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Everything posted by Volin

  1. Sanctuary will deactivate Willzappers if you manage to get into range
  2. From the ruleset I would say: Playing a Viridya is fine, Enlightenment Viriydia is not 😄
  3. Funny how you spell Moloch 🙂
  4. Yeah - put salt in my wounds! 🙂
  5. There is a typo Dutchy, that is not "or", that is "and"
  6. For me playing for nostalgica and enjoying new balance/cards not exclude each other
  7. @KserSke This is what we came up with in the stream Again after the tier definition: S - Absolute powercreeps that you can almost not pick if playing pure shadow (or sometimes mix related) A - Obvious picks in their decks and strong first choices B - More niche, but very good cards that are usefull in many situations C - Alternative picks that are weaker as B+ but still viable sometimes + halfway viable Fun-tier D - Either cards that are rarely playable or that have very, very few niche use-cases F - just plain useless (in pve) The VoD can be found here:
  8. Heya, thanks for another video on that, enjoyed it very much again! This time I'm very much closer to Kserke then to Dutchy, for almost every card I can go with Kserskes comments on it. Sometimes I would go one tier higher or lower, but we have seen this is a common thing in all of our tierlists we had, be it on cards or on decks. Only things where I disagree on Kserske more then one tier: - Plauge is S tier, and this is not much a question of taste, one of the strongest spells in the game - same goes for Booster in the buildings - Shadow Worm is not thaaat bad, he is no reason to play 4 shadow and that is super sad, but if you want to build around him it works ok-good - Unholy Power is a D for me. Clunky to play, runs often out usually quicker as people would guess, only rarely usefull as it stacks with Unholy Hero Keep on the good work!
  9. May I ask for a breeding kitty? (a.k.a. Forest Elder) PS: Kitten > Elder
  10. Not all heroes wear a cape! Awesome replay collection - gg!
  11. Tab, Tab, space is at least a solution that is better as nothing. Thanks, good to know. Still Enter would be awesome
  12. Just an idea that Ultralord and me had - when you are just working on the GUI here, is it possible to make that the "create auction" can be triggered with enter?
  13. This map is easier then the original, you should give it a try. Be patient and you can play it with very basic decks
  14. I want to bring this to topic. Since the deck just plays terribly tough, I had admittedly put it off a bit. The current 10-player Twilight (2player) seemed very suitable for a showcase, because I could easily build up in peace and due to the lack of spawners of the T4 row afterwards enjoy a nice crisp post-T4 largely undisturbed. The replay starts at 9min, because I chatted in between. Already the first camp is just a pain, how slow can such a mini camp die, for which one has made such an effort. With any normal deck and this energy pool would melt the camp better. Then in the first camp the first wipe, this is simply badly played and completely independent of the nerf. But it shows wonderfully how vulnerable this deck has always been to the slightest misclick. I played the Disenchat a few seconds too early, because I wanted to make sure Gates of Hell (GoH in the further) would hit properly, buffed it and was about 5-10 energy short for GoH - it didn't go through. Since I had to play the CC I stand without energy and kills there -> painful death. This is also totally on my head, but shows wonderfully why this deck was not unbalanced before in my humble opinion. Orb switch, Bata, Orb switch (shows again why this deck was not out of balance) aaand again, as I could Earthshake the Zapper and the spawner in the last second of my first Bata this is an easy camp now, or? 12:15min - the Frenetic nerf (like it) hits, I have bad luck and don't get the left Eye, second Frenetic seems to miss too, need to Oink on top. GoH hits, finally some burning Bata and at 12:50min finally some sweet gameplay where my def-buffed Bata almost two-hits himself, quick heal and first camp done. Imagine a Zapper and spawner have still been up. Urzach comes with the next camp, very nice if you have 2 Frenetic and both still on cooldown, quick Oink to buy some time. First Frenetic hits, Bata burns, but sadly the spawner dies so slowly from the burn that I need to Earthshake it when the first respawns occur. At 13:45min I have a shit ton of luck that I need no cc for the Eye because dmg is lacking. How many Regrowths until now? Lost track of the count. Watch how the buildings at ~ 14 min die. Yeah, not at all from the burn, Bata needs to smash one by one. Was almost about to quit here so much fun is this. 15min, Bata runs fully buffed into a Negator while tons of enemy CC don't want to see me fighting. Bata life, but shows how things are if you are not totaly on point. Wait didn't I just killed the left spawner (intentionally because of the Eye there and the Frenetic nerf), why does my Bata doesn't burn? I see nothing I did wrong here. I was buffed, Infect was ready and a Burning Bata would have given me crawlers and should have burned the second spawner. Again I see things you have always seen, why I said: It was never totally out of balance. And hell now I'm in deep troubles here, tho I played this quite decent here I'd say. Frenetic on the right side hits, but buys me not enough time for another good move and a lot of area is blocked by the dragon, desperate dmg spell does not help. All 3 CC are on perma cooldown and you see wonderful how hard the Frenetic nerf alone impacts this deck in certain tougher situations. 15:30, still the same camp, new infect (old did almost(?) trigger nothing), new dmg spells and new CC once they are of cooldown. You can see I was not on Q-Attack-and-watch-how-bad-he-is, I fighted like a lion! Camp finally down at 16:16 min, and see how many spells this took me and how painfully slow things died. Btw we are getting close to first charge issues here. I'm now 3 camps deep into the map. 17:05min again wating for my CCs to cool down, again the Frenetic nerf hits this deck. Btw I'm not hitting the Negator at 17:20 min accidently, I know if I don't kill this I'm in deep trouble again. Frenetic hits all Eyes this time and the tough situation is cleared, imagine it failed again. Thunderstorm and Bata's autohits do WAY MORE dmg on this last wave as the burning, sad world. 18:40 min. Now comes the Infester camp and I'm already out of Live Weaving Charges and at almost no heals. Even with full arsenal I've seen soo many Bata dying to this guy. Wanted to warp earlier but did not find a spot, then had to panic heal cause I was out of def-buffs. The burning Bata takes only 1/3 of the Willzapper and as I have to manually kill the spawner I focus this in the hope of some burning caused Infect crawlers to spawn behind me to block of the boss a bit, I really get 3 procs of Infect before it runs out... but not enough to solve this situation, this is where I decide to rage quit, this is too painfull and is really no joy. Of course you could have even played better a few situations, but I fighted like a lion and most parts where not even close to bad gameplay. But even if a few of our top player may be able to come out a little better, is this what you wanted to achieve? You can see in every camp that the burn does so little dmg that it would almost be no difference if you cut it at all. The more and more people I speak with the clearer it gets: Almost every decent player sais "It is sooo painful to play I cut it at all". Seen a few Batas in random matches the last weeks, mostly they where depended on the player walking with them as we have seen in Cocos replays. I don't even say that it is the worlds ending that this deck is of the list, but I have to stand up against: "It is more enjoyable as prepatch" Literally nobody shares that feeling and I hear and see a lot support for my point of view. Haven't played much random 10s in the last months, how's the win-rate there evolving? (excluding motms) I mean it was always a mode where the best teams could loose a match, what is fine. But as the early in some 10s always took a lot of time (thats why it is fun) I wonder how things are going there? I seen many games that were won in the last 1-2mins because of people rushing the post-T4 in only a few mins with Batas. But as there are Banzais, Bloodhorn and other spell decks this may be a minor problem. Just asking questions 2022-10-28_16-04-22_RPvETwoPlayers_diff10_s47334_Volin_time_0_19_26.0_v259.pmv
  15. As true as this is on the one end I'm not sure if I would go with this for this topic. If we speak about 4p maps I think a bit optimisation is just... polite. I can't say too much about the topic, as I don't understand french. Don't know if this is about playing known maps (motm) or random, neither I know if it is 1p or 4p. What I can say: Pure Nature can even be challenging in very hard 9s and is very hard to play in some 10 scenarios. If you take this challenge you should be really on an expert level. Furthermore I see 5 very non-optimal slots (Shaman, T2 Tower, 2 units too much in T3 and finally worst: Wheels). Any of this slots is a handicap on many 10 maps. As Hrdina said the T1 needs to be extended, I would take 2-3 if that slots for this. Dryad (B) can be very helpful in 10s, mentioned Hurricane can be a pick and usually it's very helpful to play either Motk or Stranglehold. But as long as you don't have a very solid knowledge about the game mode nature is not a start that can be recomended anyways. Usually it makes sense to go with Fire as it is the teamplay option until you are very familiar with 10 starts. Sadly 10s are a bit unbalanced in T2 and for Random maps all pure colors can struggle (if not played on very expert level) - this T2 is probably the optimal for nature. In T3 it is very hard to say what nature can deal most optimal with early boss scenarios. Best option for T3 could be just Enlightenment instead of any units. Wheels are for sure hurting a lot here due to the harsh time limit (4players). The T4 unit composition is imo good, but you need to keep in mind that you may still struggle here if you want/need to clear a path on your own. Nature has low-med dmg and comes to its limits very fast when you fight bigger camps. Green Peace can be a nice option to block half of a camp here. Last thing that you can say in general: Communication before start is key to a good win rate. In 10s a (most early) Shrine of War can be very important (again the harsh time limit) and makes all other shrines obsolete. Usually only play SoM's when really no SoW can be played. As only 2-3 Shadow orb decks, and perhaps good played Frost splashes can out-CC camps good enough to skip Inc Mo, the SoMe here should probably be replaced with Inc Mo in most groups. Nature would be just shut down when facing LS without it. As last words I would recommend a more mixed color deck for 10 until you are really deep into that mode. At least Shadow and Nature have no T4 pure cards that would justify going pure here. For the start I already pointed out that Fire would be the meta solution. Only play non fire here if you can really make sure that you do not need to rely on your fire playing mates. In many matches it is just the fire players bailing out non-fire starters to therefore delay their own progress, seen that really a hundred times. The very last thing: Know your gamemode. Knowledge about map layout, spawns and what really happens is the most important thing here - and is even way more important then the cards you play. If you gather knowledge and experience on that you will see more and more what card do you need in certain deck and which not.
  16. Solution: Play no Wheels, have no bug 😛 You're welcome 🤓
  17. As any Nature T1 usually has/needs Surge of Light, Shamans were never that useful. Sadly that card is too popular. Shamans 'hurt' the most decks even way more then Wheels do usualy. The T1-2 in the basic deck is quite slow but in general super(!) strong, if you add Ensnaring Roots. Experienced players would rather even cut Fountain in T1 and Burrower in T2. Only good further add on for the lower tiers would be a Dryad (B). If you struggle with that in rpve 9s after your cards are Upgrade 3, rather look for some input on playstyle and rpve-knowledge then card upgrades.
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