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Posts posted by RadicalX

  1. Feel free to point out everything you don't agree with. I'm fine with discussing everything I've mentioned here since I don't want to go overboard with any suggestion here. 


    Regarding your points:


    In PvP I can assure you, that Strikers are useless even with their looter ability. For PvE I admit, that I'm not that experienced at using them. I guess the looter ability buff has proven, that Thugs and Strikers are somewhat sensitive cards regarding balancing, so I can understand your point here. That's why I went only for the -5 energy cost buff. 


    Slaver's ability is garbage. The bomb doesn't do alot damage and damagewise the card simply isn't worth anything from my point of view. Also the range of the bomb ability is nonexistent (15m won't be able to hit anything) and when you kite slaver he's gonna be nothing but food in every PvP game.  


    Banditos are T1 units in terms of their basic stats. I meant ONLY their ability makes them somewhat useful and lower power cost enhances the possibilty to use that ability (at least the green ones). Since they are small melee units, which is the worst unit type possible, they need strong combat stats in order to be useful. Sure, adding Corsair for more units and damage is nice, still Corsair is a T3 unit and you won't be able to use Banditos in T2 the way they are now. Haven't seen any successful Banditos user in PvE, if you do have a replay that shows me otherwise I would be interested to see that.


    Twilight Hag in a viable spot for PvP would be very annoying indeed, but right now she's way to vulnerable to any source of AoE damage and even with 900 hp a T3 nasty simply clears the board if you spam her. I can understand your objection here though.


    Fireworm just ooks weak in comparison to Batariel and Fire Dragon. His hp pool is very small, therefore he requires a good amount of attention and micro to be used to his full potential. I still don't see how he could be overpowered with a slight damage buff onto his weak basic attacks. 


    Uhm are we talking about the same card? Battleship doesn't even use its cannon (only with the active ability, which is very limited). The card is insanely slow and has a lower dmg/power stat than most T2 units. LSS is broken due to it's insane damage potential while attacking multiple targets at once. It's cheaper stronger, more versitile and faster than Battleship. Corsair isn't really busted unless you use it on Titans to solo the map due to their ability. 

  2. I haven't used Northern Keep that often and its ability sounds useful in certain situations, so I was simply unsure about what this card can do when it's buffed. While Ice Shield Tower definitely has some underwhelming combat stats for PvE, his ability is quite useful in PvP and the card is even used in high ranked pure Frost games, because it allows you to survive Phasetower pushes while receiving a decent synergy with your War Eagles later on (the Shield is quite big for 20 power).


  3. With the recent events of implementing the reward system, grinding and the open stress test I got to feel again how underpowered some of the cards in Battleforge were. While there were definitely some overpowered cards there were also alot of super underpowered ones, that never got any attention. I would argue that at least 10-15% out of the cards were almost unplayable. Most of the time you would pick some op cards, build up your deck and start farming tokens, while some cards will be left behind for like ... forever. I'll leave this thread as a simple idea for possible future plans since I'm aware, that balancing isn't priority for the devs right now. 

    The cards and potential changes don't affect the overall gameplay (because they will remain weaker than really powerful cards), but it would lead to more diversity and refreshing playstyles. I will always comment about why changes are necessary. Most buffs would result in buffs for PvE, because even though there are some cards, that would seem great for PvP, this gamemode is more sensitive for balancing. I just included cards, where I'm 100% certain, that they have no potential of being broken after receiving their potential buff. Also most of the changes I suggest are very simple and don't go into any deep or complex mechanic, so it's easier to predict possible outcomes of potential changes.


    In general there are some things, that are completely underperforming:


    -> The majority of turrets are underpowered. Outclassed by the top tier buildings like Necroblaster or Church of Negation there isn't much room left for alot of the basic turrets with underwhelming abilities and low dps

    -> Pure Decks are simply weaker than splash decks. In order to fully solve this problem Enlightment & Amii Monument need to be nerfed, because most pure T4 cards are just used in nature splash decks, because of the superior healing support. But this isn't part of this thread here, because these changes would affect gameplay massively.  


    To add some last words before heading into the list: These cards will probably remain underpowered after their nerfs, but maybe a little bit more fun to play.


    1: Strikers

    Strikers are probably the weakest swift unit in Fire T1. Outclassed by Scavenger and Nomads no one would ever pick them up. In fact they are a nonfactor in PvP because they are too expensive, S units and melee creatures. Buffing them sadly isn't easy, because once they are viable things can go out of hand due to the looter ability (just look at thugs), but a small buff would make them a little little bit less underwhelming.

    Possible buff: Cost down to 85 power (from 90)


    2: Fire Bomb

    Probably the most unfun card in the game. Takes ages to build up, covers up a small radius and gets destroyed up on activation. While there aren't any QoL buffs, that can make this way easier, at least some additional damage would give that underwhelming card something, that makes it worth to play in PvE

    Possible buff: Damage up to 950; 2200max (from 715; 1650max)


    3: Executor

    This guy is supposed to execute things. But in PvP he's underwhelming and ends up getting kited forever. To make this card at least a little bit more useful a slight damage buff would help, especially since he has an ability, that muliplies the bonus

    Possible buff: Damage up to 650 (from 600)


    4: Lifestealer

    Lifestealer is supposed to deal alot of damage, because the turret can't move like Phasetower and also loses hp once it attacks. The idea is similar to what worked for the Shadow Mage. But that card has something to make up for it's weakness, while Lifestealer just has some unspectacular dps. 

    Possible buff: Damage up to 1625 -> 130 per hit; 195max splash (from 1380 -> 110 per hit; 165max splash)


    5: Soulsplicer (Red)

    I think everyone who used to play with the green affinity knows who powerful Soulsplicer can be. Sadly the Red Affinity is completely underwhelming (I think it was the only rare card worth as much as a common in the AH). 25% extra damage is legit useless, especially when you think about what motivate gives to Shadow T1.

    Possible buff: dmg buff up to 50% per unit (from 25%)


    6: Northguards 

    Outclassed by Frosmage and Masterarchers as an S-Counter in every way. Melee units need some benefits over ranged units if they aspire to be useful in any situation. Making Northguards a little bit stronger leaves them as cool stat-monsters for PvE, that will be useless in PvP anyways.

    Possible Buff: dmg up to 700 (from 630)


    7: Defense Tower

    Its single target dps (680 per 20) is lower compared to some other T1 UNITS with equal cost (like Wrecker). The tower needs more damage to be in consideration for any kind of play. Especially since the other Frost turrets do have some cool abilities, that leave the Defense Tower in a poor spot. 

    Possible Buff: dmg up to 975 -> 78 per hit; 117 max splash (from 68 per hit; 102 max splash)


    8: Tunnel

    I think the Tunnel System offers so much potential. But right now it's just not worth it using the thing, because you have to invest deck slots and alot of power to make combos work around this card. I recommend making this card cheaper since it allows more potential for cross map plays in both PvE and PvP

    Possible Buff: Cost down to 30 power (from 40)


    9: Envenom (both affinities)

    A pretty situational card, but it has its specific use for PvP tournaments, because the poison negates Ravage healing. A very cool counter against instant T2 rushes from fire splashes against nature. Sadly it's still a 70 power card negating a 50 power spell, that is useless in every other scenario. It's okay, that Envenom costs more than Ravage (it's still a T1 vs a T2 card and the 150 power malus from going T2 needs to be considered), but for a card, that does nothing than a little bit single darget damage 70 power is a high investment. 

    Possible Buff: Cost down to 65 power (from 70)


    10: Morklay Trap

    Pretty much the same useless card as Fire Bomb just with a cooler animation. The ability is quite expensive and the damageoutput for such a high time and power investment is way too low

    Possible Buff: dmg up to 1100; 3300max (from 880; 2640max)


    11: Rocket Tower

    One of the more outdated cards. It does next to no single target damage and is more of an utility card with it's M-knockback onto multiple targets. I think it isn't suited to be a pure Fire only card and definitly weaker than Pyromanic who fits way more into the pure fire deck. Adding this card into different decks makes it way more interesting for some cool combos

    Possible Buff: Orb requiredments down to 1 fire + 1 neutral orb (from 2 fire orbs)


    12: Eliminator

    Not just weak in general since it's a casual melee unit without outstanding stats, but also has a useless ability. The buff to a specific unit class is a nice idea, but the values are simply underwhelming, for a 50 power spell

    Possible buff: Ability cost down to 25 (from 50) + affected friendly units don't lose any hp anymore (from -5hp per second)


    13: Ripper

    They are supposed to be some sticky annoying units with their ability to soak up corpses to regenerate hp. Most of the time they simply die before they can soak up anything though. Makes them feel underwhelming especially when Darkelf-Assassins are around. A bigger hp pool would give them their own identity and also some sweet nasty potential. 

    Possible buff: hp up to 840 (from 780)


    14: Mountain Rowdy

    The damge reduction idea is quite nice, but the radius is waaay to small. You won't be able to make any use of that in a real scenario, therefore there is no reason to play this card. Slow Melee cards without any special abilities tend to be quite useless, so buffing the ability would give some cool additional feature to pure Frost PvE decks

    Possible buff: Ability Radius up to 40m (from 20m)


    15: Phalanx

    They used to be unique with their reflect ability and setting this up in combination with Lightblade was a pretty funny combo, but apart from their ability Phalanx are just underwhelming and only used in PvP as a nasty bot. Their damage is nonexistent and making them more useful would be a nice addition for some PvE decks, because they are a very intersting card, that is still quite tanky. 

    Possible buff: Damage up to 850 (from 750)


    16: Frost Crystal

    The thing is waaay weaker than cannon tower. So the only reason to use that card is its freezing ability. But that thing has a nonexistent radius. A ranged unit, that is attacking the tower directly is still out of the freezing range. This make this turret totally pointless and without an increased radius I don't see a single reason to use it in any game.

    Possible buff: Freeze Radius up to 40m (from 25/30)


    17: Sunken Tempel

    The card is producing mediocre units for 200 power. With 120 bound power through the building it would take ages to make it worth it. You would need like 6 or 7 ability rotations, which is impossible to achieve in any game. Making the ability rotations cheaper would allow to at least increase the value over time.  

    Possible buff: Ability cost down to 60 (from 80)


    18: Healing Well

    The card is charging up way to slow. Even though it caps at like 265hp regen per second, the pool is exhausted way too fast and also regenerating at a 20hp per second rate. That means it takes 2 minutes and 30 seconds to charge up ... which is an eternity. Right now this Nature T2 building is completly inferior compared to a shadow T1 building (Soulsplicer) in terms of healing power, which is sad. 

    Possible buff: Recharging speed up to 60 per second (from 20 per second)


    19: Twilight Minions

    Early game Twilight units are simply inferior to some other ones. Just compare Twilight minions with ghostspears (who are more versitile and tankier) and you will realise why noone uses them. Increasing the stat efficency would be necessary so that they can somewhat keep up with their counterparts, allowing people to properly build up some Twilight PvE combos later on)

    Possible buff: hp up to 840 (from 780)


    20: Slaver

    This guy is an L counter with an awful stat efficency. It is completely inferior to all other L counters Fire Nature has (Mauler, Gladiatrix and even Firesworn). His damage is lower, the guy costs more and it's a melee unit. To make it at least somewhat fair, the unit shouldn't cost more than all these other units, who are even stronger statwise.

    Possible buff: Cost down to 70 (from 80)


    21: Banditos 

    Banditos are underwhelming, because they are S-Melee units with stats that could be equal to a T1 unit. The only thing that makes them somewhat strong is their ability, which allows them to get very good dps values that remains unused though especially for the green affinity. Allowing the card to be spammed easier would enhance its passive ability and make give the card some new fresh power.

    Possible buff: Cost down to 50 (from 60)


    22: Bandit Launcher

    Another underperforming turret with mediocre stats & a weak suicide ability. But I feel like destroying the building through the ability is more than enough punishment, it simply shouldn't cost additional power. 

    Possible Buff: Ability cost down to 0 (from 20)


    23: Skydefender

    Anti Air turrets are just useful in specific scenarios. Such an expensive & situational card simple isn't worth a slot in every deck. You can simply pick up casual turrets, that are more versitile and have a similar cost stat efficency. By enhancing the unique strength of this building (which should be the high dmg against air units) it simply shouldn't be more expensive than other casual turrets.

    Possible Buff: Cost down to 65 (from 80)


    24: Stone Hurler

    Another underperforming Turret, that is way too expensive. No one would ever use that thing, just compare it to cannon tower, which does nearly double damage. In order to make turrets more usable simply reduce some of their high cost, because without the high amount of bound power they can be used to cover certain spots and will be picked over units in at least some scenarios

    Possible Buff: Cost down to 65 (from 75)


    25: Tower of Flames

    The basic stats are fine, just the ability is a little bit underwhelming. You would never spend 50 power to use that thing. Making this ability cheaper would enhance its possibilities, because you could also use it to increase the burst 

    Possible Buff: Ability cost down to 20 (from 50)


    26: Frontier Keep

    250 bound power for a card that offers nothing but a little bit of defensive crowd control is nothing but a joke. Like noone would ever spend a single bfp for that building, which is in contention of beeing the most useless card in the game. Even a huge buff would leave this card in a place, where no one would consider playing it, if he goes for serious gameplay

    Possible Buff: Cost down to 150 (from 250)


    27: Sylvan Gate

    The nerfing approach for root network was "nerfing the individual power of some cards like razorleaf, but add some more strength through complexity to the root network system". Sadly it isn't as strong as some other defences and in a weak spot. Buffing the supporting cards around the root network would strengthen its overall power without making some of it's key cards too overpowered. Reducing the cost of this card would also be nice since this big defence requires alot of bound power which often isn't effective.

    Possible Buff: Cost down to 90 (from 110)


    28: Mind Weaver

    The ability is so underwhelming. Spending 100 power to get control of a mediocre unit for 20 seconds is something that wouldn't be worth it even in T2 or maybe even T1. Just compare it to the other mindcontrol cards and you will realise how outdated this ability is. Making it cheaper and spammable would give some fresh air to this mediocre turret (especially since it's an ultra rare card).

    Possible Buff: Ability cost down to 25 (from 100)


    29: Twilight Hag

    A sweet card with a nice idea. The ability has potential, but the unit is waay to squishy to be played in any serious way. Most T1 unit do have a better health/power efficency.

    Possible buff: hp up to 900 (from 785)


    30: Stone Launcher

    Why in the world does the ability cost 70 power? Stormsinger can do the same thing for less power in T2, while she is a mobile unit. Even gravity surge is cheaper. I don't see any reason for this ability to cost any power, because Stone Launcher is just an anti air turret without much use. 

    Possible buff: Ability cost down to 0 (from 70)


    31: Boom Brothers

    The approach of giving the ability XL konckback was nice, but the card still need some survivability in order to survive the T4 stage in any way. Most of the time XL units are way easier to support and scale well with percentage heals, while most smaller units in T4 end up beeing left behind.  

    Possible buff: Hp up to 3000 (from 2555)


    32: Emberstrike

    The M damage for this low cost unit is apparently very good. Still there is the same problem mentioned above for smaller units. They need something to stand out. While I played this unit alot during the last weeks I felt like the card would be way more amazing if you could simply spam the ability, which isn't possible right now with the high cost (even though it is just 50 power it stacks up once you start using it multiple times). The card has the potential to provide fun gameplay, but simply is too expensive in order to do it effectively.

    Possible buff: Ability cost down to 10 (from 50)


    33: Fire Worm

    T4 Worms feel so underwhelming. They do have such amazing mechanics, that allow some crazy plays, but right now it's simply not worth it, because their damage output is way to low. While I agree with the idea of having a low hp pool onto these high mobility units, there is next to no use for them when they don't do enough damage even though you are able to use its abilities on a high level. 

    Possible Buff: Dmg up to 6000 - 600dmg per hit; 900max splash (from 4800 - 480 per hit; 720max splash)


    34: Magma Fiend

    The dps is quite nice, but the ability is so weak, it somewhat feels like you lose strength, because of the long duration of its animation. I don't see any reason for this ability to cost that much power for next to no benefit

    Possible Buff: Ability cost down to 50 (from 100)


    35: Fire Sphere

    The card has many downsides. It takes alot of charging time, it even requires 3 fire orbs, it is quite expensive, yet it does just decent damage. Dealing with one of these heavy "weights" makes the card way more interesting to use and somewhat worth it for someone who invests 3 of is orb into fire.

    Possiblte buff: Cost down to 100 (From 150)


    36: Bloodthirst

    This card is a T4 single target healing spell, which is inferior to Ray of Light unless you've got a dps monster (like Batariel). And Ray of Light is an AoE spell ... and it's cheaper ... and it's a T2 spell. 

    Possible buff: 330 hp regen per 1000dmg (from 165 per 1000)


    37: Void Maw

    This card is an ability bot. It has the combat stats of a decent T3 unit which is simple not enough to be played in higher Tier environments. In order to keep the unit somewhat useful a bigger hp pool would be nice so doesn't end up dying in these big T4 fights. You also could make better preparations for your ability usage.

    Possible buff: hp up to 2500 (from 2090)


    38: Shadow Worm

    This card is only useful with its ability, which is still worse than the church of negation one. But I don't think buffing its ability would be useful, because this doesn't buff the weak pure Shadow PvE faction, but more the enlightment version. Therefore I do think it would be more useful to buff the damage of this unit, which is underwhelming for a card, that requires 4 Shadow orbs. Also I don't think buffing the raw damage would go over the board in combination with enlightment usage, because you only use the shadow worm in nature splashes for its ability which has to remain untouched as long as Enlightment exists. 

    Possible buff: dmg up to 5500 - 550 per hit; 825 max splash (from 4000dmg - 400 per hit; 600 max splash)


    39: Infernal Chain

    I do think the card has some potential for instance in combination with overlord, who would take less damage while regenerating with its ability, so could make some tank out of it. Sadly the infernal chain costs alot, which makes this kind of play mediocre and is simply not worth the deckslot. But I think with some good micro and a small buff to this card it has potential to be used in some scenarios and would also provide healthy gameplay

    Possible buff: Cost down to 100 (from 150)


    40: Plaque 

    I think this spell is somewhat outdated and it simply doesn't do enough damage even when it's hitting it's max value. A strong damage buff would be nice so this card starts seeing at least a little use in our games.

    Possible buff: Dmg per target up to 150/s (from 100/s)


    41: Winter Witch

    The card is a nice support card for pure Frost decks, but with its high requirements it is just way to expensive to use it properly in offensive scenarios. The card doesn't do damage anyways, but the shield is not worth the high power and micro investment. In order to make it a decent supporting unit it would be nice to make the Shield ability for free, so it's worth it building up the 3+ frost orbs. 

    Possible buff: Ability cost down to 0 (from 100)


    42: Battleship

    The card is slow as hell, but also doesn't have any special combat stats. Only the ability is somewhat useful, but that doesn't make the card viable at all. It's fine having these slow cards in a Frost deck, but without any strength to make up for that there is no reason to use a card like that. I feel like a nice buff would be a general enhancement of its combat power, so it ends up beeing a stat monster, so you get something for the very high power investment

    Possible buff: Dmg up to 5625 - 150 per hit; 225 max splash (from 3750dmg - 100 per hit; 150 max splash) 


    43: Grove Spirit

    The problem is somewhat similar to the winterwitch, especially since other healing spells are just somewhat op in comparison to what this card offers for the price of alot of power and a deckslot. In order to make it somwhat useful a cost reduction of the heal is necessary.

    Possible buff: Ability cost down to 40 (from 90)


    44: Primeval Watcher

    An outdated card, that has in interesting mechanic that brings free crowd control into the mix. But in order to offer that crowd control in big T4 fights you need to get into the middle of the fight, which requires a big amount of hp. That's something Primeval Watcher lacks completely. Increasing that hp pool would be nice and add a supporter function to this card, that fits the nature style. The damage output from this card isn't relevant anyways. 

    Possible buff: Hp up to 5500 (form 4650)


    45: Artillery

    I really do like the card, it is cool and fits the bandits style with a big nuke attack, mines and a cool animation. Yet it is a mediocre T4 building and used rarely, because the immobility is a huge problem for T4 buildings anyways. Making it cheaper would be quite nice, because you don't have to invest that much bound power into a non mobile object.

    Possible buff: Cost down to 170 (from 190)


    46: Deepgorge

    This card has a similar problem. You just don't use many buildings in T4 anymore, that don't have long range (or global) effects/abilities. They just bind power and slow down your overall tempo in through the game. Deepgorge simply isn't worth the power investment.

    Possible buff: Cost down to 180 (from 225)


    47: Earthern Gift

    The card is rare and you can buy it on the AH right now for 10 bfp. I haven't seen any player in this game use this card once outside of the forge. The effect is cool, but the orb requirements are very harsh. In order to provide more diversity in gameplay you could reduce the orb conditions, so you could really use this card (to support church defences for instance) 

    Possible buff: Orb requirement changed to 1 Frost; 1 Nature & 2 Neutral orbs (from 2 frost & 2 nature orbs) 


    48: Ravenheart

    Such a beutiful promo card, but just way to expensive to be used. Investing 350 power for this legendary card feels underwhelming. You can play these cards just once in the game and then you get something that has worse stats than your classic units. The combat stats aren't even that great. 

    Possible buff: Power cost down to 280 (from 350)


    49: Shatter Ice

    I think the idea of this card is nice, because it synergizes with the overall pure Frost gameplay. But even though it does alot of damage it still doesn't feel like it's enough, if you want to go pure Frost with your deck. I think a small damage buff would increase the fun you will have with this card by a big amount.

    Possible buff: dmg up to 4000 per target; 12000 max (from 3300 per target; 9900 max) 


    50: Easter Egg

    Just kidding, Easter Egg is op



    I feel like these changes would be some big improvements for alot of cards and decks, without touching anything relevant balancing wise. If you disagree with anything or if you think I missed some major points: Tell me and let me know what you think about this :D 


  4. The swift spam against Frost is somewhat tricky if there is a respectable distance between the main base and your power well. If both players execute it correctly the Frost player will lose a power well but maintain relevant in the game. I recommend avoiding Lightblade at all. Additional well + Light Blade + Taunt = 195 Power. There is no way to win a combat fight with Master Archers anymore and too many Ice Guardians are also a problem, because they never catch up to the swift units that will simply run around your bases. Even if you kill the taunted Scavy, the other ones will run into your main base and destroy 2 power wells in the worst case scenario. Nomads simply destroy the Lightblade in 2 seconds, so that would be even worse. To be successful in this matchup your ressource distribution needs to be thoroughly considered. 

    You need to make sure, that you have some Master Archers at your power well, while making sure, that you have still some power in your backpocket if your opponent decides to go for your main base. If your opponent tries to fight your Masterarchers, spawn more stuff and kite backwards. If he goes for the powerwell play an Ice Guardian and prepare your Glacier shell. Make sure to use it at the perfect timing (which occurs when the power well has around 700 hp left). Keep in mind that red Nomads do have insane damage (Green Nomad spam is easier to play against anyways). You will lose your powerwell without glacier shell. If your opponent goes all in at your powerwell, you should be able to hold your position. Most players will use their swift advantage though to bait out some units and head down to the main base. This is harder to defend and this is why I recommend to hold back 150-200 power as long as possible. This allows your to play one or two Iceguardians + Glacier Shell to buy some time up until your main army catches up. 

    Even when you play it perfectly you may lose one powerwell, but this doesn't mean you end up beeing behind. Most of the time you will remain more units, so you can pick up the power well again without worrying about an incoming counter attack. If you manage to buy some time your additional powerwell will give you 50-70 power and in addition with the 20-30 additional permanent power loss through the dead nomads (your opponent will lose alot during the well focus and 10% of that power is gone aswell) you end up beeing almost even, which is worth it because you didn't lose mapcontrol, which is your main task with Frost on some tricky maps like Haladur for instance. On some maps (Yrmia for instance) the well distance is close enough to pick up a powerwell without having to worry about all that.  

    If you still struggle against Nomad spam, you can try to pick up either Wintertide as a cheese card (the stomp effect can kill the entire Nomad army) or also use Glyph of Frost to buy more time for your units. But both cards can be seen as a double edged sword as a missuse will put you even further behind. 


    Eirias and Xanatoss like this
  5. Great idea! Would be nice to have that again since battleforge.gr & bfcards.info aren't working anymore. What's missing in your description would be a PvE section I guess. Some speedruns and creative decks are very interesting to watch in that section.


    I could try to make a replay compilation out of the matches I've played. But I think I saved up to 3000 replay files so that will take a while



  6. Worms are the fastest units in the game and do have 50% dmg reduction during their movement. The additional Siege dmg on Coredredge and Deepcoilworm is somewhat nice. It is true though, that the T4 ones are underwhelming. 


    Here is my ranking

    1. Core Dredge: 

    Red affinity has 100% Siege dmg & is probably the only worm that is viable in PvP, especially in 2v2 that thing is crazy good once you micro well

    2. Deep Coil:

    Siege and fast movement are decent for PvE, especially against big armies you can use the dmg/knockback mechanic of its movement animation to maximize the dps. 

    3. Shadow Worm 

    Weak stats and nothing but a disappointment in a pure Shadow deck. Only useful in nature splashes with enlightenment due to the ability. I mean it's cool here, but no one would like to use the card without massive heal support

    4. Fire Worm 

    I don't know why these T4 worms are so underwhelming. I'm about to finish a post about these type of cards soon anyways. Fire worm has shitty stats and simply lacks dmg to be effective

    AvDv likes this
  7. Just something in general here: What about creating quests around some of the community maps? I think, that some of them are very well done and fun to play. I always had no motivation going through these maps in detail though, because they didn't give any rewards. Changing this would be a nice addition for the entire PvE section in my opinion. 

  8. I'll just go through the most important things with this deck. If you need more information feel free to ask.



    Glacier Shell is missing. Building protects are quite important to keep your powerwells and orbs alive, which are the most important objectives in the game.

    I would also recommend playing either Lightblade (purple) or Glyph of Frost in T1. They will help you in certain scenarios and provide alot more safety in many scenarios in the early to mid game


    Mountain Rowdy out: Slow meelee units are quite weak, because you can kite them

    Phalanx out: Same problem as with mountain Rowdy, they are only useful in a shadow frost deck in combination with Nasty (Lightblade is also cool in combination with their Payback ability, but this is hard to execute)

    Kobold Trick is missing as a second building protect here to provide safety against any kind of siege attacks

    I also prefer Skyelftempler over Gravitiy Surge, but that's personal preference


    Northland Drake has horrible stats for 240 power and is only somewhat useful against a few decks that lack a proper anti air counter

    Timeless One is missing here, one of the strongest T3 cards overall and has an amazing synergy with north star

    Shield Building + Ashebone is strong, when you're going for a shadow splash in T3, otherwise amii ritual is also an option (especially in 2v2s)

    Curse Well is also an option, but I despise this card, because it's completely broken  



    Kunzekalauer, Navarr and Casperate like this
  9. 16 hours ago, Kugelsaat said:

    Can you give us a time when you Stream? :)

    Depends on how developement progresses. Right now PvP isn't available, so I will just be able to make PvE videos or chose files from my replay folder and cast them. Once everything is fininshed I can give you a time when I stream (Otherwise all streams will be uploaded on youtube anyways, if anyone is interested to rewatch them) :)


  10. Time to promote myself :kappa: 



    I used to be one of the highest rated PvP players in the game, so the majority of my content will be PvP based (I'll upload some PvE occasionaly too). I'm always trying to make my videos a little bit more educational, so if you are looking to improve your PvP skills, you will find some (hopefully valuable) information to do so.

    I will start streaming on a more regular base when ranked PvP is working properly! 



    Eudoxos, HeroPat, Navarr and 1 other like this
  11. I think a character limitation would be a more useful way to deal with this problem. 

    -> Having just 2-3 characters on a single account wouldn't affect the low elo experience, because really good players will run through the lower elo range in less than 2 days 

    -> multiple characters will allow people to play more than just one deck which would lead to more diversity in PvP (otherwise almost everyone will just play meta decks)

    -> it helps people to deal with ranked anxiety (especially in a small community, where people remember your name once you've reached a certain level) 


    I still think, that having the option of creating 2 or 3 characters will allow a more healty PvP environment (low elo players won't be affected too much & high ranked players can enjoy a less lame version of PvP with different matchups than pure fire vs shadow frost). Having an account limitation is completely fine, but I think multiple characters would be quite useful for the majority of players. 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Simigr said:

    Why they all belive that nature is weak .Personal opinion its strong maybe strongest at t1 than frost.

    Also is very good at shadow u can stop harvest with spirit hunter ,parasite  and roots you can do the same to the  shadow mages with neither warp.Yes no medium counter but still you can doit it with roots oink and ghost spears.At t3 very strong you can capture every large units as ashbone with parasite swarm and mauler can kill ashbone too.I believe  nature vs shadow its at side of nature and of course the best player

    Nature does stand a chance against Shadow when it comes to the late game, but it still starts in T1, where Shadow for instance completely outclasses nature. Nature has slow and expensive T1 units, which can be abused heavily once you've learned how to deal with it. The last time I've lost a 1v1 against a nature player with a different T1 was in 2010 or maybe even 2009. Split attacks and early pressure are more than enough to decide the game. Shadow Mage with Nether Warp is hard to deal with in the early T2 stage due to the healing bug which extends the healing power from 200 to nearly 1000, therefore you need to stall and wait for your SoM activation, then you can take control over the game. Harvester definitely isn't a big issue as long as you stay even, it's just useful in this matchup to snowball advantages. 


    @BFlove123 I definitely recommend switching Parasite from your Deck, the card is not very useful, because it can be dodged by proper micro management. Swamp Drake also isn't too powerful due to its low dps.  

  13. On 24.2.2018 at 11:31 PM, Simigr said:

    Nice job there good to know all that things but i disagree.Most depend the players you face and the choice of cards.

    Also from my experience all power is to mixed decks and not pures decks.


    I guess my response is a little bit late, sorry for that ^^

    In a different environment (tournaments, sparring games) you have alot of variety in terms of deck choice, to add some special counter cards (One of the most obvious examples would be something like global warming against pure Frost), but for classic ranked games you want to have a deck, that is solid against every color (or at least the popular meta decks). This sort of makes some decks superior due to their consistency or their special strength against popular decks like pure Fire or Shadow Frost. Sure, skill is definitely the most important part and therefore the players strength will decide the outcome of the game most of the time, but some decks have clear weaknesses, that can be abused in certain matchups on the highest level of PvP. Also pure decks are definitely not weak at all. Pure Nature is very inconsistent, but Frost and Shadow do very well in almost every matchup and pure Fire is arguably the strongest deck in PvP. Mixed decks are superior in PvE though. 

    Simigr likes this
  14. - Added some additional information about Thugs 

    - Went a little bit more in depth on some map descriptions


    I will go and look through my replay folder soon to get some replays that showcase some of the things I tried to describe. I will expand this guide on a regular base if I get more useful information or ways to explain how to share some of my knowledge about the game. Also my nature T1 guide will be finished soon! I hope you'll like it! :) 

  15. 46 minutes ago, Hirooo said:

    XikuKiju - old mainaccount that got hacked

    Hirooo - new mainaccount

    DasErsteHorn - mostly Fire Frost

    TheTrinity - mostly Shadow Nature

    Benforcer (shared account with cDkillroy and the actual Benforcer)

    RadusDamusRadus (for some reason I played there too idk why; mostly pure shadow)

    inYaaaa (no idea who named this account - somebody else smurfed there for a long time)

    RadicalX (when I was really drunk and did not want my main accounts to look bad I used that account; I also played 2n2 with myself trust me)

    wow I'm impressed, you actually played better when you were really drunk :o That's what I'd call highranked-skill!!!


  16. 13 minutes ago, DominikS said:

    Why all the other Accounts Oo

    had multiple reasons for it

    -> had 1 account for each color to get practice with every deck

    -> made accounts due to the fact, that my internet connection used to be horrible and losing 1.000 base elo for random disconnects was pretty frustrating

    -> some people in the upper ranks (especially in 2v2) were afraid to play against better players and it was a pleasure to snipe these people with unknown accounts

    -> won too many bfp through tournaments 

  17. On 13.5.2017 at 11:45 PM, synthc said:

    You shouldn't grab a well in this situation.  It's just that a lot of frost players seem to think for some reason that nature can't rush them, when in reality Swiftclaw rush is quite dangerous (even Freemka has grabbed a well vs me and lost to a Swiftclaw rush, so it's not just a new player mentality).  I think it's worth stressing that you really have to watch out for this as frost.

    Fair enough. Alot of people, especially freemka, tend to get greedy with powerwells, because Frost actually wants to get them in the matchups against Fire and Shadow.  


    On 13.5.2017 at 11:45 PM, synthc said:

    The thing is that it's nearly impossible to have a perfect formation that doesn't allow your mages to be rooted and picked off.  Since you can't just stack all of your mages directly on top of each other, there's always going to be opportunities for roots, and that's why nature doesn't just get completely destroyed in this matchup.

    Yes, but this isn't actually that hard to do and it's impossible for frost to avoid getting rooted and having at least 1 or 2 mages picked off.



    Just something I want to add here: Actually it is possible to stack up mages in a defensive position by using the hold position command. Just keeping that formation to a point where the actual number gets overwhelming is hard to deal with

    Loriens likes this
  18. If I had to make a ranking for the strength of every deck it would be probably something like this:


    Low Tier decks (you can still reach Prime with them, but the best players will abuse the sh*t out of you)

    10. Bandits 

    - No Crowd control

    - Awful matchups against most meta decks

    - worst defensive capabilities out of all decks

    Average Tier decks (mostly with some massive strengths, but without being well rounded)

    9. Pure Nature

    - No reliable M Counter 

    - weak defensive capabilities

    - Nature T1 can get abused by stuff like Phasetower 

    + deals very well with L units

    + the pure cards are massive and can turn games around on their own


    8. Pure Frost 

    + destroys pure Fire

    + very high scaling and arguably strongest T3 in the game

    - Frost T1 is unreliable due to the lack of swift units

    - T2 is very War Eagle reliant


    7. Fire Frost 

    + high snowball potential against decks with weak defensive capabilities 

    + Finally got the much needed reliable M counter (Stormsinger buff, yay)

    - very hard to play (shield micro has to be on point to apply any sort of pressure against Frost splashes) 

    - Has just a mediocre S counter 


    6. Pure Shadow 

    + massive dps units in the early T2 stage

    + Harvester can turn games around by himself 

    + no bad matchups apart from fire nature 

    - unreliable crowd control

    - Shadowmage-micro is one of the most difficult things to execute perfectly (makes pure Shadow incredibly hard to play when you reach a certain level)


    5. Shadow Nature

    + arguably the strongest early T2 in the game (cheap units + cheap cc)

    + best colour to play against an extended T1 

    + destroys pure Frost & Shadow Frost 

    - gets majorly destroyed by pure Fire

    - falls off late game


    Top Tier decks (definitely superior in some aspects and therefore ended up getting played very often):


    4. Stonekin 

    + Pretty much the strongest T2 in the game

    + translates well from defense to offense in an overwhelming fashion

    + scales well into late T2 

    + combined strength of building protection and crowd control

    - very slot intensive deck 

    - you are forced to either play nature or frost T1, who are both sort of lackluster 


    3. Fire Nature

    + the most well rounded T2 (deals well with S, M, L & XL units)

    + no bad matchups except for shadow frost

    - arguably the worst T3 in the entire game


    God Tier decks (most played & strongest decks for ranked games):

    2. Shadow Frost

    + Low risk high reward deck 

    + perfect scaling curve (You start strong, but you get even stronger as the game progresses) 

    + absurd defensive capabilities (can come back from large deficites, especially in T3)

    + Insane T3 

    + easy to play 

    - low outplay potential in T2 (struggles against perfectly excecuted Shadow Nature & pure Fire) 


    1. Pure Fire

    + Most aggressive deck in the game (if you are ahead you will be able to destroy your opponent)

    + Only T3 that can match timeless one defenses 

    + best M counter in the game 

    + Cliffdancers are the most abnoxious thing in the entire game 

    + Wildfire is the most powerful damage spell in T2 

    - lacks air control

    - requires a long T1 to prevent snowballing through early L units 


    The differences between the decks aren't as big as you may think, you can do well with every single one as long as you are skilled enough and there are only a few scenarios that result into a true autolose (cliffdancer on yshia hehe).

  19. 3 hours ago, synthc said:

    Very nice guide, @RadicalX.  You've covered all of the important stuff in detail, but I do have one critique, and that is that I don't think your Frost vs Nature section is accurate at all.  I was ranked 1st with my pure nature deck back when both Freemka and MaranV were very active, so I've played literally dozens of nature T1 vs frost T1 games against them and I can tell you that it's much more nuanced than just nature getting streamrolled by Frost Mage spam.  Nature has one key card that just wrecks frost T1 when used correctly, and that card is roots.

    There are actually two things that are very dangerous for Frost: namely, Swiftclaw rush and Shaman spam.  Swiftclaw rush is actually more dangerous than Scavenger rush IMO, because nature can root defending units when they run to attack a different location, which often buys the nature player enough time to kill a well.  The other thing is that Swiftclaw has very high M damage so, on small maps and with proper micro + heals, it can actually just fight Ice Guardians and win if the Frost player grabs a well.  Swiftclaw vs Ice Guardians in one location is a very close fight when the Frost player has just grabbed a well and is down 100 power and it all comes down to micro here.


    Here comes my first question about this. Why would you even grab a well in this matchup? Frost doesn't need a powerwell when relying on Frostmages only. That would be a huge mistake already, especially on small maps and I agree with you, if your opponent does this massive mistake you can attack him by using your swiftclaws & win that battle by using superior micromanagement. 

    3 hours ago, synthc said:

    This makes things more difficult than the Scavenger rush because the frost player has to commit more units to defense or their Ice Guardians will just be overwhelmed and killed.  On smaller maps where Swiftclaw rush is good (easy to run between bases) frost actually shouldn't grab a well, even if it means completely giving up map control.  What you want to do as frost is just hang back and defend while building up a Frost Mage army.  As you noted, once the frost player gets a critical mass of Frost Mages, they will be able to kite and kill the Swiftclaws with ease.  If the nature player grabs a well and tries to zone you out of the map, you just need to be patient and build up that Frost Mage army—you'll still be able to kill their well long before it pays back the 100 power investment (just watch out for defensive towers).  Frost can always defend against Swiftclaw rush, but they have to be very careful about taking wells on certain maps.

    fully agree with that


    4 hours ago, synthc said:

    Swiftclaw rush is very powerful on some maps, but most high level frost t1 vs nature t1 games come down to Frost Mage spam vs Shaman spam.  You are correct in that Frost Mages completely destroy Shamans in a head to head fight (even with the Dryad damage reduction); but, again, the key card here is roots.  This scenario is actually very high tension and a single mistake can easily cost you the game here.  What nature wants to do is to keep the frost army away from their base, and catch the frost player when they have their Frost Mages in a bad formation—they want to root the frost army in such a way that they can pick off a couple of Mages without losing any Shamans and then heal up and repeat, dwindling down the frost forces until nature can eventually take a head-on engagement.  

    So what happens if your opponent doesn't do the mistake to mess up his mage formation and give you the opportunities to pick off mages with roots? I mean, I really get your point & I actually know the Shaman vs Frostmage spam matchup, but if both people excecute their strategy properly Frost ends up winning (I mentioned this type of scenario in my unreleased nature T1 guide, because it focusses more on what nature has to do to find opportunities to win this unfavourable matchup rather then what Frost has to do). I probably should've gone slighty more in depth about the importance of unit positioning and usage of the F-key to keep the mages closer to each other and I can edit this in 4-5 days, when I'm back at home. 


    4 hours ago, synthc said:

    First and foremost, frost wants to keep their Mages close together and in a line formation (facing the nature army) in order to prevent the nature player from getting a good root.  After that they want to try and pick off Shamans one by one with Frostbite, and they want to try and force a full-on engagement by threatening to attack the nature player's base.  Often this matchup comes down to the Frost player attacking the nature player's base, while the nature player uses their power wells/orb to absorb damage from the Frost Mages, but in this scenario frost usually wins due to Home Soil.  So nature wants to avoid this by constantly threatening with roots (keeping the frost player from marching straight into their base).  Nature can also build Primal Defender or Mark of the Keeper if they feel their base is being threatened, provided they aren't completely giving up map control by doing so.


    Primal defender for sure is one of the most important cards for Nature T1 to stay alive in this matchup (I don't think Mark of the Keeper saw alot of play in the upper ranks, because you still would've been forced to play Primal Defender anyways in order to survive against Phasetower, who outranges the Mark of the Keeper), but that would lead to a slight disadvantage due to mapcontrol issues as you mentioned already.


    The overall Problem with this matchup I see here:

    -> Frost scales better and wins all in fights, so Nature has to initiate and pick off units that are out of position

    -> This means frost can play defensively for ever (playing at the edge outside of the root range and moving simultaniously to your opponent -> without swiftclaws there is no way to initiate fight as Shamans are just as slow as Frostmages)

    -> Frost can rush a nature T2, especially when many units are on the board already (-> low void pool on a 2 power well base results in less power available for T2 units or spells)

    -> even if the nature player manages to reach the T2 stage by setting up something like Primal Defender + T2: As you mentioned Frostmages scale way better into T2 than Shamans, since they remain as pure Frost's major S Counter and deal with stuff like Parasite Swarms while Shamans just get destroyed by War Eagles


    Maybe I'm a little bit to harsh when I say something like it's an easy win, because mediocre Frost players can end up getting outplayed by making micro mistakes or strategic errors, but I'm still convinced, that an excellent Frost T1 player ends up winning the matchup against nature nearly every time. Would love to play sparrings in this certain matchup anyways!  


    2 hours ago, imanewb13 said:

    Wow thats a really good guide! I love your videos! Keep up the good work and if possible make same guide for nature!

    I'm glad to hear that!  I got a finished nature T1 guide on my computer, just wanted to wait until open beta to post it, because it would be more relevant at that time I guess. 

    Navarr likes this
  20. 1 hour ago, Mitch said:

    I'd love to see some PvE, even though you prefer PvP it might be good for the variety since most of us loved BF for its PvE. (Doesn't matter wether it's a solo run or multiplayer).
    I've never gotten into PvP much, but it are always tier 1 or  tier 2 fights, i'd love to see some higher tier cards in PvP.

    Thank you for your time :)

    Okay, I just made a PvE video, should be uploaded in about 2 hours ;) 


    I also would love to play T3 and also got so many different ideas (Corsair :hype:). But for some reason most players in the beta tend to play very microintensive decks with huge snowballpotential instead of something like a good old dirty shadow frost deck. Therefore games tend to end much earlier, because mistakes with these aggressive decks are way more punishable.


    6 hours ago, SunWu II. said:



    i think you can combine these two!

    Yeah, playing Shadow Frost with Phasetower and Grigori ._. I feel like the actual challenge is the fact, that I don't want to play this type of deck due to ethical reasons. Probably just gonna do a defensive match with Bandits


    On 15.4.2017 at 2:51 PM, shadowxxs77 said:

    Only use S units in a PVP Match

    Okay, I'm gonna try that one! :) 

  21. On 14.4.2017 at 0:06 AM, LittleLegend said:

    I stumbled upon your Youtube channel recently and I was so stoked about seeing all these cards I used to play in action again :hype::hype:

    I see, that you play on a very high level and the way you explain things in the game sounds very technical and competent to me. The Problem is, that I have no access to the Beta and havent played the game in years and even back in the days I was more of a beginner. In general Im very interested in high level PVP/PVE tactics and gameplay, but before I can enjoy that I need to learn much more about the game and I need to be able to actually play it XD.

    What I would love to see on your Channel is:

    - Analasys/Guides that are oriented towards beginners or people, who have no Beta access. The Guides could help those people picking up the game again this year(hopefully) 

    - Maybe try to explain some game specific terms you use like "focusing" or "splitting" and maybe even make an extra video about it to explain what they mean and how to do these things in game

    - I really like card challenges, because then you see cards, that are maybe not played so often and you get a break from all the meta stuff.

    These are my ideas so far. I really like your content and hopefully my ideas will inspire you.

    Keep up the good work ;)


    Thanks for your reply, I can definitely do some videos where I explain general terms & basics of the game or some more beginner oriented stuff in general! I really like that idea. 


    On 14.4.2017 at 9:31 AM, MeisterRihno said:

    I would like to see some pve with tricky tacticts or unusual cardplay.

    thx ;)


    Got some PvE replays of some cheesy expert solo runs in my folder, could definitely upload some of them! 

    On 14.4.2017 at 10:37 PM, imanewb13 said:

    Pure frost or pure nature pvp :P


    I can look for some good pure Frost matches; pure Nature may be a little bit more difficult, because the majority of players in the beta are pretty unexperienced against nature T1, therefore games end before they reach the T2 stage, but I'll try to search for some good games (got over 1000 replays in my folder ._.).

    On 13.4.2017 at 10:58 PM, ThomasMann said:

    Use Mauler :kappa:

    Just made a deck for you with Mauler included :kappa: Let's see if I can make some good use of it

    On 15.4.2017 at 0:40 AM, Eirias said:

    @RadicalX if you want, we can do some challenge matches :)

    (I'm sure you'll win all of them, but maybe we can do some interesting things).

    I'm always up for challenges! And regarding your offer about the Skylords channel, I would definitely like to make some videos there too, but I want to keep the majority of my content on my own channel! :)



  22. Hey everyone, RadicalX here! 

    Some of you may already know, that I try to provide as much Battleforge gameplay content as possible and since I'd like to know what you'd like to see I decided to make this thread here. 


    So this is the stuff I wanted to upload on YouTube anyways:

    -> Some of my best PvP matches (either the closest or clean ones, depends)

    -> Recent streams with actual gameplay (PvP & maybe some PvE too)

    -> Replay Reviews from 2013-games (Analyzing either old top level PvP matches or some crazy games in general as long as I have enough replays)

    -> Random videos about some stuff like specific interactions, that are useful to know to spice up your gameplay (or something like "how to oneshot powerwells with an Easter Egg" :kappa:)

    -> Short deck building videos with short analysis about the 10 different factions


    Here's the last video I've uploaded recently:



    Generally speaking I'll try to make a channel with entertaining content, but also educational aspects for those, who want to play the game on a high level in PvP.


    So let's get to the actual point. What kind of content would you like to see?

    A specific PvE map (solo runs)?

    A specific PvP matchup or a special deck in action?

    Or maybe something like challenges (I think @Eirias made a thread about this once)?


     I'd appreciate every comment & idea on this! :)   



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