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Everything posted by Volin

  1. Hehe, that was not "really serious" meant 😄 Thomas is our friendly and beloved forums troll 🙂 Stay a while and you will love him too! And Maulers! Cool!
  2. I can throw in my Lost Souls rpve 9 allrounder - not fully optimized but strong and fun Edit: Blue start for the fun btw, I had not much blue starts when making this deck. Same goes for the Dancer T2, this is not a meta approach, but slotted for fun and diversity. A double shadow start would be obviously better as usual in pve
  3. "No more reactions today"... (with other words I spend all my upvotes/likes) A like would have done the job, but as I am already writing: That was a great one!
  4. Why again was the "dislike" button removed? THAT is what I ask me reading about "liberal shit" and such other crude stuff like above
  5. I know - You won't compete for the fastest run 😛
  6. Funny one! Map looks very solid, gz on that alone One question on this if you don't mind to give us that hint: I have made 3 short runs and seen that the additional skills were each time different. Does this follow specific patterns we should look out for, or is is complete random?
  7. I am a bit torn. On the one hand, it was a lot of fun to build the decks (under certain time pressure) at the last Tome tournament and especially to take the one round from you. Damn I was a bit proud 🙂 But on the other hand I'm no pvp player at all and feel aways a bit uncomfortable. I will make up my mind until tomorrow evening. Anyways I'll join the stream party as usual of course!
  8. NAME: Leaderboard sorting issue (all time leaderboard sorted wrong) DESCRIPTION: Some 1 Player "All Time" have a sorting issue currently, it is sorted stragely by person and not by time. REPRODUCIBILITY: See leaderboards SCREENSHOT/VIDEO: For example LOG: not needed, or? ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Seen for Battlegrounds, Defending Hope, Encounters with Twilight, Siege of Hope and Soultree. 2player and 4player seems fine.
  9. I'd like to give the following video a little more context than the thread here, which of course it relates to. Of course, I could have played this better, we played a casual round with casual decks and had a nice chat in the Voice about everything and anything. I was a bit distracted. The Batariel skill was already placed and was supposed to hit the back third of the camp, usually a good idea since the Batariel burns away the whole frontline of a camp while delivering good damage to half the camp. Usually... And yes, I could have had about 5k more HP on the board, 500 energy reserve was a bit high. However, this situation looked different just a few seconds before, my SoW (which also tie up another 300 energy) had just supplied me with fresh energy again. As a pure fire player, I need something for my sustain - which admittedly could be played a bit better here - and for a fast bata skill- since I depend on fast voidreturn (a.k.a. "kills") on the one hand and since every dead enemy also takes damage out on me. Unity was running out 1 second before the Fire Sphere hit me. Shame on me. Really. But, let's imagine that the Bata skill would have been aimed centered, Unity would have been reactivated and I would have had 20,250 HP standing there instead of 15,050 HP. I would have felt way better presenting it, but would it have turned the battle around - let everyone answer this question for themselves 😉 Well and my goodness, if Frenetic/Infect can handle any situation, why doesn't the Volin play it....? 😛 Btw - Brannoc is a great boss, that's not a vote for changing anything here. It's just a small example of Fire's firepower and how quickly it can go to shit. PS: And just btw, this was my 217th match with pure fire. I have the good experience that in such situations additional Emberstrikes in the mix, that provide 2,6k HP for 120 Energy, are a WAY better meatshield as the commonly played Fire Dragons, that have 2,4HP for 250 Energy. So the vast majority of fire players would have had 2 Batariels and 2 Fire Dragons in the game here at this point.... (Or one Batariel and 3 Fire Dragons) You can imagine how the situation would have turned out, right? 😄
  10. After playing a few days again too much rpve I have to come back to this topic once again. 🙂 More and more I can't understand this "Fire is to easy" thing. Many people that I see struggle with the high damage output of the fire faction. I see a comparable amount of wipes against Fire then I see against Lost Souls. Even some above average players struggle if they come with (solid) non-meta decks. Meta decks struggle partly too, especially when they bring the standard Fire T1 which can perform nicely but must be played very clean. Same for usual FireT1 vs T3 bases - the meta here is countered very well and only works when it is played super clean. Don't get me wrong, that's all doable tasks, but playing random groups I see a complete different picture then Fundus and the TO do see here. And for the Bosses I see even the total opposite for this beast "Abbadon" - he is unfair strong and wipes most solo or duo engages in the first attempt, as his damage is overpowered high. I think I cleared him 2 times in the first approach in all the times that I met him and have seen the same for other players. This counts too for very strong and known above average players. The only safe engage is in maps where the last row is a long line where all 4 players naturally gather and walk the path together, but even here I saw very close calls. Another quite safe engage is when you have a Nature (big heals) and a pure Frost player (both big shields) have huge armys or support a boss killer like Bloodhorns - all paired with a running Shrine of War to throw in all the mass heals and shields and the boss is down very fast. When he stays as he is, I am quite sure some of us will learn to approach him better and better - no question. We will find ways to deal with him. But in the end we would have the same situation as for example a T3 Lost Souls camp, with Vigils, a double spawn on it, that is close to the outer lanes T2 - doable for some of us, while most players just feel desperate how to engage such situations. Or an even better comparison would perhaps be a LS BG10 with Vigils on T2. Yes this is doable, by roughly (if at all) 10 players on this server. Do we really want to tighten things that much? I already start to read "Oh no fire" as the "Oh no Lost Souls" that we have. I personally still feel the faction is very well balanced and like the complete different feeling to fight them with their high damage output but therefore low HP. I am a big fan of learning how to deal with that instead of running away anything that is harder then a Bandit map with single spawn lanes on T3 - but making fire harder would not have a bit support from me. And according to Abbadon - please consider if his AoE dmg can nerfed to a point where a good player can heal/shield against it if he brings his spells on point. It feels unfair if 3 Players throw in heals and still a strong army is wrecked like nothing.
  11. Short answer: It is not viable at all and can lead beginners to big frustration imo. I have much love for the guide I recommended and you would not guess how often I do that in the non public.
  12. Really that was not meant as an offense - not a tiny bit. I would not do it any different: Any work that can be done in almost no-time should be done at the moment it occurs. One of the best ways to manage many tasks which have different priorities and different levels of time consumption. Even low priority tasks should be done immediately if they consume no time - I understand that very well. It just reminded me as I felt this was "fun topic", what for me at least, would be the least priority in all topics. Still the above rule would also apply to me: If it is done in no time, I do it now. Even organizing where, when and who should it do would be more work then. Guys, you do so great, don't let you disctract by me 😄 Really just wanted to follow up this one, as the first time it showed up in forums it was a hot discussion and there was no reply under this topic
  13. All good - many thanks for your super fast reply! This shuffling topic just reminded me of this one here and I felt free to ask about it. Nice to hear it is still on the table!
  14. May I ask what is about this one? Usually we get team feedback on the serious suggestions and this one sounds quite serious to me. This topic shows up every now and then ingame and so it did on the discord before I left. The current mechanic feels quite restrictive to many and the proposed way seems to be a nice balance between a nudge to do something you would perhaps not without the incentive of a quest and some QoL. I remember, but may wrong here, that it was on the to-do list. But as we haven't heard of it for a while and pure fun features like booster shuffling get dev-time I just wanted to ask what is the current state on this? All good if it gets rejected, but then I can bury my dreams to see this one day.
  15. For a cheap beginning this may also be a nice reference - I liked it: Only beware of the "cheap Fire" that is linked, guess that one isn't such a good idea 😛
  16. The 18mins and 39mins are not the remaining, but the played time
  17. Of course I can't speak for Hiko here, but I am quite sure that you are allowed to do that. But why would you want to take that handicap? 🙂
  18. Hey all, I'm already in a team with one of my usual mates to compete for the top ranks hopefully, but I feel I would have the time and energy to participate in another team. I would rather look for a newcomer or experienced player that is usually not among the top10 then to make another top team with well know speedrunners. I would not want to share the tactic I use in my other team, nor I want to give out a whole new strategy, but of course I would like to give advice and share my knowledge if wanted so. For myself I had a few ideas for some strats that could be fun and would like to test them. If someone already has a complete strategy idea I would even be glad to follow your lead completely! You see. I am open to many approaches! If you are interested reach out to me via Forums PM,via Discord (Volin#8101) or just ingame if you see me (Volin). This post will be edited when a team is built - so as long as you can read this, don't hesitate. One last thing: Using voice chat is a must for me in a contest, even if we would only more compete for a medium rank, using discord for fast communication is essential and makes things a lot easier and faster. We can speak in English or German, no matter what, this is not negotiable for me 🙂 See you in the forge
  19. Edited to match the 18.12.21 patch and my gained experience on this deck Changelog: - Added Windhunter as being superior to Gladiatrix now - Added new purple Amok, as it can be nice in this deck - deleted Skyfire Drake as flying option (think a M-Counter is not needed as both possible T1 bring one already) - comment on Minefield which I do not recommend - Undead Army added as a 100 matches later I learned this is a great spell to compliment this deck - changed the BG9 standard recommendation to match my experience on this deck - deleted broken Replays - adjusted the text a bit to match above points - put a disclaimer that the guide is still working with the birthday patch Soooo - Wasteland Terror when? 😄
  20. ❤️ Wanted to like but used my reactions already. Couldn't say it any better 😄
  21. I think that Shrine of War has 30 secs duration, 15 less then Martyrs
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