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Pure Amii RPVE fun deck

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I want to show a deck of mine, the deck is stronger than it looks, It has a ton of dmg, and just melts bosses, i have played all the S tier decks, and this is my most fun deck.


lets go over how it works, and how to approch each tier.

Tier 1 S: 6 Forsaken + Soul Splicer G + Motivate - Remebmer to build Embalmers shrine early, so you dont have to wait for the 60sec CD later
Tier 2 SS: 2-3 Shadow Phoenix + Rescource boosters (you might have to wait with the Resource Boosters depending on how much in a rush your lane mate is in)
Tier 3 SSN: You should have some Forsaken and Shadow Phoenix left, support them with Frenetic Assult and Infect. Use Cultist master with Furnace of Flesh for void Return.
Tier 4 SSNN : Enlightenment into Forest Elder as your first unit. Now you are ready to start clearing, spawn Necrofurys and Voidmaws. The complete army looks like this:

1x Forest Elder
4x Necrofury 
12x Void Maw

Spawning the complete army wont take long, since the units are cheap, and Forest Elder cuts 30% of the cost.

So what makes this deck any good ?

The magic happens with Green Peace, you attack move the camp, cast Green Peace on the camp, and the camp will no longer fight back. So you can basicly stand outside the Green Peace ring, and just Nuke the camp nice and easy. Normally i dont attack with Forest elder i just keep him close to the group, so all units get +25% increased damage. If you are clearing with a teammate, he/she will watch with excitement, while enjoying inner peace.
If theres a Boss in the Camp, you can kill him fast, while the whole camp just watches without fighting back.

Boss Melting Easy mode:
Forest Elder + 25% dmg
Void Maw + 30% dmg taken to target
Long range units, wont get effected by the bosses abilitys like Silence/Freeze/Burn

Utility and damage spells:
The deck has spells for all situations.

Green Peace and Nether Warp are fun spells, that can give your teammates the helping hand, they didnt even know they needed 😇  (💩)



Edited by DemonRJ
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Awesome deck, and great explanation. I would like to add 1 thing. 

For people who will to try out this, or similar kinds of decks:

If you play Resource Booster as you get Tier 2 (or 3) on all your current wells, and you need to enlighten a Tier 4 unit after (Batariel, forest elder, Dreadnough or any other), please avoid building the 2 wells at the tier 4 camp. The initial payment of 200 power for a pay-off in about 3 min is not worth the delay on your units.

When/if you play a buff Batariel deck, never build the 2 wells as you cycle through your power anyways with SoW/cultist+FoF. The chance is very low you actually be spending the 900 power you got when you enter the last few camps. 

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14 hours ago, DemonRJ said:

I want to show a deck of mine, the deck is stronger than it looks, It has a ton of dmg, and just melts bosses, i have played all the S tier decks, and this is my most fun deck.


lets go over how it works, and how to approch each tier.

Tier 1 S: 6 Forsaken + Soul Splicer G + Motivate - Remebmer to build Embalmers shrine early, so you dont have to wait for the 60sec CD later
Tier 2 SS: 2-3 Shadow Phoenix + Rescource boosters (you might have to wait with the Resource Boosters depending on how much in a rush your lane mate is in)
Tier 3 SSN: You should have some Forsaken and Shadow Phoenix left, support them with Frenetic Assult and Infect. Use Cultist master with Furnace of Flesh for void Return.
Tier 4 SSNN : Enlightenment into Forest Elder as your first unit. Now you are ready to start clearing, spawn Necrofurys and Voidmaws. The complete army looks like this:

1x Forest Elder
4x Necrofury 
12x Void Maw

Spawning the complete army wont take long, since the units are cheap, and Forest Elder cuts 30% of the cost.

So what makes this deck any good ?

The magic happens with Green Peace, you attack move the camp, cast Green Peace on the camp, and the camp will no longer fight back. So you can basicly stand outside the Green Peace ring, and just Nuke the camp nice and easy. Normally i dont attack with Forest elder i just keep him close to the group, so all units get +25% increased damage. If you are clearing with a teammate, he/she will watch with excitement, while enjoying inner peace.
If theres a Boss in the Camp, you can kill him fast, while the whole camp just watches without fighting back.

Boss Melting Easy mode:
Forest Elder + 25% dmg
Void Maw + 30% dmg taken to target
Long range units, wont get effected by the bosses abilitys like Silence/Freeze/Burn

Utility and damage spells:
The deck has spells for all situations.

Green Peace and Nether Warp are fun spells, that can give your teammates the helping hand, they didnt even know they needed 😇  (💩)



Like it - could replace one of my former Amii decks which is not playble anymore due to the Watcher changes


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Nice deck!


I have been toying with Shadow T1 and I know for sure the problem is in the player (me).  That aside, I stopped using Green Peace for a while partly to experiment with other decks and partly due to not working well with team mates. Maybe is because my double Gemeyes (with Ice Barrier and Home Soil) doesn't have the same damage output or could well be I am not placing/timing them correctly? Got any tips on Green Peace usage for 2p or 4p rPvE?



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3 minutes ago, Volin said:

Transcendence could do a really nice job here, played it just for the first time I must give in and it is really nice to buff up a mix of units like here. A shame I did not really recognize the card earlier.

Will try it tomorrow in your deck, may be a nice add-on.

That card is awesome! I play it regularly over Motivate in Emberstrike (with nature orb) or Rifle Cultist spam decks. In Deathray decks it shines most though, since it also can replace the need for Healing Gardens.

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3 minutes ago, Metagross31 said:

That card is awesome! I play it regularly over Motivate

Yes, for sure a better-Motivate. In the worst case it comes up to the same but you have the healing buff and in the best case you keep even the unit.

Feel a bit bad I did not test it in deep before. But played no Amii-Decks lately

EDIT-PS: Use it in non-bandit Emberstike decks... that is genius!

Edited by Volin
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