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Map Designer
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Posts posted by Hrdina_Imperia

  1. I guess we should send our card ideas via DMs, but hell, people are sharing their ideas and I wanna do that too 😄

    Name: Cursed Tree
    Tier & Orbs: T2, Fire and Nature
    Type: Unit
    Power: 110

    Hit points and Size: 1000 L
    Attack value and Type: 1300 ranged (L counter)

    Passive Abilities: Miasma Balls - Every 3 seconds, unit hurls a ball of infected miasma, dealing 195 damage to enemies in a 8m radius around its target, up to 330 in total. Enemies hit by the miasma are cursed: for the next 5 seconds, they will take extra 30% damage from entities infected by the Twilight curse. 
    Active Abilities: Transformation (standard)

    Used Magma Hurler model as a base. The rocky parts are twilight greenish, the central 'fire' has the twilight yellow.

    Explanation of idea behind the card:
    Since the EA times, I always hated playing the Twilight. The faction seemed so good looking, so 'cool' if you will, but playing it was always a misery for me. The recent changes made by SR made it great again (pun not intended) and well, since now I play it plenty, I feel there is something missing for the early game of Twilight. Twilight faction lacks ranged options on second Era, only such unit currently being Deathglider (flier, papermush HP), if we don't count 'pure' cards. Cursed Tree is wannabe solution to that problem. It also serves as a 'middle point' power wise between the lower units and Vileblood.

    It offers good damage and potent support/buff effect for other Twilight cards, alongside the upside of being a ranged attacker. Downside and a means to balance it are no knockback and high power cost. 
    Its effect means that the card is still greatly useful even into later stages of the game, and once it loses its usefulness, Cursed Tree can be Transformed into a higher tier unit. The Miasma Balls effect only working for other Twilight units/buildings should also make the card not too strong in PVP, but since I am completely oblivious to this part of the game and its metas, I cannot be 100% sure. 

    And, then there is the biggest upside of it all - another card using the ALMIGHTY MAGMA HURLER MODEL!


    Cursed Tree.png

    Xamos, Ktaius, Jolares and 1 other like this
  2. 17 hours ago, Lans said:

    Totally agree! (That aside, I guess I was poking fun at apparent popularity/running joke of Magma Hurlers as this is named "The Archer's Tournament" which SMJ cards says there are a total of 34.)

    There is no "apparent" popularity, the Magma Hurlers are just that superior and popular ;^)

    Down with injustice! Magma Hurlers must be allowed into another CCC!

    Octochicken likes this
  3. Technically yeah, Hurler has a reskin. Then, I will not sleep, until we have a Magma Hurler for every faction!

    Just imagine the beauty - Ice Hurler, Twilight Hurler, Bomb Thrower (bandit), Fire Hurler... och wait. 

  4. Lovely changes, whether present of future. I have yet to get lucky on that juicy Evil Eye, but any and all new cards are awesome. 

    Also, the 'new' map is great idea, something that could much more easily satisfy player's thirst for new campaign without that much of a work (compared to creating new ones from scratch). 

    Majora likes this
  5. Je pense, que ce n'est pas trés mal, pas du tout. J'aimerais ecrire plus en francais, mais je oublie tout. Donc, anglais pour outres phrases. 

    I think for RPvE 10 you might need stronger T1, but Windweaver/Shaman combo is already strong enough. Maybe add some melee unit, hurricane, or the healing building with the global passive (forgot the name), if you are having troubles there. 

    T2 seems good, you don't need to add much there. 

    At T3 you could remove at least one of the big units, as I doubt you will ever use them all. Maybe only keep the Warder or Worm, and add Swamp Drake. Not sure what other to substitute at this level though - maybe some root units/buildings? But those are not that useful for RPvE.

    At T4, I cannot offer much help 😄 Maybe I would lose one XL unit and add Noxious cloud, perhaps? 


    But in the end, you should play the game as you find the most fun. If I remember it, once I come back from work, I can show you Nature/Shadow deck. Or someone else here will.

    Dallarian likes this
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