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Posts posted by Volin

  1. 3 hours ago, Asraiel said:

    in pvp i would definetly agree with u 100% in PVE not.

    Both Enlightenment and Amii Mon couldn't be more far from the pvp meta - ergo they can't be OP there at all.

    On the other hand, both cards dominate the complete PvE, with a few isolated exceptions. And this on all levels: BG speedruns are currently unthinkable without enlightenment, you can usually even tell the break even to "normal" strategies from the rankings. Solo, the Amii Mon is then added as a more or less set. Does this only affect the speedrunners?Not at all, I regularly see casuals in random BGs using both cards, be it for orbswitches, for supposedly "early" T4s, to cast other colors cards - to make life easy for themselves (even if this plan may not always succeed). And then we come to the advanced and expert maps which are completely trivialized by Amii Mon and Enlightenment was already very popular for this purpose.

    So still: You can have another opinion, but mine is a strong "PLEASE not another "cheating" card"

    Funny, on the one hand most people want to nerf the current meta - but on the other we have suggestions like this.

    AtheistXVII likes this
  2. Hallo Barul und Willkommen,

    bevor ich auf deine Fragen eingehe, möchte ich kurz darauf hinweisen, dass jeder Post in diesem Forum auf Englisch verfügbar sein soll, zumindest in einer Übersetzung. Dazu ist ein herkömmlicher Translator natürlich völlig ausreichend. Ein toller Englisch-Deutsch (und vice versa) Übersetzer, den ich sehr empfehlen kann, ist https://www.deepl.com/translator.

    Das bringt uns dann auch gleich zu deinem ersten Punkt: Ich denke auf Grund der Forumsregeln macht ein solcher - längerer Austausch - in diesem Forum auf Grund der Regeln wenig Sinn. Aber wenn alles übersetzt wird (damit sich keiner ausgeschlossen fühlt) dann spricht da natürlich nichts gegen.

    5 hours ago, BarulUndercover said:

    Ich würde gerne wissen ob das Spiel wirklich eine Zukunft hat? (translation by me: "Does the game has a future?")

    Beziehst du dich auf den Community-, oder auf den Server Aspekt? Rein von den aktuellen Spielerzahlen ausgehend, vermute ich ganz persönlich, dass Skylords Reborn (SR) eher ein Liebhabertitel bleiben wird, die Spielerschaft wird eher übersichtlicher werden als noch rießig ansteigen - vermute ich.

    Bei Community-Projekten ist die Langlebigkeit natürlich immer nur sehr schwer voraus zu sehen, hier wäre ich jedoch zuversichtlich, dass die Server nun mind. einige Jahre laufen werden, alleine auf Grund der Arbeit die hier investiert wurde. Mit all zuviel neuem Content würde ich allerdings nicht rechnen. Ich sehe das frei nach dem Motto: Geil das Spiel wieder spielen zu können, alles was noch kommt ist "Bonus"

    Aber du kannst ja auch erstmal nichts verlieren, wie zu EA Zeiten.

    Zum Thema Patreon: Wenn du dies als eine Spende/Dankeschön siehst, dann freuen sich die Devs sicher über jeden Support (ich bin ein Patreon Supporter). Aber ich warne jeden davor hier Ansprüche mitzubringen.


    Viele Grüße



    ----------------------------------------------------------------------------auto translated due to lazyness ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Hello Barul and welcome,

    before I respond to your questions, I would like to briefly point out that every post in this forum should be available in English, at least in a translation. Of course, a conventional translator is perfectly adequate for this purpose. A great English-German (and vice versa) translator that I can highly recommend is https://www.deepl.com/translator.

    This brings us to your first point: I think due to the forum rules such a - longer exchange - makes little sense in this forum. But if everything is translated (so that no one feels excluded) then of course there is nothing against it.

    5 hours ago, BarulUndercover said:

    I would like to know if the game really has a future?

    Are you referring to the community aspect, or the server aspect? Based purely on the current player numbers, I personally suspect that Skylords Reborn (SR) will remain more of a lover's title, the player base will become more manageable rather than increase dramatically - I suspect.

    With community projects, the longevity is of course always very difficult to foresee, but here I would be confident that the servers will now run for at least a few years, just because of the work that was invested here. However, I would not expect too much new content. I see this freely after the motto: Cool to be able to play the game again, everything that still comes is "bonus".

    But you can't lose anything for the time being, like in EA times.

    On the subject of Patreon: If you see this as a donation/thank you, then the devs are certainly happy about any support (I am a Patreon supporter). But I warn everyone not to bring claims here.


    Many greetings


    Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

    Kapo likes this
  3. 10 hours ago, LEBOVIN said:

    PvE rank does not reflect actual game knowledge



    10 hours ago, LEBOVIN said:

    Also deck level has never been a reasonable indicator for game knowledge. 



    10 hours ago, LEBOVIN said:

    but take action yourself:



    10 hours ago, LEBOVIN said:

    ask them in chat

    Only speaking people can be helped, Check!

    Or if you want a "tl;dr"

    Blame the attitude, not the game :)



    And that also brings to mind what I think is a very good example.

    I like to play a round of rpve from time to time without the perma-present wheel. Do I need a checkbox for that? No.

    I open a game myself (the opener can define the "rules" of his game, in my opinion) and politely ask people not to play wheels. Works in 9 out of 10 matches without problems.

    Metagross31 and Dallarian like this
  4. Ouch, usually pure nature is perhaps the worst color (color combination) with which to face Willzapper.
    My tactic here would be: Despair, scream, spit, pull hair, cry and sweat.

    Joking aside: The only option to kill the Willzapper clean(!) with Nature that I can think of would be the two XL-Root-Units, but both are basically not suitable for the Rpve :(

    The standard approach would be in my eyes, but maybe I'm missing something, to engage with a mass unit spam and always first full focus on the Willzapper.
    Until rpve9 Willzapper occur only in the 2nd row after T4, here you should already have some units together. For rpve 10 pure Nature is possible, but like all pure decks, a rather unfavorable choice.

    But I am now also curious if there is an elegant solution that I have missed.


  5. 5 hours ago, Draconnor said:

    its about Bad Harvest

    I apologize if I have elaborated further, but in the meantime, unfortunately, it was not only about Bad Harvest.

    But if Bad Harvest is the problem, why change the Decomposer and not Bad Harvest? (There were already ideas about this)

  6. Really - usally when I was reading a post of @Pritstift about this topic, I had to fully agree with the content on the one hand, while on the other hand I would have pressed the "Dislike" button if we still had it, because I found the sound every time just completely out of line.

    That changes...fast... I understand his clear way of writing every day more.

    Not only that still farming (best ratio of effort to benefit with maximum "simplicity" at the same time = max gold/exp) and speedruning (going for the fastest possible time = what is a gold reward, we don't care about it) are getting mixed, now comes Buddel and mixes this with ambitious Endgame content (good players, doing a challenging content in different ways with different intentions). What a mess.


    And to emphasize that again, I think Pritstift already said it: A feeder in a speedrun and a feeder while farming usually don't have much in common in skill level ;)

    To take the current 4pl MOTM as an example, yes, of course we use a feeder for a time just over 11 min (tomorrow the 11 drops), but:

    1) feel free to try the map as you described with a feeder (@Buddelmuddel) and you'll find that alone probably won't get you much below the 15 min - if you have 2 good bata pushers. Plus player 4 doesn't have his T2 available, have fun feeding there and pulling over Enlightenment Batariel before the T3 camp - it doesn't work out so easily.

    2) Yes, our feeder doesn't even need 20 cards ( he "needs" around 15?), yes he has a slightly easier job than the main Batariel player who has to make 8 (?) camps with his Batariel in those 11 min (and he has to have his Batariel first), but: His job is not easy and with a "I need a runner for BH" feeder you won't get far. Every spell and every move has to be right, and even a player who mainly feeds can take on other tasks - and these 1000 little things, which mesh like fine cogs, with a good overall strategy, make up real speedruns in the end.

    Even the good duo run we did on the MOTM 4 (~15min) has the decomposer as a key card - but seriously, if it's so easy, why doesn't anyone do it?

    Here, in my opinion, 2, or 3, things are permanently mixed:

    - If the decomposer leads to situations like we currently have on Bad Harvest, then I can understand that this worries some. I personally know this phenomenon from many games and would simply ignore it, but of course I can also understand if you want to remedy this.

    - Some people here act as if the Decomposer would automatically lead to best times - but this is actually simply wrong. We see it in the fact that the all-time records are so firmly in the hands of a group that to deny them the skill simply borders on madness. And not only the alltimes, they also dominate the rpve every month they really participate. And also the chasing pack is actually known from watching by now quite well :)
    If it's only the Decomposer and the Enlightenment, then I wonder why there are so rarely new names in the rankings. So what is the problem here with it?

    - Some rightly complain when the Decomposer is used without agreement and against the will of the "feeder", but hey, what are we talking about, report and well, that should hopefully fall under a rule-breaking and therefore punishable behavior, right?

    What remains (to me) are basic balancing questions, and these should be discussed in a more relaxed setting and by people who are deeply versed in the game mechanics - a.k.a our balancing team, which I trust completely.

    On the subject of different modes - against. The hardly used PvP mode shows best, that this work would be in vain.
    Otherwise I would like to have a subranking for runs that were made in the waxing moon phase on odd days by players who wear a blue baseball cap

    partly Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)



    there is no simple answer, read it :D



    WatcherOfSky and Metagross31 like this
  7. I think we have a problems with terms here. Some are speaking of speedrunning and some are speaking about speedrunning - but you mean complete different things.

    I would rather call the one speedrunning and the other farmrunning or something like that. And ofc all farming tactics are based on speedrun tactics, mostly in the way that is a most easy version of the speedrun.

    However, this exists in almost all games I've played, and if an instance/dungeon whatever is disarmed, then the next best farm possibility is sought. There will always be players who just want to have everything as fast as possible and fall back on such tactics.
    Unfortunately, I think that the intersection with the people who scream after a short time "I've seen everything,I have everything and I need new content" is very large.(assumption of me) They have seen nothing and know as much about the game as John Snow does.
    But in my experience... you can't really do anything about this, that has more to do with attitude :)

    Btw - nothing against a bit of farming from time to time. But of course also have to smile a bit too when 3 feeders are looking for their runner :P


  8. Hallo Falcone,

    das Forum hier ist strikt englisch. Du kannst hier auf auf Deutsch posten, allerdings ist es dann erwünscht eine Übersetzung hinzuzufügen.

    Schöner wäre es ja, wenn ihr euch hier im Forum beteiligt und nicht noch ein deutsches Fan-Forum zusätzlich macht, aber ich denke ja nicht das etwas dagegen spricht. Aber ich bin auch kein Mod und kann es dir leider nicht mit Gewissheit sagen.


    Hello Falcone,

    the forum here is strictly English. You can post here in German, but it is then desired to add a translation.

    It would be nicer if you participate here in the forum and not make a German fan forum in addition, but I do not think that something speaks against it. But I'm not a mod and can not tell you with certainty.

  9. 4 hours ago, Arkodi27 said:

    All my cards are gone I had a bunch of them stacked points I came back a few months off now there all gone!!

    Reading the above would help. Making more posts and threads does not


  10. 55 minutes ago, gPunkt said:

    Why a Restart?

    For the sake of credibility alone, because it was announced that way from the beginning


    56 minutes ago, gPunkt said:

    The whole game?

    Yes, and in addition there were some nice balance changes, that give a new experience for some cards and decks (look out for the new Emberstrike!!) :)

    57 minutes ago, gPunkt said:

    NOT funny to start farm again

    Give it a chance! I can only recommend the restart, most of us had a lot of fun again. From now on it is also guaranteed that there will be no further reset. Any progress made now is for "eternity".

  11. As there comes no reaction from a certain side I just had to found myself a solution for this problem:




    Sad but true - but if I don't fade out my compatriots, then the moronic permanent babble is not bearable for me.

    Ofc there is no simple solution for this divided comunity problem (and it is already divided, and it gets deeper every day) - but perhaps even a statement from the officials would be nice.

    But I am done with this topic, tell me if it gets perhaps better one day and I can return...

  12. Hello Omni,

    after over 100 views w/o answer, I will try my best, though I fear my answer will not make you glad. But perhaps my post leads to the plain and simple answer you probably desire  ;)

    First of all: In my humble opinion there can never be a "the perfect" deck, unless we have a very special situation described - and even then I think I would resist this term. However, with the Batariel deck, at least you can narrow down the T4(T"5") orbs and also a good half of the deck is set.

    The problem to give you out the "perfect" deck is more about the T1-T3 Stage of a match, where you have several dozen good and valid ways to bring your Batariel out, depending on the difficulty, players count, playing strength, position, the well-known (or unknown) opponent faction and many more.

    For the start there are 3 valid T1 colors (Green (with exceptions), red or purple), at least 6 valid T2 combinations and at least 8 valid T3 combinations - for T4 I don't even like to sketch it in theory. However, all "meta" Bataria decks meet at the end (at the "5th" Orb) again at the same color combination (order arbitrary)
    2x Green
    2x Purple
    1x Red

    But now the first exception comes up again: If played against Lost Souls as an opponent, Disenchant has no value for us, becomes rather
    2x Green
    2x Purple

    One thing all Batariel Decks usually have in common, they like to switch one green orb, after casting a Batariel. Depending on the previously played sequence, other orbs are already changed before this green orb, but to name every possible combination here would probably go beyond the scope again.

    I'm just going to assume that the T4 phase of a match is the most interesting point for you, correct? Lets have a look then

    The core of every Batariel Deck is obviously:


    A word about Life Weaving: there will certainly be people who will tell you that Unholy Power does the same job and is even better. Resist, it's simply nonsense.

    Of course, we still need healing to this core, one is mandatory, 2 is actually standard and occasionally (with cowards like me) you can see 3:


    Next, and most important is an option for void manipulation, usually either

    SOWgrafik.png.f2c81dead669957c25c12f8c21d169ca.png   ORgrafik.png.4d718ff4cee1f6ebd37f4eed27b57fc0.png      Ofc, there can be VERY special situations where I have seen both in one deck, but this was indeed VERY special.

    With the above setup, you Bata has his core mechanics and can already be very strong, but the Meta approach does not come past this 3/4 skills:


    The frenetic(s) give you alot sustain, more then any heal, infect increases this even more. In addition, Infect does some damage, shares damage that otherwise only the Batariel would get (aka Meat-shield) and can put away last little things while Bata is already running to the next camp.

    Disenchant does not need to be explained I guess :D  It is worth Batariel's weight in gold

    A few more words at least for the way to T4

    For the T1 Phase use classical starts like

    Green: Windweavers, Roots, Surge (prolly Hurricane)

    Red: Nomad (usally G, sometimes R), Mine, Eruption (prolly Sunstriders and Blaster Cannon)

    Purple: Either Nox/Forsaken, Motivate, Soul Splicer (g)


    Common T2 choices are Phoenix (& Embalmers), Gladis (g), Vileblood, just spells or any other Unit that does help you in the certain situation.


    From T3 at the latest, however, it becomes so situation-dependent that it is difficult to list all the possibilities. The classic options here would be:
    If there are already 2 green, already on T3 the Bata -> usually a bit slow, but of course very safe especially in random groups or in difficult T4 camps.
    Are already 2 purple available: Push the T4 with some small units with Frenetic and Infect.



    Is there actually a (halfway differentiated and complete) Batariel Guide somewhere? I have never found one

    EDIT: The longer I think about what needs to be mentioned, the more things come to my mind. This post truly has no claim to completeness and was only a summary of the first and most important core thoughts

    Cazed, Omni325, Metagross31 and 1 other like this
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