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Alpha & Beta Tester
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Everything posted by anonyme0273

  1. Long live BattleForge, SkylordsReborn and ArdentPeak! <3:hype: 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sykole


      The dream of ClubpenguinReborn will come true too, one day. 

      It will be soon I am sure. :kappa:

    3. chargeR


      Ardent Peak real MVP

    4. Deadman
  2. There even is advertisement for this! It has to be big, be there
  3. Just because it may get lost in the chat or in all the hype around, here is the link to the announcement video

    If a video is made 1 day before a Stream, and that said Stream was planned just 2 days ago, you know stuff is important, so be there :P


    1. Eddio


      Can't wait :o :hype::D 

    2. anonyme0273


      Oh the :hype: is real!! 

  4. The effort you put in these guides seems to be bigger than what I put in most of my schoolwork Good job as ever!
  5. Samurai are cool and so are Vikings... Hard to choose, but I would have to go with Samurai due to their armor as it is displayed on various drawings
  6. Any opinions on this?


    1. Lord NullPointer

      Lord NullPointer

      Has no direct impact. They just cache the subscriber number, instead of calculating it each time by summing subscribers. So its only visual, they can just fix the bug and update the subcounts.

    2. Sykole


      ^ has been verified to be only visual, however it was said to be an actual bug after Youtube further investigated into it. We will have to wait and see.

  7. 99 members to 10K.

    Commence countdown

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Ultrakool


      We'll get there eventually! Don't be discouraged 

    3. anonyme0273


      Was I ever discouraged? I have :hype: flowing through my veins :3 

    4. Ultrakool


      That's the spirit!

  8. WHAT THE HELL MATE The is strong with this one!!
  9. Me and my friends. Guess which one I feel like
  10. Fits this thread as well as everything I try to do in my life
  11. May it rest in piece and our memories forever... and YouTube videos as well
  12. Looking forward to seeing FAQ being answered live
  13. Thank YOU for your generous gift!
  14. Keep in mind that the staff doesn't get any of the money that anyone donates, they keep nothing and get no money, they are in this project voluntarily - no business there. As said, anything over goes to a charity chosen long ago. What you so far see for any money donated are the livestreams, YouTube videos, the Forum and progress site... there is so much you can see, you just need to be open a little bit and have faith in the project.
  15. I am only available on Sunday definitely can't on Saturday. So perhaps some other time to participate fully
  16. Let me feed you with some memes I find necessary and fitting this thread
  17. Creative world is now up and seems to work fine NOTE: all items are lost upon leaving the Creative world, so I suggest not taking anything with you when travelling there. How to get there? In survival, overworld, type /mw spawn, and you will be taken to the world spawn. There you will see a small lighted platform with pressure plates. Upon stepping on them, you are teleported into a lobby, where more worlds will be soon (Minigames are under construction). Follow the signs to a 'Creative' labeled sign, step on yet another pressure plate, and you are in the creative world Just walk in any direction to get Creative and return to the spawn to be teleported back to the lobby (this is where the inventory is cleared). If there were any issues, let me know. Enjoy!
  18. Oh boi are we gonna have some fun with that broom
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