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Posts posted by Mynoduesp

  1. Promo Rogan and Lyrish Knight crying in the Marketplace - unsold - while Promo Swamp Drake, Grinder, the other Grinder, Juggernaut and the white Juggernaut clearly had something better to do than taking a group picture. 😄

    Metagross31 likes this
  2. MYNODUESPs Costum Filter Extension


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  3. Nice changes and not over the top with additional Steadfast. 

    Wouldn't be opposed to enlargening the unit from M to L either since 6.4 m/s is default L-speed. Instead of adding pseudo-Swift. 

    On 4/2/2022 at 10:42 PM, Cocofang said:

    it has to be applied beforehand as it does not actively cleanse. Only prevent the application of debuffs/CC

    That's wrong right? Field immunizies most likely will cleanse every existing effect on units, therefore it can be applied after units got paralised.

    Not 100% on this, but close to especially after the couple of tests with Greenpeace. 

    Doesn't really hurt the card and flaire IMO. It's still very different Disechant (g) since it is a channeled field effect rather than single target and as long as Groovespirit doesn't have steadfast theres still couterplay to it.

    (just realised this is quite an old thread :D) 

  4. One reason every tier diversity is low-ish is, that decks are limited to 20 slots and almost all maps revolve around starting T1 and reaching T4 (notable exceptions Bad Harvest, Convoy). 

    This restricts players into just 5 cards per tier on average, but since bound energy exists, the distribution is heavily favoring massing T1 units. And supporting them wirh stronger and stronger spells while sprinkeling in a couple of higher tier units while progressing. Only when a hard wall or T4 is reached, the army gets cycled. 

    Dedicated T3 phases pretty much don't exist in cPvE and if they exist, there's Amii Monument to build up T4 in advance (Enlighten doesn't really do that IMO - anyhow back on topic...).

    Cards on T2 and T3 offer diversity, specialists card and are generally strong, but - more often than not - are not required since a specialist card alrrady exists in T1 and simply waste time and energy by having to cycle your current army.

    Bound power/void return is another factor I've noted. Decomposer and/or FoF allows Shadow to spawn Harvester within acceptable time. No other faction would be able to play a T2 300 energy unit in a reasonable amount of time, even if they'd have access to one (there are of course cPvE maps where poweraccumulation on T1 is high where it would be possible).

    In conclusion, IMO the map content restricts more divercity in T2 & T3 situations. Power and void power mechanics hinders players in investing into T2 & T3. And lastly Amii Monument exists.

    I'd rather see more map content tackeling those issues than more low tier cards that serve a function, but are ultimatly too costly for the deckslot. 

  5. I'm looking forward to more high power, low durability (since S-size) T3/T4 archers. Frost has already very good support cards for mobile and static defenses. And now I'm curious to see what shaenanigans we'll see from Fire archers. 😁


    11 minutes ago, Fundus said:

    All you have proven with those replays is that red Batariel can still be used successfully in easy situations.

    So... the deck isn't dead, but now has a narrower usecase?

    I wonder, how good is it's performance in this usecase compared to other decks? If it outclasses other compeating decks in this usecase you can't make an argument that de deck is dead.

    However, if it's performance in this usecase is now also lacking behind many other decks, you have a valid argument for it's demise. 

  7. 9 hours ago, T1421 said:

    Changing from int to dec and use 1,5 Orbs? or add Hybrid-Orb-Fields?

    You'll get in troubles with this solution as soon as two hybrid Orbs are in one card. I suggest to expand the package by (at least) 4 elements. 😅

    Ultralord likes this
  8. 4 hours ago, WindHunter said:

    [...] not making an arbitrary exception to the faction-legendary divide. [...] 

    The deck already heavily profits by an arbitrary exception; Promos circumventing the legendary rule. ;D

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