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Toggys Tome Tournament #4 17.05.22 -TESTSERVER-


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Hello Skyladies and Skylords,

It is time for chaos, it is time for a new tome tournament!


On Tuesday 17.05.22 starting on 18:30 CEST (Berlin time), the stream will start about 30 minutes in advance,
Cardpool is dished out one hour before the tournament starts. Contact me for your cardpool!

The format will be Tome, meaning you will build your decks for this tournament out of a booster pool I provide to you. We will play on the Testserver.

The tournament will be played as a 1on1 best of 3 double elimination tournament, grand finals will be best of 5, no reset. The grand finalist coming from the winnerbracket will start with a win (1-0) already.

How can I join the test server?
To join the test server you simply need to launch LauncherTest.exe located in your BattleForge installation folder. It is important you run the updater first, so you download the latest test server files.

Prize Pool! (subject to change)
1st place  - 4 Booster packs
2nd place - 3 Booster packs
3rd place - 2 Booster pack
4th- 7th place - 1 Booster

The more people get into the tournament the bigger the prize pool will get.
Big thanks to the devs who sponsor the prizes!

Organisation and sign-up
The tournament brackets will be on challonge, so register and join the tournament using the button below. 

I will send you a list of your cardpool ~1h before the tournament starts, so be available in Discord. I will not send you 8 actual boosters.
We will play on the Testserver.


Please use your in game account name to make communication and finding your enemy easier. In case of problems contact me or one of my mods via Discord, Battleforge or on twitch. Twitch mods: LynnTaki

A live stream covering the tournament will take place on the channel DasToggy on twitch.tv. Streaming will start around 18:30 CEST (Berlin time). Be sure to join the stream to be notified of last minute updates. Everyone is welcome to hang out and watch the action as well!

Rules! (read this)

• Be online in Discord or the forum ~1h before the tournament starts to receive your cardpool. If I cannot find you you cannot participate. Should there be Testaffinities on the testserver, use the version of the card that is closest to the original.

Disconnection during a game results in a default loss. If both sides agree it is possible to have a remake.

• Not showing up to your match after 15 minutes results in a default loss. The plan is to play a round of matches every ~30 mins.

• After your match, go to Challonge and insert the result. That is done by clicking on your match and selecting the winner/stats . The brackets will be updated automatically.

• The Map Pool is: 1st round: Haladur, 2nd round: Simai, 3rd: Elyon, 4th: Lajesh, 5th: Uro and 6th: Yrmia (same pool as in ranked duel).
The first match of the round will be played on the fixed map, then it is losers choice. The winning player (who won the previous match in the bo3) also has to lock in his deck first.

• The brackets for the tournament will be shuffled before the tournament starts!

• Use your Battleforge name for the tournament. If your Challonge account differs from your Battleforge account name use the "Sign up with an alternate name" feature or change your name for the tournament in the settings. Finding your opponent will be a LOT easier this way.

Reply in this thread if you have questions, I will check it out later.

Best regards,

Edited by Toggy
Kapo, RadicalX, Ultralord and 2 others like this
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  • Majora pinned and featured this topic

Im pretty excited about this event, but am by no means a good PvP player, just a quick question though, ill be home at 17:45 cest and probably only able to log onto skylords reborn (test) at say 18:00 CEST, will the packs be ready so I can create a deck asap?

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2 hours ago, xsissel said:

Im pretty excited about this event, but am by no means a good PvP player, just a quick question though, ill be home at 17:45 cest and probably only able to log onto skylords reborn (test) at say 18:00 CEST, will the packs be ready so I can create a deck asap?

Since we are playing on the test server, you have every card available to you there. Meaning how this works is:
- Toggy opens 8* boosters                    *number might change
- He sends you a screenshot of the content of those 8 boosters 
- You then build a deck yourself by including only cards that can be found in the selection send to you. 

We play at 18:30, and you get your cardpool at 17:30 (on discord). This means that from 17:30 till 18:30 you should both select the cards you want to play (build your deck) and actually ''build'' it on the test server. You can do the first part in theory-crafting (I for example copy the images into word, sort them by colors, and then come up with the list I want to play) which  results in me needing about 5 minutes of actual ingame time to then build the deck. 

So in your case, you will have your selection in discord around 17:30, you wont get physical packs on the test server. So yea, its totaly possible to start building at 18:00.

Just keep in mind that:
- You need to reach out to toggy so he has your discord so he can send you your card pool
- Tome tournaments can be tricky, and you might need all the deckbuilding time you can get. 

Lastly, you are allowed to build multiple decks (if you can), and are always allowed to change cards or decks midtournament. 


Metagross31, Toggy, xsissel and 1 other like this
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Hey Skylords,

unfortunately I have to go on an important appointment at 4pm. Should I NOT be back home in time, do not panic, we will play this tournament. If we have to start a little later, bo3 rules might be changed to bo1 before the semi finals in each bracket but I will communicate this again. If you can, take your cardpools now to save time later.


See you this evening.


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