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Everything posted by Volin

  1. They have thanks to the skylords reborn team, and yes there are some units that you can't grab with Mindcontrol. For sure the LS-Necrofurys and I think the Bandit Lord too for example
  2. Color statistics? Many people, even more many beginners, want to focus on certain colors. As many people like stats this could be nice
  3. So much cool stuff! Will be a long night today
  4. Deck next to Dutchy plays a very similar deck, only changes: - Eagle - Core Dregde red - Ironclad blue + Stormsinger red(!) + Core Dredge blue + Shatter Ice
  5. Hey Solpher, in general I would say that a deck for rpve should have any faction and boss in mind that can occur. So if not the motm is LS you will usually not see any adapted decks for that. And a common good deck can deal with all factions. But there's a "but": When I played way more 10s in the year after start, it was a unwritten law tho, that in random groups any LS with flyers on T2 directly got skipped. The quality of 10 groups was way higher back then, and everybody knew that even trying made not much sense even if you have 4 top players around. At least as long as you are not a static premade group that sits in Discord. So if LS occured, one scouted and deleted the nomad if there where no flyers and left the game to indicate flyers. When those maps got map of the month this was the time to practice that, as those maps are incredibly hard and so you could at least try over and over again. At least 2 times those maps where only beaten by 2 static groups (one three man'ed it because it was easier like that (early attacks)) and iirc one time there was a third static that build up for this purpose and beat that one too. So LS with air units at T2 is a very special thing that should be looked at a very special view. There's not much (or no) content in SR that was beaten by less then a dozen people. If you play normal LS without air units at T2 this is still a tough call sometimes, but way more doable. Sadly these days you have too much people organizing 10 groups that lack understanding of the game mode and you have too much unfitting decks to beat LS usually. What you want here is 4 fire starts if you are not in voice chat, if you do it with voice chat and an excellent group you can have one nature starter or shadow starter. Against LS often one player gets attacked by default, if that happens, he pings first asap and then starts spamming units into the direction of the attacks. Even if he starts fire he usually just spams units at this point, the other 3 players erupt spawn camp(s) and Lost Dancers and clear up as much is needed to bail out the attacked player. If 2 players get instant attacks you may be in the situation where you want to skip the map too. If no one gets instant attacks, or the bailout was successful, LS maps are played usually after normal 10-scheme: Decide if you go one by one or if everybody goes on his own, the team approach is however easier and faster. Here it is even more important: Spawn your first unit behind your wells to not trigger any unwanted attacks. In both scenarios you perhaps want to save up a little more energy then against other factions. You pull rather with 3-4 mines then with 1-2 as usual. More often as against other factions you want to do both spawners in one engage, this is depending on how close the two T2 camps are. As Dancers have this ultra long range it is often not a bad idea to care for outside position players first, as T3 waves are quite strong in LS and Dancers may else trigger unwanted attacks. Because of that range issues from Dancers and Vigils Pos4 needs to scout even more carefully then against other factions as close-well situations occur even a bit more often. Once all players are T2 the difficulty decreases to a more normal level. Though the T3 camps are quite crazy you have more and better tools now to handle this, but make sure if there is a double income on your T3 to be prepared for heavy attacks. LS post-T4 waves always have either a Beast (good for you) or a Treefiend and often a Vigil. Usually you want to take out T3 very fast in a single hard and short attack then. If you have close camps at T4 you will usually often need again spell support of the whole group, else LS maps are not that big difference from that stage of the game beside the fact that you are usually running into time issues and have to go on very fast now. The post T4 is usually the same as on 9s - only a slight bit bigger and everything is a bit more stuffed then on a 9. Banestones are more likely to appear (or even set?) be prepared for that, but players should be familiar with that from harder 9s already. In general you see more diversity in 10s since the Bata rework, but on the same side you have to see that in 10s it got even harder not to run into time issues when you have a hard early like you have on most LS maps. The most common T4 options deck wise are Bloodhorns and Banzais. You see them most commonly as 🔴🟣🟣🟢, as 🔴🟣🟣🟣 and 🔴🟣🟣🔴. This may not be what you see in the common 10 groups these days, but that is what you want to see and what you need if you want a halfway decent win-ratio. If you have any replays where you have questions at, any certain situations in mind or any other questions feel free to put there here, via PM or reach out to me via Discord (Volin#8101) and I try to help as good as possible. cheers
  6. Tho I completely agree with the TO, just to lower expectations: I personally would not expect this to be high on the list of priorities. Fire got some decent buffs and is by far in the best state it ever was. Would not be surprised if this changes will take some time. Though looking forward too for some buffs there.
  7. Not so important, but the time (rpve10, 2player) in the sheet is currently not correct, we ended like this:
  8. Grüß dich, ich muss dich allerdings darauf aufmerksam machen, das wir im Forum und Discord nur Englisch schreiben (oder zumindest eine Übersetzung hinzufügen), eine Frage der Höflichkeit (und Regeln). Falls dir dieses schwerfällt, ist es völlig in Ordnung einfach mit einem Übersetzer deines Vertrauens zu arbeiten, einen Blick wert ist https://www.deepl.com/translator Zu deinem Anliegen: Es ist schwer ein Deck für alles zu finden, zumindest einige Karten zu tauschen - je nach Einsatzzweck - bietet sich je nach dem schon an. Die meisten Decklisten die du hier und auf dem Discord findest werden wohl für RPVE sein, aber es werden sich sicher auch einige für die Kampange finden. Gerade die ersten beiden Schwierigkeitsgrade kann man evtl. noch ganz ok mit einem Allround Deck angehen. Auf Grund der zahllosen Möglichkeiten die es gibt, wäre es evtl. hilfreich zu wissen was dir Spaß macht oder in welche Richtung es gehen soll. Wenn du brandneu dabei bist, finde ich zum Beispiel diesen Thread hier sehr empfehlenswert: Ansonsten kann ich nur empfehlen einfach mal hier zu stöbern, evtl. auch mal in diesen Thread zu schauen: Oder auf dem Discord vorbeizuschauen, wo es seit neuestem einen "Deckbuilding" Kanal gibt, wo du auch gezielte Fragen stellen kannst. Greetings, I must point out that we only write in English in the forum and Discord, a matter of politeness (and rules). If you find this difficult, it's perfectly fine to just work with a translator you trust, worth a look is https://www.deepl.com/translator. About your request: It's hard to find a deck for everything, at least swapping some cards - depending on the purpose - is a good idea. Most decklists you will find here and on Discord will probably be for RPVE, but there will surely be some for combat as well. Especially the first two difficulty levels can be tackled with an allround deck. Because of the countless possibilities it might be helpful to know what you like or in which direction it should go. If you're brand new to it, I highly recommend this thread for example: [Click and drag to move]. Otherwise I can only recommend to have a look here, maybe also at this thread: [Click and drag to move] Or have a look at the Discord, where there is a new "Deckbuilding" channel, where you can ask specific questions. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
  9. Goes in the same direction for me. Coat artwork is just suuuuper awesome, and also like how the card plays. Banzai voice lines are super awesome too, damn what a cool voice. Also the gameplay is a bit underwhelming and tho it is a bit anti-meta due to how the game works, I have much love for the Wasteland Terror too. Just love dragons! Evil Eye goes boom, who does not like it?! And ofc, Bandit Minefield, just the best card in the game! @Hirooo 😉 (can't tag you here, cause I don't know whats your forums name, but perhaps you see it by chance) Yeah, the Reborn edition is already a masterpiece, great job guys and girls!! EDIT-PS: Patch when? 😛
  10. Are you speaking of the silence debuff those Lost Dragons apply? Sounds a bit to me like that. If so, the most general way to deal with it, is the yellow Incredible Mo abbility. As you are a bandit player you can also hinder the Dragons with CC spells as Amok or Frenetic or Plague. And Disenchant may help
  11. Tho I read this, it shows again as unread to me the second day. Sadly it just stays on the "unread" list now for me
  12. Sanctuary will deactivate Willzappers if you manage to get into range
  13. From the ruleset I would say: Playing a Viridya is fine, Enlightenment Viriydia is not 😄
  14. Funny how you spell Moloch 🙂
  15. Yeah - put salt in my wounds! 🙂
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