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  1. so i was able to log in using a vpn. which is confusing me a bit as i now dont know what the problem is or how to solve it
  2. this was the result: Pinging with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=287ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=32 time=144ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=32 time=186ms TTL=49 Reply from bytes=32 time=140ms TTL=49 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 140ms, Maximum = 287ms, Average = 189ms i guess this means the server is not blocked and iranian ips are not banned? so what might the problem be? edit: about vpns: the islamic republic regime hates free access to the internet and had blocked A LOT of vpn services, (like they will block vpn servers after you connect to them just once!!) to the point that im thinking of setting up a server (with a lot of shenanigans to avoid detection) for my self and thanks for the very quick response
  3. so recently ive run into a problem, i get a connect failed whenever i try to log in to the game. ive tried it with my home internet, my phone's hotspot and another internet service and none work which leads me to believe either the provider of the server had banned IPs from iran or the stupid islamic republic regime has censored/blocked access to the server provider's services. of course there may be other reasons for the connect failed error, but usually this is how things usually turn out to be in iran. how can i test and see what my problem is? also, any suggestions on how to fix it? (it is hard to find a vpn that works on PCs here, ill try and see if i can get into the game with a vpn to determine whether this is actually the case)
  4. hi, i know very little about programming and etc having just recently switched from electrical to computer engineering, and its been a long time since phase 1 ended(i just found out about this whole thing through the February update), but im interested and think i would like to challenge myself. can i join the discord server and see how things are and whats going on?
  5. some of points are kinda vague. could use some more explanation. for example on the point that says build a tower in each camp, in what time frame? can we do it just before killing the infester or should it be before the camps get their reenforcements? besides, shouldnt pure fire players be allowed to use batariel? or pure natures use enlightenment? and not allowing swift units also forces pure nature players to not use Colossus but at that point, not using swift units is kinda irrelevant because the condition is just meant to make rushing to the first camp and the north camp harder i also have a question: does using the cultist master's crawlers count as using swift units?
  6. this feels like someone has a vendetta against the decomposer+BH decomposer has uses in just a few maps as is mostly the case with many other cards like embalmers shrine+shadow phoenixes or mark of the keeper or manawing or nightguard (and quite a few more) theyre all kinda broken and op if you look at them from a certain angle. in my oponion these are just (smart)solutions to certain problems or sometimes workarounds for example in nighmare shard, the first camp only has melee units around it and they are numerous and strong and really hard to defeat (maybe impossible?) so lets use manawings to easily kill them all without any danger or for example go play behind enemy lines with just nightguards for t1 and swap for twilight horros (not sure if thats their name) that the enemy cannot handle (by the way how are they considered t2 for nightguard to be able to swap them) and easily clear t2 and t3 and magically get t4 with amii and game over. you can also use phoenixes that never die because of embalmers shrine you get the idea.... some cards in some maps just do soooo well so is the case with decomposer (though im not saying it should or shouldnt be rebalanced) but i think Batariel is even worse than all of them. since it is super op almost everywhere. for example in rpve. it easily clears a base that another player would need to send 5-6 t4 units. you all know how it is, no need to explain.
  7. name: [proxy_call.lub:156] Error occured during ProxyCall: No Connection description: i logged in and this happend after loading into the forge. additional information: i logged in and before the forge loaded, switched to a browser and after a few minutes switched back into the game and got this error. i havent been able to reproduce it though _log_proxy_latest.log
  8. "Oh, and consider upgrading to 64 bit Windows / OS as our backend requires it."


    my pc has 2GB of ram what am I supposed to do??

    1. BurningWorld



      Click the link and all your questions will be answered *_*
      Jk but seriously, you can look in ebay for cheap RAM, in my country you can get  4 * 2gb ddr3 ram for maybe 10-20 Euro, if you're a lil bit lucky ;) I mean if you like gaming you would need more than 2 gb anyways, at least for the most stuff nowadays. :) 

  9. Waiting For A Light That Never Comes ...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BurningWorld


      U sure he's talking about the Skylords beta?

    3. Deadman


      You asked for it 


    4. Alishmass


      @ThomasMann thanks for the video.

      @Ultrakool I know the release date

      It just reminds me of waiting for A Light That Never Comes since the release date is constantly changing although the light IS coming (it's like a release date for another release date ) and I don't have any problems with that honestly

      no offence to the devs, I really respect and appreciate what the devs are doing.THEY ARE AMAZING.

  10. Those green bars in DevPlatform are just so satisfying 

  11. 2395 how many more numbers till we run out of things to say(write) :-/
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