Hello! My name is Alexander, online I'm going under the alias "veryhasted" I'm 16 y/o. Studying economics at a "Private" school and want to continue my studies later on in England at Warwick University (if my english is good enough^^) I like tennis and trading stocks, my target stocks are medical/gaming companies. Back to battleforge, i started playing battleforge when I was about.... 9 years old. I found battleforge on a shelf in my local game shop and loved the look of the cover, I bought it and started playing it, I've never been a hardcore gamer so I played a little bit of PvE with some friends but I never really understood PvP. I bought the CD about 6 times as that was the only way I knew of getting BFP and I was an avid pack opener, so I have about 6 battleforge CD's lying around at my house. I was recently looking for games that I played when I was younger to bring back some great memories, nostalgia if you prefer to call it that and I stumbled upon Battleforge Reborn. So currently I'm patiently waiting for the release of battleforge. That's probably everything you'd want to know about me.
Hype for battleforge!