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About fiki574

  • Birthday 07/08/1996

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  1. @BionicReaper reminded me with his fall... 5 years ago me and my friend were at pools and my friend wanted to perform John Cena's AA, so we went and try to do it (because what could possibly go wrong). Needless to say, the pool was around 30cm deep (designed for nonswimmers), your ankles would be barely in water. Mid performance I slipped thru his hands and fell straight down on my forehead. I heard crack in my neck, scared the shit out of me. Nothing much happened except a fist big bump on my head, plus doctors suspected I had fractured skull. Lmao, those were the days.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Ladadoos


      @Lord NullPointer I think it was more of a random yolo decision

    3. BionicReaper


      Happy to remind y ou of one of yo worst memories :kappa: @fiki574

    4. Sykole


      That's why your brain has been giving exception errors when you try and think :kappaross:

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