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Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Volin in Wintertide Red: What were you guys thinking?
At least once in the disscussion style it is not.
By God, I'm really not always with the devs of one opinion, since my appointment to the "PvE Taskforce" I must even state that I have a different opinion in many topics, especially in the matter of inventory. But the rudely formulated question "What the hell were you thinking?" is simply an impertinence, given the mass of explanations for this decision.
I "know" only 2 members of the PVP team, but to accuse them of thoughtlessness, ignorance or stupidity is just ridiculous.
But I do like that the solution isn't chosen to be "obvious" or "simple", because most of what comes after "That's simple..." is bullshit.
I'm still a bit fascinated where this much emotion comes from, especially in Wintertide and especially from the PvE side. Have you ever looked at the statistics how often this card was played? As if the PvE world would end here...
It's a shame that I can't really have a say in the matter, but since it concerns PvP I have to stay out of it due to lack of knowledge. An insight that I would wish some, and here I mean really NO concrete, also.
As for the PvE, yes a pity that there is a niche disappeared, but for that so many niches have already opened (yeah - I look at you Emberstrike).
If every little buff there was would have been celebrated as loudly as there was drama for such mini-nerfs...
again partly translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) - was lazy today
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Pritstift in All-time fastest speedrun rankings (October 2013-September 2022)
More replays will be shared in the next days and the next upcoming balance changes will bring even more movement into the rankings. I still will track times here until its not any longer possible to determine the impact on current times in a logical way. There will be a certain point where we will probably switch to ingame rankings or season based rankings depending on the implemented balance changes. Be sure - a lot of surprises will be unpacked in the next time ;-).
Stay tuned!
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by LEBOVIN in Official PvE Contest#1 Siege of Hope UNTIL 15.06.2021
The easy plan worked: Thousands of minus points and got a Promo 😉 ... 3 more boosters to go
Volin liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in PVE lost Souls
Well...i actually don't have Maelstrom in my decks either, but Ice Tornado as well. A mistake on my part when I quickly created the deck for the post. Happens when you have no access to your decks because you are not at home 😋
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Volin in PVE lost Souls
Hey Zackthundead,
this is not as easy answered as your other request. First of all I assume you are asking about rpve/bg again? At least my answer is regarding to this 🙂
On the one hand would recommend "beginners" always to bring 1 green orb to rpve maps, as this one green orb enables you alot of sustain and makes the matches much more "forgiving" then w/o direct mass heals. On the other hand we not see much decks without the perma present green orb, not even from the veterans, which is sad because you can have alot of sustain even without the green splash.
But if you want to play this faction pure or for example Bandits, be prepared for a steep learning curve.
But lets get a bit more concrete:
T1 can be played either Blue or Purple
Blue: Frostmage, Homesoil, Barrier - perhaps add even Master Archers
Shadow: Forsaken, Motivate, Soul Splicer (G) (Forsaken can be swapped with Nox Troopers, but Forsaken shine better as allrounders)
T2 is usally Shadow here:
Good t2 units can be Phoenix/Embalmers (perhaps best in slot(BIS)) other units that can do the trick are:
Lost Dancers (I like the Red here)
Lost Shades (prolly backed by a Viridya)
Lost Reavers
Stormsingers (any Aff for pve, what you like more)
Darkelf Assasins
If you started Shadow ofc a Harvester could be a choice too.
T3 aims usually at the orb combination (any sequence) 2 shadow/1 frost
At the latest the third Orb opens the strong 2 shadow meta: Frenetics, Infect, Booster, Voidmanipulation via Cultist Master/Furnace of Flesh -> this solves ANY t3 situation
Still we have a nice super cheap unit here that scales not too bad into t4: Lost Horror is always worth a consideration
T4 has a big variety of option which can't be all mentioned in all combinations, lets me give a few ideas:
- Overlords are no LS Units but would prolly make the best tank here because of their heal
- Lost Warlords are cool looking and quite strong, though they need some protection
- Lost Spirit Ship is an OP unit used well, but dies as fast in this deck if not used well
- Lost Dragons are inferior to LLS in many aspects, though still shine alot due to their abilities if well used
- Spellwise Bloodhealing is you best friend here, try dmg-reducing Buffs like Life Weaving or such in combination (I like Undead Army as little helper here)
- the Revenants Combo with Lost Evocation gives strong buffs and can give a nice proper tank too
- Winter Witches can give a nice Combo with this deck if there is a lack of sustain still
And I still forget to mention anything, I am sure - too many options here.
This is a BG9 allrounder for me, but beware some cards are just for the sake of playing them 😄
T4 Playstyle in brief: Horrors give ground presence for the revenant to tank, heavy CC use to avoid getting dmg, heals via Undead Army/Bloodhealing or I buff a Horror to heal, Barrier/Homesoil scale great with Horror/Lost Dragons
The approach from @Blashyrkh with the shadow T1/T2 is ofc closer to the meta! Still in T4 I would want to avoid freezes as he uses - here my appoach is prolly the more common.
Did yesterday with this even the current solo BG10 motm (a very easy one this month) in what have been a top20 time - so this deck/faction is reliable if you know what you do.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Volin in Want to make a pure twilight deck
My personal additions to what @SunWu already brought up.
If we are speaking of rpve9 I would add eruption to red t1, for green I would usally cut the dryad. T1 stage is usally fast and you want to keep it as lean and simple as possible.
For t2 Vileblood are nice on some maps but "useless" for some others, Gladiatrix or Skyfire Drake or Firestalkers are more flexible I think. I don't go with the suggestion to take nature t1 spells at t2 when starting with fire - yeah you can do that, but this is far from the optimal.
As you will encounter often/sometimes a close camp to t4 every deck should have options to deal with that, so I don't go with leaving out T3 at all. Twilight Creeper is quite inferior to other solutions here, but scales great into t4 as you can debuff enemys with that. Other options can be Magma Hurler/ Unity and your t3 spells can help too alot, SunWu mentioned all the cool kids stuff, only want to add Creeping Paralysis as option here.
Shrine of War is btw quite essential for this deck as you have access to many strong spells you want to use all the time, SunWo brought this up too, I only wanted to emphazise that.
And I think it was not mentioned, its the Blue affinities of Abomination and Twilight Pestilence that you want to take, they have great effects - use them alot 🙂
The 2 Green/2 Red deck is, by the way, quite suitable for BG10, for various reasons. If you don't want a Bata/BH here, Abomination would be one of the best options out there. The deck serves the current spell meta, can be played very lean in early T4 with only 1-2 units because strong buffs and a tanky unit are available, it kills fast (even bosses)... only the rather thin CC selection is somewhat limiting here
My BG9 allrounder, for random maps with random mates is posted below, perhaps it gives you a bit inspiration. Always have in mind, there is no perfect deck for any situation.
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Gam3over in All-time fastest speedrun rankings (October 2013-September 2022)
New record for The Insane God
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Minashigo Hiko in Official PvE Contest#1 Siege of Hope UNTIL 15.06.2021
Thank you all for Joining todays stream.
We had a lot of fun hosting and here are the Winner results:
Thank you all for participating to this crazy idea of an event and we hope you enjoyed it.
To many more events!
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Donaar in All-time fastest speedrun rankings (October 2013-September 2022)
New record for Insane God Solo 10.27.1
Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Official PvE Contest#1 Siege of Hope UNTIL 15.06.2021
Do i smell a Tutorial-Deck run? 🤔
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Treim in Looking for pure Fire BG10 Expert
Fire tends to be able to clear these camps by tackling one problem after another to continously open up more room for units to work with.
If you want to summarize the problems on Stonekin maps it usually is:
Windhunters Nox Sniper Deepgorge towers Moloch Construct Just tackle these one by one, usually a front to back approach is the way to go, though it can vary.
Usually early on Windhunters and the Nox Sniper severely hinder your options due to oneshot potential or cc from dragons, but they are also fairly easy to take out so that's the first step.
After that I realized that the Tortugun would turn around later than the construct and can be kited with Nomads easily outside of the tower range. So very easy to take out with Mines aswell.
If that wouldn't have been possible you'd just continue with Skyfire Drakes and Sunstriders. You'd use the Skyfire Drake to lure the Tortugun to your orb slowly. Prepare a few Mines there. Sunstriders to not take damage from the tower while luring. Use Nomads to take hits from the Tortugun and it shouldn't be too much of an issue. Your orb might take damage but should be able to survive. Usually 4-5 Skyfire are enough.
After that there is no real thread any longer because of Sunstrider (for remaining towers) + Skyfire drake combo.
I'll attach a replay. I did not play perfect here, especially the Tortugun part was poorly executed overall - was my third try and just realized I could do the kiting strategy on this particular map in this run, so it was a bit scuffed.
T3 was fully cleared at 8:35. I think you can get it down to 8 flat for sure or a bit lower than that with a perfect run.
rPvE_1Player_Level10_Stonekin_Pure Fire example t3 clear.pmv
I hope this helped.
Volin liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Official PvE Contest#1 Siege of Hope UNTIL 15.06.2021
Do i smell a Tutorial-Deck run? 🤔
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by GreenSapphire in Blight up the skies (ultimate Blight-guide/replay collection)
So here is the duo run from Anske and me, we played it today after not doing it for a few weeks and though it's a personal best time for us so far, there are still a lot of fails in here (some more obvious than others, but watch for yourself :P) Have fun!
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Pritstift in Community map Challenge #3: "King's Ridge" until May 31 2021
Thx to @Metagross31 for organizing the 3rd PVE Community Map Challenge and distributing some nice prices to the participants of the challenge.
Nice to see some new names in the final rankings. But also sad at the same time that some well known "Speedrunners" were not/not again participating in the challenge. For this challenge there were a lot of options due to the four colloured gold expert challenge and silver advanced challenge in parallel.
Anyway looking for more challenges
Blashyrkh liked a post in a topic by Dallarian in Pure Frost PvE Guide – How to hit hard as hail
Also available in pdf! Choose the format that suits you best.
Disclaimer: The work does not cover all possibilities and is not the highest quality. I am a recognisable Frost player, but certainly not the best one. I do not expect to make any major updates.
I am not responsible for any malicious software contained within enclosed files and do not promise that all provided links are safe. Use at your own risk.
Pure Frost PvE Guide – How to hit hard as hail
@Dallarian – author
@Weak1ings – substantive support
@boots - editor
Europe, February 2021
When you enter the cavern, overwhelming noise disappears, leaving only howling wind, allowing you to thought over your situation. You are shivering. You expected Frost part of Forge to be cold, but having to go through Maelstrom to get there was a bit too much. What they were thinking off?
Anyway, the cave. It is completely frozen, yet floor is not slippery. As you walk down the corridor, you notice that walls are gently shining, giving just enough blue light to continue the journey. After a while you reach large chamber. There are two people facing formation of crystals under one of walls, something what you think could be a table, and many passages deeper into the cave. Walls are covered by numerous maps, banners and crystals. As you approach, one person turns around and you recognise him as your friend Wazhai, who told you about this place. He comes to greet you, while the other person stays still.
Wazhai: Ah, you made it. It wasn’t that bad, was it? I hope you enjoyed your journey. Now officially, welcome to Order of the Battleships.
You: It’s a pleasure. I see this place isn’t too crowded.
Wazhai: It’s not that bad. We’re mostly active at nights, when Sun is gone.
Your friend turns to the person in blue robe.
Wazhai: He is the person I told you about.
Dallarian: A new disciple? Excellent. Wazhai, please show him Moonlight Chamber. Prepare Skylord, there are many challenges awaiting.
The person you suspect to be The Old God of Battleships himself, does not turn toward you until you leave the room.
Table of content
Dallarian: Your knowledge is questionable. If you are to represent us, you must do so in a professional way. Therefore, your wisdom must be reviewed and unified. You shall practice over and over, until you become confident in those aspects.
Basics on chosen topics
If you do not understand a word, it may be explained in Glossary of Terms. If you require more beginner advice, check Beginner section in "Guide Navigation" or suggested Beginner guides at the end of document.
Gameplay related resources
Wazhai: Good. Now you know which way sword should be pointing at. Become familiar with those basic creatures, structures and magic. They are weak yet important, since they are base for your missions. Do not underestimate their importance. We closely cooperate with humans of Lyr and they help us out of their free will, so at least appear to be respecting them. You will need this Frost Shard, take it. It helps manifest Frost Magic outside the Forge, should be useful to you.
The moment you touched the shard, you felt connection formed between you and it. Now, you feel pathway to Frost energies deep within your body.
Chosen cards and strategies overview
Tier 1 cards
Wazhai: You know enough. Now it’s time to organise it all together. Did you know you can secure most T2s with Master Archers only?
T1 chosen strategies
Weakl1ngs: It’s time to introduce you into more advanced options Frost has. There are many interesting creatures and spells you could use at your advantage. And I will teach you to use Coldsnap. For some reason many Skylords like this part the most.
Tier 2 cards[2]
Weakl1ngs: While War Eagle is a great option, it is not the only valid one. Personally I prefer Mountaineer and White Rangers. Review closely creatures I’ve shown you, there are a few interesting you may use.
T2 chosen strategies:
Uro: Now you are allowed to use very powerful creatures, blah blah blah. This is the boring part. The only thing you actually need to know, is if your Avatars are facing enemy. That’s it. But I have to explain you in details anyway… ehh…
Tier 3 cards
Uro: Do you remember when I told you to use Avatars? There isn’t a lot of philosophy in it. Try Core Dredges if you want some fun.
T3 chosen strategies
Yshia: You have grown stronger and stronger in past months. Finally, you are worthy to see our most powerful magic and best creatures, including the famous Battleship. Learn carefully, and you will have suitable tools to change fate of the world.
Tier 4 cards
Yshia: After this part you will know everything you need to proceed as a true Frost Skylord. Brace yourself, for today your training is coming to the end. I am proud I could guide you on your last steps. It was a pleasure.
T4 chosen strategies
Dallarian: You have completed your training. There is one last aspect. You must now choose your path as a Skylord. Which one will you follow?
Path of Wind
You are like arctic wind, frosty and piercing through your foes. If you are a Skylord in the very meaning of the word. If your armies are free and up in sky, including War Eagles, Northland Drakes and Battleship, the path is for you to take.
Path of Shield
No troops under your command fear death, for you are their angel, protecting them from all harm. Whether it’s Ice Guardian, Area Ice Shield, Ward of the North or Dreadnought, your armies are always safe while crushing your opponents.
Path of Crystal
The only who will need protection, is your foe, for your creatures are most durable beings in the whole Nyn. If your army consist of high durable units, like Lightblades, Tremors and Ironclads, none shall shatter your armor.
Path of Aurora
Both your past and future are a mystery to me. I will observe your career with a great interest. Choose this path if you cannot decide on none of the above.
Please answer in provided poll with relevant path, it allows me to keep track of how useful the thread is and encourages more content in the future. It is purely Roleplay choice and does not influence the gameplay, choose what is closest to your heart, not what you actually play.
Dallarian: I see. Interesting choice. Anah’shar laje’ura. Accept may blessing and good luck on your new path of life.
As Dallarian tells his weird words, you feel chills going through your body. When they end, you are even stronger, and feel like the whole world was on your doorstep.
Decks and approaches
rPvE Offence
rPvE Defence
Custom maps / unknown map
PvE Campaign
Uro: Ssssh. Come with me.
You follow Uro into one of less used corridors.
Uro: Good, here nobody will hear us. Did you know Togob is hiding many things from you? There is a whole range of possibilities within our grasp, but he will never admit it! Let me show you.
Heresy – non pure decks
Supporting materials
Additional notes on game mechanics
Glossary of terms
See also:
“Expert Campaign – Missions Briefing – Among the Old Gods Achievement” by @Dallarian for Expert maps guidance and almost complete library of pure Frost PvE decks.
"Guide Navigation" by @Eirias . If there is any relevant guide on topic you are looking for, you will find it here.
Frost T1 PvP Guide by RadicalX by @RadicalX . Awesome source of knowledge for T1 Frost opening, by currently best PvP player.
Battleforge undocumented details by @Emmaerzeh. Information about buffs, stacking and more.
card attributes & main card types by @Ilsyde. Beginner guide.
interface and game mechanics guide by @Ilsyde. Beginner guide.
RadicalX. Frost T1 PvP Guide by RadicalX. 2017; Available at: https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/2823-frost-t1-pvp-guide-by-radicalx/ (Accessed 10 January 2021) PvP changes are considered, that may influence abilities, counter types and statistics. The thread is up to date on patch #400025. {GM} Emmaerzeh, Battleforge undocumented details, 2020. Available at: https://forum.skylords.eu/index.php?/topic/6669-battleforge-undocumented-details/
(Accessed 15 February 2021)
Dallarian liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in RPvE Nature/Frost/Stone help plz
This deck is what i used until rPvE 9. Its mostly build around the new Shrine of Martyrs for faster voidreturn. Easy to play with. Inc. Mo (yellow) is against Lost Souls.
Dallarian liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Expert Campaign - Missions Briefing - Among the Old Gods achievement
I've asked a similar question in Discord. Answer from Treim was this:
"Tasks on Ascension for each map: Map 1 = Keep Jorne alive Map 2 = Kill waves and Avengers so they don't reach Map 1 & 3. After 15 Avengers are killed you get a energy boost (I think 300). After 30 Avengers are killed Viridya starts spawning and you need to stop her from reaching the portals (Easiest way is to use Coldsnap to immobilize her and then use the taunt ability of lightblade (a single application is enough to root her in place permanently)). After map 3 has killed all the portal guardians, map 2 has to stop all 16 avengers of a wave from reaching a portal (if map 2 has stopped all avengers of the wave before map 3 finished the last guardian, the end is also triggered on map2. Last Goal is to kill the 4 Viridyas in the middle of the map. Without melee unit they can have crazy sustain so at least send a lightblade or sth along those lines to attack her. Map 3 = kill portal guardians"
Volin liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Expert Campaign - Missions Briefing - Among the Old Gods achievement
I've asked a similar question in Discord. Answer from Treim was this:
"Tasks on Ascension for each map: Map 1 = Keep Jorne alive Map 2 = Kill waves and Avengers so they don't reach Map 1 & 3. After 15 Avengers are killed you get a energy boost (I think 300). After 30 Avengers are killed Viridya starts spawning and you need to stop her from reaching the portals (Easiest way is to use Coldsnap to immobilize her and then use the taunt ability of lightblade (a single application is enough to root her in place permanently)). After map 3 has killed all the portal guardians, map 2 has to stop all 16 avengers of a wave from reaching a portal (if map 2 has stopped all avengers of the wave before map 3 finished the last guardian, the end is also triggered on map2. Last Goal is to kill the 4 Viridyas in the middle of the map. Without melee unit they can have crazy sustain so at least send a lightblade or sth along those lines to attack her. Map 3 = kill portal guardians"
Metagross31 liked a post in a topic by Blashyrkh in Expert Campaign - Missions Briefing - Among the Old Gods achievement
I've asked a similar question in Discord. Answer from Treim was this:
"Tasks on Ascension for each map: Map 1 = Keep Jorne alive Map 2 = Kill waves and Avengers so they don't reach Map 1 & 3. After 15 Avengers are killed you get a energy boost (I think 300). After 30 Avengers are killed Viridya starts spawning and you need to stop her from reaching the portals (Easiest way is to use Coldsnap to immobilize her and then use the taunt ability of lightblade (a single application is enough to root her in place permanently)). After map 3 has killed all the portal guardians, map 2 has to stop all 16 avengers of a wave from reaching a portal (if map 2 has stopped all avengers of the wave before map 3 finished the last guardian, the end is also triggered on map2. Last Goal is to kill the 4 Viridyas in the middle of the map. Without melee unit they can have crazy sustain so at least send a lightblade or sth along those lines to attack her. Map 3 = kill portal guardians"