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Map Designer
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Everything posted by Hrdina_Imperia

  1. Amazing work. love all the changes. Props to all the guys, who manage to keep BF alive!
  2. Tested this strategy, except minus the Healing Well and Defenders. Instead I added Spirit Hunters and Viridya, and that was quite enough to survive the attack. Really strong combo.
  3. Good thing I decided to read all the replies, before blurting all my shitty ideas in the thread O:)
  4. My idea with the 2nd orb restriction was that the uncertainity of the combination orb should be resolved as fast as possible within the match. Of course, there are more ways to fix it - for example, clicking on the Twilight orb could bring up the two colors it is made of and make player pick, before being able to build next orb. Or neutral orbs, or any other of myriad possibilities. Shame that all these ideas are hypotethical at best.
  5. Oh, I forgot about the source code. Guess this is where the goblins come to play! I am not sure, if I understand the problem in such scenario. If someone wants to play even 4 different colors, he can. But if he choses a combined T1 cards as his first, that will only force him to play the second orb within these constraints. The other orbs (3rd and 4th) are unnafected and can be chosen freely.
  6. Bit of necrobump, but hey, I liked the quote about solving problems through small goblins! Or something along those lines... Had this idea for combined T1 units for a bit, and might as well get it out of my system. Basically it goes like this: spawning combined cards (LS, Stonekin, Twilight, Amii, Bandit...) as your first action will grant you a mixed orb. This orb acts as in the meantime as both required colors, but ONLY until you cast some single orb card (let's say, a nature one) after which the orb will instantly turn to Nature one. After that, everything works as usual. You can still use Twilight T1 cards, or pure Nature ones as well. In the case player only uses combined cards and finds his second orb, the only orb the game will allow to build will be orb from the combination. Picking one will automatically turn the first (combined) orb to the appropriate color. Example: Player summons Twilight archers (hypothethical Twilight T1 card), thus getting a Twilight orb (Nature/Fire). After spawning bunch of units and going on the offensive, the player uses Ensnaring roots, which changes the Twilight orb into a Nature one. Game progresses as usual. Example 2: Player summons Twilight archers (hypothethical Twilight T1 card), thus getting a Twilight orb (Nature/Fire). After spawning bunch of units and going on the offensive, the player gains acces to extra wells and an second orb. He can only build Nature of Fire orb as his second one, and chooses Fire. The first Twilight orb changes to Nature once the Fire orb completes. Game progresses as usual.
  7. At this point, it is most likely just trolling on his part, not worth attention. As for the topic at hand, I must applaud the devs on the work being made. Especially considering the conditions and possibilities. Kinda wish I could help more, but my skills end at creating mediocre maps. Oh well, some people are destined to be just the players :^) Keep up the good work!
  8. Greetings to all of you lovely people. From the creator of that one lame map (Icy Lake) comes an actual quality attempt at a coop PvE scenario. Prepare your cards and hold on to your hats, as this might be a wild ride. NOTE: For current version, look for Endure and Conquer 2 Prelude: The ancient city of Zelava has been almost lost to history, long ago reclaimed by nature. It was not spared the corruption of Twilight curse though, as the vegetation and animals twisted into horrible beings. Now, it rises from obscurity. Rumours of an ancient and powerful artifact hidden within the walls has stirred the Skylords into a crusade against the Twilight inhabitants. But it's not going to be so easy. Nature wants to reclaim its long lost holding. Furious, they attack the Skylords and Twilight alike, determined to rid Zelava of foreign influence once and for all. Gameplay: This scenario offers two-way gameplay. Like Crusade, players are required to reach and defend the area of Great bridge, from where a stream of attack waves will come. Once you clear the starting area, Skylords must split their forces - and attention as well. Breaching the ruined city is the main objective, requiring you to evade the strong Twilight patrols, until ready to destroy them once and for all. At the end, the current Twilight master of Zelava awaits you - and with him, an army of underlings. Can you kill this beast and claim the artifact before Nature overruns your positions, cutting off the escape path via Sylvan gate? EaC experience includes: (Probably) Challenging two player campaign with a bits of story The theme of a ruined city, overgrown with vegetation long time ago Little cat and mouse gameplay with enemy patrols Defend and hold system with rising difficulty, consisting of 41+ waves (reaching max challenge at 38th minute mark - better be done by then ;^) ) Two adversary factions - Twilight and Nature No FOW a lá Ravens End - I spent quite the time adding details, so you better look at it (joke*) As always, you can find the map in the Community map section, in the bottom right corner of the World map screen (if I once again forgot to upload it properly, please slap me). Since this is two player coop map, it might be tougher to find people to play. As such, I will try host the map today, or even during few next days, if there will be any demand. You can also message me here, or in-game (nick: Hrdina_Imperia) and I will gladly play a round or two with you, if I have free time. As this is a multiplayer map, the balance (especially on the higher difficulties) might be off a bit - it's tough to judge the scenario as a single person. As such, I would be glad for feedback especially in this regard. But of course, any and all comments/ideas for improvement are welcome. "Useless info and stats, but I really want to brag a little" part: Creation took about two weeks, as I started working on EaC immediately after completing Icy Lake Map contains over hundred separate script files and over 4 thousand lines of code (most of is are the attack waves, since I am very bad at optimalisation) There was supposed to be a cool boss fight with interesting mechanics - sadly it proven to be too complicated to create I hope to somehow add voice acting to this scenario, if I ever find out how Special thanks once more to Dallarian, as I gutted his map Aeglos Fortress for most of the basic script structure The background image, shown lower, belongs to its creator and/or the wonderful SR team If you go out there and play it, I hope you will have a wonderful time! *not really a joke
  9. I always loved this tower, and it always felt quite weak. Really happy with the changes.
  10. It should be now. Otherwise, I cannot really tell if it was uploaded succesfully or not 🤔
  11. Those pesky Lost Souls are at it again! Hoping to gain a weapon of enormous power, they've assaulted and captured human city of Icy Lake. It is home of the Worldbreaker Gun, cannon of immeasurable power. Skylords, you must venture into the city and destroy it, lest the Lost Souls use it against the human kingdoms. Onward! This is my first map, relatively simple, with only single difficulty (so it doesn't matter which one you choose). First, you have to gain control of all the acces paths to the city (destroy the three ice barriers), which will open up the main gate. There, you have possibility of several paths (and gaining total of 5 orbs) to reach Frontier Keep. When you destroy it, acces to the main fortress is cleared and you can attempt to destroy the Worldbreaker gun. But be careful, resistance will be fierce! In the spoiler, you can see the locations of power wells, orbs and objectives. Different paths offer different kind of challange. Some are more defended, but offer you extra power wells, while the others might be cleared faster, but without the extra power help in the long run. There is also quite unique mix of enemies - Frost and Lost Souls, which I feel compliment each other quite well. Both are kinda rare enemies to fight against, so this might prove to be a kind of new experience for some players. You can find the map in the Community map section on the Worldmap (Open, choose any difficulty and look for "Icy Lake"): This map has been made over last few days (from the first idea, heightmap picture, generating, detailing, scripting and lot of changes during the learning process). It is basically completed and playable, albeit obviously basic. It was meant to show, that creating maps for BattleForge/Skylords Reborn is not something impossible, and can be made in relatively short time. Obviously, the biggest hurdle is scripting, as the editor sadly does not support classic trigger based event system. But with some ctrl+C and ctrl+V, everyone can make some good BF/SR fun. Even you! So get the editor working and make some fun maps you guys :^) In any way, enjoy this little work of mine. I want to send thanks goes to the whole SR team, for supporting this awesome game. Specifical appreciation goes towards Dallarian, as he managed to endure endless streams of my questions and helped me with scripting in every step of the way.
  12. I for one welcome our new insect overlords... oh wait. No, I mean I welcome all and any tower/fortress buffs.
  13. Last nature bases better have full root network deck ;^) But great job, and great news, as always.
  14. Personally, I am torn on this map. I do like it, but I feel it has some problems, at least when it comes to my own playstyle quirks. That said, everything I add is only concerning the Advanced difficulty. And whatever I say, kudos for making this map. Visually, it's great. Snowy environment fits the Lyrish theme well, as well as the Ice/Frost element of the fortress. In this regard, I have very little to say. Now, when it comes to gameplay, I feel the map is too cramped. It would really benefit from being bigger in size (not sure what options there are in the editor), as the corridors are really thin, preventing kiting or any broader stratiegies except - go forth and kill/defend. This ties in with the single objective, since the map feels like a long hallways with the goal at the end, without much other options. The constant attacks also feel relentless, and while they are not hard to take down necesarily, it just feels like grinding against a wall, especially in the early ages, when you are also quite power starved. Yes, there are the 'alternate' pockets, but considering two of four contain orbs, half of them are basically mandatory. The southeastern one also solves itself, when the reinforcements arrive at the 8. or 9. minute mark, if I remember correctly. This leaves only the central path with War eagles as an actual alternate route, or bonus objective I guess. I did try to sketch up a rough idea for a bit more open map, while adressing the issues I spoke of. Take this with huge grain of salt of course. Red circles are orbs, triangles alternate paths/objectives, while starts are mandatory objectives. Right from the start, players could have the possibility of assisting the Frost army breaking down the wall, or going up without this support (as in original). There, you can go to the back of the first bandit base, or try a harder route north, towards what would normally be fourth orb. This gives players the option to choose, whether they want to get their second orb in the north (though harder task, balanced around this idea), or in the east. Wast yet not tightly defended bandit encampement could occupy the entire centre of the map, meaning you still have to fight through it (if you dont want to take the bandit fortress with T2 units). Yet you can take out just parts of it, as you make your way towards the northern paths, or the eastern orbs. In this version, you can evade the main fortress (western star), which would in the end result in much bigger final assault wave. This is kinda a trade off - do you rather defend against much bigger onslaught, or take use time and power to destroy the bandit fortress? What is now 3rd orb would be more or less 4th orb (central east) in this iteration, being hidden behind quite the defences. Again, you can skip this and opt to go towards the Frost fortress to defend, or clean up the Bandit objective. All the blue triangles would work as in the original, giving the AI defenders in the main objective support of units or buildings (think Empire engineers, or simply teleporting the units there, as it is now). Hope my ramblings make sense and cheers.
  15. I have attepmted this map several times, managed to get to 53 minute mark on Advanced, and around 50 minute mark on Expert. Damage output wasn't a problem, but I couldn't stop the damn ice tornadoes destroying my orbs and towers, which in the end prevented me from building more defences. This was my deck on the last attempt (expert). There are several obsolete cards, so there is a lot of place for improvement. Edit: Finished the map on Advanced today, with the deck shown here, with a few tweaks (+ skyelf sage and Amii ritual). It's quite the meat grinder, not sure if I can crack expert tho.
  16. At first, I was really not getting into the map, Guess it's because I don't find it suited for my most favorite decks, but kinda getting around it. Really wondering, how fast can the Advanced be cleared. Definitely going to try my shot at it.
  17. Submission sent, fun challenge! I do like the level playing field, considering you do not get to use your own cards.
  18. This is just a minor pet-peeve of mine, but I have long felt that the Twilight faction should've been the combination of Nature and Shadow factions, not Nature and Fire. Obviously, I am not talking about the general in-game balance, neither lore standpoints. This stems from purely the visual feeling of the Twilight. I mean, they are literally called after the cycle of day, where the amount of light lessens (and shadow/darkness takes over). Their color pallete and designs fit my idea of shadow taking over nature much better, rather than the notion of combining Nature with Fire. That would logically (though that's not as important, this is a fantasy game) produce some kind of Ash faction, akin to Stonekin. On this front, Amii Phantom kinda gives me the fire/nature vibe much better, mainly from her ability Amii Ashfighter. What creates ash? Well, fire burning nature, for example. It just irks me in the back of my head, I am not advocating for changing anything.
  19. Good analysis. I was somewhat expecting this result, as it makes most sense within current game constraints. Seems to be a good thing for economy in the end, though we will see what future brings. Mainly the booster price increase, but also potential new cards.
  20. If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't. But hey, free shit!
  21. All the good forums have some sort of nonsense phrase, that gets copy-pasted billion times in a thread. So let's try this one. Reply to this thread THE GIANT KING SHALL FALL or your giant king shall truly fall *wink wink*.
  22. To be fair, I think that this isnt any great issue (yet). In the end, it's up to the devs, whether they want to pursue such areas and spend time on them, if they so wish. Personally, I would rather spend that energy elsewhere, but well, I am not working on the game. It just seems to be kinda waste of time, that's all. But then again, so is probably this forums post, in the end. Edit: Fixed wording, because I am falling asleep.
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