacks long-range siege abilities that would allow players to target important buildings in the backline. While we have tried multiple solutions to this problem that were not just adding a Nature version of Earthshaker, we also recognized that Nature does need a specific anti-building spell. Still, we wanted to give this spell a unique twist that fits the Nature faction and so we settled on a spell which spawns burrowers unconditionally, allowing you to directly target buildings with siege bugs.  


• Art Spotlight - Swarm

Since we knew Swarm would be spawning Burrowers, our obvious starting point for the card artwork was the original Burrower artwork. We wanted the card to clearly showcase the units being spawned were the familiar insect, yet keep the artwork distinct enough to convey that this is a spell, not a unit.


Our artist, SpiritAlpha, began with four rough sketches to determine the best way to achieve this. Knowing we could use the original spawn animation of Burrowers crawling out of the ground, we kept this in mind while working on the artwork. We quickly settled on the final pose.

image.png      image.png

We then spent a lot of time ensuring the creatures resembled the original Burrowers while being distinct enough to recognize each card separately in the deck. We experimented with various green color schemes, and a few iterations are shown below.

image.png      image.png

We liked how the piece was coming along, but were concerned about the lack of contrast, given that the entire artwork consisted of various shades of green. We brightened up the background to make the Burrowers pop a bit more. During the process, we also placed the artwork within the card border to ensure it remained clear and readable in-game, and we explored various options for its zoom level. We finalized the piece by adding some flying grass and raising the grass on the ground to align with the card frame's cut-off point. Making the Burrowers' eyes glow also turned out to be a nice finishing touch.

image.png      image.png


We are very happy with the end result, and hope players will appreciate the hard work of SpiritAlpha!



In between our monthly Community Updates, we host various events and tournaments, so be sure to keep a close eye on the in-game event tab and the forum calendar to stay informed and not miss out on any exciting events!

stronghold.jpgFINISHED - Official Event #13 - A Town in Need is a Town Indeed
For this newly released community map, players had the choice of defending the town or overwhelming the Twilight attackers. You can watch the highlight video here, and be sure to check the map out if you haven't already.


image.pngSECOND PHASE IN PROGRESS PvP AI programming contest
We are gathering players for a new type of event. Get ready for an AI Programming Tournament, where the submitted programs will face off in an epic showdown to find the ultimate AI strategist! More information.


• Host your own tournament / event
Want to host a tournament or event? Please reach out to our Event Organizer @Metagross31. We can help you out with various topics and are glad to discuss potential ideas. We can also sponsor the prize pool for your event. If you have a cool idea for a PvE event, or want to host a PvP tournament, please don't hesitate to reach out to us, we will gladly assist you.


 Team changes

We are happy to share Bergerb has joined the map department. He has been working on fixing some of the bugs of the campaign, and will help the team in streamlining various maps. We also have a new Testing Coordinator. After Volin retired his role, we are glad to have Vrizz take up the mantle. Thank you, and a warm welcome to the team.


 Contribute to Skylords Reborn

Skylords Reborn is a community-driven project fueled by the passion and dedication of over 50 volunteers. We are always on the lookout for like-minded individuals. If you have a passion for gaming, programming, design, or marketing, we invite you to have a look at our open positions!

We are especially looking for some more proofreaders (English), to read over stuff like the Community Update and Event posts before they go live. We are also looking for translators (French, Russian) to help with our new campaign maps and more. 

Don't have time to formally join the staff, but still would like to help out? Please check out this guide on how to support Skylords Reborn as a community member.


 In Conclusion

That's all for this Community Update! We appreciate you taking the time to read through it.

After player feedback in our latest survey showed that players dislike scratch codes, we have decided to remove them.



The above scratch code is a small token of our appreciation for your support. It will reward you with a general booster. The code is valid until July 1st, when we will bring you another Community Update.

We're always looking for ways to improve and value your feedback. If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, please don't hesitate to share them with us. We'll be back next month with more updates on our ongoing projects and upcoming features.

You can also sign-up to our e-mail newsletter here.
Community Update footer.png

Skylords Reborn Documents (Deep Dives, Behind the Scenes, PvP Guide)  
Overview Community Updates
Community Update May 2024

Hodron, Easy, Metagross31 and 7 others like this
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Why do some people do not like the scratch code?

As always a nice community post and I look forward to the colossus rework. I think the artwork of the new nature card fits very well! 🙂

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5 minutes ago, Navilac said:

Why do some people do not like the scratch code?

As always a nice community post and I look forward to the colossus rework. I think the artwork of the new nature card fits very well! 🙂

There is a scratch Code below lol

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53 minutes ago, Xam_winchester said:

There is a scratch Code below lol

Yes indeed!

But I was referring to the paragraph above the obviously hidden scratch code:

"After player feedback in our latest survey showed that players dislike scratch codes, we have decided to remove them."

lol ...

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6 minutes ago, Navilac said:

Yes indeed!

But I was referring to the paragraph above the obviously hidden scratch code:

"After player feedback in our latest survey showed that players dislike scratch codes, we have decided to remove them."

lol ...

I mean the code is literally named ''just kidding'' 😉
Players love scratch codes! 

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1 minute ago, Majora said:

I mean the code is literally named ''just kidding'' 😉
Players love scratch codes! 

Ah ok XD I didn't get the joke, my bad 😄

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2 minutes ago, Majora said:

I mean the code is literally named ''just kidding'' 😉
Players love scratch codes! 

Thanks for pointing out 😄

Was also confused and are glad now w-lan (or whatever) eat my post 

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1 hour ago, itap said:

Hey guys, great job as always.

Is it possibile to see the results of the feedback survery?


For the yearly feedback survey I tend to release a short presentation to showcase the data. I wasnt planning on doing that for this one, but if players are interested, I could grab some graphs later this weekend/next week. 

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Posted (edited)

I nearly got tricked and wanted to ask which player doesn't like scratch codes hahaha. 


Great work to the Skylords Reborn team on working the new campaign maps/cards and even balancing changes 🙂 Appreciate the work

Edited by KserSke
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4 hours ago, Major Payne said:

Where is the Card "Gate of Akylos" ? I dont get it , sorry .

Thanks to the hole Team for your amazing Work - I love the Game


Please see here for info regarding Gate of Akylos: 


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