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Status Replies posted by Ladadoos

  1. Finally got my new pc!

    Goodbye old potato! (really started to smell...)

  2. Finally got my new pc!

    Goodbye old potato! (really started to smell...)

  3. Recently on the forums I have seen some negative reps that were really unjustified, in my opinion at least. See, in my personal opinion at least, having negative and positive rep arent of equal weight. Personally I think if someone sees a person with negative rep they will most likely assume that a person is not a trustworthy forum member, while a person with positive rep will be more trustworthy, which, I think, is the purpose of the system. But since people tend to believe most members are good, positive rep isnt SO important. On the other hand, having negative rep, which was earned unjustly, will lead to potentially good forum members looking as bad forum members. So please people think a second time before you give negative rep to other people.

    1. Ladadoos


      In my opinion, most of the times negative reputation is given is because they did deserve it to some degree. Maybe not because of what they wrote in that exact post, but for something they might have done just recently (that doesn't have much to do with the post). In my opinion that is fine, because if he really is he a good member he will get some positive reputation and neutralize his reputation, most like going into the positive reputation. I like to think that we can easily see a difference between someone who did something real bad (-10 or lower reputation), but not bad enough to be banned, and someone who did something bad but didn't affect the person directly (between 0 and -10 reputation).

      Besides, I have seen multiple times where people gave someone who got an unjustified negative reputation point a positive reputation point to at least neutralize it.

      But yeah, that's just what I think.

    2. (See 22 other replies to this status update)

  4. When you wake up at night, make a pizza, sit down to eat and realise its past 2am

  5. BattleForge ! What else?

  6. Hi Lady Doos :kappaross:

  7. Happy birthday, Avatar of frost,oh wait... Happy birthday Spitfire good luck in your life and have a good day.

  8. Happy Birthday for greatest spamer on forum! :fireorb::fireorb::fireorb: 

    Have luck in first boosters in full release, and get fast some Spitfires! :ladadoos::ladadoos:

  9. Happy one ladabro

  10. Happy Birthday Spitfire!

  11. If you guys liked the multi stream let me know and maybe we can do it again next time!

  12. Profile Pictures are changeable again!
    @Eternal  now you no longer are the eternal darkness but just an eternal dragon! ;D

  13. If you guys liked the multi stream let me know and maybe we can do it again next time!

  14. If you guys liked the multi stream let me know and maybe we can do it again next time!

    1. Ladadoos


      I can't remember, I think Link's side was behind.

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  15. If you guys liked the multi stream let me know and maybe we can do it again next time!

    1. Ladadoos


      @Eirias Basically two streams (one from Link and one from Kiwi), combined into one stream so you can see both perspectives :P Was pretty cool, although the latency between the two was very noticeable :P 

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  16. We did it guys! Finally! We beat Nightmare Shard expert! 27/09/16 will go down in history!

  17. Sometimes I think about the rules of the Forum and I realize..... how often they get ignored. Not saying I dislike it, just an observation ;D

    1. Ladadoos


      She would have been banned so long ago that we wouldn't even remember her name :kappa: 

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  18. Sometimes I think about the rules of the Forum and I realize..... how often they get ignored. Not saying I dislike it, just an observation ;D

  19. Sometimes I think about the rules of the Forum and I realize..... how often they get ignored. Not saying I dislike it, just an observation ;D

    1. Ladadoos


      @ThomasMann Read the rules, it says trolling isn't allowed :kappa: 

    2. (See 26 other replies to this status update)

  20. Sometimes I think about the rules of the Forum and I realize..... how often they get ignored. Not saying I dislike it, just an observation ;D

  21.  :hypetrain: Arrival was delayed by a day, but it's here now!


  22. One dragon one Kiwi can they defeat Nightmare Shard finally? tune in to find out shortly - https://www.twitch.tv/battleforgereborn

    1. Ladadoos


      I think that the rank system works, but the system to get the EXP to rank up doesn't. It's not implemented yet I believe.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

  23. One dragon one Kiwi can they defeat Nightmare Shard finally? tune in to find out shortly - https://www.twitch.tv/battleforgereborn

    1. Ladadoos


      Do you start nature T1 Kiwi? Have you considered Stranglehold for those vilebloods ? Since they root the enemy and if your towers can kill it fast enough you won't keep losing buildings because of that death aura the whenever vileblood dies.

    2. (See 14 other replies to this status update)

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